In the western suburbs of Fuyuki City, Linton and Tohsaka Rin have arrived at the gate of the Einzbern family's castle. The Western-style castle in the mountains ahead obviously does not match the situation in Fuyuki City. It is surrounded by barren mountains and there are no other buildings. The castle in front of you seems to have crossed the border and arrived in Europe. However, in fact Einzbei The Ren family's castle is not very far from Fuyuki City.

"Good fellow, there's a meeting here." As soon as he arrived at the door, Linton found that the situation in the castle was unexpectedly strange. The people I listed before, including Caster and Soichiro Kuzuki, Jin Shining and Kirei Kotomine, and Illya and Berserker who attacked Emiya Shirou, looked quite troublesome, but Linton finally came here. It was discovered that these groups of people are actually in the Einzbern Castle now. How did these groups of people get together? This surprised Linton.

"Are they all here?" Tohsaka Rin here was also quite surprised. At this time, the two people invaded the castle from a room with an open window on the third floor of the castle. As soon as they arrived at the castle hall outside, they saw a strange situation in the hall. Tohsaka Rin also quickly lowered his body to hide. .

In the hall, Illya and Berserker were standing on the side stairs of the hall. Caster was holding the seriously injured Kuzuki Soichiro at the door. Mine Kirei also seemed to have just entered, but Jin Shining did not appear. body, only Linton could feel his approximate position.

"Listen to the situation first." Tohsaka Rin whispered to Linton. It was indeed very strange for these three groups of people to gather together. It happened that Tohsaka Rin wanted to investigate whether Kotomine Kirei was the person he was looking for. She decided to listen to what a few people were talking about.

"In short, as I just said, I hope to suspend the Holy Grail War." The person who spoke was Kotomine Kirei, "At present, we must gather the power of all the Masters to resolve this accident first, and then continue the Holy Grail War. ceremony."

"Does the inspector have such great power?" Ilia said here, "You have exceeded the scope of inspection, right? This is directly interfering in the war."

"No, head of the Einzbern family, my duty is indeed to supervise the orderly progress of the Holy Grail War and will not interfere with the war. The current situation is something that I must be responsible for solving. Although Tohsaka Rin is indeed participating in the competition One of them, but...she has seriously violated the rules of the Holy Grail War." Kotomine Kirei said.

"Huh?" Tohsaka Rin, who was observing from upstairs, frowned. Seeing this situation, Kotomine Kirei took the initiative to unite with other contestants to deal with him? She wouldn't be able to accept the alliance between caster and berserker. After all, they were both defeated, but she couldn't accept Kirei Kotomine taking the lead. Now her suspicions are even heavier. Could it be that this person really did it? Otherwise, why couldn't he sit still as soon as Jin Shining was defeated? If he was the mastermind behind it, all this would seem to be a matter of course.

Although he became more suspicious, Tohsaka Rin still did not show up and continued to listen to the situation here.

"Breaking the rules?" Illya said with a chuckle. Although alliance is a good thing, she cannot accept the interference of Kotomine Kirei as a supervisor in the war. This is a war between their masters. You will end up as a supervisor. , wouldn’t it be controlled by the referee who wins? She is not stupid enough to be used as a weapon by Kotomine Kirei, and has no intention of cooperating with him. "Then tell me, what rules did she violate? So that you, the supervisor, took the initiative to suspend To end the Holy Grail War and launch a joint crusade?"

"According to the rules of the Holy Grail War, once you lose your servant, you lose your qualifications. I'm right," Kotomine Kirei said.

"Yes." Illya nodded. In her opinion, this was not a big problem, at least that was the rule on the surface.

"Rin Tosaka continued to hinder the progress of the Holy Grail War even after losing his servant. This is of course something I must take care of as a prosecutor." Kirei Kotomine said.

"Huh?" Illya was stunned. "Are you kidding? As far as I know, her powerful servant didn't retire at all. Otherwise, who would have beaten these two into this state? If it wasn't for that terrifying How could they come to me to ask for asylum?"

Yes, Caster came to Illya to cooperate with him. After seeing Linton's terrifying strength, he felt that he couldn't beat him at all. He didn't want to withdraw from the competition or wait for death. What should he do? His hometown has been raided now, and he will be found sooner or later. After thinking about it, Caster thought of someone he might be able to cooperate with, and that was Berserker.

Caster had been paying attention to the situation of Illya and her berserker before, and was frightened by the other party's exaggerated magic power. She had always regarded the other party as her biggest enemy, but now after being beaten by Linton and the others, she realized It seems to be scary over there. After hesitating for a while, she thought of working with berserker and his master. This was the best way she could think of at the moment.

Of course, she and Illya had no basis for cooperation before. Both parties were nominally enemies. If they came to see them, they might be killed by the other party. Caster also hesitated, but there is no other way. It is estimated that Tohsaka Rin has already started searching for him. If he is caught by them, he will die. It is better to try to convince Illya. She also has some leverage. , knowing how to summon the Holy Grail without using the original ritual is one of them.

As for Illya, she was also a little hesitant. Originally, she would definitely not cooperate with others, especially someone like Caster who seemed weak to her, didn't know the truth, and could stab someone in the back at any time. How could she cooperate? However, the hesitation came from the pressure from the enemy, which of course refers to Linton.

As someone who had faced Linton head-on, the direct summoning of meteorites before had really scared her. She originally thought that the one she summoned was already at the level of a monster. Only when she went out did she realize that other people's servants were even more perverted, and her own Hercules You feel like a soldier in front of him, how can you do this? So when she heard that Caster was looking for her to join forces, she was really ready to think about it.

While he was thinking about it, Kotomine Kirei suddenly appeared. That is what we saw so far. The other party's purpose was to let them jointly attack Tohsaka Rin, and now he said that Tohsaka Rin violated the rules of the Holy Grail War? This made her a little confused.

"Yes, Tohsaka Rin's servant defeated the previous archer who claimed to be a survivor from the last Holy Grail War, and did not suffer any injuries. He completely crushed her." Caster also testified, "I also hope that we can jointly deal with her. , but if you, the supervisor, interfere, then the nature of the matter is wrong. Do you want to interfere in the Holy Grail War? Is there any conspiracy?"

"No, no, no, I'm really just performing my duties as a supervisor." Kotomine Kirei continued, "What I just said is also the truth, because... the person you met is not a distant person at all. Ban Rin’s servent.”

"What?" Caster and Illya here were both stunned. Also confused was Tohsaka Rin himself, who was eavesdropping upstairs. Then he subconsciously looked at Linton next to him, with a look in his eyes. inquiry.

It was obvious that Tohsaka Rin himself had doubts about Linton. Otherwise, why would he seek confirmation from Linton when he heard the words of a person like Kotomine Kirei, who was basically an enemy now? Is there anything wrong with this enemy making up a paragraph for the sake of unity? Shouldn't it be the story made up by the other party that should be suspected? Tohsaka Rin's reaction already showed that she was suspicious.

It is true that what happened in the past two days has already made her feel that something is wrong. However, because she faced too many problems, Tohsaka Rin did not even have time to have a proper showdown with Linton, but now that she heard Yan According to Mine Kirei, she had to bring this matter up again.

"What are you talking about? How is this possible?" Illya below directly questioned Kotomine Kirei on behalf of Tohsaka Rin, "You said that thing is not Rin's servant? Then what is he? A passing monster?"

"The first time I met him, I already vaguely realized that something was wrong. After that, I carefully checked the spells and magic circuits on Tohsaka Rin's body, and there was no connection with that guy in any way." Kotomine Kirei probably also Knowing that he would be questioned, he explained calmly.

Rin Tosaka upstairs nodded, and she vaguely noticed this. Her basic magic skills were taught by Kirei Kotomine, so it was not surprising that the other party could discover her magic circuit.

"This is just your one-sided statement." Illya directly questioned it below.

"I see... But I'm going to present real evidence now." Kotomine Kirei seemed to have anticipated Illya's doubts and continued to speak calmly. At this time, he directly opened the box he was carrying. To both Illya and Caster's surprise, the other party actually took out a... severed hand from the box.

"That's..." Seeing this severed hand, Tohsaka Rin upstairs was also stunned, because she recognized this severed hand. It was not... the one left behind after Matou Sakura's servant was killed by Linton. Broken hand?

"What is this?" Illya asked.

"The heroic spirit summoned by the master will be temporarily given a physical body. I think you all know this." Kotomine Kirei said, "This arm is the arm of a heroic spirit. It was the arm of Rin Tosaka and Matou. It was found in the ruins after the battle between the master of the house. In that battle, Rider, the heroic spirit of the Matou family, was eliminated, and the arm that was left behind... was not Rider's arm."

"What?" Several people were shocked again, including Tohsaka Rin upstairs.

"As for the arm of this unknown heroic spirit, I discovered Tohsaka Rin's magic power on it." Kotomine Kirei said, "I am very familiar with her magic power, so I boldly speculated that the owner of this arm is It’s the heroic spirit summoned by Tohsaka Rin.”

"What?" Tohsaka Rin looked at Linton next to him in surprise.

"Uh..." Linton touched his head, "Am"

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