I really can't control myself

Chapter 1405 Identity

With a loud "boom", the entire Matou family house collapsed. The person who did it was still Matou Sakura here. This was also what she had been looking forward to in her dream. She could say that she had been waiting for this moment for thirteen years. Looking at the collapsed hell in front of her, Matou Sakura was a little surprised at her calmness at this moment. All these nightmares were finally over, and she would also have a new beginning.

"OK, my little niece is back, let's start a new life." Linton next to her suddenly said this. Matou Sakura turned her head in surprise, because Linton's words seemed to coincide with her thoughts. 's overlapped.

"That...little niece?" Matou Sakura pointed to herself hesitantly, with a questioning tone of course.

"It's you." Linton said immediately, "Although it's a little sudden, you are my biological niece from today on, and you will be my protector from now on. Although you may not understand how awesome this is yet, but You’ll understand later.”

"Niece?" This did make Matou Sakura a little confused. Why did she suddenly have such an identity? However, it was strange that she did not feel too much rejection of this identity. After all... Linton just pulled herself out. She was very clear about this hellish person. But in the previous situation, Matou Sakura looked at Linton and Tohsaka Rin a little strangely. Yes, she was a little confused about what was going on between the two.

What is particularly strange here is the guy who is obviously not his servant but forcefully pretends to be his servant, and of course Linton's previous warning. What is going on here? What Linton did should be aimed at his sister Tohsaka Rin, but... why?

However, Matou Sakura did not directly ask Linton at this time. She already felt that Linton must be hiding something from Tohsaka Rin, but she had not thought about what to do specifically. Maybe she should understand the situation first.

"What's going on with the dark demon?" At this time, Tohsaka Rin couldn't hold it in any longer and asked directly. When Linton approached Matou Sakura to sign the agreement, she already wanted to ask clearly. But after all, the enemy was still in front of her at that time. It was impossible for Linton to explain clearly in that situation, right? Moreover, she still trusts Linton now. , so she didn’t believe that Linton would harm her and her sister Matou Sakura, but now that her enemies were gone, of course she had to ask clearly.

"Huh? Did I just say this name?" Linton asked.

"Of course!" Tohsaka Rin said immediately, "Are you hiding something from me?"

"Cough cough cough..." Linton looked like he had a headache and was already making up his mind. After thinking about it, he also showed his hands, "Well, it seems that I can't hide it, so I have to show my cards. You are right, in fact, my real name is not Li Yunlong."

"What?" Tohsaka Rin was stunned for a moment. Linton said that she guessed correctly, but Tohsaka Rin said that she didn't guess well at all. "Aren't you Li Yunlong? Who are you?"

"My true identity is an existence known as the Dark Demon... As for the name... maybe you can call me Linton." Linton said.

"Linton?" Tohsaka Rin was still confused. Of course, she had never heard of Linton's name, and she had no idea what the dark demon was.

"You haven't heard that I am very normal, because I can be said to be the collection of thoughts of all the Chinese people who have been bullied by imperialism. There is nothing wrong with me saying that I am Li Yunlong, because his will is also the same. In my mind." Linton said, "Since I was born, I have inherited the inheritance of these wills. For the rejuvenation of the Chinese nation and to make the imperialism that bullies us pay the price, that is the meaning of my existence. It’s also the source of my strength.”

"Uh..." The two people in front of them were a little confused for a moment.

"In short, you can understand that I am the collective will of China's 1.4 billion people, embodying the thoughts of one-fifth of the human beings on this planet. This little sun can be destroyed with just one finger." Linton spread his hands and said.

"Huh?" After hearing Linton's words, Matou Sakura really didn't react for a long time. Why did she want to kill Hiben? What's going on? Who am I and where am I?

With a confused look on her face, she looked directly at Rin Tohsaka next to her, obviously asking what was going on with her eyes. Of course Tohsaka Rin understood it, but the question was how to explain the current situation.

"In short... in short, you are a collection of Chinese people's will, similar to the existence of some god's belief?" Tohsaka Rin thought for a while and said, the Japanese people can also understand this. For example, isn't there a person here in Japan? There are a lot of gods. According to their theory, if someone believes in them, the incarnation of the will of these beliefs will appear. Linton may be such an existence now.

"I don't know whether God is God or not, but I am indeed the collective will of China, so you can rest assured that I will protect you. After all, you are also a member of China." Linton said with a smile. .

"Huh?" Matou Sakura next to her looked at Tohsaka Rin in confusion again. A member of Huaxia? The Tosaka family has absolutely nothing to do with China, right? They are definitely Japanese people, okay? What is the situation? Is there something that I don't know about, or... my sister deceived Linton in front of me?

Matou Sakura looked at Tohsaka Rin and she didn't know what to do. She suddenly felt that her troubles seemed to be bigger. Before, she only deceived a general during the Anti-Japanese War, but now she suddenly became a Chinese. Is the collective known? This is going to be exposed. Isn't it tantamount to saying that I have deceived a god?

"Anyway, don't worry, I will definitely finish Xiaoriben this time." Linton waved his hand and said, "Although your main purpose of coming to Japan is to find your long-lost sister, as a Chinese son, now the opportunity is Now, you are willing to do your part for the country, right?"

"Uh..." Rin Tosaka choked for a long time, looked at Sakura Matou, whose eyes were getting worse and worse next to her, and nodded reluctantly, "Yes, I am willing..."

"Yeah, yeah, I knew that he really has the spirit of our Chinese people." Linton nodded, "You see, I have made it clear now that there is no problem in being your uncle. We Chinese people are all descendants of the dragon. Although I am the collective will of China, I don’t dare to act like an ancestor, but there should be no problem in being an uncle, right?”

"Uh..." Tohsaka Rin hesitated for a long time, "Probably... right."

"What do you think?" Linton continued to look at Matou Sakura next to him.

Matou Sakura looked at Rin Tohsaka next to her with a confused look on her face. Seeing that Rin Tosaka had been using her eyes to signal her to agree first, Matou Sakura thought for a while and nodded: "I think ……right……"

"Yeah, yeah, that's good, then call uncle to come and listen." Linton said immediately.

"Oh...that...uncle?" Tohsaka Rin hesitated for a long time again and said reluctantly.

"Yeah, yeah." Linton nodded very helpfully, "Okay, it's quite late. Let's go home first."

Tohsaka Rin followed Linton in the direction of Tosaka's house in a daze, and of course Matou Sakura was following behind. Along the way, Matou Sakura really wanted to ask Tohsaka Rin what was going on, but she couldn't understand it. However, looking at Linton in front of her, she couldn't seem to find a chance to ask.

Tohsaka Rin here was completely confused by the huge amount of information suddenly revealed by Linton. He originally just wanted to ask what a title was, but it turned out to be so many situations. As a result, she didn't know where to ask about the things she originally wanted to question.

After thinking about it, Tohsaka Rin suddenly realized that he had been deceived. The gathering of Chinese will sounded a bit unreliable. But as soon as this idea came up, Tohsaka Rin felt that this should be impossible. After all, Linton should be easier to fool in her eyes, so this should not lie to her. But thinking about it again, it seems wrong, considering the current situation, the other party must have concealed his original identity. At this time, Tohsaka Rin was a little confused.

Walking with heavy thoughts, he unknowingly returned to Tohsaka's house. As soon as they entered the door, Tohsaka Rin directly pulled Matou Sakura and said, "We sisters want to talk." As he said that, Tohsaka Rin also directly pulled Matou Sakura into his bedroom.

"Looks a little suspicious." Linton looked at Tosaka Rin who was in a hurry, and probably understood that the other party was a little suspicious, but the fact that he replaced her servant must not have occurred to her now, and he was probably a little confused now. Judging from the situation, it seems that the acting is a bit difficult. If Sakura Matou here provides correct information, she will probably be exposed. But there's nothing we can do to expose Linton. Of course, it doesn't matter. After all... no one can stop him, right? If Tohsaka Rin is really unwilling to cooperate, it doesn't matter if he finds someone else to get the Holy Grail. Look, Tongying is also a good choice.

"Or, should I just make a servant myself?" Linton suddenly said, all the magic-related things on Matou Sakura's body were traded to him, including the magic lines of course. Linton is really a magician now, so there should be no problem signing a servent. Of course, Matou Sakura's magic lines are very weak, because most of the magic power was swallowed up by the marking insects. It is so weak that Tohsaka Rin could not even feel the magic power on her body before. But Linton didn't care about the upper limit of magic value.

At this time, Tohsaka Rin pulled Matou Sakura directly into the bedroom, locked the door, and looked at Matou Sakura who seemed to want to ask something. Tohsaka Rin said directly: "Don't ask first. Hear me out."

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