I really can't control myself

Chapter 1453 Divine Punishment

Just as Linton was thinking this, someone next to him shouted "Raise your shield." The next moment, Linton found that all the soldiers around him raised their shields directly. However, these shields were not raised towards him, but were raised above their heads, and their bodies were hidden under the shields.

Only then did Linton realize that the number of soldiers standing around him seemed to have suddenly decreased, as if they had just intentionally moved away. When he suddenly rushed into the crowd, the other party was a little confused in dealing with it, but now he has gradually become more organized in dealing with it.

He raised his head and looked upward in the direction where the soldiers were holding up their shields. Sure enough, the sky was full of bows and arrows flying towards him. It seemed that the commander of the team was really thinking of ways to capture him. The soldiers changed positions so fast that he didn't even notice.

However, it is a pity that this army is indeed very strong if it is brought to the battlefield, but now, they have found the wrong opponent.

A large amount of arrows rained down, directly covering all the areas around Linton. Of course, the soldiers standing near Linton were also affected. Although most of the soldiers had raised their shields to block their bodies, there were too many bows and arrows, and some even shot directly through the large shields.

However, no one seemed to care about this self-inflicted injury. After the bows and arrows were covered, everyone immediately looked at the position where Linton was standing before, wanting to see the enemy's situation. If you were an ordinary person, of course you wouldn't be able to survive this, but here at Linton.

With a "boom", suddenly a huge black giant rose up from Linton's position, holding two huge black swords in his hands. With a roar-like cry, the giant raised his double blades. , huge black flames erupted from the sword, and then it was swung down on both sides.

Two huge sword energy suddenly crisscrossed across the battlefield, and a large number of soldiers disappeared directly on the spot, while the remaining soldiers looked at the black giant rising from the ground in surprise.

"What... thing?" Iskandar in the crowd also looked at Susanoo in front of him in surprise. Most of what Linton had shown before was quite exaggerated close combat ability, but the black giant that appeared now was a little... magical. Is this the opponent's Noble Phantasm?

"Is this the only level?" Linton's voice came from Susanoo. At this time, Iskandar looked at the center of the black giant. Linton was watching them from within the black giant's body. Yes, when using Susanoo before, Linton spent most of the time outside, but this time the automatic battle was not triggered anyway. Linton used the most standard Susanoo's combined posture.

"Ha, haha, hahaha..." Linton raised his head in a standard Uchiha three-part smile, "Weak! Is this really all it is? What on earth was I expecting..."

"Is this your Noble Phantasm? It's indeed very heroic, but in the end, I still forced out your trump card. Next..."

"True card? Haha...hahaha..." Linton suddenly laughed, "Do you really know my trump card?"

"What?" Iskandar was stunned for a moment.

"In that case, let me give you a little glimpse of the tip of my iceberg." Linton said, clasping his hands together, and at the same time, Susanoo on the outside of his body also clasped his hands together. The next second, Linton's eyes opened up and turned into Samsara Eyes, emitting a strange purple light.

"The Heavenly Obstacle Zhenxing..."

Although the momentum was very overwhelming, it seemed like nothing happened. This was not as big a movement as the swords Linton had swung before.

However, Iskandar didn't think so. At this moment, the warning sign in his heart suddenly jumped, as if something had suddenly pinched his heart. This is his intuition reminding him of the danger. Of course Iskandar also knows this, but the question is... what danger is it.

There was a "clang", and just when Iskandar was staring at Linton in front of him seriously, trying to figure out what he had done, a sound of metal collision suddenly sounded next to him. Iskandar turned his head strangely, only to see the soldier next to him trembling and raising his head, and just now there was the sound of the sword in his hand falling to the ground.

For a moment, Iskandar was a little confused, because it was absolutely impossible for his soldiers to throw down their weapons casually, and the soldier next to him obviously saw something that frightened him so much that he was frightened. mind. So the question is, what is there in the sky?

Iskandar slowly raised his head. At the same time, many people on the field seemed to have noticed the situation in the air, because it was clearly broad daylight in the inherent barrier and the sun was shining high, but their heads A huge shadow seemed to suddenly appear above. The person who raised his head at this time was of course stunned in place for an instant.

"This is impossible……"

"Are the dimensions of strength different?"

"The power of God..."

What came in front of us was a huge meteorite, covering almost the entire battlefield. No one expected such a scene. Just a few minutes ago, their battle was like a melee duel with cold weapons. Linton summoned the black giant. After that, it turned into a battle between humans and giants, and now, it suddenly turned into a natural disaster? Is this a battle between man and god?

"How is that possible?" Saber and Irisviel, who were watching the battle next to them, were also shocked. It was a completely unimaginable scene. Even if Linton killed tens of thousands of soldiers alone, Saber thought it was acceptable. However, the current situation was beyond their imagination.

"Are you here again?" Tohsaka Rin next to him had already seen it once, but the second time he saw it, it was still very spectacular.

"This... what is this situation? Is it something humans can do?" Irisviel next to her couldn't help but say. After all, heroic spirits were once human beings, and they turned into heroic spirits after death. However, what Linton is showing now is not like what humans can do.

"Uh... it can still be done. I heard that there were people in Chinese history who were able to unleash this level of skills..." Tohsaka Rin tried to explain, because the person named Liu Xiu whom Linton mentioned before, I've actually done this.

"Really?" Irisviel looked at Tohsaka Rin in surprise.

"Absolutely...probably." Tohsaka Rin raised his forehead and said, he really didn't believe this.

On the battlefield at this time, everyone no longer knew what to do when faced with such a miracle. Not to mention a confrontation, they didn't even know how to run. Within the scope of the meteorite bombing, it was impossible to escape.

"King, you go first." Suddenly a voice sounded from behind Iskandar.

"What?" Iskandar turned his head in surprise. The person speaking was his most capable subordinate, Hephaestion.

"We will always be by your side." Hephaestion said.

These words made the panicked soldiers around them suddenly quiet down. Although the meteorites in the sky were getting closer and closer to them, it made them extremely calm at this time.

"King, we will always follow you." Everyone gathered around Iskandar, placing their right hands on their chests, waiting for his decision.

"You..." Iskandar chuckled, then shook his head. He already understood what his soldiers meant. Under such circumstances, he still had the only way to avoid this blow. Yes, they are currently in the inherent barrier, and this is his inherent barrier after all, so the initiative to open and close it is still in his hands. At this time, as long as the inherent barrier is closed, the people inside will After being pushed out, of course he could leave the dangerous position in an instant.

However, even if the inherent barrier is closed, everything inside will still continue to happen, so he is the only one who can escape. All his men will be destroyed here, it is inevitable.

Iskandar understands the meaning of these subordinates, but he will not leave. His journey will have an end, and this time, he also made me feel excited.

"Everyone!" Iskandar raised his hands and shouted around, "I am the conquering king Iskandar! Tonight is..."

Before the words were finished, the meteorite had already arrived above everyone's heads. However, all the soldiers on the field seemed not to notice the meteorite that was so close. They just looked up at Iskandar in the middle of the crowd and listened to his words. Then wait quietly for the world to end.

However, at this moment, a voice suddenly sounded from the quiet crowd, disrupting Iskandar's thoughts.


Iskandar turned his head suddenly and looked in the direction of the sound. At the same time, the meteorite fell to the ground, and a huge explosion sounded.

At the dock, a white light flashed, and six figures fell from the sky. Tohsaka Rin, Irisviel and Saber stood together, Linton a little further away, Iskandar half-kneeling in front of him and Waver in his hand.

Yes, Iskandar took the initiative to close the inherent barrier at the last moment. It would be no problem for his subordinates to end up with him, but Weber, he was not his subordinate yet. Iskandar didn't know when he joined the army, but he felt that he still had an obligation to protect him.

At this time, Linton here took two steps directly and walked in front of Iskandar. Iskandar did not get up, but put down the Weber in his hand and sat cross-legged on the ground.

"Let's do it. I lost. My conquest can only end here. This is my end." Iskandar lowered his head and said.

"Rider!" Webb shouted anxiously next to him. But looking at Linton in front of him, he felt a little too weak to step forward.

However, before Linton could speak, there was a sudden sound of a sword entering flesh. Linton turned his head, only to find that Saber next to him was holding a sword in his hand, and the tip of the sword had already penetrated the chest of Tohsaka Rin who was standing next to him.

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