At this time, the huge shark had already approached the pickup truck of Sensui and his team. Faced with this oppressive skill, both Makihara Sadao and Amanuma Tsukito were a little panicked in the driver's seat. Not to mention the power of this move, this shark is made of at least dozens of tons of water. Even if it is poured directly on them, they will not be able to withstand it.

Of course, the Sensui Ninja who was sitting in the back compartment became much calmer. He stood up and looked at the shark in the air. The Sensui Ninja waved his right hand and a red ball appeared. Then, just like before, he kicked the ball with a sudden kick. Giant shark flying into the air.

The contrast between the huge shark and the small red ball was a bit obvious. Looking at the small red ball, it even seemed like a mantis trying to use its arms as a car. However, the actual situation made everyone stunned. There was only a loud "dong" sound, and a huge explosion occurred after the two sides collided. A large amount of water poured down from the air like a waterfall. The attack of fairy water actually successfully intercepted Linton's shark.

"Success, Mr. Sensui!" Tsukito Amanuma, who was driving the vehicle, said excitedly.

However, the Sensui Ninja here did not answer, nor did he show any happy expression. Instead, he looked solemn. Amanuma Tsukito saw this situation and did not continue to talk. In his opinion, the Sensui Ninja must be in a bad mood because of the sacrifice of Blade Kiri. Of course, they also saw the previous situation. However, the actual situation was completely different from what he thought.

For the Sensui Ninja, the lives of his men were not as important as they thought. It was his choice to sacrifice Hagiri, and the Sensui Ninja would not be sad or angry for him. What he is thinking about now is related to Linton. Yes, he vaguely noticed that Linton seemed to be holding back.

Although he didn't actually know Linton well and had never seen Linton take action. Today was the first time they faced him, but his sixth sense told him that Linton's strength was far beyond what he just saw. Although the giant shark shot was indeed powerful enough, it was definitely not the opponent's special move. The Sensui Ninja even suspected that the opponent estimated that he could catch it.

But why? Do you have a hostage? Or... do you want to take a long-term view to catch the big fish and find the location of your base? But to be honest, Sensui Ninja is not worried about the location of the base being discovered now, because there is not enough time.

The opening time of the realm channel is far lower than the estimate of the spirit world. The estimate of the spirit world is three weeks, but in fact it only takes six days. At 24:00 tomorrow midnight, which is 0:00 the day after tomorrow, the realm channel will be able to expand to a wide enough width to allow C-level or even B-level monsters to pass through.

Of course, Sensui Ninja wanted more than that. Looking at Kuwabara next to him, he was also an important part of his plan, because with him, the barrier between the two worlds would be cut off, and the more powerful A-class and S Level monsters will also be able to come to the human world through the passage.

The reason why Sensui Ninja did not kill Mitarai Kiyoshi was not because he believed that Mitarai Kiyoshi would not betray the location of his base, but it was indeed unnecessary. Therefore, if Linton just wanted to know the location of his base, then he would not panic. . I just always feel like this guy...

Of course, while thinking about it, the pickup truck drove further and further away, and after a turn, it disappeared from everyone's sight.

At this time, on the other side, Urameshi Yusuke was relieved after seeing Linton's attack blocked by the Sensui Ninja. The Great Shark Bullet Technique just now was obviously very powerful, but it not only directly tore apart the Blade Kiri Kaname, but also directly chewed off a piece of the roof. If it really hit Kuwabara head-on, I don't know what would happen.

Speaking of Kuwabara, Urameshi Yusuke said that he had no time to be afraid. As his best friend and brother, Kuwahara must rescue the person immediately. Anxiously, he looked around and found a bicycle lying on the ground next to him. Without thinking much, he directly lifted the bicycle on the ground and prepared to catch up with it.

But before he could start, a figure suddenly stopped in front of the car. Urameshi Yusuke looked up and found that the person who stopped him was Genkai.

"Get out of the way of the old woman, I'm going to Kuwabara!" Yusuke Urameshi shouted immediately.

"They have hostages in hand. You are chasing them alone now. Let's not say whether you are their opponent or not. If they threaten Kuwahara's life, what will you do?" Huanhai said calmly.

"I don't care about that..."

"And their actions are very strange. Why did they take Kuwahara away? We must first figure out their purpose." Huanhai continued, "Don't worry, since they took Kuwahara away, they obviously didn't want his life. Now we have There are people from the other side on board, so let’s first see if the other side wants to exchange hostages. Even if not, we will soon know the location of the other side’s base. In short, pursuing them now is not a wise choice.”

What Genhai said makes sense, and Urameshi Yusuke certainly understands it, but how can you keep him calm in the current situation. But after being blocked like this, when Urameshi Yusuke looked forward again, the opponent's pickup truck had disappeared from his sight. If he tried to chase it now, it was obvious that he could no longer catch up.

Yusuke Urameshi clenched his fists angrily, then suddenly threw down his bicycle, rushed upstairs and into the room in a furious manner. Before anyone could react, he directly picked up Mitarai Kiyoshi who was still in shock.

"Tell me, where is that guy's base!" Yusuke Urameshi shouted directly.

"..." Mitarai Kiyoshi here was indeed a little frightened. He almost died just now, and before he could recover, Urameshi Yusuke, who was now very angry, seemed to want to kill him directly. He was so frightened. He couldn't say a word.

"Tell me quickly!" Urameshi Yusuke shouted, "My friend..."

There was a "bang", before Yusuke Urameshi could finish his words, a fist suddenly hit him in the face, knocking him away.

Urameshi Yusuke was stunned when he hit the wall behind him. He raised his head and found that the person who just hit him was actually Hiei.

"What are you doing?" Urameshi Yusuke yelled directly.

"Are you awake?" Feiying said calmly.

"Damn it, you..." Urameshi Yusuke was angry and angry. Just as he was about to fight back, he was stopped by Kurama on the other side.

"Urahishi, if Kuwabara is still here, the person who just hit you is definitely him." Kurama's calm tone made Yusuke Urameshi calm down a little, and when he heard Kuwabara's name, he seemed to have really woken up. one time. Yes, if Kuwahara was here, he would definitely be the one to do it.

"Have you calmed down? What Master Huan Hai said makes sense. The other party clearly had a purpose in capturing Kuwabara. I even think that the purpose of coming here was not for Mitarai Kiyoshi. The original purpose was Kuwabara. " Kurama analyzed.

"What?" Urameshi Yusuke was stunned, "How is this possible? Is there anything special about Kuwabara? Why did they come here to catch him?"

"Because he is a person with dimensional power, and he is the person Sensui-sama is looking for." Mitarashi Kiyoshi next to him suddenly intervened and said.

"Dimensional power?" Everyone was stunned.

"Yes, when he defeated me yesterday, he used the power to cut apart dimensions, and Lord Sensui has been looking for someone with such power." Mitarai Kiyoshi finished grabbing Kurama, "You guessed it That’s right, their target was not me from the beginning, but Kuwahara.”

"Cut the dimension? Does Kuwabara have that kind of power?" Urameshi Yusuke asked in a daze.

"Speaking of which, Kuwahara also told me before that he has mastered a new power. Could it be this?" Mudan next to him said suddenly. This was what Kuwahara said when he defeated Kiyoshi Mitarai and gave Mudan a blowjob. However, The specific new power is not mentioned.

"Then...why would Sensui Ninja want someone with the power to cut apart dimensions?" Yusuke Urameshi asked Mitarai Kiyoshi again.

"I don't know, but it should be related to the realm passage." Mitarai Kiyoshi said.

"It's to cut through the barrier between the human world and the demon world." At this time, Genhai's voice came from behind, "There is a barrier at the connection between the human world and the demon world. I said before that monsters above A level cannot pass through. The channel is because of the existence of this barrier, and the person he wants to master the dimensional power obviously wants to destroy that barrier."

"In other words, he not only wants to connect the channel, but also prepares to bring A-level and above youkai to the human world." Urameshi Yusuke said.

"That's right." Huanhai nodded, "So Kuwahara should be safe now. The passage has not been opened yet, so he is still useful."

Obviously there is a second part to this sentence, that is, once the passage is opened and Kuwahara cuts off the barrier, it will be useless. So Kuwahara must be rescued before the passage opens.

"Tell me, where is that guy's base?" Urameshi Yusuke said directly to Mitarai Kiyoshi. Of course, he didn't carry him this time.

"This..." After saying this, Mitarai Kiyoshi was obviously hesitant and his eyes were struggling. Although now he has figured out that he is an abandoned son, and Sensui even wanted to kill him just now, but betraying Sensui... In addition to ideals and other things, he is more afraid and afraid. That guy is really terrible, Mitarai Qingzhi didn't dare to be a traitor.

Urameshi Yusuke suddenly took a step forward, which made Mitarai Kiyoshi panic again. After all, he was a prisoner, and this was not to torture him.

However, what he didn't expect was that Urameshi Yusuke here knelt down directly in front of Mitarai Kiyoshi without saying a word, making Mitarai Kiyoshi here also stunned.

"Please, please tell me, I want to save my companions." Urameshi Yusuke said sincerely.

Mitarai Kiyoshi was shaken. He was not that bad at heart. Kuwabara before him, and Urameshi after that, both of them had saved him in times of danger. Now seeing Yusuke Urameshi's attitude, he gritted his teeth and made up his mind.

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