I really can't control myself

Chapter 138 Assassination

"That's not true," Nick Fury said. "In fact, the surveillance camera has captured the appearance of the attacker. How can I put it...a strange guy with a blue body and a tail..."

"Oh?" Linton suddenly remembered the plot. Attacking the president of the United States seemed to be a real thing.

"You know this guy?" Nick Fury asked.

"Of course I don't," Linton said. "So you're asking me just because you think I know this guy?"

"After all, you also have the ability to teleport." Nick Fury said, "Maybe you really know this guy."

"From your description, this guy should be a mutant." Linton said, "So why don't you go directly to Professor X?"

"We have already contacted Academy X." Nick Fury said, "But what can I say? I was ordered to catch this guy, and I'm worried that Professor Xavier won't be so cooperative."

"That means you are worried that the other party will not surrender, right?" Linton said, "So you think I can catch him, so you ask me for help?"

"Yes." Nick Fury nodded.

"I'm busy... I can help." Linton said, "But, I still have some conditions."

"Okay, you say." Nick Fury was straightforward, and felt that it was normal for Linton to impose conditions. Nick Fury would find it strange if he kept helping them for free.

"First of all, I can't always work without a name. If someone asks me what my identity is..."

"No problem, now you are an agent under the name of SHIELD. I will have someone prepare the certificate immediately." Nick Fury said immediately.

"Just a consultant, I don't want to actually work for you." Linton said.

"No problem." Nick Fury didn't worry about the name.

"Secondly, I need some privileges to access your S.H.I.E.L.D.'s information, mainly information about those with super powers." Linton said.

"What do you want with this information?" Nick Fury asked.

"Let's fight," Linton said. "Finding someone to fight with when I have nothing to do is my current pleasure."

Nick Fury had already memorized Linton's belligerent characteristics before, so this was normal, but this condition was a bit troublesome. After thinking about it, Nick Fury said: "If you want to spar with someone, I might be able to arrange it for you, but it is impossible to allow you to attack ability users at will. If you really want to spar with someone, join the arrest team in the future. Just do it, just like the work you did today.”

Nick Fury's intention is to help them catch people, but he can't fight. Linton didn't hesitate, and didn't say to do it. He just continued: "Third, I may need something in the future, and I hope SHIELD can help me check it out."

"What is it?" Nick Fury asked.

"Let's talk about this later," Linton said.

"Then we'll discuss it later." Nick Fury didn't agree. After all, he didn't know what Linton wanted. Of course, Linton didn't know what he wanted. What he meant by this was mainly because he wanted to upload points. Logically speaking, every world has things that can be uploaded, such as in One Piece. Devil Fruit, but he doesn’t know what it is in this world yet, so if it is an item, wouldn’t it be convenient for SHIELD to check it for him? This is one of the reasons why Linton is close to SHIELD, but now he I haven’t found the valuable item mentioned by the system yet, so I don’t know what it is, so I can only pretend to be mysterious.

"Can we act now?" Nick Fury asked.

"No problem, let's go." Linton nodded. He just had nothing to do, so he might be able to score some points.

Arriving at the tarmac by car, Linton and the others soon headed to Washington. The flight from New York to Washington only takes 30 minutes. In short, I was still in Linton in New York in the morning, arrived in Washington at noon, and went directly to the White House, the presidential palace.

The White House was originally allowed for tourists to visit, but of course it was under martial law after something like this happened, and it is of course closed now. There are also a lot more guards at the door, and SHIELD has also gone through strict inspections before letting them in.

Soon, a group of people entered the White House, and the people inside also went in to report and were waiting to be received by the president. Linton also asked, the name of the president of the Magnesium country here is McKenna, but Linton had never heard of this name.

The president seemed to be in a guest room, but he still summoned the S.H.I.E.L.D. team. Linton also followed Nick Fury directly into the office, and quickly saw several people in the office.

There were three people in the room, and the one sitting behind the desk was obviously the president. He was a tall, thin white president who looked quite energetic, or rather like a president. There were two people sitting in front of him, one was a fat man and the other was an old man.

"Mr. President." Nick Fury greeted the president in the middle.

"Nick." The president nodded, then pointed to the two people next to him and said, "This is Colonel Stryker, and this is Congressman Clay. You two, this is the Homeland Strategic Defense Attack and Logistics Support Agency Director Nick Fury.”

The two sides greeted each other, but Linton just stood behind and did not attract the president's attention. After all, he now seemed to be Nick Fury's subordinate. The previous consultant's certificate was also completed and was now hanging around his neck.

Of course, Linton also noticed the name of Colonel Stryker and looked at this fat guy. Knowing the plot, he naturally knew that these things were caused by this guy. He didn't expect to meet him here.

"Nick, you understand the situation. The purpose of my sending you here is to find this monster." The president said directly, "I authorize you to use all available resources to arrest this guy."

"I understand, Mr. President." Nick Fury nodded, "Is this the scene? Can I start the investigation directly?"

"Okay," the president said, "I will have someone give the information to you in a while."

"Has Mr. President contacted Professor Xavier?" Nick Fury asked. He had contacted Professor X. I don't know if the White House had contacted him.

"This is the purpose of my coming here." Before the president could answer, Stryker stood up and said, "I think this Professor Xavier is the mastermind behind the whole thing, and the so-called Xavier talent he established The Children’s Academy may be a training camp for cultivating super-powered killers.”

"Huh?" Nick Fury was stunned, "Colonel, that's just an academy."

"I don't think so." Stryker said as he took out some photos and placed them in front of the president. "Look at these..."

"What is this?" the president asked after looking at it.

"A concealed apron, and some launch devices." Stryker said, "I suspect they are preparing something privately. In short, it seems that they can at least launch planes on the basketball court...or launch missiles."

Upon hearing this, the president's expression suddenly changed. He was already very suspicious of mutants, but now he was assassinated by a mutant, and then discovered this, so he had to be on guard.

"This should be an apron." Nick Fury next to him also went up to take a look and said, "I do know some information in this regard. Professor Xavier organized a force to deal with the threat of some malicious mutants. This force It’s called the X-Men.”

"Troops?" the president asked.

"To be precise, it's a team. There are only five or six people in total." Nick Fury said, "Some radical mutants are really threatening, such as... Magneto, you also know. Professor Xavier organized this The squad is designed to respond to situations like this.”

"So Director, you're saying they're on our side?" the president asked.

"This is my current judgment." Nick Fury said. He also knew Professor X and had talked with him. The two sides were not allies, but they were definitely not enemies. Nick Fury's statement is relatively accurate. After all, he does not 100% believe in these mutants.

"So what do you think of this attack?" Stryker immediately jumped in and said, his purpose was here, and of course it was impossible to agree with Nick Fury's statement.

"This attack still needs to be investigated, that's why I'm here." Nick Fury would not give Stryker face and said directly, "If it was just done by some radical mutants, I would arrest him. Of course, if it is related to the college, I will also be responsible for negotiating with them."

"Of course it has something to do with the academy." Stryker said immediately, "That is a hidden training base. Mr. President, you should already understand the threat of mutants. We must not give them a chance to breathe now. Please authorize me to monitor the academy. Conduct a search."

"What I mean is to find the attacker first." Nick Fury said tit for tat. "There is currently no evidence that this matter is related to the academy. Mr. President, please seriously consider it. It is true that mutants are a threat, so we need to be more cautious. treat."

"How long will it take you to find this attacker?" the president asked after thinking for a while.

"Well... give me a week." Nick Fury said.

"I only give you three days." The president said directly. "If the attacker is still not caught within three days, I will consider Colonel Stryker's proposal."

"Mr. President, I think you should stop hesitating." Stryker said anxiously, "In three days, we don't know what those monsters will do. We don't have time. Their conspiracy has been exposed, and maybe it will be over now." We are discussing how to subvert the country..."

"Hey, hey, are you people from China so smart?" Linton couldn't help but said, "Have you never seen China's Thirty-six Strategies?"

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