An accident still occurred, and what surprised the people in SHIELD was that the X Academy's plane was actually faster than theirs, which was very embarrassing. In the original plan, they would arrive one step ahead of the X-Men and quickly arrest the other party. This was of course the best situation. However, I didn't expect that the aircraft designed by Beast was actually quite advanced, and its flying speed was a bit scary.

Anyway, by the time Linton and the others arrived, the X-Men's plane was already at the scene. Then an agent ran up next to him and told Nick Fury that he saw four people entering the church and they were still inside, and they seemed to have heard thunder just now. The sound is probably the ability used by the mutants inside.

"Four people?" Linton was a little surprised.

"Strange." Nick Fury next to him also said, "I received news before that Professor Xavier and Scott applied to visit Magneto. I specially asked people to agree to their request. How come there are four people?"

"It's a good thing to have more people." Linton said. Although he remembered that there were not so many people in the original work, this was different from the original work. After all, the original work did not involve SHIELD. This alone was different. .

"These people are not ordinary people. If there is a conflict, can you handle it?" Nick Fury asked. There were a few more people, which made him feel that the number of people he brought might not be enough.

"Didn't I tell you that I am invincible?" Linton said, "But can you let me go in alone this time?"

"Why?" Nick Fury asked.

"You know my ability. You must touch the other person first before pressing the mark." Linton said, "I am worried that the person will run away. What if everyone goes in together and the person who can teleport leaves?"

"..." Nick Fury thought it made sense, "Do you have a way to sneak in?"

"Yes." Linton nodded.

"Okay." Nick Fury nodded, "Try to negotiate with the other party first. If there is a conflict, we will come in immediately to provide support."

"No problem." Linton said.

"Everybody get ready," Nick Fury said.

At this time, in the church, the X-Men and their team had subdued Nightcrawler. However, after a little questioning, they found that Nightcrawler was not a terrorist or a thug. He seemed to have some memory confusion and did not seem to remember that he had done an assassination at all. Regarding the president's matter, this made them all feel that something was not right. Sure enough, they were being calculated against, and the purpose might be to target their college.

At this time, in addition to Qin and Storm, the X-Men also had Beast and Colossus, a total of four people. Beast has always been a regular member of the X-Men, and Colossus has just joined. Currently, their manpower is somewhat insufficient, so Colossus, who has always wanted to join the X-Men, was recruited. This is the first time he has officially participated. Task.

"We must take him back." The beast here suggested. "Although his memory is a bit confusing, he should know something, such as who wants to frame us. The professor may have a way to make him recall Considering the situation at that time, we took him back to see the professor."

"Hmm..." Several people nodded. Of course, the professor's hypnosis skills are also very strong. Through hypnosis, Night Walker should be able to recall some information.

However, just as they were about to take the people away, suddenly the floor in front of them suddenly bulged, and then a figure slowly appeared in front of them. They were a little shocked by the sudden appearance of the person, and before anyone could react, the sudden appearance of Linton had already put a hand on Night Walker's body.

"Who are you?" The beast here took a step forward and stood directly in front of Linton, separating him from the Night Walker. Nightcrawler's current mental condition is very bad and he may lose control at any time.

"Linton Stark, advisor to SHIELD." Linton retracted his hand, then took out his name tag and said, "Everyone...X-Men, right? Didn't we agree before that we would find someone You informed SHIELD directly, but I haven’t received any contact from you at all.”

"SHIELD, why...wait...are you monitoring our communications?" Beast's reaction was relatively quick. He didn't expect it before, but now he understands what's going on.

"What right do you have to do this?" Qin here also said a little angrily.

"The president was assassinated. This is a matter of national security level. Do you think we have the right to do this?" Linton said, "As expected, you didn't contact us. It seems that mutants are justified in being hated. .”

"We now know that someone is indeed planning to frame us." The beast here said, "Now we must take this person back and let the professor ask him who is the person who framed us."

"I'm sorry, the order we received here is to arrest the suspect who assassinated the president." Linton said, "Please let us take this person back."

"He is being controlled by others." Qin said next to him. "I have seen it. He has no memory of this at all. He is indeed being controlled by others."

"So, is there any use what you said?" Linton said, "Now the higher-ups suspect that you planned this attack. Hand the person over to us and we will interrogate him ourselves."

"Then how do we know if SHIELD is the culprit behind this incident?" Storm suddenly said.

This sentence made it impossible for the two parties to continue talking. It was obvious that the other party did not want to make friends. Of course, this was what Linton actually wanted.

"If you resist arrest, don't blame me for being rude." Linton said with a smile.

Neither Qin nor Storm answered, but they both took a step forward and stood in front of Nightcrawler. Their actual actions showed that it was impossible for Linton to take the person back. They knew Nightcrawler was innocent and were scared to death, so how could they hand him over to SHIELD for interrogation?

"Then... let's invite you back by the way." Linton said, "After all, you have nothing to do with this matter."

"We will investigate this matter ourselves and give an explanation to Congress." Qin said, "I won't bother SHIELD anymore, and we don't trust you either."

After speaking, several people immediately assumed fighting postures, and Nightcrawler also sat up from the ground, as if observing the surroundings.

"Then... there's nothing we can do." After Linton said that, he raised his hand and his eyes flashed purple, "All things are guided by the sky!"

Qin, who was standing in the back row, suddenly felt a huge suction coming from her. Before she could react, her whole body suddenly flew towards Linton.

"Qin!" Everyone saw something was wrong and hurriedly wanted to step forward to rescue them. However, before they could take action, Linton stepped forward and directly put his arm around Qin's body. Then with a "swish", the two of them suddenly disappeared in front of everyone. before.

"What?" Everyone was stunned. He really disappeared in front of them. This sudden situation made everyone unexpected. Looking left and right, the two of them were really nowhere to be seen.

"Qin!" The beast shouted, but of course there was no answer.

While everyone was looking for Qin, Linton and Qin appeared directly in the same room. With a "bang", the two of them landed directly on a big bed, and then a scream sounded directly. Yes, there is another person in the room, and he is actually Pepper Potts, the current acting CEO of Stark Group.

Of course, Little Pepper was confused at this time. She was at home now. She had just gone to bed and was about to take a rest. Suddenly, two people jumped out of the room and landed on her bed. What happened? Know. But after taking a closer look, she knew one of the people. She had met Linton several times, but she didn't know why he suddenly appeared in her bedroom.

"You..." Little Pepper didn't know where to ask, pointing at Linton and not knowing what to say. Of course, Qin next to her was also confused. Where is this place? Why are you here?

"Well, this is my friend. You can call a taxi to take her back later. I have something to do, so I'll go and get busy first." Linton didn't give Little Pepper a chance to question him. The next second, a white light flashed and he disappeared directly. In front of the two women.

"Huh? Oh, wait a minute..." It was too late for Little Pepper to call someone, Linton simply disappeared.

"Where is this?" Qin also reacted at this time, looked at Little Pepper next to her, and then suddenly read her mind, "New York? That's bad."

It was obvious that Linton's purpose was to leave her here. New York was still quite far away from Boston. He couldn't teleport, so it was impossible to rush back. Qin knew instantly that she was being plotted.

Yes, Linton wanted to solve the problem of Qin first from the beginning. After all, although she was not very good, the Phoenix Power was really awesome. If automatic combat is triggered, Linton will have to directly face the Phoenix Force that may appear at any time, and he really can't die now. After all, his nephew Tony is still incarcerated, and he doesn't know if anything has changed. What if the plot changes and he dies?

If he is killed by the Phoenix Force, of course he will not really die, he will just go back. But when he comes back again, it may not be at this time. It may be possible in a few years. By then, if Tony If it really dies, it will be all in vain. So after thinking about it, Linton quickly solved the time bomb that was the Phoenix Force. As for the remaining people, just increase their points and be done with it.

With a flash of white light, Linton returned to the scene again. Didn't he already set a mark on Night Walker before, so he could come back directly.

"Where's Qin? Where did you take Qin?" Seeing Linton coming back but Qin not coming back, Storm and the others were of course anxious.

"What do you think?" Linton said, "You will go to see her soon."

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