I really can't control myself

Chapter 1420 The truth

At this time, Kotomine Kirei had quickly understood what Linton meant. JN424 was the last words left to him by his father, Kotomine Rimasa. Apart from him, the only person who knew about it was Jin Shining Shining. So Linton's obvious meaning in asking this question is, "I know everything about you." This is probably what he wanted to express.

Although Kotomine Kirei doesn't know whether Linton really knows everything about him, at least he can know this and other things. Continuing to act stupid will only make Linton continue to watch. Just a joke.

"You gave up so quickly. I just thought it was interesting." Linton said, "I heard that you are a pervert. The uglier the thing, the more attractive you will find it and it will be unforgettable. The part you just performed by yourself made me laugh. Aren’t the struggles and quibblings of people who want to laugh also very ugly? Shouldn’t they be quite refreshing in your opinion? I can act with you for a few more episodes. I will act like a clown, and you can still appreciate your own ugly struggles. This is not a two-way street. Are you all happy? Don’t you think about win-win things? "

"Who are you? Why do you know about me?" Kotomine Kirei asked directly.

"My dear, Li Yunlong... No, I almost got involved myself." Linton said, "My dear, Linton, hey, I can still play prophetic style even if my identity is exposed. I didn't expect it."

"Your goal, is the Holy Grail?" Kotomine Kirei asked directly.

"Are you stupid? I've already said that I have resumed my status as a prophet, so since I am a prophet, is there anything else I don't know about?" Linton said, "What is the so-called Holy Grail? Don't you know? No. There must be some people who really think this thing can make wishes come true.”

"Huh?" Tohsaka Rin next to him was stunned.

"You...you don't really believe it." Linton looked at Tohsaka Rin beside him in surprise.

"Isn't it?" Tohsaka Rin asked.

"I said, your brain is not broken. Why doesn't it work now? When Caster said that he wanted to summon the Holy Grail, you could immediately tell that summoning the Holy Grail requires sacrificing human life. Why did you reach the point of using the Holy Grail to fulfill your wish? Bian, do you think you can easily realize your wishes without paying any price?"

"Hmm..." Tohsaka Rin was stunned for a moment. It seemed that... it made some sense. How does the Holy Grail fulfill wishes?

"The so-called wish fulfillment is obviously fake at first sight. Even if the Holy Grail wants to do it, it can't do it. For example, during the last Holy Grail War, a guy who successfully summoned the Holy Grail was shrouded in despair, and even promised I made the wish to end the world, do you think the Holy Grail can do it? It did work very hard. In order to realize the wish to end the world, the Holy Grail tried its best to set a fire and set the Fuyuki Civic Hall on fire. It was burned, so I can only say...it tried its best." Linton spread his hands and said.

"So... these are all fake? The Holy Grail War too?" Tohsaka Rin asked.

"To be precise, the Holy Grail War is a decisive battle magic that saves the world of primates. It is a ritual to summon crowned heroic spirits to fight against the catastrophe. This ritual was originally just a legendary thing, but hundreds of years ago, three families had a whim. Wanting to make this ritual a reality, they carried out various experimental modifications in Dongmu City. As for the purpose of the ritual, the Einzbern family wanted to save more people through the third method they mastered, and the Tohsaka family The family wanted to bring down the roots through rituals, and the Machiri family, now the Matou family, wanted their head to gain eternal life. No one even mentioned that they wanted to create a Holy Grail that could fulfill all wishes. It’s just that this ceremony requires a sufficient number of magicians to participate, so I just make up a random reason to participate that makes everyone feel hopeful.”

"What is the root cause?" Because Linton mentioned the Tohsaka family's wish, Tohsaka Rin was of course curious about what it was.

"Another deceptive thing. It is said to be the end of all magic, similar to a magician's paradise. The wish is very beautiful, but in fact, can this ritual be completed? What will be the reaction after it is completed? , no one knows at all. Neither do the three families who presided over this ceremony." Linton said, "The actual situation is that this is the fifth Holy Grail War so far, and all Holy Grail rituals so far have failed. One I didn’t expect that an experiment with no successful examples could be tricked into getting a group of people to help with continuous testing. Maybe it’s because the story was too good.”

"So... we... were all deceived?" Tohsaka Rin murmured.

"You're lying!" Caster suddenly said, "The Holy Grail exists!"

"I understand. After all, you can only count on that to be true, right?" Linton said, "I have to say that the plans proposed by these three companies are really quite bluffing. In theory, it is really possible. Come up with something outrageous."

"Is that why they continue to conduct experiments?" Tohsaka Rin asked, "Then you mean that if they continue to experiment like this, they will really succeed?"

"I didn't know before, but now, I tell you clearly, no, because after the Third Holy Grail War, this thing has been contaminated." Linton said, "There is a thing called Angola Mainyu. It has eroded into the spiritual veins, and now the core of the Holy Grail has been filled with evil, turning into a whirlpool of malignant power. Continuing the experiment will only lead to worse results."

"Uh..." Tohsaka Rin frowned.

"Is there anything else you want to ask? Or don't understand?" Linton asked.

"No, you suddenly said so much, I'm... a little... confused." Tohsaka Rin said.

"Those who noticed the abnormality in the Holy Grail ritual, apart from the creator of the ritual, Matou Zouken, Kotomine Kirei and Emiya Kiritsugu, who survived the last Holy Grail War, should also have noticed it." Linton turned to Kotomine Kiritsugu. Rei said, "Emiya Kiritsugu chose to destroy the Holy Grail to prevent the spread of evil. However, you know clearly that it is not a wish-fulfillment machine, but you still want to summon something to come, so you will serve as the inspector and continue to perform the Holy Grail ritual. Bar."

"You know too many things, even more than I know." Kotomine Kirei said.

"So your original plan was to let some Masters fight first, and when the fight is almost done, you come out to finish it, use the Einzbern's cyborgs to complete the Holy Grail ritual, summon all the evil in this world, and Angola Mainyu comes, right? ." Linton said, "It's a pity that I am in trouble, so I am anxious to summon other heroic spirits to deal with me. Is there anything I need to refute?"

"No." Kotomine Kirei said directly, "So, I'm just a little curious. If your goal is not the Holy Grail, then what is it?"

"Oh? Are you curious again?" Linton said with a smile, "Last time you were very curious about Emiya Kiritsugu, so you turned around and stabbed Tokiomi Tosaka. This time... how about you stab Jin Shining Shining? So, I’ll satisfy your curiosity?”

"Kotomine Kirei! Why did you kill my father?" At this point, Tohsaka Rin asked again.

"Because...he hindered me." Kotomine Kirei said calmly.

"Hindered you?" This answer made Tohsaka Rin stunned for a moment, "What hindered you?"

"Find happiness." Linton said next to him, spreading his hands.

"Huh?" Tohsaka Rin was stunned for a moment.

"It doesn't matter if he doesn't understand. Anyway, this guy doesn't know what the so-called pleasure he is looking for is. After listening to Jin Shining's words, he said he was looking for pleasure. As a result, he still hasn't found his goal, so he decided casually. We need to help Angola Mainyu complete the baptism and help him come to the world," Linton said.

"..." Tohsaka Rin didn't know how to ask.

"So it doesn't matter if you don't understand. Who knows the logic behind this pervert's thinking? I can't understand it either." Linton spread his hands and said, "Kill him and that's it, okay?"

"I don't know what you think, Kotomine Kirei, but I will avenge my father." Tohsaka Rin said directly without any hesitation.

"If you kill me, can you find the final answer? Rin." Kotomine Kirei said.

"I only know that I will never let you go, Kotomine Kirei!" Tohsaka Rin shouted.

"Uh...it seems that you want to take revenge yourself." Linton said, "In that case, I will leave this guy to you and everyone else to me. I will try my best to ensure that no one will hinder you from avenging your father. "

"Believe me again." Tohsaka Rin said and jumped directly over the railing from the third floor. He squatted to relieve his strength, stood firmly, and came directly in front of Kotomine Kirei.

"Do you remember this sword?" Tohsaka Rin took out a short sword inlaid with gems. To be precise, it should be a dagger, but there are indeed all kinds of swords in Hiben, and anything can be called a sword.

"It's such a nostalgic thing." Of course Kotomine Kirei recognized it, it was the sword he used when he killed Tokiomi Tohsaka.

"It was you who handed this knife to me at my father's funeral." Rin Tosaka said, "I also swore at that time that I would use this knife to avenge my father, but I didn't expect that man would It's you."

"Come on, Rin, let me see how much of my magic you have learned over the years." Kotomine Kirei said with a smile.

"Then..." Tohsaka Rin was about to take action, but as soon as he got into position, a figure suddenly flashed next to him. Tohsaka Rin turned around and saw Linton flying directly past her, kicking another figure out of the void with a flying kick.

With a "bang", the person who was suddenly kicked out by Linton flew straight out, smashed through the stone pillars of the hall next to him with a loud bang, and plunged into another room next to him.

"So as I said, I will try my best to ensure that no one can hinder the duel between them. In order to avoid suspicion, you can't stand on the side, right? Why don't you have any self-consciousness?" Linton twisted his neck and said, "It's okay, you guys Go on, let go."

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