After a burst of grenade explosions, all that was left in the passage were some human stumps and fragments of flesh and blood. Seeing this, Tony couldn't help but vomit. Now he has somewhat understood that he still knows too little about this world. In the eyes of these supermen, human beings are really nothing. This gave him a sense of urgency while gaining an understanding of the new world.

After easily dealing with the guard, several people came to a gate. This circular gate was a bit like a vault in a bank. It was obvious that there was something important inside. Of course, the design is exactly the same as the brainwave amplifier in the academy, so it is obviously the place they are looking for.

"They control the professor through a mutant. That mutant also has mental abilities. Only through drug hypnosis and this guy's ability can the professor be controlled." Riven also saw the situation in the monitoring room before, and faced Magneto. Said, "He should be inside now, with the professor."

Magneto nodded, then took out a helmet from nowhere and put it directly on his head. This helmet can protect against all mental attacks, even the professor's, let alone the mutant's.

Originally, he wanted to open the door directly, but at this moment, Magneto looked at Linton next to him. Linton didn't appear in his plan. If he was there, it would be very difficult. Naturally, he was still a little afraid of Linton. After all, he had almost been killed in a fight before, but this plan was so rare that he couldn't give up.

After looking at Linton, it seemed that he was not suspicious yet, which meant that he might not have thought that he would suddenly attack him, so he took advantage of this opportunity...

"Ah..." At this moment, Raven next to her suddenly fell down holding her head. Her body seemed to have lost control and began to change, "No... it has already started, Eric, hurry up... "

Magneto was not affected because he was wearing a helmet, but it was obvious that the mental attack inside had begun. Not only Raven, the X-Men who were about to come over to join were also affected. They all fell to the ground with splitting headaches. Even Qin Gray couldn't withstand the professor's attack, at least for now.

He originally wanted to attack Linton, but looking at Raven at this time, Magneto hesitated for a moment, and then waved his hand, and the huge iron door slowly opened. Of course, Magneto also took a look at Linton at this time, but Linton and Tony next to him were not affected in any way. Magneto frowned, this guy is really not a mutant.

Although he had heard from Riven before that Linton denied that he was a mutant, he really hoped that Linton was. After all, with him here, his ideal would be easier to realize, but now that he sees the facts, He said he was really disappointed.

Anyway, soon, the door opened. Inside is a huge round ball covered with metal plates, with two people on a bridge in the middle, both in wheelchairs. One of the bald heads was operating a machine, which was obviously Professor X, and behind him sat a weak-looking man. This man was the mutant who was controlling Professor X, Jason.

Of course, Jason also noticed someone entering behind him. Following Stryker's order, he immediately began to attack the person who entered. So a mental attack was thrown at several people. Of course, this was ineffective against Magneto who was wearing a helmet. However, Linton and Tony next to him fell directly into hallucinations.

"A little girl?" In Tony's eyes, there was no professor or Jason in front of him, only the fantasy of a little girl appeared, telling them to leave immediately.

Of course, what Linton actually saw was a similar scene, but the next second, Linton heard the prompt.

"Hostile target detected, activate automatic combat mode."

In an instant, Linton's body started to activate and he rushed towards Jason. Because it was so sudden, Magneto next to him didn't expect that Linton would suddenly take action. It was too late for him to stop him, because Linton was really very fast.

Arriving at Jason's side in an instant, Linton reached out and grabbed Jason's head, lifting him out of the wheelchair. Since Jason originally had to control Professor

"This is..." Tony noticed that the scene ahead had changed and he didn't know what had happened. On the other hand, Magneto shouted: "No!"

There was a "bang", and the next second Linton directly pressed Jason's head to the ground. Since Jason was not a physically enhanced mutant, he couldn't withstand this attack at all. There was a sound of bones breaking on his head, and blood spurted out from various places on his face. With a "pop" sound, his whole head looked like a watermelon. Exploded.

"The battle is over."

"No..." Magneto looked at Jason on the ground and roared again. Of course he didn't care about Jason's life, but with his death, his plan was aborted. Without Jason's control, his old friend would never attack humans.

"Uh... I really didn't expect this." Of course Linton was not very satisfied. After all, his plan was to wait for Magneto to take action before dealing with him. Now he was still pretending not to know the other party's plan. As a result, Jason There was a sudden attack here and he was killed.

"Eric?" Suddenly a voice sounded, and it turned out to be Professor X behind him. The person who controlled him died, and he naturally regained consciousness. The professor originally thought that his students had saved him, but when he turned around, he saw two people he had never seen before, as well as his old friend Eric.

"Are you here to save me?" The professor ignored Linton and looked at Magneto and asked. He really wanted to reconcile with his old friend, and he said he was really happy to see the other party come to save him.

"Don't be stupid, haven't you thought about what he is here for?" Linton said with a smile.

"Huh?" Professor

"Professor!" It turned out that Qin, Scott and a group of X-Men finally arrived. They were not very far away. After recovering, they also accelerated over.

"You are here." The professor nodded. He had expected their arrival.

Seeing that the professor seemed to be fine, the group of people hurriedly ran towards the professor. Then when they entered the room, Magneto next to them suddenly waved his hand, and suddenly the iron plates in the whole room began to fly. Before several people in the room could react, several people were knocked away by the iron plate. Qin, Scott and others were directly slapped against the wall by an iron plate and then held down by the iron plate.

Just when Scott and the others were about to fight back, a piece of iron flew to their necks. If they moved at least a little, there was no doubt that they would be dead and dismembered. Seeing this situation, they could only give up.

"Eric, what are you doing!" the professor said anxiously. After all, the only one who can do this is Magneto.

"Old friend, I don't want to force you, but you have also seen that humans will not let us go. Your idea of ​​​​coexisting with humans is too naive. If it weren't for me this time, we mutants would have already Everything has disappeared. Even if you encounter this kind of thing, do you still want to stick to your line of coexistence?" Magneto said.

"Eric, I have already said that it is true that there are some radical people among humans who, like you, want to eliminate each other, but mutants and humans cooperate with each other and move forward together is the only way. Killing and revenge will only lead to Come to more killing and revenge, you will not make us better by doing this, it is a path of self-destruction." Of course, Professor X is not so easily convinced.

"I don't want to argue with you anymore. None of us can convince the other." Eric has given up. After all, after so many years, he would have been convinced long ago. "Now your students are in my hands. According to the Do what I say, otherwise things will happen that I don’t want to see either.”

"Professor, no!" Qin immediately shouted.

"Eric, you don't need to threaten me with them." Professor X said, "You know, I won't do what you say."

"Don't you care about the lives of your students? You know that in order to achieve your goals, even your own compatriots can be sacrificed. I will not show mercy." Magneto said. He had indeed done this and almost killed him before. The little naughty boy.

"I'm sorry...everyone." The professor did not compromise and said directly to the students around him.

"What... you've been talking about for a long time..." Linton wanted to interrupt at this time, but as soon as he spoke, the nervous Magneto waved his hand.

A piece of iron floated up, but instead of attacking Linton, it floated on the neck of Tony next to him.

"Hey, hey, wait..." Tony quickly raised his hand, "This has nothing to do with me."

"Linton, if you move again, I will kill your nephew." Magneto said directly.

"Well... this threat is of some use." Linton said, "Then, just kill him."

"What?" Magneto was stunned, and Tony next to him was also stunned.

"But if he dies, I will kill all the mutants in the world to avenge him. No matter good or bad, everyone, I will not let anyone go. Come, Professor, tell him whether I am telling the truth or not. words." Linton said with a smile.

"..." The professor looked at Linton, then turned to Magneto and said, "Eric, I advise you not to move. He is telling the truth."

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