I really can't control myself

Chapter 1509 After the War

What was left after the war was a desolate landscape. Although the worst situation was avoided in New York, the damage caused was even worse than the last New York war. Fortunately, most of the damage caused was damage to buildings, and the disasters in life were not that serious. After all, the aliens did not launch a direct attack, giving the earth time to hand over people, and naturally also gave them time. time for ordinary people to escape.

However, the worse news is that these Kryptonians have not been completely eliminated, and there is a high probability that they will come back. This time it has caused such a serious situation. It is estimated that the other party will be more prepared next time. It is obvious that This is not a battle that can be dealt with casually. It feels really bad to be remembered like this.

The ZHENG government obviously felt the urgency of this matter, but while the Kryptonians were preparing, they also had time to prepare. For example, Kryptonite weapons would not prove to be effective against these Kryptonians in this war. It is still obvious that since we have to face another Kryptonian attack, preparations in this area must naturally begin.

The situation in this world has quietly changed. It is obvious that the resource of this kryptonite is limited. Being able to possess a sufficient amount of kryptonite proves that this country can gain a greater advantage in the subsequent Kryptonian attack. So very quickly, this kryptonite became a very important combat readiness resource, and the price could be said to have increased more than ten times. After all, before that, although they also knew that people from the Magnesium Government and Stark International were purchasing These meteorites, but I don’t know what these things are used for, but now people all over the world know.

Of course, in order to deal with the alien attack, various countries quickly announced the establishment of military alliances in this regard. After all, they are the enemies of all people on the earth. What the other party wants to seize is the homeland of all mankind. At this time, there should really not be continued internal strife. , it would be a wiser choice to join forces.

Of course, such alliances are relatively fragile. Now they just have a common enemy. The relationship between these alliances is still very tense. Kryptonians should read books like Romance of the Three Kingdoms and learn about the eighteen princes. Regarding the matter, the alliance here is probably breakable. Unfortunately, the Kryptonians don't know how to learn Earth's tactics, so for now, this alliance is still somewhat useful.

Of course, the struggle between world powers has little to do with Linton and Tony. At this time, they were attending the funeral of a Wakanda warrior. Yes, in this war, Wakanda's soldiers sacrificed the most. After all, they were on the front line. The mages on Kama Taj's side also suffered heavy losses, but they did not hold any funerals due to issues of faith. However, Wakanda still held a very grand memorial ceremony.

Most of the people who participated in the previous invasion war attended this funeral. Even Tony, who was seriously injured, came with his injuries. The US military has also sent people here. Of course, no matter what they do, they have some purpose. For example, this time, the main purpose of sending people here is to negotiate with Wakanda's top brass, no matter the other party. Technology or vibranium, these are what the United States has always wanted. Now they have a greater cause, which is the negotiation point for a joint alliance to fight aliens. Wakanda, don’t you think this is for the sake of all mankind? Share a little bit?

This move indeed gave Black Panther T'Challa a headache. Of course, they also knew that the ZHENG government of the Magnesium Kingdom had evil intentions and was eyeing their things, but it was true that the Kryptonian threat was right in front of them. Wakanda sacrificed a lot of troops this time, which also put pressure on them. If aliens invade next time, will Wakanda still be at the forefront?

Thinking about it this way, it seems that sharing some technologies with the Magnesium Army is not something that cannot be considered. Naturally, the ZHENG government of the Magnesium country is willing to accept it. All they want is technology. As for Wakanda's intention of letting them contribute more in the next war, the ZHENG government of the Magnesium country certainly doesn't care. They sacrifice anyway. It's their soldiers, not the senior officials of their ZHENG government. Soldiers are meant for attrition.

In short, a funeral was also given a political color. However, although the negotiations between the United States and the upper management of Wakanda were tense, not many people came to disturb the Avengers who had truly ended the war. The main reason for this is naturally caused by the ZHENG government. Yes, the ZHENG government deliberately downplayed the Avengers' contribution to this war.

The current situation is that the ZHENG government of the country is indeed forced to have no choice. Although they are not to blame for the alien invasion, they still have the responsibility to fight against the disadvantages. And the aliens caused a lot of damage. Although there were not many casualties, many people were displaced. So can they ask the aliens to settle accounts and say, "You bombed my house and let him pay for it?" Of course it's impossible, so the only person who can be found is the ZHENG Mansion.

Therefore, under the current situation, the ZHENG government is worried that it will become an outlet for the people. If it is labeled as being disadvantageous in fighting, the president who has just taken office may need to be replaced again. For this reason, they can only package their contributions in previous wars. Of course, the Magnesium Army did also contribute. In the final decisive battle, the soldiers of the Magnesium Army fought very bravely and sacrificed a lot, but those who understand the situation Of course, we also know that it is the Avengers who play the key role in the end, and it is this matter that the ZHENG government wants to downplay.

Naturally, most people do not know the specific situation. They have seen a lot of relevant reports emphasizing the role of the Magnesium Army in the decisive battle, and they did have some effects. Of course, it is not that no one has raised questions. The Magnesium country has always believed that the ZHENG government is engaged in a conspiracy. No matter what the ZHENG government does, they always feel that it is a conspiracy. Although it is a bit extreme, what they said this time is still true. It's true, the ZHENG government is making small moves, but for the ZHENG government, as long as it can suppress most people, it's enough.

Being able to do this is of course also related to the acquiescence of the members of the Avengers. He said it was tacit approval, but in fact he just didn't bother to care about them. Tony was now past the age of wanting to be in the limelight. Of course he was very aware of the ZHENG government's little moves, but he didn't want to become a "hero" again and do this. . You know, you've done this now, you're in the limelight, and next time the Kryptonians come back, people will be counting on you.

And Tony didn't want to do it again. This time he really tried his best. After the war, he was shocked to realize how dangerous he was at that time. The hospital's examination report showed that his broken ribs missed his heart by a few centimeters. His chest had been injured in the first place. This is really another walk before the gate of hell.

No doubt he got another scolding from Pepper Potts. Not to mention the rape of a hero, this matter was actually hidden from her. Potts cried first while talking. Of course, Tony is also a little scared, but for now he can only comfort Potts.

"I still have to help him explain this. With me watching, don't worry, nothing big will happen." Linton looked at Tony and gave a rare explanation.

"Isn't it going to be a big deal?" Potts said, pointing to Tony who was still full of tubes.

"This injury is not serious." Linton spread his hands. It was true that Tony looked scary now. In fact, he had said it before, almost. It was just a little bit close. Although the ribs were still a few centimeters away from being inserted into the heart, it was just a little bit close. At present, Tony's actual condition is just a few broken bones. Linton didn't even bother to use fairy beans to help him recover from his injuries. At this level, he could just take care of himself.

Yalan next to her also nodded, because she knew that Linton could resurrect people, and when he could even resurrect people, this level was naturally nothing.

"I know that every time I see you, I won't be calm." Potts still looked angry. The so-called concern was chaos. She did blame Linton for the current situation. Originally, their family of three was living a good life away from the city, but not long after Linton appeared, it turned out to be like this thanks to you. Although she also knew that Linton could not be blamed. Who would have thought of the alien invasion? Linton could not be responsible for it.

It was obvious that Potts himself did not expect that Linton was responsible for this matter, and Linton was quite satisfied with the current results.

Yes, the score of the mission said it all. The score of this mission really surprised Linton. Originally, Linton thought he would be satisfied with an A-level rating. However, the actual task rating Linton received was...S.

Linton didn't even expect to have an S-level rating. After all, most of the tasks he had completed before were B-level. He had also completed A-level exploration tasks, but Linton was indeed the first in S-level ratings. This was the first time I saw it, and I didn’t even know it existed at this level.

With an S-level rating, Linton directly received a 10 million point reward, but most of this reward was a rebate. After all, Linton also spent a lot of points when designing the mission. The most important thing is that Linton directly received 460 contribution points. This contribution point is indeed a bit exaggerated. You must know that for completing a B-level task currently, Linton's contribution points are only about 100 points. This is equivalent to a reward for completing four and a half tasks.

After thinking about this rating, Linton estimated that most of the reason is that the background setting is more in line with the aspect. It is true that the two worlds themselves are also very similar. Various settings that meet the standards perfectly integrate into their own. No one feels abrupt about the setting, which may be the key to the S-level evaluation.

Of course, apart from this aspect, the mission on the other side seems to be closing soon.

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