Linton wasn't lying. Although he didn't know what this whale was, it tasted really good. As he threw the remaining tail into his mouth and chewed it a few times, Linton suddenly regretted it. Yes, since it tastes good, wouldn't it be a pity to eat it after it has grown so big? You can eat it for a long time after returning to its original size. You can also try the multiple flavors of frying and frying. This... feels like a loss.

Then Linton immediately thought of another question, that is, if he shrinks after getting bigger, will the things in his stomach shrink with him? If he didn't, he wouldn't be bursting at the seams. Isn't it true that my Saiyan body can burst? Suddenly the problem seems to have become more complicated.

However, after thinking about it, Linton felt that this enlargement should not be viewed from a scientific perspective. Otherwise, how could his clothes become larger along with it, and he would not be naked after becoming larger. Although I don’t know how the selection criteria for this skill are judged, but there shouldn’t be such a loophole.

After all, it was the first time to use this skill, so Linton still paid attention to the mana consumption. Linton soon discovered that the mana consumption of this skill was still very alarming, and the larger it became, the more mana it consumed, which should have increased exponentially. Just when he reached a height of 100 meters, Linton paid attention to the mana amount, which was not deducted at all, so the recovery speed was faster than the consumption. But now that I have reached 8,000 meters, I can't hold my mana at all. It seems to be consumed faster than Super 3, and it has dropped below half in just a moment.

It seems that the time he can maintain this form is less than Ultraman's standard 3 minutes, but think about it, Ultraman is only about 50 meters tall, and his height of more than 8,000 meters is indeed a bit exaggerated, and he is not an ordinary Ultraman. Comparable.

Seeing that there is still a little mana, Linton wants to continue to show off in front of Jin Shining. However, the actual situation is that Linton lowers his head and cannot find any Jin Shining at all. He is more than 8,000 meters tall and 1.8 meters tall. In comparison, it is really far behind. It feels like a person is looking for lice on the ground. It takes so much effort to look at it.

There was nothing he could do. Linton began to shrink in the next second. Just as he had guessed, he didn't seem to be bursting. But while he was still observing his skills, a shout suddenly came from the air: "You just forgot about me, didn't you?"

Linton heard the voice of Tosaka Rin. He was shrinking at this time. Following the voice, he suddenly saw Tosaka Rin falling in the air. It was estimated that when he grew bigger, the opponent was directly pushed to a height of more than 8,000 meters. Now that he suddenly became smaller again, the situation on Tohsaka Rin's side was that he suddenly started to fall.

Linton quickly raised his hand and directly caught the fallen Tosaka Rin. The opponent shrank with him. When Linton returned to normal, the princess happened to hug Tosaka Rin.

"How does it feel to climb Mount Everest in one second?" Linton asked with a smile.

"I..." Tohsaka Rin said she was so full of words that she didn't know what to say. If her body hadn't been transformed by the heart-shaped herb, she would have died. What kind of sin is this? I have to fly up and down all over again.

Taking a deep breath, Tohsaka Rin said that he was almost used to Linton's inexplicable behavior and said directly: "Put me down."

"Oh, but let's get out of this pit first." Linton said.

Yes, the two of them are currently in a huge pit. I don’t know if this pit was made by the whale just now or stepped on by Linton who grew bigger. The area around them is now... completely unrecognizable. What was it like before we came out? The entire park has completely disappeared. The pits around it feel like they have been washed over by huge meteorites, because this is actually not very far from the Fuyuki River that runs through the city. The previous damage caused Fuyuki to The water from the Sichuan River has begun to pour in this direction, and I don’t know if the river will change its course in the future.

I don’t know if it’s just luck, but there’s nothing serious about the New City Hall ahead. Yes, although the east wall has obviously begun to collapse, the overall building is considered to be very complete in its current situation.

When Linton jumped out with Tohsaka Rin in his arms, he happened to land in front of the New City Hall again. But this time the person who appeared in front of him was not only Jin Shining, but also Tokiomi Tosaka.

Yes, according to the plan, Tohsaka Tokiomi himself did not plan to come out. Even if Jin Shining here didn't listen to his plan and rushed out, he originally planned to call him back. If the other party really didn't listen, then he could only Used a spell. However, what he didn't expect was that the movement outside was so great that he had no choice but to come out.

As soon as he arrived at the door, Tokiomi Tosaka saw Linton rising from the ground. Tokiomi Tosaka didn't expect that he could actually use the adjective "rising from the ground", and it actually described a human being. You tell me this is a human being?

In short, when he saw Linton towering into the sky, Tokiomi Tosaka's mind went blank. His original plan was indeed to make a last stand, but the problem was how could the guy in front of him let him fight? What kind of monster was this?

What level of magic can achieve this enlargement? If you want to say it's an illusion, that's understandable, but the question is, isn't it? Not to mention that the other party directly ate the huge monster. Just look at the ruined ground in front of you and the river that has been diverted. You What about illusions?

So it's obvious that what I'm facing is not a creature of the same level as myself, okay? How unlucky was he to be able to draw such an opponent in the Holy Grail War?

Yes, seeing this situation, no matter how determined Tokiomi Tohsaka was, he had to give up at this time. This was no match for him at all. Even though he already knew that the opponent he faced was very strong, he would never have imagined that this would be the case.

Looking at Jin Shining next to him, even the King of Heroes has not come back to his senses when faced with such a situation. He is really shocked.

"Not bad, Jin Shining Shining. This time I actually came up with something I've never seen before." Linton looked at the two people in front of him who didn't know what to say, and said with a smile, "Why haven't I seen you use it before? It seems that you still have it. The things at the bottom of the box, come on, let me see if there are any other fun things like this."

"That's not my king's thing." After hearing Linton's words, Jin Shan came back to his senses and said.

"Huh?" Linton was stunned for a moment, "Don't you have everything in your treasure house? The King's Sword, the King's Wine, isn't this the King's Sashimi?"


"Oh, that's right. I also have a list of your things here, but there are too many things and I didn't have time to look at them." Linton said. Indeed, after he defeated Jin Shining Shining, the treasures collected by the other party were all listed on his product page, and they were all listed in the items category, but there were indeed too many items. Linton already has a lot of stuff here, and now he has to sort out his skill list before he can remember what he has. Although the store has a certain classification function, it is still a bit difficult to figure out how much stuff he has now. Disaster.

"Then the question comes... If you didn't do it, who does this thing belong to?" Linton asked. Yes, Jin Shining Shining may not be very capable, but Linton also felt that the other party didn't bother to lie. I guess this thing It's indeed not his. So where did this free-roaming whale come from?

Aura sensing scanned the surroundings directly, and Linton didn't find anyone with a strong aura. However, because of the aura masking skill in this world (assassin's inherent skill), this skill means that he has the relative ability to detect aura. Naturally, there are also skills to hide the aura, so caster didn't have a similar magic to hide the aura before, so it wouldn't be surprising if someone else could hide the aura.

"Who is causing trouble for me?" Linton was also a little strange. There was no such thing in the original work in his memory. Tohsaka Rin also said that this thing cannot be summoned by ordinary humans. If it is not a heroic spirit, Are there other things that are not human? Vampire?

If Linton still remembered Mei Lian Solomon's information at this time, he would know that the other party was a Dead Disciple, and he would naturally think that this might be the other party's doing, but it was a pity that Linton did not remember it. Now he only knew that the other party was from the Holy Church. He really didn't expect that the Holy Church was an organization that fought against the Dead Apostles, but there were still Dead Apostles in it, and he didn't directly suspect it.

"So there are indeed Dead Apostles here, and the people from the Burial Agency actually came here for this guy? But why would this Dead Apostle do something to me?" Linton began to doubt the non-existent Dead Apostle, "No matter what , The people from the Holy Church haven’t messed with me yet, but the Dead Apostles have taken the initiative to come looking for me, and there are quite a few people looking for death.”

"You guy, how dare you be distracted when facing me?" Linton was thinking about who attacked him, which made Jin Shining here unable to hold back his anger. It was obvious that Linton didn't take him seriously, otherwise how could he be thinking about other things when facing him.

"When did you have the illusion that I was dealing with you seriously?" Linton said lightly, "Have you ever heard the motto of our Meloway family? How can a defeated general speak bravely?"

"You bastard!" Jin Shining raised his sword angrily.

"Second Battalion Commander, take my Italy..."

"Wait!" At this moment, a voice next to him suddenly shouted.

Linton turned his head, and the person calling was Tohsaka Rin: "Hey, my Italian cannon has been interrupted for the second time. What's wrong with you?"

"Before the war begins, please give me some time to explain things clearly." Tohsaka Rin said, and then turned directly to Tosaka Tokiomi, "I must explain it to you, father."

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