I really can't control myself

Chapter 1483 Return to Marvel

"So haven't I told you before that there is no such thing as undead magic? No one can see it, so you can rest assured." Linton was explaining the so-called undead magic to Yalan at this time. I don’t know why she has always been worried about this. Although Linton has advised her, she will still be very careful.

"So this one here is your new work?" Yalan's attention was on Saber next to her.

"No, this is a new teammate. Don't worry, she has nothing special except that she can suck people's life force..." Linton said.

"Is this the level of peace of mind you said?" Yalan said.

"But I've asked her to watch Garsain and suck it, so she won't endanger others." Linton said immediately.

"Oh, then I can rest assured... No, you have developed some new method of torturing your nephew." Yalan shouted directly.

"This is really not true. There were other solutions, but this teammate here deliberately chose this way of attracting people, and Garsain also said that there is no problem..." Linton said.

"Can you please stop explaining it in such a misleading way?" said Saber next to her.

"Also, when you are making up lies, can you please not make it up in front of the real owner? When did I agree?" Garsain next to him also said.

"..." Yalan sat down with her head on her forehead, but she couldn't help but smile when she saw Linton and Garsain arguing with each other. Although Linton was always noisy every time he came back, life was much more interesting than when he was away. Thinking of this, Yalan unconsciously touched her belly a little.

It has been about three months now, and some changes can be seen in Yalan's belly. Recently, her eating habits have also begun to gradually change. For example, everything she eats has no taste, and she has to eat very strong flavors. Things, often retching when nothing happens. Of course, Yalan didn't talk too much to Linton about this matter, but Linton was still somewhat conscious in this regard.

"I'm just going to go to Marvel, so I'll bring back everything I can." Linton was naturally talking about some baby products produced by modern industry. I have to admit that modern society is obviously better in this regard. You You can't expect to use magic to make milk powder or something.

"Speaking of which... why don't you just go with me, Yalan?" Linton suddenly said. Since we are buying maternal and infant items, it would not be a good idea to just ask Yalan to go with us. The current situation is just a good time for her to relax.

"Huh?" Yalan was stunned for a moment, and there seemed to be some movement in her eyes. Maybe she had become more dependent after becoming pregnant, but her self-control was very strong, and she immediately said, "Now the empire is still fighting against the orc empire. If there is a war, how can I leave during the war?"

"It's not about that damn empire who gave him the courage to provoke us, or I just blew him up," Linton said.

"Don't make trouble. It's nothing to do originally, but your involvement in the matter will cause trouble." Yalan said, originally their war was bound to win, but if the Holy Level takes action, things will become troublesome.

"Anyway, in your current situation, no one can say anything to find someone to supervise the country. Let Jorah do a favor." Linton said again.

Yalan was a little moved again, but still a little hesitant.

"It's okay, Jorah and I will watch." Garsain next to him also said at this time, obviously wanting to persuade Yalan to go out for a walk.

"Besides, this is also for our children." Linton used the last resort. When it came to children, Yalan here probably couldn't resist, "Look, you haven't been to modern society, right? The child care courses over there are relatively scientific and standardized. I don’t want you to learn it. You are not just here to relax, you are also on a mission."

Of course, Linton said this mainly to persuade Yalan, and things like whether he could go to class or not were just casual remarks. However, Yalan obviously had a strong interest in this.

"I understand." Yalan nodded, "I will study hard."

Looking at Yalan who was a little excited, Linton also remembered that this guy had been focusing on learning some baby care tutorials before he was pregnant. It seemed that he was really interested in this aspect. It's not really like going crazy and taking babysitting classes.

In short, Yalan finally nodded and prepared to go to the Marvel world with Linton. As for the work on the emperor's side, because of Yalan's pregnancy, her two sisters had to deal with state affairs for a lot of time. The ministers did not have any special objections to this. After all, the Holy Empire of Yalan is now When the country is strong, the country's problems cannot be exposed at all. When the country is in crisis, these messy things will be infinitely magnified.

Although the upper-level power structures of the empire are currently in some confusion, there should not be any major problems. Even though they are currently at war with other countries, the Queen of the Empire is actually still free to knit in the palace, so there should be no trouble if she disappears for a few days.

After arranging these, let's briefly arrange Saber's side. Linton had no time to care about her now. He originally wanted to ask her if she wanted to go to the front line, but Saber unexpectedly said that she wanted to stay in the palace.

Linton asked. Saber probably means that she can see that this country is a powerful empire, so as a king, she wants to learn from the experience of governing this country. By the way, doesn't she want to absorb Thain's vitality? , it seems that going to the battlefield is not so suitable, so I want to exchange sword skills with Garsain.

Linton doesn't quite understand Saber's thoughts. Do you think you can still return to England and be the king? Why should we learn from this experience? However, judging from the current situation, after Saber went dark, she seemed to have given up on her original idea of ​​erasing her own existence, and seemed to have some interest in power again.

Thinking of this, Linton suddenly became a little alarmed. This guy who just traveled to another world to become a general couldn't be the one who traveled to another world to become an emperor. It just so happened that the three Yalan sisters didn't have much interest in becoming queens. Saber... It’s not like I’m going to write a script here.

But just thinking about it for a moment, if I am in control of the field, these people can do whatever they want, and they can go against the will of heaven.

Things have almost been arranged, and we are just waiting for Asuna over there to sort out the information. After Linton and Yalan carefully treated each other for a night, the next day soon came. The early court has directly asked Jorah to supervise the country, saying that Her Majesty the Queen has recently begun to have children, so the number of court appearances may become less and less.

Although the ministers were a little surprised to start raising babies so early, their reaction was not very big. The current ministers in the empire are still quite Buddhist. The powerful ministers in the empire, such as the Duke of Rennes, have been killed. The remaining ministers are ministers with little ambition and strength, who are particularly calm.

Soon, Asuna was also ready. T-X Robot Unit 2 was started. After starting, it quickly transformed into Asuna's appearance. After hearing that Yalan was going with her, Asuna calmly said that she had recorded a new goal and would arrange a survey on maternal and child products and put forward the best purchase suggestions.

Everything was ready, and Linton was ready to go. But after thinking about it, it seemed that this was the first time I went to a world that I had already explored, and I still didn't know the specific situation.

Of course, the method ahead is still the same. Select the Marvel world directly in the world selection, and then click to set off. You can also select teammates before setting off. It is no different from the usual exploration. It seems that you can only know by going there. What a difference.

Of course, Linton did not take on any other tasks this time, because the investigation has been completed, so the progress of the investigation tasks must not be postponed. According to calculations, construction tasks may be possible, but I have not received any suitable construction tasks so far. I will go there to see if I can get new tasks. I should be able to complete tasks in low-threat planes. Then try doing a construction task.

A white light flashed, and the next second Linton, Yalan, and Asuna were transported directly to the world of Marvel. As soon as he came out, Linton frowned. This place seemed a bit familiar. Yes, it’s a familiar alley. I remember the last time I came here, it was the same alley. I don’t remember if it’s the same one, but for this place...

"This is the modern world?" Yalan next to her looked at the reinforced concrete buildings on both sides of the alley in surprise. Yes, the last time Yalan went together was to the world of Fairy Tail. Although that world was a different world, it was also a magical world. It was somewhat similar to the main world, but this time the world was obviously similar to the world in terms of senses. The world she originally lived in was different.

"It's so high..." Before Yalan could finish her words, there was a "whoosh" sound next to her, which almost scared her. Turning around, Asuna was holding something like a launcher and shooting a red light bomb into the sky.

"Damn it, don't launch the detector suddenly and unexpectedly." Linton frowned and said, "You're scaring my wife, you know?"

"Oh, I'm so sorry." Asuna said while operating the machine in her hand.

"It's okay, it's okay." Yalan waved her hand. After all, her physique was modified by genetic fluid and was not that weak.

"So this world is originally a low-threat plane. There should be no danger, and there is no need..."

Before Linton finished speaking, a voice suddenly sounded from beside him: "Robbery, hand over the money!"

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