Time soon came 12 days later, when a psychic named Choco_Love was hiding in the bushes.

Chocolate Love is a very talented psychic. Although he usually looks a bit clumsy, he is actually very smart. As a lone psychic, he knew the importance of intelligence, so he had already started planning in advance.

When he was on the plane before, he had already contacted several other psychics and exchanged information with each other, which was considered a transaction. However, he has found a few people who are willing to cooperate. In short, he does have a considerable advantage in intelligence.

At this time, he was hiding in the bushes in a panic, because he already felt something was wrong.

Perhaps it was his sixth sense, or an early warning from his spiritual beast. At this time, Chocolate Love already felt that something might be going on. The intelligence from the past few days has made him very uneasy recently, always feeling like something is going to happen to him.

These disturbing intels that have been received recently are all about the same thing, which is that someone is attacking their participating psychics. The other party is also a contestant. The attack on them is probably to reduce some competitors, and the other party obviously has a way to find people and the ability to teleport.

Yes, the information provided by people who survived being attacked is the same. Something like a portal appeared in front of them, a person came out, and then he was attacked. The opponent is not human at all, and is not at the same level as them. Basically, the battle can be easily solved with one strike. As for whether the people who were attacked could survive, the other party didn't seem to care much. Some people died immediately, and some were seriously injured and still survived. There were even people who were stunned on the spot, only to wake up. He had already left and seemed not to care about him at all.

So far, Chocolate Love has heard that many contestants died, fled, and gave up the Shaman King Competition because of this person's attack. After all, after seeing such a strong man, they really lost confidence in becoming the Shaman King. They were too far behind.

Of course, Chocolate Love doesn't want to give up on this game. He should be close to the location of Pachi Village now. After entering the village, he should be safe for the time being, because the first stage of the competition should end when he reaches Pachi Village, and the second stage of the competition, based on the information he received from people who have arrived at Pachi Village, It should be a team competition. There was something to be said for the team competition, and he couldn't give up casually.

"As long as you survive today, you should be able to reach Pachi Village." Although Chocolate Love's inner feeling became stronger, she still encouraged herself secretly. It's just a hunch. It shouldn't be that bad every time. There are also players who reach their destination without being attacked by that person.

However, soon, Chocolate Love became desperate and wanted to cry. Yes, just as he was carefully walking from tree to tree, fearing that he would be found, an orange portal suddenly appeared not far in front of him. Although it was the first time he saw it, Chocolate Love knew that the guy was coming.

Sure enough, a person quickly walked out of the portal, it was Linton. Chocolate Love has actually met Linton. He remembered everyone's appearance on the plane before, after all, they may be his opponents in the future. He also remembered Linton, but he didn't expect to meet again under such circumstances.

"Don't find me...don't find me..." Seeing Linton appear, Chocolate Love certainly didn't show up immediately. Instead, he held his breath and hid deeper. There are quite a lot of trees around. Although I don't know what technique the other party used to find him, but now I can only pray to God to prevent him from seeing me.

However, it was a pity that as soon as Linton came out, he looked directly at the bush where Chocolate Love was. However, he did not act or speak, but waited for a while.

Then the second person walked out of the portal. Chocolate Love looked at it strangely and recognized the second person as Daolian. On the plane before, Linton and Dorian sat in the same row. Of course he knew that. Did they really know each other? But the people who were attacked before only said that Linton was the only one who attacked them. Why did two people come this time when it was his turn? He was walking alone, and two against one would not kill him faster.

"See?" Linton suddenly spoke at this time, but he was obviously not talking to Chocolate Love, but to Dorian next to him.

"Yes, I saw it." Daolian nodded directly.

"Come on then, I'll give you one minute, and you'll die every second after it expires." Linton said.

"At this level, it only takes ten seconds." Dorian whispered.

"Whatever, start the timer." Linton said directly.

The next second, Daolian here sprinted directly, raised his long knife and smashed it in the direction of Chocolate Love.

"Oops!" Of course Chocolate Love also knew that he had been discovered, so he immediately got up from the ground, directly used his super spirit body, and directly transformed his right hand into a huge claw. At this time, Daolian, who jumped into the air, had already completed the super spirit body.

"Super. Golden Chinese Cutting Dance!" The huge knife struck directly, and the exaggerated magic chocolate love was naturally felt. It was definitely above him, and much higher. But can he still think about this in the current situation? If he doesn't use all his strength, he will die.

"Elven Leopard. Giant Claw!"

The huge claws shot directly into the air, and quickly collided with Daolian's knife. It looked like a shocking blow from both sides, but in just a second, Chocolate Love's super-spiritual body collapsed directly, and Dorian's huge blade hit the ground directly.

With a "boom" explosion, all the surrounding trees disappeared in an instant, and a large crater was directly smashed into the ground. Chocolate Love fell into the pit and became unresponsive.

"It's really not that good." Daolian said lightly. Yes, after just ten days of practice, he is already completely transformed. He didn't even use any strength in this blow, and now even he himself didn't know how far he could do it.

Speaking of the past ten days of practice, Daolian here really wanted to strangle Linton to death just thinking about it. How could anyone come here like this? Even if he didn't let himself go into a coma, it would still be okay. It really took more than ten days of life and death. Even now, as long as he recalls the events of those ten days, his brain will automatically enter the protective mechanism. It's so miserable. Dorian even suspected that she was almost immune to the adrenaline hormones.

However, the problem is...this training is actually useful, and it is not generally useful, but quite abnormal. The next day after his death, Daolian discovered that his witchcraft power had really increased rapidly. It felt like one day of death was equivalent to a year of practice.

Then this training is really effective. He can't seem to find an excuse to settle accounts with Linton. If he goes to him for training, then he has indeed improved. What do you say?

But the problem is that when she told Linton at that time, the other person looked at her with a surprised face saying "This can really happen." Dorian said that she really couldn't hold back her anger. I always feel that this guy definitely did it on purpose, but I have no evidence.

And the Fast VIII he found was definitely treating him as a test subject. He even started to develop a special awakening potion. He said he was afraid that the epinephrine and cardiotonic injections would not wake him up later, so he had to first Start developing a more exciting one. In short, these two people definitely have a big problem.

But after all, his strength has improved significantly, and he is not prone to attacks. In recent days, Linton said that mental improvement was part of it, as was his actual combat ability, so after finishing his life and death, he dragged Dorian outside to attack other contestants casually.

Of course, the actual situation is that Linton is too lazy to fight. In the past few days, Linton had been helping Daolian every day and scoring points by the way. However, the psychics he met were weak on the one hand and did not have many points on the other. After playing for a few days, he expressed that he was tired of it. .

But it's annoying, points are still needed, so isn't this the tool man's nephew...brother-in-law being pulled out to work again? No matter who hits it, you can still pick up your valuables. Linton didn't believe how many battle points these weaklings could make him lose. There was an upper limit to that thing, and Linton had tried it before.

After more than ten days of doing this, Linton had fucked all the people he remembered from the previous plane. Today's chocolate love is actually the last one. To be honest, his luck is actually pretty good.

But there are some who missed it, maybe a few people, not many. Yes, Linton has basically determined the location of Pachi Village now, because the X-LAWS people he is looking for are there now. They have already reached their destination and haven't moved for several days. Linton is not in a hurry. It is estimated that the people from X-LAWS are preparing to wait for support to gather in Pachi Village until they all arrive. Linton should clear everything outside first to save waste.

In about ten days, Linton had accumulated about 11 million points, which was more than he thought. This was obtained when there were still a few people who had not scored. Currently, 18 million points have been gained in this world, and there is still 6 million left to reach the goal. Of course, Linton has already calculated it, and the X-LAWS gang will provide it. No matter what, there will always be 6 million.

"Solved, ten seconds." At this time, Daolian slowly walked back, interrupting Linton's thinking.

Linton looked up and suddenly smiled: "Are you sure? I'm still counting the time."

Yes, the system prompt has not appeared yet, which means the battle is not over yet. Linton looked at the pit over there. Sure enough, his opponent should still be conscious and pretending to be dead.

"Huh?" Daolian was also stunned and immediately looked into the pit. Chocolate Love, who had fallen down at this time, probably found that he couldn't hide anymore, so he stood up directly on the ground.

"Don't do anything yet, I can trade with you." Chocolate Love here said immediately.

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