Upon hearing Linton's words, both the immortal water ninja in front of him and everyone watching the battle in the different space were stunned for a moment. Obviously no one has ever heard of such a statement.

"Mother-in-law, is what he said true?" Sang Yuan looked at Huan Hai beside him and asked.

Huan Hai here frowned and did not answer, but although he was a little surprised just now, he quickly made a judgment - it was fake. Yes, it is too far-fetched to say that the barrier is used to protect youkai. It should be Linton's words, but why are you telling this to the Sensui Ninja here? To be honest, Huan Hai didn't understand Linton's purpose.

"Hehehe..." At this moment, the Sensui Ninja here suddenly let out a few chuckles.

"Oh, why are you laughing?" Linton looked at the immortal water ninja and asked.

"Did you know? For most monsters in the demon world, humans are just their food." The Sensui-nin here said calmly. Of course, the meaning was very simple. Since humans are just food, then who is protected by the barrier? It was obvious that Linton was lying.

"Haha..." Linton also chuckled twice.

"Then...what are you laughing at?" Sensui Ninja asked, probably because Linton had asked him before, and he asked the same question here.

"I just find it interesting how stupid a person must be to make the same mistake twice," Linton said.

"What do you mean?" Although Linton didn't name him, Sensui Ninja felt that the person he was talking about was referring to him.

"Sensui Ninja, I know your affairs very well." Linton said, "In your early years, you were an excellent detective in the spiritual world. You killed monsters like chickens and dogs. At that time, you thought you were killing monsters and protecting the country. Justice, and how do you judge that these monsters are evil? I think you should use your experience and knowledge, the blindness caused by overconfidence, and the hearsay from other people in your living environment..."

"You..." Linton's revealing words made the immortal water ninja here frown uncontrollably.

"Of course you will know it later. After watching that video, you should understand what real evil looks like." Linton said, "But I didn't expect you to be so stupid. Now you are facing me for the first time. Your judgment based on what you hear is still based on your experience and cognition, and overconfidence and other people's hearsay. It is really hard to imagine that people who have experienced that kind of thing can actually still do it. You have made no progress, and I called you a fool. Am I wronging you?"

Linton's words made Sensui Ninja shake. Yes, it did hurt his heart a bit. He had indeed killed a lot of monsters before, and he firmly believed that what he did was correct. This was because of what Linton had always known, blind confidence and other people's words. The current situation seems to be the same. The saying that the barrier protects the human world is indeed what he has always known. Others have also told him so. He actually has no doubts about it. This is Didn't you make the same mistake?

Of course, this is Linton's way of saying it. If he said this to other people, it is estimated that not many people would be swayed. It's like if someone suddenly told you that the sun actually rises in the west, you wouldn't believe it, right? But Sensui Ninja is a person whose faith has collapsed. For him, everything he once believed in was false, so what else is true, so he was the only one who was really shaken.

"The second point I want to tell you, you must have understood by now." Before the Sensui Ninja could recover, Linton continued, "Yes, your entire life was actually arranged by me. The first time I saw you, I discovered something special about you. This person can be used and he is a good tool. The more determined the defender is, the moment his faith collapses, the more he will rebound. Strong. And what I want to do is actually just push you a little bit behind your back."

"What did you say?" Sensui Ninja was shocked again.

"How do you think that video got into your hands?" Linton smiled and said something that made the Sensui Ninja shiver down his back.

Of course, the actual situation is that Linton has no idea how the Black Chapter's video tape got into the hands of the Sensui Ninja, but it doesn't matter. He doesn't have to explain it so clearly. The middle part is just left to the Sensui Ninja here to figure out. Just make up for it. As long as Linton says this, the other party will definitely become suspicious. After all, a person whose faith has collapsed once will not know what he can believe, so as long as he has doubts, he will definitely think of it himself.

"You know how ridiculous your life is." Linton continued, "Speaking of which, I also want to thank you for being so obedient and stupid. Otherwise, how could the plan to open the passage go so smoothly? Thank you for your support over the years. Pay, are you still satisfied with the ins and outs of my explanation as the mastermind behind the scenes?"

"You...you're lying!" The Sensui Ninja here was obviously a little out of sorts, and it was obvious from his situation that he was shaken.

"Do you need it?" Linton spread his hands, "Actually, you know what I said is true, right? The best proof is that I'm chatting with you right now, right?"

This is indeed the weirdest place. This is what Sensui Ninja can't understand. Linton said that the best proof is that he is chatting with him now. Of course the Sensui Ninja also knows what it means. If the other party is trying to prevent the opening of the channel, why are they chatting with me here? He was obviously told the time when the passage would open, but that meant that Linton also wanted the passage to be opened. Doesn't this match what he said?

Thinking again of Linton's strange actions before, such as letting them go despite being able to intercept them. The Sensui Ninja clearly knew that Linton was very powerful, otherwise how could he suddenly and silently appear behind him, but when he left, the other party's pursuit was very weak, as if he did not want to arouse his suspicion. Just stop it.

At that time, the Sensui Ninja was already doubting, but he didn't know why. But if what Linton said was true, all the doubts seemed to have a reasonable explanation.

The more suspicious he became, the more Sensui Ninja felt that what Linton said might be true. But this is too contrary to common sense. Why does the barrier of the demon world stop Linton? Could it be said that this guy will bring any crisis to the devil world after entering it?

"Mother-in-law, is what he said true?" At this time, not only Xian Shui, but also Sang Yuan, who was watching from a different space next to him, heard Huan Hai again. It was obvious that Linton's words had deceived him. Not to mention him, even the fantasy sea here was a little shaken. Reason told her that Linton's words should be nonsense to shake the Sensui Ninja, but... why didn't he take action now? He couldn't really mean it. Open the channel.

After thinking about it, Huanhai said to the monster tree next to him who was also a little dazed: "You monster over there, you call it tree, right? Can you let us out under the current situation? I have some questions to ask Linton. You You should also know that the current situation is that the channel will open in a few minutes. I also believe what Xianshui said before that even killing him can't stop the channel, but now it may not be a problem with the channel. You are also doubting what that guy said. Right."

Yes, the tree was shaken too. Linton's fabrication was so realistic that he even doubted whether Xian Shui was being taken advantage of. And he would never allow this to happen, and he would never allow Mr. Xianshui to be played like a fool.

The tree also had a lot of problems, so he thought for a while, waved his hand, and two volleying hands appeared next to his body, directly opening up the space behind him and creating a hole out of thin air. Shu himself directly pulled Kuwahara, the hostage next to him, out, but the hole was not closed. Seeing this, Genhai and the others certainly knew his decision. Without saying a word, they all nodded to each other and entered the hole.

Soon, a group of people appeared on a high platform next to Linton and the Sensui Ninja. Seeing the appearance of the tree, the Sensui Ninja here was stunned. This was not their plan. Of course, the Sensui Ninja understood immediately. The reason why the other party appeared.

"Is this your purpose? Damn it, Shu, go back immediately!" Sensui Ninja shouted directly to Shu.

"Don't be nervous, I have already made my purpose clear. Judging from your current performance, it seems that this monster called tree may know a way to close the channel. You think I saw this, so you deliberately lied to him. Did it come out?" However, Linton didn't make any move. "I'm still doubting that you are really interesting, so I said it from the beginning, I like idiots like you, even if To be honest with you, you can give me some new tricks."

"You..." The Sensui Ninja was furious again. Linton seemed to have no intention of taking action. Doesn't that further prove that what the other party said was true.

"Linton, what do you want to do?" Huan Hai here also asked.

"Why do you even ask such a question? Haven't I already told you what I want to do?" Linton said, "Don't worry, what I promised you will be completed."

"Then why did you..."

"I promised you that I won't let monsters from the demon world invade the human world, right? Isn't that what I'm doing now?" Linton said with a smile, "If the entire demon world is destroyed, of course there will be no monster invasion. It’s the human world.”

"What did you say?" Everyone couldn't help shouting.

"Really, I think what I said is clear enough." Linton spread his hands, "I said, let the entire demon world be destroyed. What I said, he will definitely come true, and he will ask me to repeat it a third time. ?"

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