I really can't control myself

Chapter 1465 Elimination

Of course Jin Shining wanted to avoid it, but the situation with these hooded people really didn’t know how to avoid it. The main reason is that Linton's attention was attracted just now, and now it is completely too late to react.

With a "bang" sound, the huge sea demon flew directly through the air, bringing with it a burst of sparks, and the swept Vimana exploded directly on the spot. However, the attention of everyone below was not on the swept Jin Shining at this time, but on the giant sea demon that took off.

With a "plop", under everyone's attention, the huge sea demon here flew upwards for a certain distance, then landed in a parabola. What made everyone relieved was that the place where this huge sea demon landed was still in the river of Fuyuki River. Yes, it just flew from one side of the river to the other.

This is of course something worthy of celebration, because it is hard to imagine what kind of situation this thing would cause if it fell in the city, and now it falls in the river. Although the splashing water is like a huge wave, it is just after all. It was just a river, and the splash of water was only for a while. Although it caused some damage to the buildings on both sides of the river, the damage was at least within the acceptable range.

The huge sea demon that was thrown away here calmed down for a while. The power of the throw on the earth was quite strong. It was smashed into a pile and now "sat" in the river without any movement for a while. I guess He is still recovering. He has eaten a lot of people before, and his magic power is still recovering. If he waits a little longer, he should still get up.

"We can't let it continue like this." Saber here immediately judged. The biggest threat currently is indeed the giant sea demon here, and this thing must be dealt with first. While it was recovering now, it was the best opportunity, and she was ready to release the Noble Phantasm at any time.

However, just when she was about to take action, another burst of machine guns swept across the sky, almost hitting Saber. Fortunately, her intuition skills were very high and she evaded in advance. Yes, the berserker here was still attacking her, which really caused her a lot of trouble. She was completely unable to deal with the huge sea demon here.

As for Saber, there is currently no good way to deal with Berserker. The opponent is flying in the air at a very fast speed, and ordinary attacks cannot hit it at all. And Saber didn't want to use the Sword of Victory to swipe Berserker at all. After all... the other party was Lancelot, her best friend. Although the other party was going crazy and wanted to attack her, to Saber, she I really can’t let go.

There was a "bang", and just when Saber was struggling, there was a sudden collision in the air. Saber looked up and saw that Rider's tank and Berserker's fighter plane had collided in the air. This was obviously an attack initiated by Iskandar.

"Go, Saber!" Seeing Saber raise his head, Iskandar here stabilized his chariot and shouted to Saber, "You go deal with that troublesome monster, and I'll deal with this crazy guy. .”

"I understand, I'm grateful." Of course, Saber immediately understood what Iskandar meant, which was helping herself again. There is no time to think about too many other things at the moment. After all, the huge sea demon here is too dangerous. If we let it continue, we don't know how much harm it will cause.

Taking advantage of Iskandar's opportunity to entangle Berserker, Saber suddenly accelerated towards the location of the giant sea demon. At this time, the giant sea demon is still in place, and the tentacles on its body are obviously still alive and trembling. Its activity level is obviously gradually increasing, and it is estimated that it will start to act again soon.

Saber didn't hesitate any longer and directly raised the golden sword in her hand, her whole body flashing with golden light. As she accumulated strength, little bits of golden light began to appear above the entire river. These golden lights were floating in the air like fireflies, and then slowly converged into the golden sword held high by Saber. One point, two points, slowly The small rivers converge into a river, and then flow into the sea, where the light condenses.


As Saber shouted, a golden light swept directly towards the location of the giant sea demon. In just an instant, this huge ray of light directly covered the sea devil's body. The moment the sea devil's huge body and surrounding tentacles came into contact with the light, they began to collapse and turned into ashes.

The caster Gilles de Rey inside the huge sea demon was trying hard to reply just a moment ago and wanted to continue his actions. Suddenly, a light from the front tore open the shell of the sea demon in front of him. For a moment, he seemed to be struck by the holy light. Surrounded by general.

"Is it...is it you? Joan of Arc...yes, this radiance is the supreme radiance when Joan of Arc and I were blessed...I...in the end..."

There was a "boom", and the next second his body was completely covered by golden light, and his body disappeared directly.

When the golden light disappeared, the huge sea demon here had completely disappeared. Looking at the situation below, Iskandar couldn't help but said: "Do you actually have such a skill? It's really amazing power."

"Is that the legendary sword of King Arthur - the Sword of Oath of Victory? What a terrifying power." Webb, who was also on the chariot, also said in shock.

"Get down, kid!" Just as he was saying this, Iskandar directly pressed Weber down. At the same time, another series of machine guns swept by, and several bullets hit Iskandar's Shenwei wheels. But this Shenwei wheel is not a mortal thing, and it is not that fast. A few rounds of bullets only made a few bullet marks.

It is estimated that Iskandar's obstruction somewhat annoyed berserker, which caused berserker's target to temporarily shift to Iskandar's side. At present, the problem of the giant sea demon has been solved, but Berserker clearly doesn't seem to be retreating.

"Are you still going to stop? It seems that you are indeed not here to participate in the crusade." Iskandar frowned, "Now that the crusade is over, the Holy Grail War will naturally resume. Then let us start the war directly, berserker And his master. If you want to compete with me in the air, I am... after all, I am a rider's job."

As Iskandar spoke, he pulled the reins with both hands. The chariot in the air accelerated sharply and followed Berserker's fighter plane directly. Although it doesn't look like something from the same era at all, Iskandar's powerful wheels can actually keep up with the fighters here at full acceleration, and they are even closing the distance.

In aerial combat, being bitten by the tail is obviously a huge disadvantage. Berserker let out a howl, and then seemed to want to continue to accelerate. However, at this moment, his body suddenly shook, and the fighter plane below seemed to Suddenly it lost its direction, and it suddenly started to stall at a diagonal angle.

"What happened?" Although Weber on the chariot lowered his head, he had been secretly observing the situation. At this time, he also clearly discovered that something was wrong with the berserker here.

If he could observe berserker's magic power, Waver would immediately understand the situation. Yes, there is indeed something wrong with Berserker at this time. To be precise, there is a problem with the supply of magic power. However, because the noble phantom he brings is not for his own glory, his attributes cannot be properly observed at all. It's the same situation with magic power.

The reason for Berserker's problems is very simple, that is, there is a problem with his master Kiriya Kariya. I said before that Matou Kariya's magic talent is actually very poor. The reason why he was able to participate in the Holy Grail War as a Master this time was actually because Matou Zangyan modified his body and forcibly implanted a marking insect to act as a magic circuit. These marking bugs themselves were provided by Matou Zouken, and they were also one of the tools he used to control Matou Kariya. But now that Matou Zouken is gone, Matou Kariya can barely control the marking bugs in his body, but because of learning If you are not skilled in art, your control will be limited.

Under normal circumstances, he could barely control it, but from the beginning, Berserker had been continuously extracting his magic power. This behavior caused the imprinting bug in his body to be fully activated, causing him great pain.

At this time, Matou Kariya had actually arrived nearby. He originally felt the magic power from the Fuyuki River, and his original purpose was to see Linton and the others dealing with Caster, and he wanted to help. Of course he had received the previous notification, and he felt that his previous promise to help Linton and the others get the Holy Grail was true. Now that Linton was going to attack Caster, should he help?

What he didn't expect was that Berserker suddenly and inexplicably lost control. He himself didn't understand what happened, because Matou Kariya didn't know Saber's true identity at the moment. He wanted to stop Berserker, but the marking bug on his body was suddenly activated, making him unable to control his magic power at all. Berserker kept asking for it. Matou Kariya was rolling on the ground in pain, and now he finally fainted directly. It's past.

Master lost consciousness and the supply of magic power was cut off. This caused problems on Berserker's side as well. Of course, berserker itself also has magic reserves, and will not directly lose all combat power. It's just that under the current situation, it seems a little difficult to continue to accelerate with Iskandar's pursuit.

Fortunately, he didn't have to think about this problem immediately, because the next second he lost speed, Berserker and Iskandar, who were pursuing each other, felt a squeezing feeling of air next to them.

Iskandar sensed the situation and suddenly turned and applied the brakes in the air. However, the berserker in front did not react so quickly. He had just lost his magic power supply and was unable to operate immediately.

There was a loud "bang", and two huge black palms came together directly. Berserker's fighter plane was shot between the palms like he was swatting a mosquito. With an explosion, the fighter plane directly turned into a ball of fire.

As for Susanoo, who took action, he looked at Berserker, who was almost flattened by the slap in his hand, and shook him off with his palm. At the same time, he lowered his body and washed his hands in the water of Fuyuki River.

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