"Brother-in-law, I suddenly thought of something." The next day, Linton sat beside Dorian's bed and said seriously, "I think there seems to be something wrong with the training course I arranged for you... "

"You're just telling me this now?" Daolian, who had splints on her limbs on the bed, yelled directly, "Is this what you said about automatically recovering blood without wasting it? How many months will it take for me to get out of bed?"

"A few months is too much. I've already increased your physique. You should be fine in a few days," Linton said.

"When did you increase my physique?" Daolian asked.

"Didn't I dig a hole for you yesterday? Don't you feel that your strength and speed have become stronger now?" Linton said.

"You twisted my limbs when I came out and turned me into what I am now. How can I feel that I have become stronger?" Dorian yelled, "Besides, what does digging a hole and burying it have to do with becoming stronger?"

"Ahem, it's very troublesome to explain. You have been enhanced, so just understand it." Linton said.


"Anyway, this is not the point." Linton interrupted directly before Dorian started to curse, "I thought about it carefully last night and felt that there was something wrong with my previous course arrangement. You see, other people follow this It’s true that there is no problem in practicing regular routines. If you keep interrupting and interrupting and then connecting again, the effect should come out quickly. Several of my nephews have practiced this way."

"No, what are you interrupting?" Daolian felt a chill just listening to it. How miserable was Linton's nephew? Although he had never met them, he still felt sympathy for these nephews.

"But it's different here. I remember what the psychic said. In order to improve your witchcraft power, you mainly need to improve your mental and will attributes, right?" Linton said, "In that case, the course really needs to be revised. It’s almost enough to use the heart-shaped fruit to slightly enhance your physique, and then the course will be changed to spiritual and will training.”

The situation in each world is different. For example, in the world of One Piece, the environment there is completely different from the earth. The Neptune species can grow to hundreds of meters, and the physiques of the people there are also very exaggerated, so body training is obvious there. It's very effective. But the world here is not necessarily the same. Although it looks like the earth, there are also things like spiritual bodies, witchcraft, etc., so Linton feels that it is better to practice according to the basic laws of this world.

Before going to bed last night, Linton thought about it for a while. Probably because of the good battle with Asakura during the day, he recalled many plots in the original work. He remembered that the protagonist's several trainings were also related to spiritual training. For example, he remembered entering a completely dark cave and so on. , then it is obvious that spiritual practice should be more effective in improving this world. Since he has boasted that Haikou will help Daolian improve, he can't just brag, right?

So early in the morning, Linton ran to Daolian's room next door and started a new round of acting like a monster.

Apparently Dorian still doesn't know enough about Linton, or he wants to become stronger so much that his eyes are blinded. After hearing Linton's serious talk about arranging some spiritual practice courses for him, Daolian really believed it.

"Then what kind of training do you mean?" Dorian asked.

"It's like this. I did a little research. Before that, I met a scientist who said that if all the data of a person's death ten thousand times were poured into a person's brain, then the person would be able to Become a god." Linton said, "Of course I actually tested it, and the god he called was nonsense. But even though the god he created is not a god, I think there are still some merits. Theoretically speaking, death The mental stimulation is the most obvious, and the will to survive is the most instinctive will. According to this idea, I have arranged the most suitable course for you."

"I... seem to have a vague feeling that something is wrong." Daolian said suddenly.

"This course is called...Death Ten Thousand Times." Linton said proudly.

"..." Daolian seemed to have already understood the general situation from the name of this course. He did not ask how to do it, but directly asked, "I just want to ask, has this course of yours been tested on others before?" ?"

"That's what I came up with on the spot last night. How can I find the time to find someone to test it? Isn't this the first time I want you to experience it?" Linton said.

"Are you here to cause trouble for me? You broke my limbs yesterday and you haven't finished yet. Have you found a new way to play today?" Dorian yelled.

"No, no, no, I am very serious. How can others enjoy my one-on-one guidance?" Linton said.


"Anyway, are you ready? Let's start." Linton said.

"Now?" Daolian looked at his limbs that were on the board, "I am now..."

"It's okay, you don't need to get up." Linton said, "I thought about it, if I die ten thousand times, I might not be able to bear it all at once, so we will start from a hundred times step by step."

"Well, I said..."

"Look at me...Tsukuyomi!" Linton said with a flash of red in his eyes. The next second, the surrounding environment changed. Daolian here suddenly found that he had come to a red space, and he was tied up. On a steel bed. Although there was no change in his movements, the surrounding situation made him suddenly nervous for some reason.

Linton was still there, but he took out a long knife from somewhere, looked at Daolian here, and continued: "That's right, because it is spiritual practice, so you can't be confused. After dying like this a few times, I think the best way is to stay awake, so from now on, please keep answering my questions, no problem."

"No, where is this?" Dorian asked.

"Then let's start asking, what is 1000-7 equal to?" Linton said with a smile.

"Uh...993." Dorian thought for a while and replied.

"The answer is correct." Linton said and stabbed Dolian's chest with a knife. Severe pain came, even more painful than the actual physical injury. Daolian here could not help but scream, and for a moment he felt that his life was draining away. At first, he thought Linton was joking, but now he understood that this guy really wanted to kill him.

His vision went dark, and Daolian almost lost consciousness. He didn't know what was going on with him. He only heard a voice in his ear and continued to ask: "Second question: How much is 993-7?"

"I..." Daolian felt that she didn't even have the strength to finish a sentence now.

"I'll give you a happy answer if the answer is correct. If it's incorrect, I'll chop it up at will." Linton's voice came again.

"I'm going to kill you!" Daolian shouted directly.

"Answer the questions well and don't daydream."

Although the Tsukuyomi space was very lively, only a few seconds passed in real time. As soon as Linton came back to consciousness, he saw Daolian twitching crazily on the bed. After looking at the situation, it should be nothing serious. Anyway, I can use the time stone to bring it back.

After twitching for a while, Daolian here immediately fell silent and fell on the bed without any reaction. This is the normal reaction of Tsukuyomi. According to the fact that the spirit and will of psychics in this world are generally relatively high, it should not be a big problem.

"But only answering 902-7 is a bit too bad. It seems that the goal is set a bit too high. It seems not easy to complete it 10,000 times." Linton said, originally thinking that he had set a goal of 100 deaths first. The number of times is low enough, but it has only been repeated 14 times. Daolian here has completely unresponsive, and this can only go so far this first time.

"Forget it, I won't waste too much time anyway, so let's do this for now." Anyway, Tsukuyomi Space only takes one second, so it really doesn't waste time. Linton can just come over and throw the moon reading every time when someone wakes up, and it won't hinder him from getting points.

Yes, Linton chose this, of course, because this kind of training is faster. After throwing Tsukuyomi and waiting for him to recover, Linton can go out to collect points.

After distinguishing the auras of the people he remembered, Linton quickly determined the target. The few people gathered together, if I remember correctly, should be Asakura's good subordinates.

At this time, Asakura Hao's men obviously made some moves. Linton previously detected that they were divided into two teams, but now they are even more scattered, and some people are even acting alone. Linton guessed that this group of people felt something was wrong. Asakura was injured by himself before he recovered, and it was obvious that he would not recover in one night.

Linton could already feel Ma Cang's good breath now. The other person was not dead yet, so he was considered lucky. At this time, there was someone beside him, but it was not his men, but the aura of Asakura Ye. Has this guy found Asakura?

Perhaps it was his own influence that made the protagonist and the final boss appear together? Although I don’t know the specific situation, they are not the targets for brushing points. It just so happens that Ma Cang’s good men haven’t joined him yet, so I brush them all first. After that, I will have to hit them a few more times when they join together. The warehouse is good. Although it is not impossible to beat it, it takes a lot of effort every time and there is no gain.

After selecting the target, Linton directly opened the portal and appeared directly in the wild the next second. There were three people in front of him, all of Asakura's men whom he had seen before. One was wearing a rugby uniform, one was carrying a round shield, and one had a pigtail on his head that even looked like he was from the Qing Dynasty.

When Linton arrived, the three of them were still having breakfast. Yes, most of the players were still in the wild and had not arrived in the city. The three of them were roasting some meat for breakfast on the bonfire. Although I don’t know what kind of meat it is, it looks very fragrant. Linton happened to not be eating either, so he could still grab breakfast for free.

"Is it you?" The three people who saw Linton immediately became alert. After all, they saw Linton and Asakura fighting in the air before. Now that Asakura has not contacted them for a whole night, it is very possible that it really happened. What happened. And now that Linton suddenly appears, it is definitely not a good thing.

"Good morning, are you looking for your master? You're welcome, I'll give you a ride." Linton waved.

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