I really can't control myself

Chapter 1589 Huge Battle

Linton really didn't notice when Ma Canghao woke up here, mainly because he was angry with Ma Cangye. Originally, this guy wasn't injured at all, he was just scolded by Linton for being autistic, but now that Linton has got this guy's points, it's annoying to fight him again with no benefit.

Of course, it's just annoying. No one can stop Linton from doing what he wants to do. He is already preparing to shoot someone. How can he be blocked by you? Even if he has no points, if Linton stands in front of him, he will definitely have to shoot you back.

Susanoo's hand was grabbed and he suddenly pulled back hard. The huge body of the fire spirit here was directly pulled up by Linton. But just when Susanoo was about to grab it with his other hand, the fire spirit here reacted very quickly.

He let go directly in the air, and quickly adjusted his body the moment he was dragged away. His right hand directly pressed on Susanoo's head, and he exerted a sudden force. It looked like he was preparing to knock Susanoo down directly.

However, Susanoo here is not so easy to be knocked down. The fire spirit pressed hard on Susanoo's body for the first time, and the ground cracked directly from the pressing, but Susanoo's side Still standing there. When the fire spirit was about to exert force for the second time, Susanoo directly raised his hands, grabbed the fire spirit's hands and threw them to the side, throwing the fire spirit directly.

But Huo Ling could fly after all. He quickly adjusted his movements in the air, put his hands on the ground and braked, landing safely on the ground. In this round of fighting, the two giant monsters actually felt like they were going back and forth.

Of course, this is just the way the people watching the battle look back and forth. Asakura Hao here doesn't think so. Fire Spirit, who was supposed to be a strength-type player, was knocked into an agility type. He was tumbling up and down on Susanoo's body, but he still didn't move the opponent a step, and he still doesn't understand what this Susanoo is. What is the situation.

Yes, as the most genius and comprehensive Onmyoji psychic from ancient times to the present, Asakura Hao has already seen that Susanoo is not an ordinary super spirit. Of course, he also temporarily regards him as a special soul application. To understand, it’s just that I can’t understand this way of using the soul. If you don't understand this skill, it will obviously be impossible to solve the Susanoo in front of you.

Therefore, although he probably guessed that his attack would have no effect, Asakura still had to continue attacking and try to understand what the other party's psychic technique was about in a short period of time. At this time, his mind was rapidly simulating possible situations, but there were no clues yet. After living for thousands of years, this was the first time he had encountered such a problem. To be honest, Asakura suddenly found it a bit interesting.

Having been the strongest psychic for more than a thousand years, this was the first time that Asakura Hao experienced the position of such a challenger. And as a genius onmyoji, even when he was learning the art, he could basically understand the spells of his master Hamo Tadashi just by looking at them. After a few days of learning, he was able to draw inferences and create his own spells. . It was really the first time that he had encountered this kind of "spiritualism" that Linton used, which completely confused him. In short, the current situation was the first time that he had encountered it in a thousand years of life.

On a rare occasion when I felt a little interested, the troublemaker also appeared. There was a "bang" sound, and the fire spirit standing there suddenly received a blow on the head. Probably because he didn't pay attention, the blow hit hard. Huo Ling swayed sideways, and Asakura Hao, who was standing on Huo Ling's shoulder, was almost knocked down.

Turning around, he saw a white figure flashing past him. Yes, it was Margao's super-spiritual body, Archangel Michael, who attacked the Fire Spirit.

Although he had some conflicts with Linton before and took action, of course X-LAWS's biggest enemy is Asakura. Now that the enemy was in front of them, the target of their attack naturally shifted from Linton to Asakura Hao. However, the other five people had not yet recovered at this time. The sudden appearance of Asakura Hao and the battle with Linton happened too suddenly. Margao, who was the first to react, did not think too much about it. launched an attack.

"Accept God's sanction! Hello, Ma Cang!" Margao shouted, and the Archangel Michael, who had just succeeded in the attack, also changed his appearance in the air, turned 180 degrees and turned towards the Fire Spirit to kill again.

"In the way." However, the next second, the fire spirit here swung his right hand and directly hit the Archangel Michael who was charging towards him. The huge palm cut Michael's body in half like a blade, separating the top and bottom and cutting it off at the waist. The two parts of the body quickly fell to the ground, and then slowly disappeared.

Yes, it looked like a casual blow, which directly disintegrated Margao's super-spiritual body. This is Asakura Hao's true strength. Regardless of the fact that he was suppressed by Linton in the battle with Linton, the gap between him and other psychics is not the slightest. For example, the angel-type super-spiritual body used by X-LAWS is better than other psychics. It seems to be a very powerful existence, but in Asakura's eyes, it is just a detachable toy full of loopholes. He really didn't expect that the other party would have the courage to rush towards him. He usually just played with them, but now that he had no time, he really lost his interest.

"Wha...what?" However, it was obvious that such a result was completely unacceptable to X-LAWS. How much effort did they put in for revenge, but this was the only result when faced with a full blow from the enemy? At this moment, Margao even collapsed.

If he really lost after a fierce battle with Asakura, he wouldn't be so broken. However, the current situation was that the other party didn't even bother to pay attention to him, and just waved casually like he was chasing away mosquitoes. In Asakura Hao's view, he is not an opponent at all, but just a mosquito biting an elephant.

The next moment, Margao suddenly fell down on the spot. On the one hand, his will was naturally destroyed, and he could not accept such a situation for a while. On the other hand, every time the super-spiritual body is destroyed, of course the witchcraft contained in it cannot be returned. In other words, if you keep destroying the opponent's super spirit body, sooner or later the psychic's witchcraft power will be exhausted.

Margao had already consumed his witchcraft power in the battle with Linton before. This time, the condensed Archangel Michael could be said to have injected all the remaining witchcraft power into him, but he was still directly crushed by Asakura Hao. , the momentary loss of strength and the mental blow caused him to fall directly to the ground.

"System prompt: Found valuables, location..."

"Hey, hey, what's going on today? Why are you able to receive the goods inexplicably?" Linton was also a little speechless. So far today, none of the goods received was done by himself, or else he just cursed him to death. Yes, or someone else helped.

Of course, no matter how it came about, Linton would definitely not dislike it. But just when he locked the position of Margao's spirit body and wanted to go there to get points, Ma Cang's good attack came again. Ma Canghao naturally found the few remaining people of X-LAWS, but he didn't bother to pay attention to these small guys. His target was still Linton. Margao's attack just now was just a fly that wandered in during the battle. Whatever. made a bid. The battle with Linton is not over yet.

Huo Ling sprinted and accelerated towards Linton. Although Huo Ling was already very fast, it was not difficult for Linton to deal with it.

Pulling his right hand back, the black giant sword appeared directly in Susanoo's hand, and towards the direction where the fire spirit was rushing, Susanoo raised his sword to chop it down.

Perhaps Susanoo's counterattack speed exceeded Asakura's good expectations. The sprinting fire spirit suddenly braked suddenly, raised his hands directly, and directly blocked the slashing sword with his bare hands. . It has to be said that Asakura's timing to catch him was very accurate. Before the power of this sword strike was fully released, he was caught by Huo Ling, which was a perfect defense against this blow.

Uh...it doesn't seem to be that perfect. Although the force of this blow was blocked by the Fire Spirit, the next second, the black flames on Susanoo's sword suddenly started to move downward along the Fire Spirit's hands. spread. Yes, the slashes used by Linton's Susanoo are all filled with Amaterasu's flames. This is not the first time that this kind of fire has occurred.

But obviously this was the first time for people in this world to see such a situation, including Asakura Hao, who was a little confused. Although he didn't know what the black flame was about, he responded surprisingly quickly. I saw Ma Canghao suddenly put a hand on Huo Ling's body, and a "switch" sound sounded.

The next second, the fire spirit here suddenly began to change color, from red to blue. A "hissing" sound like steam suddenly came from the position where he was holding the black giant sword, and Linton also I did see a lot of water mist rising from where the two sides touched.

"Uh... turned into a giant with water attributes?" Linton was still looking at what was going on when a blue arm suddenly stretched out from the mist rising in front and hit Susanoo directly with a blow. chest. Susanoo was fine, but the Linton on its head was shaken off and fell directly from the sky.

"Forget it, there's no point wasting time if you don't have points." Linton said softly, and clasped his hands together while falling.

"Immortal method. Wood escape. Really thousands of hands."

Where Linton landed, a huge Thousand-Armed Buddha statue suddenly rose from the ground and quickly rose to a terrifying height. Asakura looked at the sudden appearance of the Buddha statue with some surprise. This thing was also a bit difficult for him to understand. It was not a simple super spirit at all.

"The powerful Susanoo is covered." Linton pressed his hands, and the Susanoo next to him turned into a black shell and covered the Buddha statue. "Disappear for me and transform into a Buddha on top!"

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