The problem on Saber's side has been solved, and soon several people also held a subsequent battle planning meeting at the Tohsaka family. Of course Emiya Shirou also participated in this meeting. Although he is no longer the master, he does not want to quit at the moment.

"I can't just sit back and watch like this. If there's anything I can do, please let me help." Emiya Shirou said very firmly. The resolute attitude also made Tohsaka Rin realize that it was impossible to persuade the other party to go back just like that. As if nothing had happened, after thinking about it, she still agreed to the other party's participation. Of course, it was not the combat part. In her opinion, Emiya Shirou was still He doesn't have much fighting power, but he is still a magician after all, so he might still be of some use.

"Currently, the only servant we know for sure is Berserker from the Einzbern family. Although Lancer has also fought against each other, we still don't know the identity of the other party's master. As for Caster and Assassin, we don't have any information so far. ." Tohsaka Rin said, "As far as intelligence is concerned, we should be far behind. Neither Archer nor Saber are servants who are good at collecting intelligence..."

Tohsaka Rin said while looking at Linton and Saber here. The two of them were sitting on the left and right with a sofa distance apart. It seemed that their relationship was a bit... bad. Of course, the main reason is that Saber here is obviously a little resistant to Linton as the master. Linton is obviously very interested, but it seems that he is a little too interested.

Looking at Matou Sakura and Emiya Shirou here again, it gave her a headache more or less. It felt like they were leading an army of problem children. Of course, the most troublesome super trouble-making machine here was. It's Linton.

Shaking his head, Tohsaka Rin continued: "Rider has withdrawn from the competition. There should be four remaining servants, but...according to some information, there may be a fifth servant."

"What?" Emiya Shirou and Saber were surprised. Of course Matou Sakura and Linton had known about it for a long time, and the source of information Matou Sakura mentioned was of course Matou Zouken.

"This... is impossible. How could there be an eighth servant?" Saber said in surprise.

"There are only seven masters and seven servants. Tohsaka, this is what you said before." Emiya Shirou also said.

Linton almost laughed out loud when he heard what the two said. There are five of the Four Heavenly Kings. This is not normal. It is normal for more than seven servants to appear in the Holy Grail War, but Linton doesn't remember the most. How many servants have appeared at that time, maybe fourteen or fifteen.

"According to information, during the last Holy Grail War, one servant did not return to the Seat of Heroes after the end, but stayed in the present world until now." Tohsaka Rin said.

"Last time?" After hearing Tohsaka Rin's words, Saber suddenly froze, as if she had thought of something.

"Yeah." Tohsaka Rin didn't care and continued, "It should be the winner of the last Holy Grail War, and he made a wish like resurrection or staying here forever."

"I see." Shirou Emiya nodded. He had also known that the Holy Grail could grant wishes, and it seemed to be true.

"But if a Servant exists in this world, he needs a supply of magic power. I have also mentioned two ways of supplying magic power before. If the Holy Grail War has ended, then the curses and other things should have disappeared, so this is what is left servent, there may be no master at all, so if he has to keep supplying magic power..."

"He will keep attacking people, right." Emiya Shirou also understood what Tohsaka Rin meant.

"Yes." Tohsaka Rin nodded, "Anyway, we must find this guy and then eliminate him."

Tohsaka Rin didn't mention what Matō Zoyan said before that this servant might be related to her father's death, but she didn't lie either. Such a servant is obviously not a good thing. It attacks ordinary people to maintain their magic power. The evil existence must be eliminated.

"Understood." Saber here also suddenly nodded. It is true that such a guy cannot be let go, and she also wants to find him to verify her previous guess, "Let's find this evil servant first."

"I will also help." Emiya Shirou also had a sense of justice and said immediately.

"Yes." Tohsaka Rin nodded, "Although I am not sure about the source of this news, but if it is true, then this servent may attack ordinary people for as long as ten years. Perhaps we can start from investigating Fuyuki City. We will investigate cases such as disappearances that occurred in the past few years.”

"In this case, maybe we can find some clues through the news of the past few days." Emiya Shirou said, "If you want to look through the news archives of the past few years, maybe you can go to the library to look for it."

"It's really troublesome not having the Internet," Linton said.

"Internet?" These words made Tohsaka Rin's eyes flash. Yes, you can also search for information through the Internet. It should be much more efficient than going to the library to browse. But just when she thought of this, she frowned slightly, "Um... you can operate a computer?"

"Speaking of this, I don't feel sleepy anymore. I think back then...wait a minute..." Linton was about to start bragging, but suddenly hesitated. The world looked like an era around the beginning of the 21st century, and there was also the Internet. , but the question is... is the operating system the same as what he remembered? What if the entire system, which is similar to DOS, can only type code, and Linton really doesn’t know how to operate it? What should I do if I see the computer and am dumbfounded after finishing it? Isn’t this embarrassing?

"So when it came, the Holy Grail didn't input the ability to operate the computer into your memory?" Tohsaka Rin said.

"Hey, hey, it doesn't matter if I don't know how to do it. After all, I'm a servant. Neither can a modern person like you?" Linton asked.

"I...if I wanted to learn that kind of thing, I could learn it in an instant, but it's not necessary at all." Tohsaka Rin shook his head and said. Of course, the actual situation is that Tohsaka Rin is completely unfamiliar with such electronic things. Know nothing.

"How superficial your vision really is. Did you know that the information age is coming soon..." Linton spread his hands.

"In the information age, what is that?" Tohsaka Rin asked strangely.

"That's..." Linton got stuck again mid-sentence. Yes, although he knew that after the 21st century, there would be an era of vigorous development of the Internet. The Internet could be said to be the wave of the times, but the situation here seemed to be different. Ah, after all... magic exists in this world. In a world where magic exists, it is not surprising that the development of science and technology is somewhat restricted.

"I said..." Tohsaka Rin saw Linton's hesitant eyes and felt as if he had the upper hand. He was about to continue the pursuit, but Matou Sakura silently raised his hand next to him.

"That... that... I can operate a computer." Matou Sakura said weakly.

"Huh?" Everyone looked at her in surprise.

"Um...I've learned a little bit." Matou Sakura lowered her head and said.

"Oh, I didn't expect you, little niece, to have such skills." Linton said immediately, interrupting the previous topic.

"Little niece?" Emiya Shirou next to him was slightly stunned.

"Then just buy a computer and come back." Linton said, after all...he said he wanted to play.

"Are you kidding? The cheapest thing you can buy is more than 50,000 yuan." Tohsaka Rin exploded immediately.

"Huh? Oh yen...that's eight or nine thousand yen. It's not that expensive, right? Let's just check the information and it'll be over for a hundred yen." Linton said.

"What are you going to say?" Tohsaka Rin looked confused.

"No, there is no such thing as Taobao here..." Linton said, "It is very troublesome to circulate goods. The information age is better."

"What do you mean it's not you?" Tohsaka Rin said unhappily.

"Shut up, you idiot." Linton waved his hand and said.

"Hey you……"

With a bang, before Tohsaka Rin finished speaking, Linton took out a gold bar and placed it on the table. This gold bar is naturally provided by the Holy Empire of Yilan in the main world, because considering that most of the world's gold is hard currency, Linton also prepared a little just in case, you see, this will be used.

"..." Tohsaka Rin looked at the gold bars on the table and was stunned for a long time, "Okay... I'm poor..."

The money here has arrived, and the next thing is relatively simple. I made a call and a staff member came to my door very quickly. They not only delivered the goods, but also helped with installation and debugging. Of course, the network aspect was also solved along the way, and there was no need to pull any network cables, because the third one can still be used here. Two more convenient ways to access the Internet are called...telephone dialing. It is convenient in that it only needs to be connected to a telephone line. This Tohsaka family already has it. Of course, it also has shortcomings. Apart from the convenience of installation, everything else is shortcomings.

The various expenses totaled almost 70,000 yuan. Of course, Tohsaka Rin advanced the money first, and the gold bars were directly pocketed by her.

After everything was prepared, Matou Sakura, the only one here who knew computer skills, immediately started operating. Linton looked at the computer here and saw that it was really just a lot of text on the screen. Sure enough, it was not the same system. It was okay. I’m not bragging, I probably really don’t know how to operate this thing.

"Check the murders, assaults and disappearances in the past ten years." Tohsaka Rin said immediately.

"Well... there is not a lot of information." Matou Sakura said while operating, "I guess it is because many previous cases did not upload the information to the Internet."

"That's it." Tohsaka Rin nodded. Indeed, computers and the Internet ten years ago were not like they are now, so it was normal for them not to be uploaded to the Internet.

"But there have been more reports in recent years." Matou Sakura continued, "Especially recently, there seem to be a lot of cases of this type."

"It should all be done by servant..." Tohsaka Rin gritted his teeth and said.

"Ah, someone has compiled the latest cases and maps." Matou Sakura suddenly said, "Look..."

A map did appear on the computer, with many points marked on it, which were obviously the locations where the crime occurred. Looking at the map, Tohsaka Rin was suddenly shocked: "Wait a minute, the locations where these cases occurred are concentrated around this area. Where is this?"

"It should be... Enzo Mountain?" Matou Sakura looked at the map and said.

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