"Matou... Zouken?" Rin Kotosaka was stunned for a moment. She had heard the name of Matou Zoukstone several times. Uncle Kariya Matou mentioned it when he was talking to his mother. First time meeting.

For Matou Zouken, Kotosaka Rin's first reaction was discomfort, discomfort in every sense of the word, whether it was the other person's voice, appearance, or the temperament of the other person, they all made her feel uncomfortable. Thinking of Uncle Kariya's disgusting tone when he mentioned his "father" before, Rin Kotosaka felt that since Uncle Kariya was a good person, then the Matou Zouken in front of him was definitely a bad person.

If she guessed correctly, he might be the culprit who abused her sister Sakura. Although she didn't know who it was at first, when she saw Matou Zouken, Kotosaka Rin was inexplicably sure of this.

"Oh, it's the little girl of the Tosaka family. I thought some mice got in." Matou Zouken said, "You're the only one here? What are you here for?"

"I...I'm here to find Sakura." Rin Kotosaka mustered up the courage to reply. Yes, Matou Zouken made her feel scared. Whether it was psychologically or physically, she was very panicked.

"Looking for Sakura." Matou Zangyan nodded, and then pointed to the room, "If you say Sakura, she's in there."

Kotosaka Rin turned around and looked into the room.

"It's too dark to see, so I'll let you see clearly." Matou Zouken said and raised his hand, and a strange green light suddenly lit up in the room. Although it was a bit strange, it did illuminate the room. Inside.

At this time, Kotosaka Rin finally saw the situation in the room clearly. The room was very large and deep. In front of her was a staircase going down, and underneath the stairs was a bunch of densely packed black moving things, which looked a bit like black bugs.

"Ahhhhh!!" Kotosaka Rin screamed. She had never seen such a terrifying scene before, and she almost fainted from the fright. Maybe the screams attracted the attention of a large number of bugs below. The bugs in the entire nest suddenly became active, and a bunch of bugs even started to surge upwards.

Rin Kotosaka was so frightened that she sat on the ground, her mind went blank, and her whole body was trembling.

"Hehehe." Seeing the fearful girl, Matou Zangyan was very satisfied, and then pointed downward: "Did you see it? What Sakura said is right there."

"What?" Kotosaka Rin was stunned. He subconsciously looked in the direction that Matou Zangyan pointed, and then he actually saw something that looked like a human among a lot of insects. .

At this time, she didn't know how to react. Was that really Sakura? Was Sakura eaten by bugs? what to do? Faced with such a terrifying scene, Kotosaka Rinto seemed to have lost his ability to react.

"Since you are here to find Sakura, I will ask you to go down and accompany her." Matou Zangyan suddenly turned around and said.

"Huh?" Rin Kotosaka took two steps back, frightened. However, after taking two steps back, he realized that he was suddenly forced into a corner. Matou Zouken is now standing in the corridor at the only entrance to the room, and now behind her is the huge insect pit. Matou Zouken is approaching her step by step, and Kotosaka Rin is now You can already touch the edge of the rear platform, and you can take a step back and go down.

"You also want to accompany Sakura." The girl's fearful look made Matou Zangyan feel extremely comfortable, and she continued to approach, "I will satisfy you..."

"Father!" Kotosaka Rin was so frightened that she called her father. It was obvious that she had forgotten that she had sneaked out alone. But at this time, she could only shout randomly. Her hands and feet were already weak and completely out of control. I can't move at all.

Of course, Matō Zouken also knew that Tokiomi Tokiomi Tohsaka would not be able to come here, and continued to approach Rin Koh Tosaka, as if he was really preparing to push him down.

At this critical moment, Kotosaka Rin's body suddenly flashed with light. This sudden light seemed to temporarily dispel the darkness, making the approaching Matou Zangyan stunned for a moment.

Yes, the light didn't do any harm, but it just made him a little strange, because he didn't notice any fluctuations in magic power. At this time, Kotosaka Rin was also awakened by the sudden light. He looked down and took out a glowing talisman from his jacket pocket.

Seeing this thing glowing, Kotosaka Rin remembered that he had stolen this thing before. His mind was so frightened that he went blank. Wasn't this what his mother said before that this thing should be used to save Sakura? That's why I stole it, so now is the time to use it, absolutely.

"Help me! Lord Kami!" Kotosaka Rin shouted directly.

This talisman does indeed glow, but it is limited to just glowing. This is the holy light special effect Linton added to it. The main reason is that it would be inappropriate to use this god-given prop without special effects. Apart from this, it has no other functions, but Linton also said that these other functions will be added later.

For example, right now, Kotosaka Rin had just finished shouting, and an orange door suddenly opened on the side, and the heroic Tosaka Rin walked out of the portal.

"Kami-sama?" Kotosaka Rin was stunned. The person who suddenly appeared was probably Kami-sama. After all, he called for it, but... why did the person who came out feel familiar to her, just... The face looks really familiar.

"Who are you?" Matou Zōyan next to him was also stunned for a moment. The orange portal that suddenly appeared next to him did not have any magic power fluctuations. It did not look like a product of magic power at all. However, a real person came out of it. , this situation made him quite confused.

"I'm...Tohsaka Rin." Tohsaka Rin here said directly.

"Huh?" Matou Zangyan and Kotosaka Rin in front were both stunned, but Matou Zangyan quickly reacted. After all, the two people in front of him... were too similar. Looking at Rin Tohsaka on the left and Rin Tohsaka on the right, he seemed to suddenly understand.

It is obvious that the person in front of me is indeed Tohsaka Rin, but what is going on? Why are there two Tosaka Rins, one older and one younger? Of course he knew that the younger one was probably the real one. After all, he still knew the age of the Tohsaka girl, but the older one in front of him, not to mention her appearance, had the same magic power fluctuations as her own, so it couldn't be her. Fake, then depending on the age difference, could it be said that...

"Time...magic? No, this is all magic." Matou Zangyan couldn't help but say. Most people in this world use magic, but magic also exists, but the magic here is more appropriately described with another word, that is, miracle. That is a concept that cannot be realized with magic or technology, and is similar to a miracle. And now there is another Tohsaka Rin, in Matou Zangyan's opinion, maybe it is really magic, if his guess is correct. .

"Are you... the future Tohsaka Rin?" Matou Zangyan asked excitedly.

"That's right." Tohsaka Rin also answered directly, "I am from ten years from now."

"Huh? Me in ten years?" Rin Kotosaka was stunned again.

"Traveling through time and space?" After being confirmed, Matou Zōyan's reaction was not nervous or scared, but excited. Yes, what he is pursuing is eternal life, and in his opinion, eternal life is also a miraculous existence, which means that it can only be obtained by contact with real magic. And now, something suspected of magic appeared in front of him, how could this make him not excited?

"Tell me, how did you..." Matou Zōyan's first reaction was to find out from Tohsaka Rin how she came into contact with magic. However, before she could say anything, an orange light flashed next to her again. A familiar scene.

Sure enough, very quickly, the orange light here turned into a portal again, and another person walked out of the door, but this was a young man, and Matou Zangyan was very unfamiliar with him, so he probably hadn't seen him. Passed: "Who are you?"

"Why are you here too?" Tohsaka Rin was a little surprised, because the person who came out was Linton. It was agreed before that she would come here to solve the problem. Linton didn't seem to want to end up. He was very happy here, but he didn't expect that she would also come here.

"No, I can't help it," Linton said, "I really can't stand this scorn of human beings."

"What do you even mean? What position do you give yourself?" Tohsaka Rin couldn't help but say.

"Um...this brother is..." Rin Kotosaka, who was next to him, recovered a little and asked Linton.

"Oh, you don't need to call me brother." Linton said, "I will be your boyfriend in ten years. Please call me husband."

"Huh?" Kotosaka Rin was stunned.

With a "pop", Tohsaka Rin next to him stepped directly on Linton's instep.

"You are looking for trouble!" Tohsaka Rin yelled directly.

"Well, then I have to explain my relationship with you, otherwise what do you want me to say?" Linton asked.

"Then you can't say it's... me... my boyfriend." Tohsaka Rin originally yelled directly, but the voice became smaller and smaller for some reason.

"Okay, I'm her godfather..."

"Get out of here!" Tohsaka Rin yelled directly.

"I said you..." Matou Zangyan, who was next to him, couldn't help but say.

"Oh, I almost forgot about the business." Linton said and waved, and Matou Sakura suddenly flew up from the insect pit and landed in Linton's hands in an instant.

After a brief look, Matou Sakura here had lost her reaction, her eyes were white, and her saliva was flowing everywhere. Linton frowned slightly, he really couldn't stand it.

"I heard that you like immortality, right? Come on, let me fulfill your wish. Don't think about... dying so easily." Linton sneered and said to Matou Zangyan.

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