I really can't control myself

Chapter 1393 Armistice

"What...what are you going to do?" Seeing Linton take out the big knife, Emiya Shirou was also a little panicked. What kind of evil did I really do tonight? First there was a murderer with a spear, then there was a strange girl in armor, and then there was a guy with a big knife, so what on earth is going on.

Linton didn't seem to have any intention of answering him, and he just slashed at Shirou Emiya's head with his knife. The speed of this sword movement was completely different from Lancer's previous attack. Shirou Emiya here had no time to react at all. Seeing that the people here were about to be split into two, a cry of surprise came from the side. Call.


Linton's knife stopped directly on the top of Shirou Emiya's head. Even if it did not hit, the wind pressure caused by the knife directly cut the skin on the top of Shirou Emiya's head, and a streak of blood slipped from his eyebrows.

"What's wrong?" Linton turned to look at Tohsaka Rin beside him. Yes, the person who said wait was naturally Tosaka Rin, so Linton stopped.

"Um..." Tohsaka Rin also didn't know what to say. She was indeed selfish in stopping Linton. If she didn't say something now, Linton would undoubtedly kill Emiya Shirou directly, but what should she say?

After pondering for a while, Tohsaka Rin here began to negotiate: "I thought about it, these two people may be of some use."

"Huh?" Linton saw Tohsaka Rin here starting to make up nonsense again, and began to listen with interest. Yes, it was very interesting to hear her make up things every time, "Does it work?"

"Look, these two people are very weak anyway, aren't they?" Tohsaka Rin said, "They are no match for us. If we want to kill them, we can do it at any time. In this case, we will not be able to kill this group of people at all. We don’t have to worry about their threats, and we can also let them do things for us.”

"Oh...weak indeed...but what can you do for us?" Linton asked.

"Look, you're not good at sensing magic, right, and your team members can't leave you for reconnaissance at a relatively long distance, so if we need some information about other contestants, we can ask them to help us find it, right? We can ask them to help us collect some enemy information and so on." Tohsaka Rin said.

"What you said... seems to make sense." Linton seemed a little hesitant. Seeing this, Tohsaka Rin quickly said again, "And in fact, Emiya-san, he is a Chinese. "

"What? Is he from China?" Linton was shocked. Is this even possible? Is this Emiya Shirou 100% Japanese?

"Huh?" Shirou Emiya here was also stunned for a moment, "Tohsaka-san, what are you talking about?"

"You see, he doesn't seem to approve of this himself." Linton said.

"Actually, he may not be very clear about this matter himself." Tohsaka Rin said, "I have investigated his information before..."

"Huh? Tohsaka-san has investigated me?" Emiya Shirou asked again in surprise.

"Yes, in fact, I have discovered a long time ago that he also thought he was a magician, and he is from the same school, so I have done some investigation." Of course, Tohsaka Rin said casually. She had indeed investigated Emiya Shirou. But that is because of her sister Sakura, and of course it has something to do with herself. "Although Emiya-san's surname is Emiya, he is not a bloodline of the Emiya family. He was adopted by the Emiya family when he was a child."

"Really?" Linton probably understood what Tohsaka Rin was going to say, but he said it very cooperatively.

"That's... indeed." Emiya Shirou nodded, but he didn't mean to hide this.

"In fact, Emiya-san's biological parents are a Chinese couple. During my previous investigation, I had already found some information about this couple," Tohsaka Rin said.

"What?" Emiya Shirou was shocked.

"Well, that's it." Tohsaka Rin said and looked at Linton. Yes, the above mentioned are all nonsense. Although she investigated Emiya Shirou a little bit, she was not careful enough at all. Of course, It's impossible to investigate who Emiya Shirou's parents are. It's really just casual. To be honest, she didn't even believe this, so could she fool her? She looked towards Linton nervously.

"Oh...that's it. So you are really Chinese." Linton put down the sword directly, "I almost killed the wrong person."

"Do you really believe it?" Tohsaka Rin made a YES gesture in her heart. Linton was as easy to deceive as ever. She had already experienced this before, so she would say this, otherwise she would just make it up. The thing couldn't withstand investigation at all, let alone investigation, it couldn't even withstand questioning. She was surprised that anyone would actually believe it. There should be no other person besides Linton who believed it.

"Are my biological parents actually Chinese?" Emiya Shirou suddenly said, "Tohsaka-san, have you really investigated their information?"

"You actually..." Tohsaka Rin suddenly covered his mouth halfway through shouting, and almost shouted "Do you actually believe it?" Is this idiot still contagious?

"Huh?" Seeing Tohsaka Rin with a strange expression, Emiya Shirou always felt that he had said something wrong, but he didn't know exactly what he said wrong.

"In short, one of them is a Chinese and the other is a Western European knight. They are not the enemies we need to focus on. It is still trustworthy, right? And they are somewhat useful, so I think we should keep them first." Tohsaka Rin concluded.

"Hmm..." Linton nodded very cooperatively. After all, he didn't want to kill my king directly. He hadn't appreciated it enough yet, "It makes some sense."

As he spoke, Linton also let go of his hand. Saber, who was being held down here, immediately pulled out her head from the barrel, jumped back and raised her sword again to keep a distance from Linton, while vaguely protecting Shirou Emiya next to her. Of course, Saber did not launch a direct attack this time. After a short confrontation, she understood that the enemy here was extremely strong, but her own condition was actually very poor.

Yes, the current Saber does not have much ability. As a poor magician, Emiya Shirou has not received conventional magic education, so the magic power provided here is very limited. Saber's abilities in all aspects are temporarily suppressed, and now The magic power was completely insufficient for her to release her real Noble Phantasm, so she could only use the Wind King Barrier to make do. In this case, she had no choice.

"This...what is going on?" Emiya Shirou asked again.

"Since we are now allies, I can also talk to you." Rin Tosaka said, "Won't you invite me in to sit down?"

"Oh, please come in..." Emiya Shirou said subconsciously, but after saying that, he felt something was wrong. But before he could say anything else, Rin Tohsaka had already walked into the house on his own. Looking at the broken cardboard door on the ground, Tohsaka Rin picked up a fragment, then touched it casually, injecting magic power, and then the broken cardboard door on the ground suddenly began to recover and put back together again.

Emiya Shirou was still a little stunned. After thinking about it, he had to know what was going on, so he quickly got up and wanted to follow up to ask for more information. However, just as he was about to enter the room, he was stopped by Saber next to him.

"Wait, Master, they are enemies." Saber said directly.

"Huh? Um... who are you?"

"Servant, Saber." Saber here simply replied.

"Uh... the name is a bit strange. My name is Emiya Shirou." Emiya Shirou here said, "Excuse me, why are you here..."

"I roughly understand that you are not a regular master, but even so, you are still my master." Saber said, "In short, what I want to say is that the two people inside are our enemies. They are very dangerous. Now situation, I suggest retreating first.”

"Probably not." Emiya Shirou said, "If they were enemies, they would have taken action just now. Although I don't know what the situation is yet, Tohsaka-san is probably not an enemy."

Saber didn't refute this. Linton had restrained her just now. If he took action, she would be able to kill her master. In this way, without her master, she would quickly lose the supply of magic power and disappear. However, the other party did not take action.

"Anyway, no matter what, I want to know what happened, and I want to talk to Tohsaka-san." Emiya Shirou said.

"I understand, then I will protect you." Saber said.

"Protect?" Emiya Shirou was still a little confused. He really didn't understand the sudden appearance of a strange girl, but he didn't say much after thinking about it. Tohsaka-san didn't seem to be very surprised by Saber's appearance. She What should I know? Anyway, talk to her first and then say, "Then please come in."

The two came directly to the room, where Tohsaka Rin was already seated. Saber looked at the situation and sat directly in front of Linton, blocking the direction of Linton's first attack. Emiya Shirou naturally sat directly opposite Tohsaka Rin.

"To put it simply, Emiya-san has now been involved in a dangerous game." Tohsaka Rin said, "This game is called the Holy Grail War, with seven magicians as masters, summoning..."

Tohsaka Rin also explained the Holy Grail War to Emiya Shirou relatively simply. After listening to it, Emiya Shirou was naturally shocked and confused.

"Is there such a secret war?" Emiya Shirou nodded, "I see, Saber is the servant I summoned... So this one is the servant you summoned, Tohsaka-san?"

"Um...yes." Tohsaka Rin nodded.

"I see. I saw you two together all the time at school during the day, and I thought he was your boyfriend..." Emiya Shirou said.

"Of course not..." Tohsaka Rin said immediately, then suddenly stunned, "Wait a minute, you said you saw us together all the time during the day?"

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