I really can't control myself

Chapter 1384 New World

Three days passed quickly, and Linton didn't do much. The first and most important thing was to help Esdeath and Black Eyes change their bodies. They went to the dungeon in the Tiyes Empire to let her choose. In the end, she chose one that looked like her. Body. It's just that this body was obviously that of a noble woman before, and her thin arms and legs have no fighting ability at all. Esdeath is probably going to have to practice from scratch. Of course, she doesn't seem to care, and she feels like she has found something interesting. expression.

The black pupil side is much simpler. According to her, this seems to be fine, but in the end Linton helped her choose a 78-inch image, otherwise it would be quite uncomfortable to distinguish it by herself.

After helping the two of them change their bodies, they quickly began to exercise on their own. Linton also specially asked a few of his men to help guide the two of them in the practice of chakra and nen. Of course, Esdeath was more interested in these new abilities.

On the other hand, Yalan has been quite busy these days. The previous movements in the southeast attracted the attention of the empire. After investigation, it was found that the Madrama Empire of the orcs was indeed gathering troops on the border between the two countries. This It looks like they are really preparing to invade the Holy Empire of Elan.

However, most of the ministers, including Yalan, were a little confused by this. It is true that the relationship between the Madrama Empire and their empire is not very good. There have been conflicts before, and they even had a fight recently. But now the Holy Empire of Elan is a giant empire that integrates the three major human empires. It is not the Holy Empire of Elan before. How dare you come to cause trouble?

At present, the situation in the empire has basically stabilized, and the army has been expanded. Although the Madrama Empire is also called an empire, the size of the two sides is no longer the same level. Before, one-third of the human empire fought with back-and-forth with no clear outcome, but now you dare to mess with it? Why?

Yes, the ministers at the court were a little confused about what the Madrama Empire wanted to do. Was it seeking death? If you had come a few months earlier, they would have been really scared when the empire had not yet been integrated. Now that they have been integrated and stabilized, aren't you here as a gift? I don’t know what these orcs are thinking.

But no matter what, since the opponent wants to attack, there is still a way to deal with it. Yalan thought for a while and ordered two legions with a total of 200,000 soldiers to prepare for war directly, and then moved forward to the southeast.

This is indeed a big deal, and the immediate mobilization of 200,000 troops is terrifying. However, this is not the entire military strength of the empire. In fact, there are garrisons in the southeast, northwest, and these 200,000 troops are not gathered together by removing the defense, but are just mobile troops. This shows how strong the human empire is now.

As for the Madrama Empire, it is estimated that the entire country's troops cannot reach as many as 200,000, so if you just look at this calculation, you don't quite understand why the Madrama Empire dares to take the initiative to invade them. Really If the Human Empire doesn't take the initiative to fight, it will be considered as giving them face. Where is the face?

Of course, this kind of ordinary war has nothing to do with saints like Linton. Unless they hit the other side and the country is about to be destroyed, and their saints come out to actively participate in the war, then their saints can take action, otherwise they can break it casually. Mainland China's default rule is still very passive in legal terms. But there is no need for Linton to take special care of it, because the gap between the two countries is really too big. There is no need to use any means at all, just fight and it will be over.

Linton really didn't want to get involved in this war, but Yalan was obviously a little busier here, and she wanted to give up her business again, but Jorah had been helping with official affairs recently.

In the eyes of outsiders, Jorah's behavior was actually not quite in line with the rules. This kind of military and national affairs was obviously decided by the emperor. If you want to interfere, you are interfering in politics, and you should avoid taboos. But when she met an emperor like Yalan who didn't want to do anything, and her relationship with Jorah was so good, she didn't care at all, but was very happy.

Of course, Linton didn't care about what Jorah had. As I said before, Linton didn't value the throne very much. If she really wanted to seize the throne, Linton would probably agree to give it to her directly. Of course, the premise is that you can't engage in any kind of mutiny, forcing a concubine or other unreasonable things, just say I want it. If there are those conspiracies, Linton will definitely do it directly if the relationship breaks down.

In fact, Linton originally wanted to chat with Jorah alone about this, but after asking a few questions, Linton probably knew what the other party meant. Jorah actually didn't think about what to do, because she didn't really want the throne. She was thinking about Garsain, and she wasn't sure what Garsain was thinking. When it came to what Gasein was thinking, Linton immediately understood. Could Gasein want the throne?

However, I always feel that there is a slight chemical change between Garsain and Jorah after they got married. The two people's temperaments seem to have influenced each other and they feel particularly progressive. There may be some changes in the future. Let's wait and see. .

In short, Linton really had no interest in political matters, and Yalan was also quite busy. After thinking about it, Linton might as well explore on his own.

Of course, Linton was also accepting tasks within three days. After a few days of grinding, Linton got a suitable task, which required 40% progress in exploring the new world. Obviously the difficulty of the task has increased. The direct requirement of 40% is still quite a lot, and the time is only 60 cycles.

Of course Linton wants to clear PVP emergency missions and the like, which are the missions that Linton feels are the most profitable so far, but unfortunately it doesn't seem to be easy to do so. Currently, it only depends on luck.

There was nothing to prepare for, because Linton didn't plan to bring any of his team members this time. Yalan is extremely busy and pregnant, while Gasain is busy practicing. Asuna is following Linton's order to go undercover in the mysterious organization. The new Esdeath is still trying to regain her strength and has no ability to fight or protect herself in a short period of time. Therefore, this mission Linton You can only do it yourself.

After simply packing up the contents of the package, Linton opened a new world with a flash of white light and began to explore.

The next second, Linton appeared directly in the middle of a road. This situation made Linton stunned for a moment. The frequency of appearing in alleys before was relatively high. It was better to appear openly and directly in the middle of the road. Remember last time, he was directly hit by a car in the next second. The train hit.

Thinking of this, Linton looked around a little and saw that there was no train, or even a person. Although it was in the middle of the road, there was no one around.

I looked up at the sky. It was late at night and the moon was hanging in the middle. No wonder there was no one there. All that could be seen around him were a row of houses and bright street lights.

Yes, when you see the road and street lights, you know that the world this time is a modern world. Linton looked at the buildings on the street again, um... there are obviously some Japanese-style small Western-style houses. It seems that the location is Japan, which is true. There is nothing surprising, he has come to many maps of Japan and Ben.

But the question is what world? Linton thought as he walked forward casually. It would be best if he could see someone and ask about the situation. After all, the corrections on the system's side should teleport him to a more suitable time point.

Because there was no purpose, Linton just walked around casually, but unexpectedly after ten minutes of walking, no one appeared on the road. Although the time now seems a bit late, it is indeed a bit exaggerated to not have anyone there. Public security at night is not good abroad, but in Japan it should be relatively good. At least Linton didn't encounter any black men who robbed him, right?

Just when Linton was thinking about whether to go to the lighted house next to him and ask the people inside, there was a sudden loud "bang" sound. Linton seemed to hear some explosion sound coming from the front, and left. He is not far. Although I didn’t know what it was, it was obvious that I had to check out the situation.

With a slight leap, Linton jumped to a height of more than thirty meters, and the next moment he determined the location of the explosion in the air. There was a small bungalow with a big hole in the roof. It was still smoking, but Linton didn't see any fire or anything like that.

Needless to say, Linton used a magic circle in the air, accelerated and arrived at the smoking small bungalow in an instant, and fell directly from the hole. As soon as he landed, Linton saw a familiar person in front of him. people.

This was a guy wearing strange clothes. He looked like a man in his late thirties. He was wearing a strange red outfit, which obviously didn't look like the kind of clothes a normal person would wear. He had short silver hair and slightly darker skin. Although it is obvious that he has never seen him before, this does not mean that Linton does not recognize him.

"Uh... red A?" Linton looked at the other person and hesitated for ten seconds before asking.

"Who are you?" The man here asked directly and alertly when he saw Linton falling. After all, the person who suddenly fell in the sky was obviously not an ordinary person.

"I see, is it this world?" In the next moment, Linton already understood where his world was, and he immediately began to calculate the method of exploration in his mind.

However, at this moment, Linton suddenly felt someone coming from the direction of the room door behind him. Suddenly Linton thought of something. Before the red A in front could react, Linton suddenly flew out and kicked him directly in the stomach.

With a muffled "bang" sound, the red A here rose directly into the sky and flew out from the previous big hole. At this moment, the door here opened, and a girl with twin tails looked into the room, and of course she happened to see Linton.

"Who are you……"

"Your TN is my master?" Linton said directly before the other party could say anything.

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