"I see. Do you, an archer, want to try melee combat with me?" Lancer here said he was a little annoyed by Linton, "You really underestimate me."

"I also want to ask you, who gave you the illusion that someone can fight me in close combat?" Linton said, "Just a guy like you with Lucky E's weapon..."

Before Linton could finish his words, the Lancer above him was stunned, lowered his body and rushed towards Linton with a sudden thrust. Linton really couldn't handle Lancer's taunting, so he directly told him to shut up.

However, facing the charging Lancer, Linton here seemed to be still indulging in his previous talk and did not make any defensive posture at all. Lancer's stabbing speed was very fast, and Tohsaka Rin who was next to him only saw his silhouette flickering, and his whole body was dragged out into a shadow. Realizing that Linton had not responded yet, he quickly shouted: "Archer! Be careful!"

"Huh?" Linton turned his head and glanced at Tohsaka Rin very cooperatively. This made Tohsaka Rin confused. The enemy was right in front of him and you were still looking this way.

However, it was too late to say anything. Lancer here had already arrived directly in front of Linton. Seeing that Linton was still distracted, of course he would not show mercy. The spear was aimed at Linton's heart, filled with power, and stabbed hard.

There was a muffled "bang" sound, and everyone on the field stayed in place. Then suddenly a red spear fell from the sky, spinning and hitting the ground, making a crisp "ding-ding" collision sound.

Yes, this spear is naturally the spear in Lancer's hand, and he is now standing in front of Linton with a confused look on his face, looking down at his hands, which are shaking constantly. His attack was not blocked in any way, and his spear directly hit Linton's chest. However, just when he thought he was going to crush Linton in pairs, a huge backlash came, and his spear even hit Linton directly. The weapon began to twist into an arc. Because he exerted too much force, the shock caused him to be unable to hold the spear. As a result, the weapon flew directly into the sky in the next second.

Can't penetrate? Lancer even couldn't believe his eyes. His magic gun, combined with his strength, couldn't penetrate Linton's body. He could even penetrate metal directly. He also pierced all the knights wearing heavy plate armor on the battlefield. Now Linton not only couldn't pierce them, but the weapons were knocked off before they rebounded. What's going on?

"Ah..." At this moment, Linton seemed to be a little hesitant and turned his head and looked at Lancer, whose hands were trembling. "Was it your attack just now? That's it?"

Lancer here felt a surge of blood rushing to the top of his head. The next second he clenched his hands to stop the trembling, rolled his body forward, picked up the spear on the ground, turned over, drew the gun and stabbed Linton again. Go, and this time the target is Linton's head, or Linton's eye sockets to be precise.

However, at the moment when the hit was about to hit, a hand suddenly grabbed the spear tip. Lancer's spear tip was only one centimeter away from Linton's right eye, but this was only one centimeter, like a chasm. Lancer suddenly exerted force, But even if he suppressed his blush, he still didn't move the gun head forward that much. He looked like an ant trying to push an elephant, even a little ridiculous.

"That's it, elite?" Linton even had time to ask Tohsaka Rin next to him.

Tohsaka Rin was also a little stunned. Hearing Linton's question, he thought about it and said hesitantly: "Judging from his clothes and the magic gun in his hand, this guy's identity should be... Kyle The son of light in the myth, Cu Chulainn, right?"

As mentioned before, Tohsaka Rin did read a lot of literature, especially about celebrity heroes, so he was able to discover Lancer's identity from such limited clues. She was right about everything she said. Lancer's real name was indeed Cu Chulainn.

But now Tohsaka Rin himself is a little shaken. Is this guy who is holding back his strength but unable to move in front of Linton really the famous Son of Light Cu Chulainn? After all, in terms of reputation, Cu Chulainn is much more famous than Linton, a group leader she has never heard of. So look at the current situation, why is it so wrong?

"Celtic mythology? Never heard of it." Linton said, "Which country is it from?"

"European region." Tohsaka Rin said, "For example, Cu Chulainn is considered an Irishman."

"Oh, Ireland, I've heard of this." Linton nodded, "It seems to be a neutral country, not an enemy. Seeing that you are so weak, forget about what you just offended me and get out."

Linton said and actually let go. Under the surprised looks of Lancer and Tohsaka Rin, he turned around.

"Wait...you don't want to take action?" Tohsaka Rin couldn't help but said.

"The enemies are Germany, Italy and Japan. A weakling like him in the neutral country of Ireland has no time to deal with them." Linton waved his hand and said.

"No, you..." Tohsaka Rin was really choked and speechless for a long time, and at this time Cu Chulainn here was also so angry that he lost his mind.

"I'll kill you!" Repeated contempt made the arrogant hero completely go berserk. Cu Chulainn was not a good-tempered guy in the myth. Now he would not care about other things. Charge the gun.

Lancer was indeed here for reconnaissance today, and the person who ordered him was naturally his master, Kotomine Kirei. Yes, Lancer came here specifically for Linton today, because after seeing Linton last night, Kotomine Kirei became a little curious about him, so he ordered his Lancer to come and spy on Linton. Of course, the order given here is for spying, not duel. If the attack fails, retreat directly, but now Lancer is completely unable to control it.

Red light condensed on his spear, and Tohsaka Rin, who was next to him, also felt the murderous intent of the other party gathering, and said directly to Linton: "Archer! Watch the back!"

Linton turned his head, and saw that Lancer had finished charging up his strength, and struck directly towards Linton.

"The spear that pierced the death thorns!"

The spear, like a poisonous snake, stabbed straight into Linton's chest. The speed of this blow was several times faster than before. However, before the blow could hit Linton, Linton took action.

"It's so shameless!"

With a backhand slap, Linton's hand came first and hit Lancer in the face. The Lancer here spun on the spot and flew out. His whole figure was shaped like teeth. He penetrated directly through the barbed wire fence on the rooftop next to him, flew all the way down, and hit the middle of the playground below with a loud "bang". . A big hole appeared on the ground, and several cracks opened next to it. It turned into a ball and fell in the middle of the pit, and there was no movement at all.

At the same time, Shirou Emiya, who was cleaning the Kyudo Department, also heard the loud noise, and the ground shook. Emiya Shirou was also slightly stunned. The sun had already set. Why was there still noise in the school? There was so much movement. What was going on?

Somewhat strangely, he temporarily put away the rag and looked in the direction of the playground in search of the sound. Because it was really dark, he couldn't see the big hole in the ground, but he was naturally curious and prepared to go over and see what was going on.

On the rooftop, Rin Tosaka didn't come back to his senses for a long time when he saw Linton sending Cu Chulainn away with a slap. She always felt that the battle between Servents was different from what she imagined. Ever since she participated in the Holy Grail War, she had been simulating the battles she encountered in her mind, preparing various countermeasures, and finally encountered the enemy. It didn't match what she thought at all. Now she also wanted to say what Linton said before, that's it?

"I'm just telling you, how can such elites come from such a small neutral country? Don't lie about military information. During war, you have to go to military court, do you understand?" Linton said.

"It's not...you...that..." Tohsaka Rin didn't know what to say.

"It's settled, let's go. Don't look for any barrier today. Go home and go to bed early." Linton said.

"Wait, this Lancer is placed here?" Tohsaka Rin pointed at the location below where the Lancer fell.

"What the hell, you still want to kill them all? Don't be like this. We don't have any big hatred against Ireland. The other party is trying to cause trouble for me without knowing what it can do. I just need to teach you a lesson. Don't be so cruel." Linton said.

Tohsaka Rin didn't catch his breath for a long time. Are you now saying that you shouldn't be so cruel? The guy who said yesterday that he would kill everyone and leave no one behind would have the nerve to say this? It's really just targeting Japanese people, right?

While Linton and Tohsaka Rin were chatting up there, Shirou Emiya also came to the playground. When he got closer, he saw a big hole on the ground at the first glance. He walked over with some doubts. As a result, I was surprised to see a moving person in the middle of the pit.

Using the moonlight, Shirou Emiya discovered that the other party's body was covered with blood. Although he was a little confused as to what was going on, he still walked up immediately: "Hey, classmate, are you okay? Are you injured? I'll call someone right away. help."

The person lying on the ground was naturally Lancer. He was indeed seriously injured by a single blow, but he was not dead. This guy was an A-level fighter and could survive for a while even if his heart was pierced. However, he was almost knocked unconscious when he suddenly heard the cry of a person next to him. When Lancer looked up, he saw Emiya Shirou.

"Ordinary people?" Lancer's eyes flashed with murderous intent. If an ordinary person saw him, he must be killed and silenced. This was also one of the orders.

At this time, Emiya Shirou came closer. Lancer, without saying a word, directly summoned his Noble Phantasm and stabbed Emiya Shirou's position with a spear. Normally, it was obviously impossible for Lancer's gun to hit the target, but Lancer's situation was not good now. He was a little bit inaccurate, and Shirou Emiya was still a bit unresponsive. Seeing the cold light of the gun tip reflected in the moonlight, he subconsciously aimed towards He flashed to the side, and the gun tip passed directly through his ribs, bringing out a streak of blood.

"What...what are you doing?" Shirou Emiya panicked, crawled back a few steps, and collapsed on the ground.

"Give me..." Lancer realized that he had missed the target and wanted to get up and pursue him directly. However, his feet gave way and he fell to his knees again. Only then did he realize how seriously injured he was.

Emiya Shirou also reacted at this time. Although he didn't know what was going on, his life was at stake, so he got up and ran away without saying a word.

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