I really can't control myself

Chapter 1437 See you again

The sudden appearance of Linton made Tosaka Tokiomi and Kotomine Kirei a little stunned. Although it was during the Holy Grail War, it was not that strange to encounter the enemy's servant, but this was their base camp, and the opponent was so direct. It would be too reckless to rush in and attack.

Of course it could also be confidence. In short, the guy in front of me is either an idiot who doesn't know anything, or he is a really difficult enemy. It's just that the family name Li Yunlong that the other party just reported doesn't have any other information except that it sounds like a Chinese. They have really never heard of such a historical or legendary figure.

Although the surprise attack was a bit sudden, Tokiomi Tohsaka did not panic. As he said, he remained elegant at all times. So he calmly took out his wand, but did not use any magic, but looked at Kotomine Kirei on the other side.

Kotomine Kirei naturally understood the meaning in Tohsaka Tokiomi's eyes immediately. The two of them had already drawn up a plan before. His servant was mainly responsible for investigating, collecting information, and causing trouble, and helped to obtain a large amount of intelligence in the early stage. Tokiomi Tohsaka's servant was ultimately responsible for harvesting. In the current situation, it was obvious that his servent was the first one.

Kotomine Kirei took out the black key, but he had no intention of going forward to fight. He just made a defensive posture. After all, it was not a wise choice to confront the servant head-on. While taking the posture, he also gave the order.

On the one hand, several assassins have surrounded Linton, who is standing in the middle of the hall. On the other hand, several other assassins have also moved around. Yes, since the enemy's servent is here, the opponent's master may also be observing not far from here. This is a very simple reasoning. Compared with dealing with the servent, it is obviously easier to deal with the human master. These assassins are searching for the other party's master.

At this time, one of the several assassins surrounding Linton had already taken action. His position was actually on the beam above the door behind Linton, directly behind Linton. The action of the shot was also extremely concealed. Suddenly a flying knife was thrown out, and it flew directly towards the back of Linton's head. It could be said that it was silent, because the special throwing method was not only powerful, but also The news hasn't been broken yet, and normal people would have no way of guarding against it.

But is Linton a normal person? Of course not, but Linton didn't take any precautions at all, because... it was completely unnecessary. With a "ding" sound, the flying knife hit his head directly and then bounced away.

Until he was hit by the knife, Linton looked at the flying knife that fell on the ground with some hindsight, and then looked back at the assassin in the shadow above: "Well... what happened? Was it your attack just now? "

I have to say that the situation in front of them was somewhat beyond the expectations of Tosaka Tokiomi and Kotomine Kirei. Although Assassin's frontal combat ability is indeed not high, the complete lack of reaction this time is a bit exaggerated.

"Don't you Japanese often like to engage in bushido? Hurry up and give you a chance to fight with bayonets." Linton turned to point directly at the assassin above and said, while speaking, he directly transformed a knife in his hand. Black broadsword.

Suddenly another flying knife struck, thrown by the assassin above whom Linton was staring at. I have to say that the opponent's flying knife was really good. Linton looked at the opponent so head-on and did not notice how the opponent's flying knife was released. At this time, Assassin not only threw the flying knife, but at the same time, his people also rushed forward towards the side.

It was obvious that this was using a flying knife to attract attention, but it was a tactic that matched his own actions. However, Linton didn't care about the opponent's flying knife from the beginning. Looking at the Assassin who landed on the ground, Linton raised the knife directly towards him.

There was a "ding", and suddenly there was a sound of metal collision. Linton was a little surprised to find that it was not the sound of the flying knife thrown by the opponent hitting him before, but the sound of another lasso suddenly appearing from the other side. The dark-skinned guy rushed directly to Linton's side and stabbed Linton's back in the heart.

It turned out that it was not just the flying knife that attracted his attention, but the assassin jumping down from above was also a decoy. Under his cover, another assassin on the side rushed out from the shadows and directly attacked Linton's back.

It can only be said that the tactical arrangements are indeed very sophisticated. They are worthy of being an assassination group. However... what is the use of this? Is there any point in having sophisticated tactical arrangements that cannot break the defense at all? Before the other party could react, Linton waved the knife in his hand. Everyone present felt their eyes flicker, but when they saw Linton, he just changed his direction.

It is true that Linton does not have any superb swordsmanship, and all his swordsmanship skills have not been exchanged, but the hard-core speed alone is beyond the range of this group of people. The next second, there were only two "puff" sounds, and a large amount of blood spurted out from the waists of the two assassins next to Linton. Then the two of them were split into two, broken into two pieces and fell to the ground.

The eyes of Tokiomi Tosaka and Kirei Kotomine changed at the same time. Although Assassin's fighting ability was not strong, Linton's solution was too easy. And more importantly, this level did not meet their own expectations, which was to test Linton's strength. The other party felt that there was no effort at all, so the sacrifice of the two assassins had almost no benefits.

"Oops." Just as Tohsaka Tokiomi was thinking about his next plan, his heart suddenly moved, and something out of his control happened again. A golden light flashed before his eyes, and a man wearing golden armor appeared in front of him.

The person who just appeared was Linton's old friend. He was still the golden Gilgamesh, and he was also Tohsaka Tokiomi's servant. He had been summoned at this time. Originally, it was normal for him to appear here. After all, the enemies were coming to kill him, but Tokiomi Tokiomi's own plan was not like this. He didn't want his servant to show up so soon.

Obviously this was Jin Shining's own initiative. Of course Tokiomi Tokiomi told him his original plan, but Jin Shining's first reaction after hearing it was...boring! Boring! In his opinion, Tokiomi Tohsaka's caution is cowardly behavior. Why investigate and obtain information first? In his opinion, the Holy Grail itself is his, and all the treasures in the world are his. For those who spy on his treasures, Just grant equal destruction to the rude ones.

Jin Shining's sudden appearance gave Tosaka Tokiomi a headache, but now that everyone was out, it would be useless to ask him to go back. Tokiomi Tosaka was a little annoyed when his plan was disrupted, but of course he didn't show it.

"You look..."

"It's you again, Jin Shining Shining." Before Jin Shining Shining could say anything, Linton interrupted him directly and greeted him looking familiar.

"Do you know me?" Jin Shining frowned. The other party's frivolous attitude made him instinctively feel uncomfortable, but what he was more curious about was that the other party seemed to know him. However, he had no impression of Linton at all.

"Of course, we're old friends." Linton said, "We even had sex together a few days ago."

"Although I don't know what cleverness you are trying to play, a bastard is a bastard. No matter whether you know me or not, just disappear." Jin Shining Shining seemed to be too lazy to pay attention to where Linton was playing with his tricks. He waved his hand and several treasures appeared in the treasure house behind him. The Noble Phantasm is obviously ready to be launched.

"Hmm... I'm old and have bad memory. I forgive you." Linton nodded, "But when you see this, will you remember anything?"

Linton and Jin Shining had the same posture, waving directly to the back. The scene that surprised everyone appeared again. Golden ripples also appeared behind Linton. It was the same situation as Jin Shining. There was also something coming from him. appeared behind Jin Shining, but there were a lot of Noble Phantasms behind Jin Shining, while behind Linton there were a lot of cannon barrels.

"What?" Jin Shining was really shocked this time. He was really familiar with the thing Linton was using. It was indeed... the King's Treasure House.

Of course, this is the skill Linton just bought. After defeating Jin Shining, Linton can naturally buy all his abilities. However, what is more troublesome is that although the King's Treasure House can be stored and launched, the treasure phantoms inside must be purchased separately. Yes, these treasures are not part of the King's Treasure House. They were all collected and placed in it by Jin Shining. So there aren't many things in Linton's King's Treasure House. Of course, you can buy them all. After defeating Jin Shining Shining, he has a lot more items in his list, including EA and the like, but the problem is... …It costs money.

Although Linton has a lot of points now, Linton doesn't intend to buy all these things. There are really not many useful ones, so he can't waste his money like this. Besides, most of the things here can be solved by just buying a skill. This skill is called projection.

The skills from Red A are similar to embodied abilities. In theory, they can project anything. However, except for weapons, which are relatively smooth, other aspects cannot be said to be 100% replicable. For example, if Linton projects a mobile phone, something that looks like a mobile phone will appear, but it is completely unusable. At present, it seems that only the projected weapons are valuable, because as for weapons, even Noble Phantasms can replicate a considerable level of functions, probably It's just a little bit worse than the original product.

There is no need for Linton to go to the scene to pinch the large number of Italian cannons behind Linton. They can be directly projected. In short, for now, Linton only bought the genuine King's Treasure House, and the things in it are all projections, and they are all used as bullets anyway.

"How come you have... my king's treasure house?" Of course, just this authentic item really shocked Jin Shining.

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