I really can't control myself

Chapter 1395 Meteorite

Since Linton had already said that he was going to take action, Tohsaka Rin here naturally stepped back a little to give Linton room to take action. Linton raised his hands and patted his chest lightly. Just when Tohsaka Rin felt that he had pulled out a gun or some other treasure, Linton suddenly stopped responding.

"Where's the weapon you mentioned?" Tohsaka Rin was really worried. After all, Saber over there obviously couldn't hold on any longer. According to this situation, she might be defeated in less than a minute.

"It still takes a while," Linton said.

"How long do we have to wait?" Tohsaka Rin asked.


"Don't tell me that I have to wait ten minutes." Tohsaka Rin said immediately.


"Huh?" After hearing this, Tohsaka Rin reacted and realized that it was a countdown, which meant that all he had to do was wait for ten seconds. If it took ten seconds, Saber should have persisted.


Just as Linton here continued to count down, Emiya Shirou suddenly tapped Tohsaka Rin's back: "That's Tohsaka-san."

Tohsaka Rin's current mood can only be described as impatient. He turned around unhappily and said, "The support will be here soon, just wait."

"Um... Tohsaka-san, I'm not urging you on this." Emiya Shirou said.

"What is that?" Tohsaka Rin turned around and asked unhappily.

"Please help me see, is that red thing flying towards us from behind a meteorite?" Emiya Shirou pointed to the sky behind him.

"Huh?" Tohsaka Rin looked confused, a meteorite flying over? What nonsense are you talking about? As a result, he subconsciously glanced in the direction Emiya Shirou pointed, and Tohsaka Rin was immediately confused. Yes, in the sky behind them at this time, a red shining thing dragged out a long tail flame in the air and flew directly in their direction.

"What?!" Tohsaka Rin couldn't help shouting, "archer! Behind..."


Hearing that Linton was still counting down unmoved, and then looking at the meteorite flying towards him in the air, Tohsaka Rin seemed to suddenly understand something, and a cold air rushed straight to his spine.

"Did you do it!" Tohsaka Rin shouted directly, "Where are the ancient Chinese weapons that we agreed on? What did you summon? Are you going to kill all of us?"

"But this is what our ancestors passed down..." Linton said.

"This is not a weapon at all, okay? What is it passed down by your Chinese ancestors!" Tohsaka Rin had forgotten that he was an exchange student at this time and shouted at Linton.

Just as he was talking, Saber over there finally couldn't withstand Berserker's attack. I saw Berserker here slashing horizontally, and the huge ax directly smashed through Saber's defense, knocking the opponent away and leaving a wound on Saber's waist. Seeing Saber being knocked away, Illya laughed loudly from behind and said, "Hahahaha, it's useless. My Berserker is the strongest hero in Greek mythology. Rin, big brother, let's guess who he is." As for your identity, I’ve already hinted it to this point, so it should be easy to guess.”

Illya wanted to appreciate the panic and despair expressions of the two people at this time. However, the expressions of the two people at this time were indeed very panic and despair. However, the target of panic and despair was not her side at all.

"I don't care who your servant is! Show me that thing at the back first!" Tohsaka Rin yelled directly.

Illya also didn't expect Tohsaka Rin's attitude. When she frowned and was about to say something, suddenly the light in the sky lit up, and the night suddenly became brighter. Illya raised her head and found a huge flaming meteorite not far away heading straight towards her.

"What!?" Illya was stunned on the spot for a moment. She didn't know how to react to the sight that she couldn't have imagined. However, as the meteorite approached, a threat of death rushed directly to her forehead, as if her heart was instantly grasped. Illya shouted almost instinctively at this time: "berserker! Save me!"

Of course, Illya doesn't know if Berserker can save her in this situation, but what do you want her to do if a meteorite hits her face. But Berserker really reacted. Although his job suppressed most of his rationality, he still had at least a sense of danger and the instinct to protect his master. The next moment, Berserker here quickly rushed back and hugged Illya here.

At the same time, Saber, who had been knocked away before, immediately stood up. Regardless of her injuries or the Berserker in front, she rushed towards the back with a single step: "Master!"

Linton also grabbed Tohsaka Rin in front of him. Before the other party could react, the meteorite in the air rushed down and hit the ground with one blow.

There was an earth-shattering bang, and the ground that was hit exploded almost instantly. The surrounding cement road was overturned and flew out, because the location where the two sides were fighting was near an iron bridge by the river. One end of the jumping bridge exploded, and the entire bridge collapsed instantly and fell into the water. The huge shock wave caused the glass of all the surrounding buildings to burst in an instant, and some nearby buildings were even directly swept down by the shock wave. In an instant everything seemed to fly into the sky, including everyone present.

Tohsaka Rin here felt a huge impact the moment the meteorite hit the ground, and her whole body was blown away. While flying out, she didn't know when she lost consciousness. She didn't know how long it had been before a sharp pain pulled her consciousness back from the darkness.

The severe pain came from his abdomen. Tohsaka Rin came to his senses and subconsciously wanted to get up, but found that his body could not move at all. She completely lost feeling in her left hand and left foot, as if she could no longer feel it. Tohsaka Rin shook her head slightly, raised her head a little and looked around, and found that a huge stone slab was pressing down on her next to her. I can't see the condition of my left hand and foot on the left half of my body. When her right hand touched her severely painful abdomen, the first thing she touched was a piece of cold metal.

Trying to raise her head again, Tosaka Rin suddenly found a steel bar piercing through her abdomen, and her raised right hand began to tremble. She seemed to see her own death coming.

Trying to calm herself down, Tohsaka Rin's brain quickly started working. The main reason why she survived such an injury was because the steel bar was against her wound. Otherwise, she would have bled too much and died. But in the current situation, he couldn't move at all. Pulling out the steel bar would mean death, and he couldn't have the strength to pull it out. He could only wait for someone to rescue him, and he had to be quick.

But under the current circumstances, is it possible for the rescue team to find her in time? There are probably people in need of rescue everywhere. And how long can I hold on? half an hour? ten minutes?

Obviously, if you want to save yourself at this time, that is the only way. Rin Tosaka raised his right hand tremblingly and shouted with all his strength: "Archer! Come and save me!"

With a "ding", the spell in her hand emitted a red light, and then part of the pattern began to fade and disappear. Then the next second, with a burst of light, a man wearing a red and black vest fell directly to the ground not far from Tohsaka Rin with a "bang".

"This...I am..." The person who appeared next to Tohsaka Rin at this time was actually Red A, the real archer. Of course, Red A was confused at this time and had no idea what was going on. He was summoned as a heroic spirit, but at the moment of summoning, before he could figure out what was going on, a man suddenly appeared in front of him.

Red A could tell that this man was obviously not his master, and the next second, he was knocked out by the opponent, and then inexplicably fell into a strange space that kept falling downwards.

Red A naturally used a lot of methods to escape from this strange space. The feeling of constant free fall was of course very uncomfortable, but he tried various methods and all ended in failure. It seemed that he had no Any way to get out of here. This is of course true. Linton said that in the original work, even Loki, the Nordic god of trickery, could not escape. Are you still more powerful than him?

Just when Red A here was confused and began to doubt himself about what crime he had committed, suddenly a red light flashed, and he seemed to have received a call from something in his heart, and when he responded to the call, suddenly Just appeared here. When he looked at the girl whose body was pierced by the steel bar in front of him, even though it was the first time for Red A to see her, he immediately knew that the other person was his master.

"Rin..." Although he is a heroic spirit, Red A's own memory will not disappear. He has known Tohsaka Rin for a long time. He was about to step forward, but Tohsaka Rin suddenly panicked.

Tohsaka Rin almost instantly judged the man who suddenly appeared to be not a normal person, and most likely... a servant. Tohsaka Rin has never doubted Linton's identity so far, and it is impossible to think that Linton is not her servant. Therefore, when she saw this strange servant, her first reaction was that there was another Master. He noticed this and sent his own servant. Of course, the original purpose may have been to wait for berserker to fight with them and make a profit. But in this situation, the other party sent his servant to kill him and eliminate the root cause.

Before his crisis was resolved, a second crisis came immediately, and Tohsaka Rin was really panicked. One of the spells in his hand has disappeared. Where is that Archer guy? Why haven't you come yet?

"Archer!" Tohsaka Rin shouted again.

"Here we come." Linton's body appeared directly next to her in the next second, then he looked up at the somewhat confused Red A, lowered his head and said to Rin Tosaka, "Hold on a little longer, give me ten seconds to solve this. enemy."

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