I really can't control myself

Chapter 1402 Transaction

The sudden appearance of the strange thing really startled Matou Sakura, but after taking a closer look, she realized that it was a rider whose body had been twisted completely out of shape. The scene now had the feel of a horror movie. Matou Sakura covered her mouth and crawled to the side of Rider who had turned into a cube. Just when she was about to ask, there was a loud "thud" above her head.

Matou Sakura felt something fly over her head, hit the wall on one side of the kitchen, and hit the refrigerator on the opposite side. The whole person was hit by the huge force and bounced upwards. Hitting the ceiling and then falling to the ground. Upon closer inspection, he found that the person flying in was the man who had just claimed to be Rider. At this time, the man was covered in blood and fell to the ground unable to stand up.

At this time, the lights in the kitchen had malfunctioned and began to flicker. A figure appeared at the door of the large hole that had just been opened in the kitchen. Matou Sakura turned her head with fear. Linton had already walked in front of her step by step.

Without paying attention to the red A over there, Linton came directly to Matou Sakura, looked at the lumpy rider on the ground, and flew up with a kick. With a "bang", the rider crashed directly through the wall next to it and flew into the distance like a football that had been kicked wide open.

"Ride..." Matou Sakura subconsciously wanted to shout, but before she could speak, Linton pinched her mouth, and then with a little force, her whole body was lifted up in the air.

"Stop..." Red A on the ground raised his head and said with difficulty.

As he spoke, Red A crawled two steps towards this side, reaching out his hand probably to grab Linton's feet or something. Linton, on the other hand, directly raised his foot and stepped down hard. With a "click" sound, Red A's right arm was cut off by a direct kick. The flying arm rotated across the air, and the warm blood flowed. Sprinkled all over Matou Sakura, at this time Matou Sakura was almost forced to cry by this terrifying scene and depressing atmosphere.

"If you don't want to be used as a ball like Rider just now, just be obedient, understand?" Linton's voice rang in Matou Sakura's ears.

"Hmm..." Matou Sakura wanted to nod, but couldn't move, but Linton understood what she meant. He changed his position and clamped her directly, facing a little to the side. After the tool man Red A was used up, he was thrown into the falling space again. After all, he couldn't die yet, and he still needed to get the Holy Grail in his name. Woolen cloth.

Carrying Red A's severed hand, Linton walked directly out of the kitchen. When he returned to the living room, he happened to see Shinji Matou lying on the ground, struggling and screaming crazily.

"What's wrong?" Linton asked, looking at the confused Tohsaka Rin next to him.

"Uh... I just used a little strength, and his hand broke." Tohsaka Rin didn't know what happened. Just after Linton knocked "rider" away with one blow, he told her to deal with Shinji Matou and chased "rider" himself. Tohsaka Rin didn't object, although her left hand was still a little weak. , but she has no problem dealing with trash like Matou Shinji. She has learned boxing (Bajiquan).

However, she certainly didn't want to kill Matou Shinji, she just wanted to subdue him casually. As a result, with just a slight touch, without using much force, Matou Shinji's right hand suddenly broke completely. This made Tohsaka Rin confused. She knew very well how much force she used, and it was impossible to break the opponent's hand.

"Oh, have you forgotten the powerful pill I gave you yesterday?" Linton said, "As the name suggests, your strength will increase after taking it..."

Of course Linton knew that it was the heart-shaped fruit that improved Tohsaka Rin's physical fitness. Her physical fitness now is not what it was before, and she probably doesn't know how to control it herself.

"Is there still such an effect?" Rin Tosaka said in surprise. As he said this, he also saw Sakura Matou who was under Linton's men. After thinking about it, he asked, "How are you doing over there?"

"As you can see, my niece has caught it. Let's go back and explain to her slowly. As for Rider, this is the only hand left." Linton took out the red A's arm and shook it.

"Don't take out this kind of thing and wave it in front of me." Tohsaka Rin said with a frown.

"Oh." Linton casually flicked Red A's hand to the side, and then pointed at Shinji Matou on the ground, "What about this piece of trash, was it directly humanely destroyed?"

Tohsaka Rin didn't want to kill, even if she hated the other person, even if the other person might be the enemy's Master, she didn't want to do it. But Linton definitely didn't want to let him go. He was from Japan, and his attitude when he spoke just now was too arrogant. He was probably disliked by Linton. How should he be persuaded?

Just as she was thinking about it, a burst of footsteps suddenly came from the nearby corridor. Several people in the room looked directly in the direction of the footsteps. Even Matou Shinji, who was screaming on the ground, temporarily stopped.

"I didn't expect so many guests to come. The Matou family hasn't been so lively for a long time." A strange and deep voice came, and then the owner of the voice appeared in the corridor. He was a rather short man. The bald old man could tell that he was very old, his skin was sagging, he looked skinny and skinny, and he was using a cane. It looks like it will be blown down by the wind at any time, but it gives people a strong pressure inexplicably.

"Matō Zōyan..." Tohsaka Rin whispered softly and called out the old man's name. The person who came was none other than the head of the Matou family, Matou Zangyan.

"Grandpa!" Seeing Matou Zouken appear, Matou Shinji on the ground seemed to have found a backbone, holding his arms and shouting through gritted teeth, "They... they want to kill me, look at my hands... do it quickly Kill them!"

"Shut up." Matou Zangyan shouted softly. The sound was not very loud, but it was very effective. Matou Shinji's whole body trembled, and he stopped even screaming. Linton also clearly felt that Matou Sakura, who was between him, trembled when he heard this voice.

It finally became quiet for a while. Matou Zouken here walked directly to the sofa in the living room and sat down. He looked at the punched wall next to him, looked at Tohsaka Rin and said: "The girl of the Tosaka family, You came to my house in the middle of the night, injured my grandson, kidnapped my granddaughter, and smashed my house. You are so brave. Who gave you the courage?"

"Me." Linton said directly before Tohsaka Rin could answer.

"Humph, is it your servant? Wait...you...are a bit strange..." Halfway through, Matou Zōyan, who was observing Linton here, suddenly felt something strange.

"You are also very strange." Before Matou Zoyan could finish speaking, Linton suddenly intervened and said, "This is the first time I see a human being with an incomplete soul. Why do I feel that you have a part of it?" Where is the soul in my little niece’s body?”

"Huh?" Matou Zouken originally wanted to study what made him feel strange about Linton, but his thoughts were interrupted when he heard Linton's words.

"What?" Tohsaka Rin next to him was also stunned for a moment, "What does this mean?"

"Have you seen Harry Potter and the Deathly Hallows?" Linton asked.

"Huh?" Tohsaka Rin was stunned for a moment, "What is it?"

"Oh, does Orochimaru know?" Linton asked again.

"Who is it?" Tohsaka Rin was confused again.

"In short, this guy put part of his soul into his little niece's body." Linton said, "It's probably some kind of magic like reincarnation and resurrection."

"Matou Zouken, what did you do to Sakura?" Tohsaka Rin probably understood the meaning and asked directly to Matou Zouken.

"She is my granddaughter. What do I do to her, what does it have to do with your Tohsaka family?" Matou Zangyan said with his hands spread, but his heart was shocked. Linton actually saw through his magic? Of course, he couldn't say anything at this time, otherwise it wouldn't be like admitting it.

"She is, my sister." Tohsaka Rin said it directly without much thought. This sentence had been buried in her heart.

Matou Sakura looked at Tohsaka Rin in surprise, feeling confused for a moment.

"Hahahaha..." Matou Zouken here suddenly laughed, "Your sister? Sorry, her surname is Matou, and she has nothing to do with your Tohsaka family."

"You..." Tohsaka Rin was about to say something, but Linton stretched out his hand to stop her.

"Don't be angry. What I like most is this kind of little devil who feels good about himself. Let's see how I kill this guy." Linton said with a smile, and then turned to Matou Zoyan, "I mean, old man, I As I just said, this is the first time I have seen someone with an incomplete soul. I am not in a hurry. It seems that you have separated it yourself. Then you are really interesting. Do you know why you understand a little bit about the soul? People who are knowledgeable in this area attach great importance to the integrity of their own souls. Are you the only one who doesn't know how to do these inexplicable magic tricks?"

"What do you mean?" Matou Zangyan felt vaguely something bad in his heart after hearing what Linton said was serious.

"If the separated soul is obtained by someone who knows how to control the soul, then no matter how strong you are, you will be dead." Linton spread his hands and said, "So you are seeking your own death."

"So you kidnapped Sakura because you wanted my soul in her body?" Matou Zangyan asked, "It's such a pity. To tell you the truth, the marking worm was in Sakura's heart. If you take it out, , she will also die, and your Master doesn’t seem to want to do that.”

"What?" Tohsaka Rin looked at Matou Sakura and then at Linton.

"It's okay." Linton smiled, and then continued to say to Matou Zangyan, "Although it is your soul, since it is kept in her body, it is still hers, isn't it?"

"Huh?" Matou Zangyan didn't understand what Linton meant.

And Linton didn't talk nonsense. He directly held down Matou Sakura behind him with one hand: "As a dark demon, I initiate a deal with you and grant you the power of the dark demon. The price is...all the... Leave everything related to magic to me!"

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