I really can't control myself

Chapter 1545 Reinforcements

With a "boom", a figure landed not far in front of everyone. This is a tall monster with a somewhat strong physique, but his current situation looks a bit strange. Although the outline of the body looks relatively strong, it is obvious that it is still a bit thin compared to the proportion of the bones, and the whole person looks a bit weak.

In short, the whole person looks a little weird, as if a muscular man has been hungry for more than ten days suddenly. Because his body is full of muscles and not fat, he has not lost much weight, but he seems to have shrunk. That feeling.

At the same time, the opponent was obviously breathing heavily at this time. It seemed that he was rushing over with all his strength, but he was obviously a little weak when he was breathing like this.

Obviously Lei Chan's appearance was noticed by Huang Quan here. He also chuckled softly when he fell to the ground: "I didn't expect you to be so weak now, Lei Chan. This little journey has made you so tired. , it seems the news is true, your time is indeed coming soon."

"Hmph..." Lei Chan took a few breaths, but finally recovered, looked at Huang Quan on the ground and said, "The guy who was beaten into two pieces actually still has the strength to mock me, which is indeed new. "

There was nothing to refute. Huang Quan was not angry, nor did he pick up the topic. He said directly: "Are you the only one? Has the body notified you?"

"No." Lei Chan said directly.

"Then you came here to die alone?" Huang Quan said directly.

"Of course... I'm here to fight. Who do you think I am? I'm the God of War Lei Chan!" Lei Chan said, tapping his chest directly.

"What a... real idiot. It was in vain that I just wanted to delay your time." Huang Quan said.

"You?" Lei Chan looked at Huang Quan in surprise.

"This guy's goal is to destroy the entire demon world. After clearly understanding this guy's strength, the things between the three of us are no longer important." Huang Quan said.

"Are you so powerful?" Lei Chan could tell that Huang Quan's words already contained a hint of despair.

"Don't you know this better?" Huang Quan said, "Now I know why you never dared to eat humans again after you went to the human world a hundred years ago."

"Huh?" Lei Chan was a little confused. Does it have anything to do with the previous topic if he doesn't eat people? Raichan doesn't eat humans, because after going to the human world a hundred years ago, he fell in love with a human girl, and this girl was the previous ancestor of Urameshi Yusuke's family. Because before the other party died, Lei Chan promised not to eat people in the future, and he has kept this promise until now, so... what did Huang Quan understand? There's no way he knew about this. He didn't tell anyone, not even his most trusted subordinates.

"Are you done talking?" Just when Lei Chan was a little confused, Linton here also took a step forward and said proactively, "Lei Chan, right? I have an impression. Why is there still one missing among the three giants in the demon world?"

"Are you planning to kill all three of us in one go?" Huang Quan said.

"Of course, it's just a matter of convenience." Linton said, "First of all, let me ask, are the three giants in the demon world really just three? Is there a fourth giant hidden behind the three giants?"

"..." Huang Quan was a little speechless when he looked at Linton.

"Is there really only the Big Three... I have to say it is really unexpected." Linton said.

"How unexpected is this?" Sang Yuan yelled directly next to him.

"Because there are usually five of the four kings in shonen comics." Kurama next to him said directly, holding his forehead, "Can you still make fun of me at this time?"

"Where are my descendants from another life?" Lei Chan looked to the side and asked.

"Probably...dead?" Linton was not sure. At this time, Urameshi Yusuke's breath could not be found at all. He was either dead or seriously injured and comatose. Of course, Linton didn't know the specific type.

"Really?" Lei Chan nodded calmly, and then in the next second, he suddenly burst out and came directly in front of Linton and punched Linton fiercely.

With a "bang" sound, the punch hit hard, and Linton flew straight out, flying flat against the ground.

"I'll kill you!" Lei Chan showed a ferocious expression typical of monsters. Before Linton landed, he accelerated directly to the flying Linton and slammed down with his kick. However, before he could hit the kick, Linton suddenly put one hand on the ground and stopped his body. Then he directly supported the ground with one hand and kicked Lei Chan above him, kicking him away dozens of times. rice.

Such a precise movement was obviously not done by Linton himself. It can only be said that Lei Chan's punch was indeed sudden enough and the explosive power was indeed very strong. It was too late for Linton to call the police. This included an angry blow, which also directly awakened the fighting girl.

"Ha!" Lei Chan yelled in the air and steadied his body. The demonic energy surged out of his body. This surging demonic energy seemed to fill up his already thin body again, and his muscles exploded again. It felt like he had been forcibly raised to the peak. state.

Obviously this kind of forced promotion is not without cost. Lei Chan looks like he is burning his own life. Of course, he doesn't have much time left, so he is really preparing to risk his life with Linton. .

With a "swish", Lei Chan, wrapped in demonic energy, accelerated again in the air and rushed straight towards Linton below. However, before he could rush in front of him, Linton raised his hand and struck directly from the air.

With a "bang", it seemed that there was still a little distance between the two sides, but Lei Chan on this side was directly knocked away, as if he was hit by something invisible.

"Overlord color entanglement? There is a secret to this thing." Of course Linton also knew what this ability was. Battle Ji had demonstrated it to him before, and then Linton himself tried to use it, but the effect was not So good. In fact, Linton is having trouble just trying to entangle him now, let alone strike such a powerful blow. The fashion value of this skill is really good, but it’s really uncomfortable that only the fighting girl can use it.

With a hiss, Lei Chan, who was knocked away, used his claws to draw a long groove on the ground and stabilized his body. At this time, maybe due to the explosion of demonic power, his body also changed a little. The fangs in his mouth began to protrude, and the claws on his hands became longer. It even looked like he had transformed into a beast or a werewolf. Of course. The demonic power emanating from him at this time even made Kurama Hiei and others who were watching nearby not even dare to move.

"Is that the God of War Raizen? This demonic power is too exaggerated." Kuwahara couldn't help but say. This was the first time he felt the demonic power at the level of the three giants in the demon world at close range. The demonic power exuded by Urameshi Yusuke just now It already made him feel scary, but compared with the current Lei Chan, it was still a few levels behind.

"But even so..." Kurama said and looked at Linton on the opposite side. The blow just hit Linton, but it caused almost no damage to him. And now Linton's expression is also relaxed. It's obvious that he doesn't have to exert too much effort to deal with Lei Chan at full strength. It's obvious... he can't win.

Kurama quickly made this judgment. Although Lei Chan's current situation is very exaggerated, compared with Huang Quan, it is at the same level at best. Huang Quan has fallen, and Lei Chan, who is singled out against Linton, is also There is no possibility of winning, so the demon world is about to end?

Although he has lived in the human world for a long time, Kurama is also a member of the monsters after all, and of course he does not want the demon world to end. But now that he is so "weak", it seems impossible to stop all this. Just like the battle in front of him, he can't even get close, let alone participating in the battle. The hurricane of demonic power may directly blow up. Tearing his body into pieces, what else could he do in this situation?

Calm yourself down a little, and if you can fight with Linton, you can only be at the level of the three giants in the demon world. Kurama doesn't know if the three giants can stop Linton together. He doesn't need to defeat Linton. He can just push Linton back. But the problem is that even the three giants can't assemble now.

Huang Quan has fallen to the ground. It is only a matter of time before Lei Chan is defeated. The remaining body has not even received the news. If the three giants cannot join forces, it is really impossible to defeat Linton. After Lei Chan is a hundred times stronger, Linton There was only one body left in front of him, and it was obvious that he could not be Linton's opponent.

Kurama looked at Hiei next to him. Is it still too late for Hiei to inform Chu? Although Feiying is very fast, it is probably too late to come back with the body. After all, it didn't take much time for Linton to defeat Huang Quan before. There is no solution?

There was a loud "bang", and at this time there was another loud noise from the other side. Kurama looked up and saw that Lei Chan was punched directly to the ground by Linton. Linton has entered the golden hair form before, and now Kurama probably knows that this is a way to increase combat effectiveness. Fighting Girl will not be polite to others. It is a great honor to not activate Super 3. In short, once Super Saiyan is activated, Raizen, who is not an opponent in the first place, is even more unable to resist.

"It seems that..." Kurama frowned, it seems that this is completely hopeless. But just when he was about to give up, a huge burst of demonic power suddenly came from the distance. Everyone present was stunned, because the evil spirit was so exaggerated that it was on par with Lei Chan.

"Not one... several." Kurama said in surprise.

"Who is it?" Huang Quan also looked over there in surprise.

"Huh?" Lei Chan, who had just been knocked down, frowned, "Is it them?"

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