I really can't control myself

Chapter 1623 Universe

Linton was also a little confused as to how he got here. After entering the pyramid, he walked for a while and then seemed to fall down somewhere and then appeared here.

The space inside the pyramid looks slightly chaotic, which is not very strange. After all, the entire space of the Mu continent is like being in another space, which is not the seabed seen here at all.

After observing the surroundings for a while, it really looked like it was in the universe. Of course, Linton originally had the blood of the Asgardian protoss and could directly survive in space, so the surrounding environment did not pose any threat to him. What Linton was wondering was whether this was a space trap or something, the kind of trap that would be thrown directly into the universe after stepping on it.

Of course, even if it was true, he wasn't very scared. Didn't he have the portal skill? Just when Linton was considering whether to open the door and go back directly, a figure next to him slowly floated over.

Of course Linton noticed it, after all, they were the only two people nearby. Looking up, he saw that the other person was indeed a person wearing a robe of the Pachi tribe. Linton had noticed this person before. He always wore a cloak. He was the most low-key among the ten priests. Linton didn't even I heard him say something, that before he appeared, he was just standing on the stage.

"Welcome." Linton was thinking about the other party's appearance, but he didn't expect that the priest here just took off the hood on his head at this moment, revealing his true face. And this true face also made Linton stunned for a moment. With a bald head, big eyes, and gray skin, this guy actually looked like the most classic little gray alien in the folklore of the magnesium people, which is also the famous The appearance of the corpse of the so-called alien in the Roswell incident.

Linton was really stunned when such a guy appeared in front of him. He was surrounded by space and there were aliens in front of him. The scene actually made Linton feel a little amused.

"My name is Rashaho, the last priest guarding the final battlefield (PLANT)." The alien here said directly. The tone of his speech was quite normal, but his voice was a bit neutral.

"The final battlefield?" Linton asked.

"It seems that no one has explained it to you. Although the internal structure here is complicated, there is actually only one route that can be traveled together, and on this accessible route, there are ten battlefields (PLANT) where our ten priests are stationed. Deserts, mountains, swamps, lakes, etc., are of course the most suitable areas for us Ten Priests to fight, and this is my battlefield and the final battlefield, the universe." Rashaho explained briefly.

"Oh, so." Linton nodded, "But...why did I come directly to this final battlefield?"

"That's my... special request. I really want to see you." Rashaho said, "Of course, this is also agreed by the Shaman King."

"Uh... Actually, you don't need to make anything special for me. I'll just call you here one by one." Linton waved his hand and said, "You see, I am a person who abides by the rules. I will accept the test of the ten priests as promised. You must come one by one.”

"No matter what you want to do in the future, this is my battlefield. Once you come in and want to leave, you must defeat me." Rashaho said here.

"Oh, such a rule." Linton nodded, "Okay, it doesn't matter if I walk in the opposite direction for a while, right?"

"..." I have to say what Linton wants to do. Even the Ten Priests still can't understand it. Brother, aren't you here to stop Asakura's inheritance ceremony? I told you that this is the final one. It's a battlefield, and behind it is the King's Society. What do you mean by walking in the opposite direction?

Of course, Linton is really dissatisfied. Can't you just come as normal? Suddenly you are dragged to the final battlefield. What about the points of the previous eight ten priests that you have not uploaded? This is really asking for yourself. It's troublesome.

As for Asakura Hao, he didn't want to go there so early. Although he didn't know how long the inheritance ceremony would take, what if he accidentally interrupted him when he went there? He was still waiting for the other party to complete the inheritance. .

In short, I don’t know who sent him to the last level on his own initiative. Linton really had a headache.

"Are you an alien?" Linton looked at Rashaho in front of him and asked.

"Don't you believe it? Whether you believe it or not, we have visited this planet many times and left our footprints..." Rashaho said here.

"I believe it." Linton said directly before the other party finished speaking.

"Huh?" This made Rashaho stunned.

"Aliens, how can you not believe this? I have killed people from several planets, let alone seen them." Linton spread his hands and said, "By the way, which planet are you from and what civilization are you from?" , how far is the home planet from the map?"

"..." Rashaho here was a little speechless for a while, or he didn't know how to answer.

"Is this near your home planet?" Linton asked, pointing around.

"No, the spaceship I'm on has crashed a long time ago. This is not a real universe, but a simulated universe space created through the technology developed by my ancestors and passed on to the Pache tribe." Shahe said, "Although it is a simulation, all the environments here are exactly the same as the real universe."

"There is no light, coldness, and no air." Rashaho said and waved his hand to the surroundings. "You can barely resist it through the super spirit body now, but be careful. Here, once the super spirit body is If it is destroyed, there is only one ending, and that is death."

This is an obvious intimidation. As mentioned before, spirit and will have a great influence on witchcraft. Therefore, in this dangerous environment of simulated universe, if ordinary psychics waver because of fear, what awaits them The ending is really the only one. But the problem is that Rashaho met Linton.

"Simulation? Is there any need for simulation? So why do people from the Pache tribe like to mess with technology trees?" Linton spread his hands and said, "Since the universe is to be used as a battlefield, simulation is too unprofessional. Come on. Come on, since the sense of ceremony is so great, I will take you directly to the real universe to let you see what it is like."

"Huh?" Rashahe still didn't understand what was going on, but Linton suddenly flashed. Seeing this situation, Rashaho immediately became alert, but the next second Linton appeared in front of him without any warning and grabbed his body directly.

Rashaho did not panic. He raised his hand and was about to fight back, but Linton threw him aside. Rashaho noticed that he seemed to have suddenly passed through an orange door, and then the surrounding environment seemed to be slightly different. There have been some changes.

The most obvious change was the light. It was completely dark there before, with only some dots of light in the distance. But after passing through the orange door, the surroundings suddenly became bright. A planet emitting brilliant blue light appeared above its head.

"What is this...?" Rashaho suddenly panicked. He could feel that the surrounding space was still the space of the universe, but he always felt that this place seemed a little different from his own battlefield, especially this thing that was emitting blue light. ,What exactly is this?

"Beautiful." Linton's voice suddenly came from the side. Rashaho raised his head, only to find Linton not far in front of him as if he was hanging upside down.

"What is this? Where is this?" Rashaho asked in a panic.

"That's Water Committee One." Linton pointed to the "sun" emitting blue light in the distance and said, "The star in the constellation Eridanus is also called the Arcpole Star. And of course this is the universe you are thinking about. There is no need to simulate it. , you must be very happy to see the real universe, comrade alien."

"The real...universe?" Yes, Rashahe's bad premonition before was referring to this. He already had some feeling in this regard from Linton's words before, but Linton actually brought him there. In the universe, he was really panicking now.

"As a cosmonaut, I think you should also know how scary this real universe is." Linton said with a smile, "You have already mentioned the temperature and air, so let me add some more. Just For example, here, this place is located near Water Committee 1. Let’s not talk about stellar radiation and the like. More importantly, the distance from the earth here is about... 144 light years. "

"144 light years?" Rashahe was stunned and repeated.

"That is to say, even at the speed of light, it takes 144 years to travel. Do you have a warp engine or a device such as a space jump? If not, you may not be able to return to Earth in this life." Linton spread his hands and said, "It's quite scary to think about a person drifting alone in the universe forever, and a person dying alone. However, I think this arrangement is not bad for being able to see such a magnificent scene before death. Well, isn’t it, comrade alien?”

"Is this... really the universe?" Rashaho asked.

"It's hard to imagine that an alien could ask such a question. Well, let me answer it. This is the universe, and it's still your home court." Linton said with a smile, "After all, this is your home court. I'm afraid that I I can't beat you here, what should I do? I have no choice but to leave this dangerous place first. Just stay here alone and see you again."

Linton said here and opened a portal directly next to him. Just as he was about to go in, Rashaho here was really panicked: "Wait! Don't leave!"

"Don't leave? I hate people treating me like a fool. I'll give you one last chance. The same question as before, are you an alien?" Linton asked with a smile.

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