The next day, Tohsaka Rin and Linton were walking on their way to school. Yes, Tohsaka Rin is still a student on the surface. Although he participated in the Holy Grail War, his life on the surface still needs to be maintained. It is not a day off, and he still needs to study.

Of course, now that the Holy Grail War has begun, Tohsaka Rin, who has officially become the Master, must also take Linton to school with him, otherwise what will happen if he is attacked by the enemy. However, on the way here, Tohsaka Rin kept trying to fool Linton.

"You see our goal is the Holy Grail, right, so we have to keep a low profile now. Once you get the Holy Grail, your wish will come true, so there is no rush, right? If we do it casually now, it will affect our plan. Do you think what I said is right?" Rin Tosaka said.

Next to him, Linton couldn't help but want to laugh. Tohsaka Rin's meaning was actually very simple, which was to tell Linton not to attack civilians casually. Didn't Linton say before that the little devils are all livestock? Tohsaka Rin was worried that Linton would kill him at every turn, so he was telling him not to do it casually.

Her theory is that it would be ineffective for Linton to attack people on the road so casually. Once he gets the Holy Grail, all problems will be solved, so the most important goal now is the Holy Grail and not anything else. If Linton takes action directly, not only will he be exposed, but he is also likely to trigger a joint crusade from other players. After all, the Holy Grail War has supervisors. If a master exposes his identity, he will continue to take action against ordinary people. , will most likely be purged. Then wouldn't the plan to seize the Holy Grail be delayed?

"I see, I understand." Linton nodded very cooperatively, "What you said makes sense. Anyway, when the Holy Grail is obtained, these little devils will be finished one by one, so there is no rush."

Linton still showed that he was easily fooled, which made Tosaka Rin relieved. In short, he stabilized Linton first, and when he finally captured the Holy Grail, if he had no other choice, he would use a curse to stop Linton.

"Then you transform into a spirit body first. We are almost close to the school." Tohsaka Rin said.

"I have transformed into a spirit body. You are the only one who can see me now." Linton said.

"Huh?" Tohsaka Rin was stunned for a moment. Is this what spiritual transformation looks like? According to the information she received, it seems that there is no such setting that only the Master can see. But after all, this was her first time as a Master, and she didn't know whether what Linton said was true or false. After all, not everything recorded in the records was necessarily true, and she still knew this.

Looking around, Tohsaka Rin said: "But the people around me seem..."

Yes, the two were walking on the road at this time, and there were still many people around who saw them. Although they didn't say anything, the looks they gave them were still a little strange. Of course, Tohsaka Rin could still see it.

"Nonsense, you keep talking to the air alone, wouldn't the people around you feel weird?" Linton said.

"Oh..." Tohsaka Rin nodded, as if there was some truth to this. After all, it was her first time as a Master, and it was also her first time going out with Linton, so she might have behaved a little strangely. Of course, in Linton's eyes, Tohsaka Rin is also the kind of person who is easy to fool.

"Tohsaka-san!" Just as he was talking, a voice came from the side. A girl wearing the same school uniform as Tohsaka Rin ran over from the side with a schoolbag. This was already near the school. It was obvious that this person should It was Tohsaka Rin's classmate who saw her and came to say hello.

"Saegae...classmate?" Tohsaka Rin, of course, knew the other person. He quietly moved his eyes away from Linton and greeted the classmate named Saegusa Yukika who ran over.

"Um...good morning." The other party trotted all the way to Tohsaka Rin and said. As he spoke, he looked at Linton beside Tosaka Rin a few times strangely.

The look in Yukiko Saegusa's eyes made Tohsaka Rin a little strange. Although she knew that Linton was standing next to her, Linton must have turned into a spirit. What was Yukiko Saegusa looking at?

"Tohsaka-san, are you okay? The morning news said that there was a big earthquake last night and the mountains in the west of the city collapsed. Tohsaka-san, your home is nearby, right?" Saegusa Yukika asked.

"Oh, it was indeed affected by some earthquakes, but fortunately there were no problems." Tohsaka Rin replied. Yes, the result last night was that Kotomine Kirei took charge of the aftermath. Externally, it was said that the big earthquake caused the collapse of the hills with caves inside. This is obviously an explanation for some problems, but as long as it can deceive the people That's it, otherwise if we tell the truth that there is magic in this world, people may not believe it even if they blow up mountains or something.

"That's good..." Yukika Saegashi nodded, "It's really scary. I slept so deeply last night that I didn't even notice there would be such a big earthquake at night."

"Saegusa-kun, what have you been looking at since the beginning?" Tohsaka Rin couldn't help but ask. Yes, Saegusa Yukika kept glancing at her as she spoke. She really couldn't help asking. , "Is it possible that there is someone else behind me?"

"Huh?" Yukika Saeda was stunned. She wanted to ask if the person next to you was your boyfriend or something, but she was a little embarrassed to ask. Rin Tohsaka's speech made her confused. .

"Yes, yes, is it possible that you can still see me?" Linton said directly, with a red light in his eyes as he spoke.

"That, I didn't see it." Yukika Saegashi said directly.

"Oh..." Tohsaka Rin nodded subconsciously, and then suddenly said, "Wait a minute, you didn't see why you answered his question."

"Tohsaka-san, what are you talking about? I'm answering your question." Yukika Saeda said directly, "Tohsaka-san, you are a little strange. Are you affected by yesterday's earthquake? Why don't you take a rest. "

"????" Tohsaka Rin's face was full of questions, why did she always feel something was wrong.

"Did this little devil find me?" Linton suddenly said, "How about you trick her into a nearby alley, and I'll chop her up."

"Probably... no." Tohsaka Rin said immediately, "That Saegusa-san, make sure there is no one else around me."

"Of course, Tohsaka-san, what a strange question you have, there are only two of us." Saegusa Yukika said.

"Uh... maybe I didn't sleep well." Tohsaka Rin was actually full of question marks, but for a moment he couldn't figure out what the problem was. After thinking about it, he said to Saegusa Yukika, "Anyway... let's go to school together. Well, we’re almost late.”

"Okay." Yukika Saegashi nodded, and the two of them headed directly to school side by side.

Tohsaka Rin didn't chat with Linton all the way. In her opinion, she couldn't talk to the air with Yukiko Saegashi next to her. Talking to Yuki Saegashi without saying a word, they quickly arrived at the school gate.

There were already a lot of people at the school gate at this time, and everyone looked in the direction of Tohsaka Rin in a strange way. As a popular figure in the school, Tohsaka Rin was known to many people, and now there was a boy behind him. They started gossiping a bit. Of course, because Tohsaka Rin was usually very cold and difficult to approach, no one dared to come over and ask directly.

"Who is that boy? He is walking with Tohsaka Rin, is he his boyfriend?"

"You're not wearing school uniform, are you from a foreign school?"

The whispers did not reach Tohsaka Rin's ears, but she always felt a little strange. The eyes of the people around her always felt like they were looking at her. But with Yukika Saegashi next to her, she didn't think about it.

Of course, there were also people who came up directly to ask. This person was the Discipline Inspection Committee in charge of discipline at the door. He was also a student. When he saw that Linton was not wearing school uniform, he wanted to come in, so he came up directly and said: "This classmate..."

Halfway through the words, Linton turned around and the other party froze.

"Huh?" Tohsaka Rin heard the voice of the Discipline Inspection Commission and turned to look at him. She thought it was her who was calling, "What's wrong?"

"It's okay." The member of the Discipline Inspection Commission shook his head, "I made a mistake, I'm sorry."

The attitude of the Commission for Discipline Inspection once again showed that no one could see Linton, and Tohsaka Rin was not surprised. Now she was even more confused about why everyone else around her seemed to be looking at her with strange eyes.

"Saegae-san, is there anything strange about how I look today?" Tohsaka Rin couldn't help but ask.

"No, Tohsaka-san." Yukika Saeda replied.

"..." Tohsaka Rin really has some question marks as a black man. What's going on? While looking at his clothes carefully, he continued walking into the campus. As soon as he stepped into the campus, Tohsaka Rin suddenly felt a shock.

"What's wrong? Tohsaka-san." Yukika Saeda asked when she saw Rin Tosaka who suddenly stopped.

"It's okay, Saegusa-san. You go to the classroom first, and I'll go to the bathroom." Tohsaka Rin said.

"Okay." Yukika Saegashi nodded and went directly into the teaching building.

"What's wrong?" Linton asked Tohsaka Rin.

"Lower down." Tohsaka Rin originally wanted to say it directly, but thinking about the attention he had attracted by talking to the air before, and the people around him now looking at him strangely, he whispered to Linton, so that Linton comes closer.

Linton didn't say anything, just lowered his head and approached Tohsaka Rin. The two of them were so close that they almost touched each other. Everyone around them was shocked. Are these two people too bold? Feeding dog food directly at the school gate? No longer a human being?

This made Tohsaka Rin a little embarrassed, but no one else could see it anyway, so she pretended that nothing happened and said in a low voice: "Do you feel it? There is a barrier in the school."

"Yeah." Linton didn't feel anything, but after recalling the plot, he nodded, "But I'm not sure about the location."

"Don't worry about it for now. Let's investigate after school. It may be related to other masters or servants." Tohsaka Rin said.

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