Lancer in the air felt a breath of death covering his whole body, and even his breathing became heavy. This was obviously going to end. At this time, he couldn't even think of any way to deal with it, but at this moment, Linton took action.

It was a very ordinary spear throwing posture. Linton did not use any skills, he just threw it casually. Of course, the power of this casual throw was far beyond the range that normal humans could understand.

With a "swish", the magic gun in his hand turned into a red light and flew out. Lancer couldn't even see Linton's action clearly. When he saw this red light flying towards him, Lancer had already received the message of death in his mind.

However, something unexpected happened. Lancer here was already waiting for death. A huge figure suddenly appeared in front of him, directly blocking his body. Lancer took a closer look and found that the figure in front of him was another servant, Illya's servant Berserker.

Yes, Illya must take action. Linton's actions are already obvious, and Illya is not an idiot. Although Lancer and them are not allies, Linton is already clearing the area. After taking care of Caster and Lancer, who do you think is next?

She was already very afraid of Linton, and she had a vivid memory of the loss she suffered before. After Caster and Lancer fell, let her face this pervert Linton alone? Therefore, Lancer must be saved now, and there is still a chance for Linton to besieged by several servants.

In fact, when I saw Linton attack Caster, Illya had already ordered Berserker to come forward. However, what I didn't expect was that Caster would die so quickly and it would be too late to save him. When berserker arrived at the fighting position, Lancer was about to be killed. Illya waved her hand quickly, and berserker jumped up and stood in front of Lancer.

The berserker here was holding his ax horizontally. The originally large and thick ax was completely blocked in front of him, and now it looked like a shield. The next second, there was a "clang", and the magic gun directly hit the side of the axe. The loud noise even made Ilia who was following behind have a tinnitus.

Although her ears hurt from the shock, Illya breathed a sigh of relief when she saw Berserker immediately blocking the attack. However, she didn't expect that the next moment, she was shocked again by the situation in front of her. The red spear here actually penetrated the ax in Berserker's hand, and then without waiting for Berserker to react, the spear penetrated his body again.

This wasn't over yet. After penetrating Berserker's body, the spear was still flying forward, with Lancer still in the air behind him. He saw a red spearhead coming out of Berserker's back and heading towards him. Flying towards his face.

But it probably penetrated the berserker and slightly affected the speed of the spear, which gave Lancer time to react. With a sudden and difficult movement in the air, he shook his head off, and the spear flew past his ear with a "whoosh". Lancer broke out in a cold sweat. He was only a few centimeters away from being shot in the head with a spear. He was really one step away from death.

He adjusted his posture and landed on the ground, and then there was a heavy slamming sound from the front. Yes, the shot-through berserker landed not far in front of him. The berserker that fell to the ground struggled a little and let out a roar, but still couldn't get up and lay down without any reaction. Of course, Lancer can probably guess why berserker wants to help him, but it doesn't work at all. The guy opposite is really too perverted.

"It's really... weak." Linton's voice sounded again, "I can't catch any spear I throw at me. To be honest, if your master comes out to play, I still have some energy."

"Do you know that old woman?" Lancer said casually, of course he was thinking about what to do now.

"I really want to record what you said with a tape recorder and play it to Shi-chan when I meet her in the future." Linton spread his hands and said.

Lancer's face turned dark. Of course he wouldn't have dared to say that if Scathach was present, and deep down he still respected Scathach very much. The old woman was just because she was trained so badly. In private, It was just a few curse words. If the master really found out, he would probably be beaten badly.

"Roar!" The two of them had just chatted for a few words when an angry roar suddenly came from the side. Yes, Berserker, who had just been penetrated and fell to the ground, suddenly reacted again and actually stood up from the ground again. This situation made Lancer stunned for a moment. The position he just penetrated must be fatal, right? Berserker is not dead?

Taking a closer look, Berserker's injuries here have actually healed. If it weren't for the obvious puncture on the ax he was holding, Lancer would have thought that what he saw before was all an illusion.

"Is it Berserker's special ability?" Lancer judged. It was probably an inherent skill or treasure phantom like resurrection? Of course, this is a good thing for him. At present, it seems that Berserker's master has decided to temporarily join forces with him. It is better than him alone against Linton, a pervert.

With a loud roar, berserker jumped suddenly and rushed directly towards Linton. At this time, Lancer also moved immediately, but he moved back. It's not that he wants to escape, but his weapon is now stuck on the pillar on the third floor upstairs. Most of the spear is sunk into the pillar, leaving a tail outside.

Although the enemy in front of him was too strong for him to accept, Lancer had no intention of running away. When Linton ran away before, it was because of his master's order. This time, he had no intention of leaving and died in battle, which was his lifelong wish.

With a "clang" sound, Linton raised his hand to directly block Berserker's jump slash. Although Berserker had already slashed with all his strength, it had no effect at all. Even the Battle Ji wasn't activated.

I turned to look at Lancer, who jumped up to the third floor and grabbed the end of the magic gun. Just as he was about to draw his gun, Linton took a step forward, put his five fingers together and inserted it directly into Berserker's eye socket. He pinched the opponent's skull in reverse, turned over and picked up Berserker, and swung it towards Lancer's position. .

With a loud "bang", Berserker flew out and hit directly where the spear had been inserted. However, a figure shot out from the smoke, it was Lancer. His movements were indeed quite fast, and he actually dodged this attack. However, before he landed, Linton's figure flashed, and the next moment he appeared directly in front of Lancer.

Linton's speed was far beyond Lancer's observation range. In Lancer's eyes, Linton almost teleported to him, and he was even still in mid-air. Lancer reacted and was ready to attack with his gun, but at this moment, his movements suddenly stopped.

Slowly lowering his head, Linton's hand had penetrated directly into his chest. Lancer was stunned for a moment, unable to capture exactly when Linton took action. Blood spurted out from his mouth, but the next moment, Lancer raised his right hand and slowly struck Linton with a spear-piercing attack.

"Sure enough... it still doesn't... work..." Of course, this blow also had no effect. Lancer finally showed a disappointed expression, and his body gradually began to turn into little golden lights and slowly disappeared.

Linton didn't say anything sarcastic to an opponent who even though he knew he couldn't beat him, he didn't show any timidity until the end. Although the spearmen of the past generations are synonymous with tragedy, none of them are cowardly. It is indeed due to bad luck, and every time they encounter a strange master.

Turning around, Linton looked directly at Ilia next to him. The person here obviously didn't have the courage to face Linton. When Linton turned his eyes, Illya was so frightened that she sat on the ground.

"Berserker!" In the panic, she could only yell her servant, but this call was still somewhat useful. A huge thing behind Linton hit the ground directly, and then with a roar, Berserker stood up again , attacking Linton's back.

With a "bang" sound, Berserker's entire upper body exploded in the next second. Linton didn't even look behind him and smashed Berserker's entire body into pieces with a backhand blow.

"How many times have you used the Twelve Trials?" Linton walked directly in front of Illya without any pause and asked looking at Illya sitting on the ground.

"Huh?" Illya was really frightened, but she was also stunned when she heard Linton's words. Why did the other party... know the effect of his servent's Noble Phantasm?

"I said..." Just as Linton was about to continue, a scream from Tohsaka Rin suddenly came from beside him.

Linton was stunned for a moment, then turned to look at the battle venue between Tohsaka Rin and Kotomine Kirei. To be honest, Linton didn't pay attention to the battle between these two rookies, and he didn't quite know what it was about. It doesn't matter whether Kotomine Kirei, who is experienced in fighting, or the enhanced Tohsaka Rin can win. Anyway, he can finish it at any time after the result is announced. However, the current situation is still somewhat beyond Linton's expectations.

Both of them were obviously injured. Kotomine Kirei was vomiting blood now, with his mouth full of blood. He must have serious internal injuries, probably caused by Tohsaka Rin's force. There are also a lot of wounds on Tohsaka Rin's body, some of them are scratches from sharp objects, and some may be injuries caused by magic. Generally speaking, Tohsaka Rin's injuries are more serious, but she has a physical advantage after all. The resilience is also stronger than Kotomine Kirei.

According to this situation, the person who wins in the end should be Tohsaka Rin. Even if she is injured in exchange for injury, she still has an advantage. However, Linton's judgments were useless now, because Kotomine Kirei now had an extra hostage in his hands, and the battle had to be stopped.

"Why did this guy show up at this time?" Linton held his head, yes, the person in Kotomine Kirei's hands now was actually Emiya Shirou. Linton looked at Illya next to him. He just said that Shirou Emiya was kidnapped on his way to school. It was obviously Illya who did it. It is not surprising that he is now in the Einzbern castle. Yes, I just didn't expect that I would be caught by Kotomine Kirei when I came out now.

"That can only be..." Linton was just about to help, but a lot of golden chains suddenly appeared around him. The next moment, they suddenly tightened, tying Linton directly to the spot.

"Oh, is it you again? Jin Shining." Linton calmly turned his head to look to the other side and sighed.

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