This sounds a bit fanciful, after all, he certainly knows how scary Linton is here. People here who have arrived at Pachi Village may not know it yet, but those outside who haven't arrived were basically attacked by Linton and either died or were injured. Then with such a terrible person, wouldn't it be tempting to die by joining a team with him?

But Chocolate Love thinks... I can give it a try. Although Linton attacked many people, he was not dead. Linton did keep his promise and let him go after asking for information from him. It was obvious that the other party was not a vicious person, at least he promised He will comply.

Knowing this, Chocolate Love is a bit weak, because he has seen this kind of situation too many times.

Even though Chocolate Love seems like a joke now, just three years ago, he was the leader of a mafia gang in Magnesia. So this kind of experience in negotiating with dangerous people, Chocolate Love is very sufficient. As long as the other party is not a madman, he dares to negotiate with the other party. Obviously Linton is not a madman, but just dangerous. He thought about it and decided to come to Linton with Li Seru.

"Did this force really develop slowly?" Linton raised his forehead, but he didn't expect that there would be so many people who wanted to be his younger brothers, and they all came to them by themselves. Originally, I just wanted to find a reason to make Asakura feel nervous, but I didn't expect that so many people would come through this opening, and they would form two teams.

"You seem to have failed to complete the test I gave you before." Linton looked at Li Seru and said.

"I... please give me another chance... I will never lose again." Li Seru said through gritted teeth.

"In this way, I will give you one last chance." Linton thought for a while and said, and at the same time turned to Chocolate Love, "And you too, want to form a team with us, I can also give you such an opportunity, You two, find the people in Gandala for me."

"Gandara?" Chocolate Love here was a little panicked when he heard it. Of course he also knew about Gandara. Wasn't he the one who told Linton before. Although he didn't know the specific situation, the three major forces were definitely not easy to mess with.

"You don't need to kill them, you just need to find them." Linton said, "You can't find them after searching for several people, and you still want to be my little brother?"

"If you are just looking for someone..." Chocolate Love here breathed a sigh of relief. If he was just looking for someone, he would not be so afraid.

"I can do this!" What he didn't expect was that Li Seru next to him said directly and definitely after hearing this.

"Huh?" Chocolate Love was stunned, and Linton was also stunned for a moment. Yes, Linton sent them to find people. On the one hand, he didn't really want to establish any power at all, so he didn't care at all whether these people could complete the task. On the other hand, since there is free labor, why doesn't Linton take advantage of it? These people want to be his little brothers, and it just happens to be a good idea to find someone for him.

What I didn't expect was that Li Seru answered as if he was very sure that he could find someone. Is there really a way?

"My father is a detective." Li Seru here said immediately, "Looking for people is the basic work of a detective, and it is also what I am good at."

"Then you find it." Linton said immediately, worrying about how to think of a solution. The idea before was to lure people out, but he hadn't thought of a plan yet. Now that Li Seru said there was a way, of course he would give it a try.

"Excuse me, do you have a map of this place?" Li Seru said.

Linton looked to the side, and Laquist next to him immediately understood and took a map of Pachi Village from the table. There are many maps of Pachi Village here, and you can even get them for free. In addition to marking simple terrain, the map also mainly marks various tourist attractions, as well as a large number of advertising information for shops. Yes, this map is a tourist map. It seems that the Pachi people want visitors to visit all the scenic spots and spend money.

Li Seru took the map and spread it directly on the ground. He was also lying next to the map and took out the pointer on his right hand. It was the diamond-shaped pointer he had used to attack before. Now it looked a bit like an accessory up close.

Holding the upper wire in his right hand, Li Seru lifted the pointer and hung it a little above the map, so that the bottom of the pointer almost touched the map.

After finishing preparations, Li Seru took a breath, concentrated, and then started to slowly move the pointer on the map. The trajectory of the pointer's movement was obviously like scanning from top to bottom, and Linton probably understood it at this time. He had seen similar abilities before. Kurapika didn't have such abilities. He was still his nephew. But is Li Seru reliable?

Just as I was thinking about it, the pointer moved to a position, and suddenly there seemed to be a reaction. Of course Li Seru noticed it and immediately stopped above this position. Sure enough, very quickly, the pointer below began to move slowly. The main performance was to start turning clockwise around this point.

"It's here, the people of Gandala are here." Li Seru said with certainty.

"Have you found it?" Chocolate Love next to him said in disbelief. He also wanted to find someone to exchange information and inquire about Gandara's situation. As a result, Li Seru found it in ten minutes in this way. ? Why does it feel a little unreliable?

"I'm pretty sure they are here." Li Seru seemed to be very confident in his ability to find people. After all, he had said before that it was a skill taught to him by his father, who had already been killed by Asakura Hao. Even if he died, he probably had some obsessions in it.

Although the other party was very sure, Linton didn't know whether to believe it or not. After all, he knew Kurapika's skills. That was because he remembered the original work. This Li Seru... Linton didn't remember it at all, okay?

"Is it right here?" Linton asked, drawing a circle on the map, exactly where the pointer circled just now.

"Yes, this is it." Li Seru nodded.

"Okay, but it's such a big piece, and the specific location needs to be found." Linton said, "In this case, the two of you go there to find someone now. Only those who see Gandara will pass."

As he spoke, Linton also took out a scroll, handed it directly to Li Seru, and continued: "You don't need to fight after you find the person. Just take out this scroll and open it, and I will receive the news. I will contact you directly at that time." Come here. If you can complete this, you will pass the test."

"I understand." Li Seru was very confident in himself and nodded directly.

"Okay... okay." Chocolate Love next to him hesitated a little, mainly because he had never seen Li Seru's person-finding technique before, so how could he believe it. If he couldn't find anyone, Linton obviously wouldn't just let it go. But he also has his own methods. While he can first see if Li Seru's method works, he can also use his own methods to implement it.

"As I said just now, this is the last chance. If you can't find the person, don't come back again." Linton said. Indeed, I didn’t want to accept them in the first place. Of course I didn’t want to see them again if I couldn’t find anyone.

"I understand." Li Seru nodded and stood up, then walked out directly. Chocolate Love next to him looked at it and immediately followed him out. I don’t know if the people in Gandara will stay where they are, so of course it’s better to act as soon as possible.

"Is there no problem in letting these two people go find him?" asked Laquist next to him. "Both of them have very little witchcraft power."

"It's okay. It's just a matter of casting a wide net. You can also find people here." Linton waved his hand.

"Understood, Lord Linton." This order was not surprising to Lakist. In his opinion, both Asakura Hao and X-LAWS were photographed by Linton. Two of the three major forces had already beaten them, and the remaining The next target was naturally Gandara. Now Linton was trying his best to find information about Gandara. This was normal.

The task was assigned to a few younger brothers, but Linton was not in a hurry to take a break. A night passed quickly, and none of the people sent out came back.

Of course, Linton was not in a hurry. Just when he was about to go out for a walk again, he suddenly thought that the summoning mark reacted. Of course, it was the scroll he gave to Li Seru. In other words, these people are really good enough to go to Gandara?

Linton didn't expect that these two people could actually be found. It seems that Li Seru's searching technique is really effective? Of course, there was nothing to say. Linton didn't say hello to Daolian and the others. He just disappeared in place with a "bang" and a burst of white smoke.

When he reappeared, Linton had appeared in a forest. Of course, Linton himself didn't know the specific location here, but the first thing that caught his eye were the two people lying on the ground.

Yes, Lee Seru and Chocolate Love were both on the ground, and both of them were injured. Among them, Li Seru's condition is relatively good. It seems that his leg is injured and he is unable to stand steadily. However, Chocolate Love's situation is obviously more serious.

Linton took a quick glance and found that there were penetrating wounds on his body from a blow to the abdomen in two places on the chest, as if he had been pierced by a steel pipe or something like that. However, there was obviously no steel pipe inserted into his body. No murder weapon was seen.

In short, the injuries were very serious. Chocolate Love fell to the ground and was obviously unconscious, as if he was about to die. It was also easy to find the person who injured him, because when Linton raised his head, there was a huge "robot" in front of him.

Yes, standing in front of him was a robot-like thing about ten meters tall. It was somewhat similar to the angel of X-LAWS, but it didn't have that sense of sanctity, it was a pure machine. This thing was obviously operated by someone. Linton saw a little boy standing on the robot's hand, and there was a little girl inside the machine.

"Is this the person from Gandala?" Linton asked Li Seru next to him.

"I don't know, maybe not, but the people from Gandara must be nearby." Li Seru replied immediately.

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