"Emiya-san, you are really lucky." The short-haired woman sitting next to Emiya Shirou's bed at this time is called Fujimura Taiga. She is an English teacher at the high school of Suizunhara Academy. At the same time, the Emiya family of regular customers. She has been taking care of Emiya Shirou since his adoptive father, Emiya Kiritsugu, passed away.

At this time, Emiya Shirou had been wrapped up like a mummy and was lying on the hospital bed. Although it looked a bit exaggerated, he seemed to be in good spirits. In fact, Emiya Shirou's injury was not that serious, which surprised the doctors. After all, when he was rescued yesterday, many doctors thought they would give up treatment, but they did not expect that after lying in the hospital bed for a day, he He recovered very quickly. If it weren't for the fact that there were too many injured patients in the hospital and the doctors would be too busy, many doctors would probably be ready to dissect this recovery superman.

"What's the relationship between the holy relics in the body?" Linton also looked at Emiya Shirou on the bed in surprise. At this time, he and Tohsaka Rin were also in the ward. Yesterday, after Emiya Shirou was discovered, the injured Tohsaka Rin was also seen by the doctors present and sent back to the hospital for treatment. Because there were so many injured people, there were not enough hospital beds. The hospital temporarily added hospital beds. This The ward that originally could only accommodate four people now has eight patients lying in it, and Tohsaka Rin also belongs to this ward.

Of course Tohsaka Rin's injury also recovered quickly. After a night of self-healing, the left hand that has not recovered yet is the more serious left hand before. It is still wearing a plaster. However, Tohsaka Rin feels that there is no big problem. I can move now and the pain is not that severe. As for the abdominal injury, it only left a relatively large scar.

News is being played on the TV in the ward. Of course, today's news is all about yesterday's meteorite incident. The number of confirmed deaths is currently 103, and the number of missing people has not yet been calculated. It can be said that the number of casualties is quite exaggerated. Fortunately, it was night and there were no people on the road. In addition, the location where we landed was in a commercial area, and there were fewer people in commercial areas at night. If we landed in a residential area, the consequences would be disastrous.

Listening to these news reports, Tohsaka Rin's mood dropped again, and of course he secretly vowed that he must get the Holy Grail.

"By the way, Shirou, why are you wandering out so late at night and showing up in that place? Don't you know that there is a serial killer in the city now?" Taiga Fujimura said while cutting an apple for Shirou Emiya.

"Um... Sister Fuji, I was just cleaning the Kyudo club, so I came home a little late." Emiya Shirou laughed and said haha. Naturally, Taiga Fujimura couldn't know about the Holy Grail War.

"You are cleaning the Kyudo club by yourself? You are being bullied again," Fujimura Taiga said.

"Someone asked me..." Emiya Shirou said.

"That bastard Shinji Matou, you're really not good at rejecting others." Taiga Fujimura said immediately.

"Hehe...hehe..." Shirou Emiya could only laugh.

"How could such a bad thing happen? Fortunately, it was only a minor injury. When the hospital called me that night, they told me that you were no longer alive. I was almost scared..."

"Sister Fuji, I'm really fine." Emiya Shirou could only comfort him quickly. As for why he could recover so quickly, he himself didn't quite know.

"Then what's going on with that foreign girl?" Fujimura Taiga continued to ask, because the first thing Emiya Shirou asked after waking up was about Saber, and Fujimura Taiga was naturally very concerned about it.

"Uh...she is my savior. When the meteorite fell, she threw me down and saved my life. Otherwise, you wouldn't be able to see me." Shirou Emiya said immediately. This is not true. It's a lie, because it was indeed Saber who rushed to Emiya Shirou's side to protect him in the end.

"That's right, then I really have to thank her properly." Fujimura Dahe nodded.

"Then how is she now?" Emiya Shirou asked, "Is she awake?"

When Emiya Shirou woke up, he had already asked about Saber's condition. She was also brought back by the ambulance, but there were no serious injuries on her body, but she was still unconscious.

"Not yet." Taiga Fujimura replied.

"How could it be..." Emiya Shirou said with some worry. He also looked at Tohsaka Rin who was on the opposite side of the hospital bed. His eyes meant he wanted to ask Tohsaka Rin what was going on. After all, didn't Saber say he was a servant? ? Why do you remain unconscious?

Fujimura Taiga also followed Emiya Shirou's gaze and looked at Tohsaka Rin. Of course she also knew Tohsaka Rin: "By the way, why was Tohsaka-san also there at the time? Did you come home late from school too?"

"Well, something happened..." Tohsaka Rin didn't think much about explaining. And Fujimura Taiga here looked at Linton beside Tohsaka Rin's bed, and then thought about Tohsaka Rin coming home late from school, and he always felt... it seemed like something unhealthy.

"I mean Tohsaka-san..." As a teacher, Taiga Fujimura was about to say a few words when the door to the ward suddenly opened, and a somewhat anxious voice shouted: "Emiya-senpai, are you okay?"

The person who opened the door was a girl in student uniform. Since her name was Emiya Shirou-senpai, she was obviously a junior. This is a cute girl with long purple hair, but I don't know why there is always a sense of sadness in her eyes.

"Sakura." Shirou Emiya, who was lying on the bed, was stunned for a moment, "Why are you here? get out of class hasn't ended yet."

"Yes, Sakura, school is still in session today." Fujimura Taiga here also said.

"I was very worried when I heard that senior was affected by yesterday's meteorite accident." Matou Sakura said immediately, "Senior... you..."

"It's okay, it's okay. Although it looks a bit exaggerated, there's nothing wrong with me." Emiya Shirou quickly said that he was okay, so that Matou Sakura could rest assured. He also wanted to move a few times, but it was obvious that he couldn't move, and This movement also twitched the wound, and the corners of his mouth couldn't help but twitch.

"Senior!" Matou Sakura said nervously.

"It's okay, Sakura, this guy's life is very tough." Taiga Fujimura next to him directly patted Emiya Shirou on the bed. Indeed, she also heard the doctor tell him about the latest test report. Emiya Shirou was indeed fine. Most of them were fine. It's a skin injury.

"It hurts, it hurts..." Emiya Shirou shouted quickly.

"Are you really okay?" Matou Sakura was slightly relieved when she saw Emiya Shirou still moving around. Originally, she didn't know that something happened to Emiya Shirou. She only heard other people talking about it when she was in school today. She had to skip school and come to the hospital because of this incident. She was relieved when she saw this situation.

"It's okay, don't worry." Fujimura Dahe said, "I'll take leave today to watch him. You should go back to class in the afternoon and come back after school."

"Hmm...Okay, Mr. Fujimura." Matou Sakura nodded.

Matou Sakura here just looked away from Emiya Shirou, and the next second she suddenly saw Tohsaka Rin, who was also in the ward. Matou Sakura was stunned because she didn't know that Tohsaka Rin was also injured. When she saw the other person's left hand that was in plaster, she instantly understood what was going on.

"Tohsaka-senpai, you were also injured because of yesterday's meteorite accident? Are you okay?" Sakura Matou asked with a bow. Although her words sounded concerned, her tone was surprisingly distant.

"I...I'm fine..." Tohsaka Rin's reaction here was also a bit strange.

"Then...then I'll go back to school first." Matou Sakura suddenly said.

"Huh? Are you going back so soon?" Taiga Fujimura next to him asked strangely. You are already absent from class, so why not stay a little longer? If you rush back now, you might as well wait until we have dinner together at noon and then go back to attend the afternoon class. Well.

"Well, I'd better go back first." Matou Sakura insisted, then bowed to say goodbye and ran out of the door. She really came and left quickly, and she was deliberately a little suspicious.

"Sakura..." Rin Tosaka here certainly knew what was going on. It was obvious that Sakura Matou would not leave so quickly if she was not there.

In fact, although the two have different surnames, they are biological sisters. Because of some connections, Matou Sakura adopted Matou's family, and her relationship with Tohsaka Rin is a bit strange. Tosaka Rin can feel that Matou Sakura obviously hates her. , and she only feels guilty towards Matou Sakura.

Of course, not many people knew about this matter. It was obvious that neither Emiya Shirou nor Fujimura Taiga knew anything about it. But there was one person at the scene who knew about it, and of course it was Linton who had read the script. The moment he saw Matou Sakura, Linton showed a kind smile, and something fun happened again.

"Yeah, yeah, there's something wrong with this girl." Linton said suddenly.

"Huh?" Tohsaka Rin was thinking about Matou Sakura when she suddenly heard Linton say something was wrong with her. She was shocked, "What do you mean? You mean Sakura?"

"Do you know him?" Linton asked.

"She's from our school..." Tohsaka Rin said simply without explaining the relationship between the two.

"Do you remember what happened to the servant who attacked you last night?" Linton said.

"Well, what's wrong?" Tohsaka Rin asked.

"This girl has the magical aura of the servant in her body," Linton said.

"Huh?" Tohsaka Rin was stunned, "What did you say? Is there that serpent's aura? Why didn't I feel it? Wait, didn't you say you're not good at sensing? I didn't even feel it. How could you feel it? of?"

"Are you talking about me? You felt something was wrong when you just met this girl. She was distracted all the time." Linton said, "You are familiar with her? What is the connection?"

"That...no." Tohsaka Rin said vaguely, but Linton said she was distracted and she didn't refute, so she was indeed distracted. "Are you really sure you have the aura of that servant?"

"Of course, I think I should go to her house tonight to investigate." Linton said.

"I'll go together." Tohsaka Rin thought for a moment and nodded.

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