I really can't control myself

Chapter 142 Investigation

"Oh? How did you do it?" Linton asked a little strangely.

"It is said that we obtained a confession from Magneto. The other party confessed that this incident was planned by his men and the mutants from X Academy." Nick Fury said.

"Oh?" Linton was stunned for a moment, but after thinking about it for a moment, he understood the general situation. At this time, Lao Wan was also controlled by Stryker. In prison, he was hypnotized by a special method of controlling mutants invented by Stryker. Anyway, it was very simple to get a confession. No wonder Stryker here didn't argue too much before. It turns out he had a back-up plan. In the original work, because the president quickly agreed to his request, it was not used, but here it seems that he used a dirty trick.

"So what does the president mean?" Linton asked.

"The president put this matter in the hands of Stryker, and his people contacted me and said they would take everyone here back for questioning," Nick Fury said.

"Do you agree with this?" Linton asked.

"Naturally, we can't just hand it over to him." Nick Fury said, "I have investigated this person. This person named Stryker has shown his hatred of mutants before, and he has been studying mutants himself. Man, I even suspect that he may have planned this incident."

I have to say that Nick Fury's speculation was quite accurate. Linton also said at this time: "When I was chasing Nightcrawler just now, I talked with him."

"Nightcrawler? Is this the mutant?" Nick Fury asked.

"Well, according to what he said, his memory is very vague, as if he was really controlled by someone, and he remembers someone injecting something into the back of his neck. Look at the mark." Linton said as well. Nightcrawler rolled over and showed Nick Fury the strange scar on the back of his neck.

"I suspect that someone can use a method to control mutants." Linton said. "I originally wanted to take him back and then interrogate the situation, but now it seems that we must prepare in advance."

"Controlling mutants? In other words, if Stryker is the mastermind behind the scenes, then Magneto is also possible..." Nick Fury immediately understood what Linton meant.

"We have to be on guard," Linton said. "This guy may really want to start a war between mutants and ordinary people."

Nick Fury did a quick calculation. He couldn't ignore this matter. If he really wanted to launch a war against mutants, he would not object to it, but it would require Congress to pass such a resolution, not Stryker's bullying. This way of hiding things from the top and bottom, so he must stop this conspiracy.

"I think we have to meet with Professor X," Nick Fury said.

"But I just heard you say that Professor

"Oops..." Nick Fury also understood that Stryker had probably been prepared for a long time and would definitely take action at this time. Not only Professor

It is definitely too late to fly to Washington now. Nick Fury thought for a while and said: "There are two things to do now. First, understand Stryker's plan, and second, find a way to obtain the evidence."

"This Night Walker may be considered as evidence." Linton said, "Check his body, maybe there is a way to know something."

"Yeah." Nick Fury also nodded, "This person can't be handed over to them, and the same goes for these people..."

Although the president issued an order for Nick Fury to hand over the person, Nick Fury was obviously not someone who would blindly follow orders from above. After thinking twice, Nick Fury first picked up these people on the plane, and then began to investigate what happened.

Soon, it was the next day, and the current situation was not ideal. First of all, as they expected, Stryker was indeed prepared. Not only did he send people to attack X Academy, but Professor X and Cyclops Scott also disappeared, probably in Stryker's hands.

Secondly, Stryker's people also notified Nick Fury again to hand over the captured people to them, with the president's order. Nick Fury happened to report the current situation before, saying that he had caught the person. Now it was very embarrassing, but he still obeyed the order and said he would take the person back as soon as possible.

Taking advantage of this time, Nick Fury was also investigating Stryker's situation. However, not much has been investigated so far. They know that Stryker has a base, but the location of this base is a military secret. Currently, even SHIELD doesn’t know the specific location of this base, although it can take some time. They were found, but what they lack now is time, because they are already frantically pressing for people, and the president is about to send someone over to investigate them.

Secondly, they still don’t understand Stryker’s full plan. Nick Fury feels that the other party’s purpose is not just as simple as X Academy. Nick Fury senses a deeper conspiracy, but he doesn’t know what it is.

"I feel like mutants know mutants better. You might be able to learn something by talking to a few of them." Linton certainly knew about the plan, but he didn't intend to say it directly. Instead, he pointed at the person in the monitor. Storm and the others were locked up.

Yes, Storm and the others are quite lucky. They are all fine, but their injuries are quite serious. Colossus was okay and had not been injured before, but both Storm and Beast almost died, but fortunately Nick Fury saved them. Storm is very weak now, and Beast, who has amazing resilience, is actually almost healed now.

Nick Fury nodded. He was indeed a little anxious, so he took Linton and others to the place where several people were detained. When they saw Nick Fury, several people showed anger, and when they saw Linton who was traveling with him, they were angry but also a little afraid. After all, Linton did make them panic a little.

"I think you need to know the current situation." Nick Fury briefly talked to a few people about what was happening so far. It was obvious that several people became anxious when they heard that X Academy was attacked and Professor X was missing.

"According to the president's order, I must hand you over." Nick Fury continued, "But I always feel that this matter is not simple. Stryker seems to be planning something. If you know anything, convince me , I won’t hand you over.”

"I don't know about Stryker, but we know that this matter has nothing to do with us." Storm said directly, "Someone controlled Nightcrawler and asked him to attack the president. His purpose must be to cause conflict between us and you. war."

"I really want to believe you, but do you have any evidence to prove this?" Nick Fury asked.

"Go find Stryker. If you catch him, you will know what he wants to do." Storm here shouted directly.

"So, under what pretext should I arrest him?" Nick Fury spread out his hands, "The president's order is for us to assist him. It seems that our chat is over here, I will hand you over to him."

"You can't do this!" Storm stood up excitedly, but because of her wound, she sat down again.

"Sorry, this is an order from the president," Nick Fury said.

"Wait a minute." The beast lying next to him said, "I think I may know something."

"What?" Nick Fury asked.

"You said that the professor was not killed, but just disappeared. That means they took the professor away, right?" Beast asked.

"Well, that should be the case." Nick Fury nodded.

"I think their purpose may be to obtain the professor's ability." Beast said, "Since they have the ability to control Nightcrawler, they might also be able to control the professor."

"Then what?"

"Brain wave amplifier!" The beast said more and more smoothly, and suddenly seemed to understand something, "The purpose of their attack on X Academy is to get the brain wave amplifier."

"what is that?"

"A device that can amplify the professor's ability." The beast said, "By the way, with this device, the professor can find... No... No, if it is the professor's ability, he might be able to attack directly with mental power. All mutants.”

"Attack all mutants?" Nick Fury said in surprise.

"Professor does have such ability." Beast said.

Nick Fury was a little shocked by the Beast's words. He was still considering the authenticity of the Beast's words when he suddenly heard a "bang bang bang" knock on the door next to him.

"Come in," Nick Fury said.

An agent opened the door, looking like he had something important to report. Although Nick Fury was a little strange, after all, he had told people not to come in and disturb him before, but this was his subordinate. He knew him, so he naturally had no doubts and walked to the other party's side.

However, what people didn't expect was that just when Nick Fury lowered his head to ask what was going on, the opponent suddenly stood up, raised his foot and gave Nick Fury a knee-knock, then hugged Nick Fury's neck and pulled out He pulled out his own pistol and put it on Nick Fury's head.

"William! What are you doing?" The agents around him immediately drew their weapons and pointed them at this man.

"William." Nick Fury recovered fairly quickly. He didn't struggle and asked calmly, "What's going on?"

Everyone was surprised as to why the agent named William suddenly rebelled, but Linton next to him understood something.

"Hydra?" Linton walked up to William and asked.

"What is that?" the other party replied in a strange voice.

"Oh, I understand." Linton nodded, "You are Mystique Raven, right."

"It seems that you know a lot." The other party's voice completely changed into a female voice, and then soon, the other party's body seemed to be peeling off, and slowly transformed into a blue woman. It was obvious that she was Mystique Raven.

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