I really can't control myself

Chapter 155 Beating the Child

Regarding Linton's proposal, it doesn't matter if he hates this person first, after all, he is here to deal with Linton. As for Hulk, he originally came to deal with Abomination, but Banner's ideas were not consistent with his. Compared to Abomination, Linton obviously had a greater hatred for him, and he didn't even recognize Abomination's side. Find out who the other party is.

Even so, the two of them had no intention of cooperating. First, the hatred here roared and rushed towards Susanoo. Hulk also roared, raised a huge piece of building debris next to him, and smashed it towards Susanoo.

It was obvious that Linton didn't even bother to pay attention to Hulk, and directly aimed at the abomination that rushed up, punching him. The abomination here still retains a considerable IQ. Bronski is originally a soldier with a considerable degree of fighting skills. His sliding shovel-like evasive movements directly slipped past Susanoo's fist. Looking at the opponent's intention, it was obvious It was because he wanted to climb on Susanoo's body and attack. After all, Susanoo's size was a bit big and not easy to handle.

However, what he didn't expect was that just when he thought he had escaped Susanoo's punch, another arm appeared directly in front of him, as if it had seen through his movements and was preparing in advance. look like. Yes, for Linton who has mastered the color of sight, hearing, and color, no matter how fast he moves, it has no meaning. After all, Linton's color of seeing, hearing, and color is close to the level of foreseeing the future. Although he cannot really predict the future yet, It is still possible to predict the opponent's subsequent actions by looking at their posture.

There was a loud "bang", and in the next second, a fist directly struck the body of Abomination, knocking him away. After the transformation, the hatred was like a monster, but in front of Susanoo, he was like a doll. With a simple sweep, the opponent crashed through a building and disappeared from everyone's sight.

Hulk's attack also arrived at this time, and huge building fragments hit Susanoo's body, and then... nothing happened. Linton also looked at the other party speechlessly. What reaction do you want? Can you kill him if you just throw something like this at him?

Hulk seemed to understand the awkwardness of this. After roaring in anger, he rushed towards Linton again. As a result, before it had time to start, Susanoo grabbed it in his hand, then raised his hand and smashed it to the ground.

With a "boom", a large pit appeared directly underground, and Hulk lay in the pit a little twisted. At this time, Linton remembered the classic scene in the original movie, which was the scene where Hulk was pulling Loki around. He thought about letting Hulk feel it first, but just as he was about to lift Hulk again, suddenly someone next to him The figure jumped out from the top of the building and rushed towards Susanoo.

The person who came out was disgusted, and Linton was a little surprised that the other person recovered so quickly. It seemed to be as he expected, and he should indeed be slightly more powerful than in the original work. Of course, suddenness is suddenness, as I said before, with such cheating things as knowledge, sex, and domineering, this kind of attack is of no use at all.

Linton directly raised his hand and swept towards the opponent. However, just as he raised his hand, the Hulk on the ground suddenly got angry. He stood up directly, stepped hard with his feet, and hit Susanoo with his head. .

With a "bang", Hulk's head hit Susanoo's knee directly, and he really responded to his words of jumping up and hitting your knee. However, the impact was still effective. Susanoo's center of gravity was tilted by the impact, his body leaned forward slightly, and the hand he swung out was deflected a little, and passed by the head of Hate.

It was obvious that he hated himself for not even expecting him to avoid him. He was really panicked when he saw Linton discovering his surprise attack before. Now he didn't expect Hulk to help. Anyway, the opportunity was rare, so Abomination directly threw himself on Susanoo's chest with a strong force. position, and then a huge bone spur stretched out from his hand and pierced directly into the chest.

And then... there was no more. Linton lowered his head and looked at him with a bit of embarrassment. He looked at Linton with hatred and confusion. No reaction? what happened?

It seems that Abomination really regards Susanoo as a giant creature, but this thing is just a summoned puppet-like thing, and there is no such thing as a heart. Besides, it won't hurt if it is hit. What kind of reaction can there be?

At this time, the Hulk here was a little dizzy from the previous collision. After shaking his head a little, he also saw Susanoo's legs, went up to protect the heel, and then started to exert force. It seemed that he was preparing It was like overturning Susanoo. Although Hulk is really strong, but...it's still useless.

"Are you two really cooperating..." The current situation is really a bit embarrassing and funny. I can only say that sometimes being big is really awesome, especially when faced with Abomination and Hulk. For two people who know nothing but close combat.

That's what it says, but is it so easy for the two of them to get along? No, the survivability of these two guys is very strong. Not to mention their high defense, their self-healing ability is comparable to that of Wolverine. Not to mention their hatred, the Hulk here also comes with a character that gets stronger as he gets angrier. They have the attributes of berserkers, so they are the kind of cockroaches that can't be beaten to death but are beaten harder and harder, which is quite difficult to deal with.

However, as the first generation who often fights with various tailed beasts, Linton also has a lot more sealing skills. If he can't kill them, he can just catch them. Of course, before catching them, Linton should give them a lesson.

Just when Abomination was stunned, Linton raised his hand and grabbed Abomination that was still on Susanoo's chest. The opponent reacted, hitting and stabbing Susanoo's hand, but it was of no use. The next second, Linton slapped the opponent to the ground.

At this time, the street was almost destroyed. In fact, when Abomination appeared, the degree of destruction was still limited. After all, the most the opponent could do was beat up cars and smash public property. But after Linton's Susanoo appeared, , it was really devastating damage, the entire ground had been completely destroyed, there were potholes everywhere, and the street seemed to have experienced an earthquake. Linton's blow also directly exploded the underground water pipe. Now the street is on fire and spraying water. It is simply like a hell on earth.

Fortunately, the civilians had almost fled by this time. The military had already evacuated the crowd before the operation. The original purpose was to prevent the Hulk from going berserk. However, the Hulk was successfully captured, but the Abomination suddenly came out. As a result, the personnel have not been completely evacuated. Of course, in this situation, there are no people watching the excitement. The entire street is left to these monsters to fight. I just don’t know what they will do after the battle is over.

The personal losses were not significant, but the property losses were difficult to predict. While Linton was still teaching these two guys a lesson, a Harrier fighter jet flew over and hovered next to Susanoo's head. The cabin door opened, and Nick Fury grabbed the railing of the rear cabin and said to Linton above Susanoo: "Hey, stop playing, catch them quickly. I feel like you will become a city of destruction if this continues. of people.”

Of course Nick Fury also had a headache. After all, they came here in the name of support, and General Ross hadn't agreed yet. The greater the damage now, the harder it is for him to explain it to his superiors. When General Ross launches an attack, he doesn't know how to answer.

"Hey, hey, which one of your eyes saw me playing again? I'm just hitting people, okay?" Linton said unhappily, but after looking at Nick Fury, he said, "Sorry, I asked the wrong question. , you only have one eye, so you don’t seem to have to ask this question.”

"Stop looking for trouble, okay?" Nick Fury yelled, "I know you can deal with them immediately."

"Okay, okay, okay, if we don't give them some profound education now, what will we do if they still jump like this when we meet again in the future?" Linton said, "Have you heard the motto of our Stark family?"

"Why didn't I know that the Stark family had mottos?" Of course, this was the first time Nick Fury heard Linton's routine, and Tony was already used to Linton making up his family's mottos at will.

"If you don't fight for three days, go to the house and uncover the tiles. You see, I beat them a little worse now. When they come out to cause trouble again in the future, I will show up..."

"Okay, okay, one of them is going to run away." Nick Fury said.

Linton looked down and saw that someone was really about to run away. While Linton was chatting with Nick Fury, the abomination here actually got up and started running away. As expected of him, he had some intelligence. Seeing this situation, he felt that he couldn't beat him and chose to retreat directly. But according to him, It should be to extend the combat distance or something.

The Hulk next to him was stunned. He was still trying to knock Susanoo down. He found that he couldn't move it before, but now he started to attack his feet. However, Susanoo can fly, so you can't do this. Don't know what the fuss is about.

"Okay, since you all know that you are afraid, I will spare you." Linton looked at the running away Abomination, and then directly kicked Hulk who was still at his feet. The Abomination over there was still going. As he was running back, he felt a figure fly past him and crash into the ground next to him with a "boom".

"It's a pity, didn't you miss?" Linton said, "The feeling of your feet is worrying, why are you not a ball player?"

Hearing this voice from a distance, Hatred wanted to run away even more. However, just when he chose to turn his head here, Linton above Susanoo's head began to form the seals in earnest.

Some black stripes appeared next to Linton's eyes. Linton folded his hands and shouted directly: "Immortal method. Mingshen Gate."

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