I really can't control myself

Chapter 1500 The melee begins

"Is it... the Avengers?" Looking at Iron Man, Hulk, Black Widow, Thor and others appearing around them, several soldiers here couldn't help shouting in excitement. Yes, although Sam and the Winter Soldier are barely considered members of the Avengers, they are indeed barely members. For many people, the real members of the Avengers are still the first-generation Avengers who participated in the Battle of New York. Among the people who appear now, except for Captain and Hawkeye, all the other members are here. This is the real Avengers.

"Still... are they here?" Douglas also breathed a sigh of relief. Yes, the military had already expected that they would appear. Although Tony ignored Rose's plan, the military also knew that these people would definitely appear. Help deal with aliens, but they belong to them. What the military wants is to defeat the aliens themselves. After all, they represent the ZHENG government. If the ZHENG government cannot protect the people, but a group of superheroes will protect it, then ZHENG Why did the government come? That's why the ZHENG government asked the military to spend so much effort. Unfortunately, their plan failed.

However, the military's plan actually helped. This time the Kryptonian spacecraft was attacked by Wakanda's fighter planes, and their attack was successful because the military planes attracted attention.

Yes, Black Panther's plan was originally for their side to fake surrender, then attract the enemy's attention, and use Wakanda's fighter planes to make a sneak attack. But the current situation is that although they failed to surrender in time, the military's first wave of attacks helped them attract attention, so the plan was successful. If you really want to say it, the military has done its part, but this is obviously not the result they want.

"Sure enough, the hero still has to appear last." Tony here also came up with a smile and said, "Where is the applause?"

"Tony!" Sam, who had just been rescued, was also a little excited, "You guy..."

"Come on, is that woman the leader?" Sol next to him pointed at Fiona in front of him and said, "Then this guy is mine."

"Get ready to fight...Tony, where's your suit?" Natasha suddenly looked at Tony next to her and asked.

"Of course it's already on his body." Tony said, pulling directly on his body, and then pressing it on his chest. Soon something like liquid metal came out from under his clothes, covering him directly, almost like a blanket. The outfit was completed in an instant, like a transformation.

"Ahhhh!" Tony had just finished transforming. Thor here couldn't bear it any longer. He picked up the battle ax and roared, directly accompanied by the sound of thunder and lightning, he rushed towards Fiona in front, holding both hands. The battle ax struck her head with a sharp blow.

With a "clang", although Thor's momentum was very strong, what was surprising was that Fiona here directly raised her right hand, and her forearm blocked the blow of the Storm Ax. This time Everyone was stunned.

"I see, you have good power, but you don't look like an Earthling." Fiona here said, "Since you are not an Earthling, are you interested in joining us?"

"Give me..." Of course it is impossible for Thor to join them. He is the king of Asgard, although Asgard is just a small village now. However, just as he was about to say something, an iron fist struck from the side. Thor did not dodge and was directly knocked away. The one who took action was the male Kryptonian who had been standing next to him before, that is, the other adjutant, Nord. He is also a fighting Kryptonian, and his fighting abilities are on par with Fiona's.

This blow sent Thor flying far away, rolling on the ground for more than 100 meters, and crashing through two nearby buildings. Although Thor's current strength has declined due to not exercising for a long time, the Kryptonian's strength is a bit exaggerated to be able to knock him away with one blow.

"Do you still want to struggle?" Fiona looked at everyone and said calmly, "However, this is just a meaningless struggle. The Avengers seem to be the last hope of the people on earth. If they solve you, there should be no Who dares to resist again? Take action!"

With a wave of his hand, the demon-like army at the rear took off directly, and the war officially began. Fiona still stood there and didn't move for the time being. Nord, who was next to her, took the initiative to attack. He suddenly accelerated and rushed directly to the Avengers. Just when he was about to take action, he unexpectedly was pulled by someone. The person who stopped him was Hulk Banner, who immediately hugged Nord. Originally, a grab with such strength could directly squeeze an ordinary person to death, but Nord not only was not squeezed to death, but held him directly with both hands. Holding Banner's hand, he lifted Banner up with a sudden force.

"This power..." Indeed, this power really shocked everyone. It was actually stronger than Banner's power? Seeing that Banner here was in danger, everyone just wanted to step forward, but at this time the army of demonoids also attacked. Some laser gun attacks made everyone a little embarrassed, and they began to dodge and then respond to the enemy.

Nord exerted another force on his side and twisted his hands, causing Banner here to cry out in pain. Just when he was about to smash Banner out with all his strength, a small missile hit Nord's body. .

Nord was completely unharmed. Yes, it was impossible for this small missile to hurt him. He just looked provocatively at his attacker, Tony, who was flying next to him. Although he didn't speak, his eyes were kind to him. Tony said: "You want to hurt me too?"

However, he soon stopped laughing. What he didn't notice was that the missile that hit him exploded with a trace of green smoke. Before Nord noticed it, his body suddenly seemed to lose some strength. He was originally holding Banner up, but suddenly his feet went weak and he almost fell down.

Banner obviously noticed this. Just as the opponent's hand loosened his grip, he suddenly pulled up Nord, threw him to the ground, and then kicked Nord directly. De kicked out.

With a "boom", Nord directly smashed into the building next to it. Of course, the buildings in this area are now empty buildings. Although the military can't get close, no one is out of their minds and is still directly under the spacecraft. Inside the building, the civilians have already retreated on their own.

"What?" Fiona's eyes finally changed when she saw Nord being knocked out. He was still aware of Nord's abilities. What happened just now? How did the enemy knock him away? Fiona is not stupid either. This Hulk Banner does have some strength, but he is no match for Nord. The problem just now is obviously related to the small missile released by Tony.

"That thing has an effect on them." Douglas next to him suddenly shouted. Of course he shouted to his soldiers. Yes, he saw that the things Tony used were weapons modified from kryptonite. Tony had also told them before that kryptonite had a restraining effect on this group of people. The military had actually prepared a batch of kryptonite weapons. And the team that came this time also brought it with them. Douglas shouted this to ask his soldiers to quickly change to these weapons.

"That thing?" But Fiona heard it too. She really didn't know about Kryptonite. Before she could react, the soldiers next to her suddenly fired at a humanoid in the air. The devil was defeated. The demonoid here struggled on the ground for a while and didn't get up.

Fiona was stunned for a moment. Although demons were nothing in their eyes, they were very powerful to the people on Earth, and they definitely couldn't be hit by some bullets. Something is obviously wrong.

"It works, use those weapons quickly!" The soldiers became excited. Sure enough, kryptonite bullets are effective? This is your chance to fight back.

Fiona finally understood that these earthlings seemed to have special weapons, perhaps designed to deal with them. These things seemed to be indeed effective. Now she could no longer stand. Her eyes flashed red. Several soldiers who had just taken out their kryptonite weapons were directly hit by the light, and they were cut into two in an instant. part.

"Damn it!" Tony in the air saw this scene and shot away the two demonoids with both hands. Then he stretched his hands forward and formed a light cannon in front of the mecha, shooting a beam directly towards Fiona.

Fiona also turned her head, firing her heat vision directly, and the beams from both sides collided in the air. Unexpectedly, the power of the beams on both sides was almost the same, and they were directly locked in the air.

Fiona was also a little surprised. She could tell that Tony was an earthling and that the other party was completely relying on mechas to fight, but the beam of the mecha he designed could withstand her own heat sight? This is kind of awesome. But she didn't try her best. Just when she was about to use her strength again, there was a "boom" next to her, and a figure rushed out of the ruins and rushed directly towards Tony in the air.

The person who rushed out was Nord, who had just been knocked away. He knew that he was knocked away not because of Hulk Banner, but because of Tony's strange missile, so he must be looking for Tony now. At this time, Tony was still fighting with Fiona, and it was impossible to be prepared. The opponent was so fast that it was too late for him to notice.

Just when Tony was about to accept the impact, a figure suddenly appeared in front of him like teleporting. Nord didn't care so much, he just punched the figure directly. However, something that no one expected happened. The figure that appeared just raised his hand lightly, and blocked Nord's punch with one hand.

"What?" Fiona here also screamed in surprise. She could actually block Nord's punch? What's going on?

"Look, you still want me to watch." Naturally, the person who appeared in front of Tony was Linton. He blocked Nord's punch. He even turned around to talk to Tony, as if he didn't pay attention to the person in front of him at all. Nord took it seriously.

"You..." Nord was obviously a little irritated, and he punched again, and then Linton just stretched out his other hand and blocked his attack again: "I was chatting with my nephew, are you messing with me?" What's the mess? Are you embarrassed?"

After saying that, he directly raised his kick and kicked Nord in the chest. The next second, Nord was launched directly like a cannonball and disappeared in front of everyone at a speed exceeding the speed of sound and breaking the sound barrier.

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