At this time, Linton had not yet exchanged the power of this world, that is, witchcraft. But even if it was not exchanged, he probably could see that the strength of Asakura Ye and others should have increased. At this time, the super-spiritual bodies of Ma Cangye and others seemed to be somewhat enhanced, mainly in terms of size.

Linton had seen the super spirits of several people before. The super spirits of Asakura Ye and the Dragon of the Wooden Sword had not always covered the right hand position before, but now everyone's super spirits had become larger. As if Asakura Ye's super spirit body exploded before, a giant samurai appeared directly on his body, and the wooden sword dragon's super spirit body turned into a mass of things with a lot of snake heads. In short All four of them are in the same situation.

Linton probably knew before that the power of this world is called witchcraft, and the main way to improve it is through the manifestation of spirit and will, so this group of people saw something that suddenly boosted their spirits.

"Now, you should understand my purpose and why I did what I did." At this time, Asakura Hao suddenly said, "Then I ask again, do you want to join my side, brother."

"Thank you for letting us understand the many possibilities of psychics and the nature of psychics, but... it is impossible for us to follow you to eliminate all humans." Asakura Ye here suddenly Opening his eyes, he looked at Asakura and said, "Maybe you are already disappointed with humans, but in my opinion, the relationship between psychics and humans is not an antagonistic relationship. I am a psychic and am also a part of humanity. Member, so...I will definitely stop you, brother."

Asakura Ye said clearly very firmly, and although the other three people did not speak, they all stood on both sides of Asakura Ye, obviously showing their attitude. It was obvious that Asakura's good illusion skills were not good. After Asakura Ye and others changed their stance, they seemed to have become more discerning, and probably knew what they were going to do. Otherwise, if they are confused, their super-spiritual bodies will not become stronger. Only by becoming more determined in their will can such results be achieved.

"So that's it, is that so?" Asakura nodded, and then suddenly he waved his hand fiercely like a manipulating fire spirit, causing a hurricane, "Your ideas are really too insignificant!"

"No, what is going on? It makes me happy to tell you." Linton couldn't help but ask again.

"Shut up! This is not something to be happy about at all." Daolian here couldn't help shouting.

"Why can't you be happy? Usually the reasons why the final boss wants to destroy the world are quite bizarre. I still don't believe how normal his reasons are." Linton said, spreading his hands.

"His purpose is not to destroy the world, on the contrary, he wants to restore the original appearance of the world." Daolian here said solemnly.

"The original appearance? I would like to know what the original appearance of this world was like, the one 4.6 billion years ago? What is the difference between destroying the world? Is it a nicer way to put it?" Linton said with a smile.

"The power of the psychic comes from the power of nature. He wants to build a world with only psychics. In this way..."

"Okay, okay, I got it." Before Dorian could finish speaking, Linton couldn't help but interrupt him, "After hearing this, I almost understood. It's really a very common excuse to destroy the world, indeed. I can’t have fun, it’s a bit boring.”

"Bored?" Asakura turned to Linton.

"I thought that as the final BOSS, you would have something to say when you came to the battlefield and faced the soldiers of both armies, but I didn't expect that you would say such vulgar words!" Linton said with a cupped hand, "Facts have proved that the more powerful you are, the more powerful you are. The higher the BOSS, the simpler the reason for destroying the world. Is this an environmentally friendly BOSS? I didn’t expect such boring excuses to be used in this day and age."

"What do you mean?" Ma Canghao frowned.

"I just want to ask, has Earth asked you for help?" Linton said, holding his forehead.

"Didn't you hear nature's cry for help?" Asakura asked.

"Of course I didn't hear it. How could it call for help? There's no need to call for help at all, okay? No matter how hard humans try to commit suicide, the most they can do is commit suicide. What impact will it have on the earth? Even if humans really do Because destroying nature leads to destruction, the earth will still exist. Tens of thousands of years later, everything will restart and return to what you call nature. As for the earth, does it care about the damage caused by humans? Is it necessary to ask for help? You must If you want to personify the earth, he is an elder with a lifespan of 4.6 billion years. To him, this kind of thing is just a matter of a snap, and it is insignificant. Not to mention the mass extinction of species. This is not the first time. Do you need help? Let me ask you how proud you are to think that the world will ask for help from you?" Linton said, holding his forehead.

"I remember that you seemed to be a person who lived more than a thousand years ago, right? You have been living until now." Linton continued, "Do you think you understand everything after living for a thousand years? In front of the 4.6 billion-year-old earth, you I’m just a little brother, you know a thing, how ridiculous are your words trying to understand this world, and you still have the nerve to be angry?”

I have to say that there is some truth to this, and Asakura Hao here was also startled. Before he could recover, Linton turned to Daolian next to him and said, "Don't think that this guy has lived a long time. What he said seems to make sense. This guy's narrow vision will only focus on human beings destroying nature." At this point, selectively ignoring some of the things humans have done for nature..."

"Humans' narrow vision cannot see this." Asakura said immediately, "Only psychics are the future of this world..."

"Are you...serious?" Linton looked at Ma Canghao here in surprise.

"Just like what you just said, what humans have been doing is destroying their own things. Is there something wrong with what I said?" Asakura asked.

"I probably understand why you have such a narrow vision," Linton said. "You have lived for more than a thousand years. Your age is both your advantage and your disadvantage. I'm just surprised. , I didn’t expect your vision to be so flat. In that case, let me teach you."

Linton paused for a moment, and then continued: "You said that what humans have been doing is just destroying themselves? That's just other things they are doing that you have selectively not seen. Let me tell you what humans do What happened? The current world has entered the information age. Human beings are converting the knowledge they have gained from various aspects over a long period of time into information for storage, and then sharing this information and knowledge with future generations. The accumulation of this information is continuing The increase is moving from quantitative change to qualitative change."

"Soon, this information will no longer be cold numbers. Through the aggregation of big data, it will even be possible to predict preferences, likes and dislikes, and even emotional expressions. So to what extent can informatization ultimately reach? I People who think about the future can just plug in a chip and instantly know everything from major world events to the ingredients list of the food in the refrigerator at home. In a sense, this is moving towards omniscience."

It was obvious that what Linton said not only stunned Asakura, but Asakura Ye and others next to him also looked at Linton in surprise.

"With the development of informatization, the speed at which humans obtain information begins to be far slower than the speed at which this information is processed, so AI assistance was born. Just like the gods can listen to everyone's warnings, AI assistants will help humans Process this information and aggregate it," Linton continued.

"Let's talk about biotechnology. Humans have synthesized single-cell organisms through completely artificial DNA maps. Although they are copying existing single-cell organism maps, and the synthesis of multi-cell organisms is far away, human beings have already begun Create life.”

"So whether it is omniscience and omnipotence, or the creation of life, human beings are moving towards the goal of the gods in their imaginations, bravely moving forward step by step, and making continuous progress. This is the real future that can be expected." Linton finished speaking and looked at this. Asakura said, "Let's take a look at what a so-called psychic like you has done. According to the time you have lived, more than a thousand years have passed, and the strongest guy among you psychics is still a Thousands of years ago, you and all the latecomers are still desperately following in your footsteps. If we talk about the future, who is the future?"

When Linton said this, Ma Canghao suddenly swayed and almost stopped standing. He immediately held Huo Ling's fingers next to him to stabilize his body.

"A 'race' that has not made any progress for more than a thousand years wants to destroy another race that is vigorously advancing towards the future. Why can't I laugh at such a thing under the slogan of "for the sake of the earth?" Linton said, spreading his hands. , "Facts have proved that the human beings you know are still the human beings thousands of years ago. The bad nature of human beings you mentioned is just a blinding of your eyes. You see people through the cracks in the door and look down on human beings. Thousands of years of inheritance , human beings have accumulated a lot of experience and bravely moved towards the future. You who cannot see this are the ones who should be abandoned by this world."

As he said that, Linton's body suddenly disappeared from the place with a "swish". When he appeared the next second, he had already appeared next to Ma Canghao in the palm of Huo Ling.

Ma Cang seemed to have some reaction here, but at this time, his mind was probably a little confused by Linton's words. He raised his head blankly and looked at Linton who was close at hand but made no move.

At this time, Linton stretched out a finger and put it directly on Ma Canghao's chest, as if pointing directly to his heart: "Understand, Ma Cang Ye Wang, you are really... too small!"

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