"You?" Daolian looked up, but there was no one else coming down from Huo Ling, only Abbacchio. Just when he wanted to ask what was going on, he suddenly seemed to think of something, "Wait a minute. , he even gave up on the Fire Spirit?"

"Yeah." Abbacchio here nodded and confirmed Daolian's guess.

"What? You actually gave up your holding spirit?" Daolian said in surprise. He looked up at the fire spirit here again, and saw that the fire spirit here was looking up at the sky, looking like he was in a daze. The order Asakura Hao gave him probably only ended with sending Abbacchio to find Linton, and there would be no new orders after that.

"What exactly does this guy want to do?" Daolian yelled a little unhappily. Although he was an enemy, such things still made him very unhappy. The spirit holder is their partner, and in his opinion, abandoning his companions is unacceptable.

"Good sir, he said he was going to become the Shaman King." Abbacchio said, crying as he spoke, "He said he was about to take the final step."

"What? This is impossible!" Dorian here said immediately, "The second stage of the competition has not started yet. If you want to become the Shaman King, you have to wait until you win the competition. No, give up holding the spirit now. If so, how will Asakura carry out the second round of trials? No matter how powerful he is, he won't be able to win without holding a spirit."

"Didi Didi" As soon as Daolian finished speaking, the oracle cards in the hands of several people suddenly made a sound. This thing had always been used to notify the game situation before. Of course, Daolian and others immediately looked at the content displayed on the oracle card.

"What? How is this possible?" After reading it, Daolian and others all showed surprised expressions and exclaimed.

"What's going on?" Linton asked. Yes, although he was also a contestant, the Ten Priests did give him an oracle card before, but Linton didn't bring it with him at all. Daolian was around anyway, so Linton asked him directly if he had anything to do.

"It says that the second trial is canceled because... the Great Spirit has chosen his successor." Dorian said with a surprised expression.

"Huh?" Linton was also slightly stunned.

"It's Asakura, okay?" Dorian immediately guessed, "It must be that guy, but what is going on? Since the great spirit has already chosen a successor, why are we summoned here? Are you participating in some Shaman King competition? Is this some kind of conspiracy?"

"Let me answer this question." As soon as Daolian finished speaking, a voice suddenly came to his mind. Several people turned around and saw a figure on the other side slowly walking out of the woods nearby. It was Xiba, one of the ten priests, and Linton's recommender.

"Siba, damn what is going on? Why was the second trial suddenly canceled? What to do after the Shaman King Competition? Explain it to me, bastard!" Dorian yelled directly at Siba.

"Calm down, we just learned about this. Siba here said, "The confirmation of the successor is indeed the will of the great spirit, and the successor he confirmed is indeed the person you guessed, Ma The warehouse is good. "

"What?" Daolian said in surprise, "In that case, why should we hold a psychic competition? What exactly do you Pachi tribe want to do? Gather psychics here..."

"I told you not to get excited." Xiba said, "Holding the Psychic Competition is also the instruction of the great spirit. We, the Pachi clan, have always been just following its will. The successor of the Psychic King should indeed It was decided by this psychic competition, but now it seems that something happened, causing the great spirit to suddenly change its mind."

"Changed your mind? Why?" Dorian asked.

"Although we can't figure out the reason why the great spirit made this change, we can still make a little guess." Xiba said while looking at Linton next to him.

"Him?" Daolian understood what Xiba meant.

"The witch of the King's Society once said that the great spirit feels the waves of malice emanating from you." Siba looked at Linton and said.

"I understand, you're just afraid of me, right?" Linton said with a smile.

"..." Xiba looked at Linton without saying anything.

"Really?" Daolian was stunned for a moment, "Then the great spirit chose Asakura? That guy's purpose is to eliminate all human beings and establish a world with only psychics. A great spirit should also be able to You know his purpose, right, and then he chooses such a person? You should know what will happen, right?"

"But that's the choice of the great spirit." Siba hesitated for a moment, but said immediately.

"Is that your choice too?" Daolian asked immediately.

Siba did not answer this time, but his silence did not mean that he did not express his opinion. It was obvious that he did not think so.

"Then what do you Pachi clan mean now? The psychic competition is not going to be held, let us all go back to our homes?" Daolian asked again.

"Tomorrow, the last ceremony will be held." Xiba here said, "As the successor of the Shaman King selected by the great spirit, Asakura Hao will merge with it. This is the last ceremony. Ceremony Once completed, Asakura Hao will become the true Shaman King.”

"So... there is still a chance to stop him?" Dorian asked.

"If you want to stop this ceremony, tomorrow is your last chance." Xiba said, "Tomorrow at the port northeast of Pachi Village, there will be the only flight to the Mu continent. If you want to stop the ceremony, It will be 9 o'clock tomorrow, where can we go?" Siba said.

"So you still want us to stop that guy?" Dorian asked.

"This is not what I meant." Xiba said, "Everything is an arrangement of the great spirit. It may also be the final test for the successor of the Shaman King or our Pachi clan."

"What do you mean?" Dorian asked.

"It's best to prepare. Now Ma Canghao has been selected as the successor of the Shaman King. He just lacks the final ceremony. But even before the ceremony is completed, he is still the chosen Shaman King. And our Pachi The clan has always been a subordinate of the Shaman King, so if you choose to stop this ritual, you'd better face the preparations of our Pachi clan."

"What?" Daolian was stunned. At first, he thought that they were going to destroy this ceremony, and the people who would stop them would be the remaining men of Asakura Hao. Unexpectedly, Xiba meant that they were already Asakura Hao's people now. Well, the people who came out to stop them turned out to be members of the Pachi tribe.

"Anyway, if you decide, come to the dock tomorrow morning." Xiba said and wanted to leave, but before turning around, he still glanced at Linton here. His purpose was naturally to see Linton's reaction, but what he saw was Linton's very happy smile.

Of course Linton was happy, and there was such a good thing. Of course, he is not surprised that Asakura has become the successor of the great spirit. First of all, this is one of the few plots in the original work that he can remember. Maybe the time should be a little earlier now, but this is not unexpected. .

What's more important is that this incident was originally caused by him. Isn't he accelerating this incident? Now that it's ahead of schedule, doesn't it mean that my plan has been successfully implemented?

As for why it accelerated, Linton felt that Siba's words were very important. The Great Spirit senses his own malice? Of course, his goal is indeed the Great Spirit, but Linton feels that the other party may not have discovered his so-called malice, but may also have discovered that he is not from this world.

As a god-like existence in this world, it is naturally very possible for the great spirit to discover that it may not be from this world. The current situation may be like the rejection of people in dreams from outsiders in Inception. It is very likely that it is because of this that the choice of the great spirit is accelerated.

Of course Linton said, this is a good thing. Didn't Linton want you to do it from the beginning? Besides, now there are not only points for the great spirit, but also an additional gift, which are the points for the ten priests.

This is considered a gift. You must know that Linton has actually received one of the ten sacrifices, and that is Siba in front of him. Linton had already dealt with him during the previous test. At that time, the five holding spirits on his body gave him a total of 750,000 points. If the remaining nine priests are all of this level, it is equivalent to giving him 7.5 million points. However, after he bought the breakthrough limiter, he only has about 3 million points left. It is just the time when he needs to replenish his points. Is there anything happier than having points delivered to your doorstep?

Besides, it’s not just the ten priests. What Xiba said is that the entire Pachi tribe is a subordinate of the Elf King. Of course, the Pachi tribe is not only the ten priests, but also the elders. Isn’t this what Xiba said before? The Miko of King's Society or something? These are all points, not just 7.5 million.

This is not just door-to-door delivery, I wish I could feed the points directly into your mouth. Linton said that the service here in Patch Village is really very comfortable and very considerate. That being the case, of course Linton would not refuse, and of course he would eat whatever was put into his mouth.

"Okay, see you tomorrow." Linton nodded directly.

Siba looked at Linton carefully again, then nodded. He suddenly felt the malice that the great spirit said. At this moment, he seemed to feel that he was being watched. Of course, this must be his illusion, because Linton didn't pay attention to him at all, and he had already obtained the points.

When the notice arrived, Xiba here naturally left. The amount of information was a bit large. Everyone present thought for a while and then looked at Linton.

"Get ready, there will be a big dinner tomorrow." Linton said with a smile.

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