I really can't control myself

Chapter 1379 The last chance

At this time, on the other side, Darkseid's body, whose left hand was broken, began to shrink quickly, and soon returned to his original normal state. Looking at his broken left arm, Darkseid here had not even come to his senses at this time. It had been a long time since he had been injured. Such an injury was even unacceptable to him.

At this time, a figure fell directly in front of Darkseid. Darkseid raised his head, and the person in front of him was naturally Linton in Super 3 state. Obviously, the current situation is not the time to think about why. The current overlord of the universe is really angry. Seeing Linton landing, Darkseid here stood up and rushed towards Linton without saying a word, and suddenly He punched Linton.

With a "bang", Darkseid's fist was firmly caught, but Linton noticed that the strength of the opponent's fist had become stronger. Removing one of the opponent's hands should have weakened the opponent due to injury, but instead it stimulated the opponent's hidden strength?

Of course, although he has become stronger, Linton is now in the state of Super Saiyan 3, so saying he has become stronger is just that to Linton. After catching the opponent's punch, Linton flew out instantly and kicked Darkseid in the abdomen. In the next second, Darkseid's whole body flew out like a cannonball. Before the opponent could land, Linton appeared above the opponent's head again, holding his fists with both hands and striking hard.

With a "boom", Darkseid was knocked into the ground. Before Linton could stop, he opened his fingers directly downwards. With a soft roar, a big explosion occurred directly on the ground below, and a crater-like shape was directly blasted out of the entire ground below. Huge pit.

Soon Linton landed again. Lying on the flat ground in front of him was Darkseid, who had been blown to black. Compared to just now, Darkseid looks even more miserable now. The armor on his body has been shattered to pieces, and there are also wounds. But seeing Linton fall in front of him, Darkseid stood up again with one hand on the ground.

"It's really hard to beat." Linton said, "The overlord of the universe who was beaten all over the floor? After falling in love, it's almost time to end."

There was a loud "boom". As soon as Linton finished speaking, a huge beam of light suddenly hit Linton's position directly, and a cloud of smoke and dust suddenly exploded. Darkseid raised his head in surprise, because this attack was not caused by him, but he happened to see a battleship coming over his head. Yes, the attack just now was the attack of the battleship's main gun.

The hatch of the battleship was open. When Darkseid looked up, two figures fell directly from above and came to his side. Of course, these two people are Darkseid's subordinates, and one of them is Disad. Now he is obviously injured. He looks miserable, but he can still move. The other is a bald man who seems to have a lot of machinery in his body and looks like a cyborg. His name is Dr. Chaos, and he is a scientist under Darkseid.

"Master, upload it quickly, Apokolips... is about to explode." Disad didn't have time to say anything more and went straight to the topic.

"What?" Darkseid was stunned when he heard this. Indeed, he had been feeling the ground under his feet shaking from the beginning, but he did not expect the explosion of Apokolips.

"It's true..." Disad said immediately after seeing Darkseid's expression.

"According to my calculation, there are less than 3 minutes left." Dr. Chaos next to him said firmly. Because he is a scientist, his words are obviously more credible.

"Lord, let's go quickly!" Disad said quickly. With this little time, if he gets on the spaceship and leaves at full speed, he still has a chance. Otherwise, you can imagine what the consequences will be.

"Really, who put this spaceship in?" Before Darkseid could digest the news, Linton's voice came from the front again. As the smoke dissipated slightly, Linton's intact figure appeared in front of the three people again.

Judging from the traces on the ground, the main gun of the spacecraft here obviously hit the target, but the attack of the main gun, which can destroy a space battleship, did not seem to cause any harm to Linton. A huge ravine was directly swept out on the ground, but there was an undamaged trace left behind where Linton stood.

"Lord, let's go quickly!" Disad anxiously pulled up Darkseid from the ground, obviously preparing to board the battleship above. On the other side, Dr. Chaos put an index finger directly on his temple, and then unleashed a burst of mental attacks directly on Linton.

Yes, what Doctor Chaos is better at is mental attacks, including skills such as telepathy and mental control. At this time, he obviously wants to use his good abilities to stop Linton and protect their master Da. Xaid.

Linton's movements obviously paused. Doctor Chaos was overjoyed when he saw this situation. Has his mind control ability been effective? However, the next second, Linton's figure suddenly disappeared. Before Dr. Chaos could react, a punch from bottom to top passed through his body.

With a "bang", Dr. Chaos here exploded. His flesh and blood and the remains of various mechanical parts of his modified body were flying everywhere. With just one blow, Linton beat him to a pulp.

Of course, Dr. Chaos' mental attack is actually effective. Otherwise, how could the fighting girl here suddenly attack someone other than Darkseid before he can deal with it? That is, he started automatic combat. So it did attract Linton's target for an instant. Of course, it's still the same sentence. The target of the mental attack is Linton. What does it have to do with Fighting Ji? He just paused because he triggered the automatic battle and Fighting Ji chose a new target.

"What?" Dr. Chaos was killed with one blow, which made Disad stunned again. Although he had infinitely improved his estimate of Linton's strength, it was obvious that he still underestimated Linton's situation. Although he knew that Dr. Chaos couldn't defeat Linton, he didn't expect that the other party could kill him with a casual blow. He originally wanted to stop Linton from rescuing their master, but the current situation was a bit embarrassing.

"Lord, you go first..." Disad originally wanted to say to let Darkseid go first and find a way to stop Linton. Although I know that my physical condition is probably unstoppable, I can block it for one second, at least giving my master time to retreat.

However, before he finished speaking, a flash of light suddenly flashed in the sky, followed by a huge explosion. Disad raised his head, and a beam of golden light directly penetrated the battleship in the sky, penetrating from above to the bottom of the ship, and then the fire shot into the sky. The entire battleship was submerged in the flames of the explosion in a moment, and exploded directly in the air. Two pieces.

Linton raised his head and saw Susanoo higher up in the sky. It was obvious that the person who took action was his shadow clone. He had just mentioned who had let in the battleship. It seemed that the shadow clone was chasing him.

Watching the huge wreckage of the battleship fall, Disad's face was ashen, he was really doomed now. Now the entire planet is about to explode, and everyone on it obviously has no chance of survival. Is this their final outcome?

"Tell me, why is this necessary?" Linton also showed his hands at this time, "Originally, it was just a matter of playing a game of Yu-Gi-Oh Cards, until the planet exploded. People like me, who are lucky enough to have a peaceful universe, , I really just wanted to play cards with you guys, but now that the entire legion has been wiped out because of a card game, it’s not nice to tell anyone about it, right?”

"You will pay the price for this!" Desaad really collapsed now. After hearing Linton's words, he directly pulled out an orange light with his hands and rushed towards Linton. With a "bang", the beam of light directly hit Linton's body. However, Linton here still didn't shake, and he didn't even make any defensive or counterattack actions, but Disad himself was struck by This blow caused him to fly to the side.

Linton didn't mean this, but your desperate blow didn't break his defense in the Super 3 state at all. And now the automatic battle is hanging on Darkseid's body. This mosquito bite-like attack battle Jidu They won't count you as a target, they will just ignore you.

"Well...it's a big price, you've seen it." Linton was really afraid that the other party would be sad, so at least he responded verbally.

"Hahahahaha..." Unexpectedly, Disad here actually burst out laughing. "If this planet explodes, will you survive?"

"You have forgotten me..." What Linton wanted to say was that you have forgotten how I came here, but before he could finish speaking, a red light flashed here. Although she was talking, Battle Ji would not be affected at all, and she directly raised her hand to receive the light.

The person who released the light was of course Darkseid. Although he had been silent for a while, Darkseid seemed to have come to his senses again and looked at Linton with an angry face.

"Are you going to drag me to death with you?" Although Darkseid didn't speak, Linton seemed to have read the meaning in his eyes. Darkseid must have known that Linton was teleported, but he was probably planning to pester him to prevent him from releasing his teleportation skills. Of course, this is actually useless, because Linton has no intention of leaving. He can't leave even if he wants to before the automatic battle is over.

Just as he was thinking about it, Darkseid on his side suddenly accelerated and rushed towards him, while Linton started on his side at the same time, hugged Darkseid's body around his waist, and slammed down through the ground. , the two of them rushed directly towards the ground.

At the same time, the planet finally reached the critical point. A brilliant light appeared in the sky of Apokolips. All sounds disappeared in an instant, and the end came.

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