I really can't control myself

Chapter 1582 Explanation

Linton's appearance was indeed beyond everyone's expectations. Not only Asakura Hao, but a dozen of his men were standing on Huo Ling at this time, but no one seemed to notice when Linton appeared here. .

After being stunned for a second, everyone took out their weapons and pointed them at Linton. When they were on the plane, Asakura Haoya had already told them that this person named Linton would never talk about being normal. It was obvious that Asakura Ye was the only person that Asakura paid attention to before, but now there is a second one.

Since he basically appeared suddenly, the people on Asakurahao's side knew almost nothing about Linton. I originally wanted to investigate what was going on with this guy, but the other party came directly to the door again, and even appeared in the middle of their group of people, which really didn't give them face.

Everyone was ready to fight, but they were all waiting for Asakura's order and did not take action directly.

"Really, what's wrong with just taking a seat? Can you fly?" Linton said, spreading his hands.

"They seem to be in trouble, don't you care?" Asakura Hao pointed to Asakura Ye and others who were still falling below and said. At this time, several people were indeed falling. Although Holoholo unfolded his skis to slow down the fall, it was impossible to stop with so many people.

"I have no interest in them now, but you can settle the score here." Linton said, "Since the competition party just said it, the first test has now begun, which means that the competition is about to begin. Well, remember what I said before? The future king."

"Good sir!" The subordinate next to him spoke again. Although he didn't finish his words, the meaning was obvious. He was asking Asakura if he wanted to take action.

On the other hand, Asakura Hao was still smiling, making it impossible for anyone to see through his meaning. However, in the next second, a huge palm suddenly swept away, and Linton, who was standing in front of Asakura Hao, was swept away.

Of course it was Huo Ling who made the move. Although Linton was standing on Huo Ling's back, this guy's arm was indeed a bit strange. He hit Linton accurately with a casual swing.

It was true that the attack was sudden. Ma Canghao was really a ruthless type who didn't say much. He made the move suddenly without any warning. Linton originally wanted to have a good argument with the other party.

Of course, nothing happened to Linton who was knocked out. He didn't even break the defense. However, the position at this time was still tens of thousands of meters in the air, and Linton said he was really not used to the air combat.

As soon as he put his hands together, Susanoo suddenly appeared from where Linton flew out, spread his palms and directly caught the flying Linton. Then without stopping, he kneaded Linton's body into a ball with both hands, then threw it towards the fire spirit's position, and threw it back the same way.

"You need to worry about landing first." Looking at Linton flying back again, Ma Canghao said directly to the other people next to him. It seemed that he was ready to have a good fight with Linton.

Of course, Asakura Hao's subordinates wanted to help deal with Linton, but Asakura Hao had already spoken, and the vague line was to tell them not to interfere, and he would do it himself. Of course, he still obeyed his orders, so Huo Ling carried him on his back. A few people jumped out to the side without saying a word.

Naturally, everyone had a way to land safely, and after they left, Ma Canghao here immediately controlled Huo Ling to straighten his position, and sat on Huo Ling's shoulders, facing Lin who was flying towards him. Suddenly, Huo Ling raised his right hand and struck forward fiercely.

With a "bang", Linton, who was flying over, was knocked back again. The flying position was still in the direction of Susanoo. This was obviously the position Asakura hit on purpose, and he was also in a fight with him, right?

Linton suddenly felt something interesting, and while spinning and flying, he suddenly saw a microphone-like thing taken out by a contestant in the Shaman King Competition who was falling next to him. It was probably his medium. It looked like he was planning to use this to release his super-spiritual body, and of course it was for landing.

It didn't matter what his super-spiritual body was, because before he could use it, Linton directly drew the microphone in his hand into his own.

Picking up the microphone, Linton spun and flew while turning on the switch and said: "Ladies and gentlemen, welcome to this year's YYDS Cup Dodgeball Competition. I am the commentator and game ball Linton. The game has begun, it's not appropriate. Chi immediately took a look at the situation. The current score was 1 to 1. The Susanoo player on the left had just hit a beautiful through ball, but it was hit back by the opponent's Fire Spirit player. Now it is Susanoo's turn. When the player makes a choice, will he choose to dodge or catch the ball, or directly start to counterattack, let us wait and see."

"What's going on with you TN up here? It's okay to treat yourself as a ball, but why do you have to provide commentary for yourself? If you have this time, can you help us here first!" came directly from below! Hearing Daolian's roar, yes, Ma Cangye and his party were still falling in mid-air at this time. Faced with such a situation, few people had no good way to deal with it, and Linton above was still in the mood. What's the trick, Daolian couldn't help shouting.

"We heard the audience booing dissatisfiedly at this time. It seems that Fire Spirit's response did not satisfy the audience. Let's take a look at Susanoo's performance." Linton continued, " A good Susanoo player moves and opens his palm, which should be his choice to catch the ball."

At this time, Susanoo here actually opened his arms and directly caught Linton flying over. Then he pulled Linton's body and suddenly spun him around, turning Linton in the direction of the fire spirit again. Throw.

"Okay, beautiful! The Susanoo player directly caught the ball with a gorgeous unloading movement, and followed the trend to use a 360-degree whirlwind throw. We can see that the speed generated by the force of this throw even exceeded The sound barrier, and due to the addition of spin, the ball’s movement is very erratic and difficult to judge. Let’s see how the Fire Spirit player responds to such a sure-fire pitch.”

The face of Asakura Hao on the opposite side is a bit dark, so it’s okay to fight hard. This guy is obviously having fun. His body was hit like a ball by two super-spiritual beings, and Linton even had time to comment. This was because he didn't care about such attacks at all.

While frowning, Ma Canghao directly controlled the fire spirit to dodge to the side, directly missing Linton who was flying over.

"Okay, we saw that the Fire Spirit player chose to dodge. It seems that he is not sure to catch this erratic ball. It is indeed difficult to judge the direction of this ball. Even the commentator and I are a little dazzled." Linton continued The commentator said, "However, although the dodge action is very beautiful, giving up the ball also gives up the opportunity to attack. Let's take a look at the cooperation of Susanoo's backcourt staff."

As he spoke, Susanoo appeared again in the position where Linton flew to. When this thing was retracted and released, it naturally appeared behind Linton: "Okay, Team Susanoo's No. 2 member has successfully filled in." It was obvious that he was going to take advantage of the situation to launch another attack, and the Fire Spirit player was caught off guard. The No. 2 player of the Susanoo team is the star player of the team, and he has very powerful throwing skills that no one has been able to crack so far. However, before the game, he took the initiative to choose the backcourt, which was a very surprising choice. Let's see what he can do."

As he said this, Susanoo caught Linton again, pulled back his right hand, and threw towards the fire spirit in a seemingly ordinary throwing motion.

"Take action! Susanoo No. 2 player's action is obviously using his sure kill, coming, giant pitch!" Linton roared, and then his body suddenly began to grow in size.

"This kind of sure-fire pitch can cause the ball to suddenly become larger as it travels. Although this situation is theoretically impossible, the sure-shot of Susanoo No. 2 is so mysterious. This kind of It is not yet clear whether the pitch is an illusion or how it works, but this throw is still a nightmare for all other players. Let’s see if the Fire Spirit players can crack such a throw.”

At this time, what Asakura Hao saw here was naturally that Linton flying towards them was getting bigger and bigger. It was obvious that this was no joke.

It was probably impossible to dodge this time, so Huo Ling immediately took a stance, preparing to resist the impact.

"Okay, we see that the Fire Spirit player chose to catch the ball this time, but as we all know, Susanoo No. 2's killer giant pitch is simply inextricable in terms of throwing power. The Fire Spirit player can really catch it. Are you going to hit? The two sides are about to collide." Linton continued to shout.

With a loud "bang", the enlarged Linton and Huo Ling collided directly. The huge impact even made other players who were still falling nearby jump out.

The fire spirit on this side barely resisted for a second, but the next moment the movement collapsed, and the huge body was directly hit and fell diagonally downwards, and the Asakura Hao on his body was also directly knocked away and shocked to the other side. It started to fall in the air.

"Beautiful! Player Fire Spirit couldn't withstand the impact of this blow, and was directly thrown away by the giant's pitch. Susanoo No. 2's attack had an effect this time. It was indeed a sure-kill pitch, even though he has been famous for a long time. The Fire Spirit player could not block this blow, and the giant pitching once again continued the myth. Let us congratulate the Susanoo team for scoring a key point. The current score is 2 to 1. The Susanoo team finally Taking the lead." Linton shouted excitedly.

"Are you still finished? It's almost on the ground here, okay? Think of a way for me!" Daolian's roar came from below again.

"Come on, come on, pause the commentary, my brother-in-law is asking me for help." Linton said.

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