After some inspection, everyone successfully arrived at the laboratory. After stopping the car and opening the transport hatch, several people in the back car also walked out carrying Superman's coffin.

"So you see what I said, it was easy to sneak in without anyone noticing me, right?" Linton was still bragging with Barry.

"Are you sneaking? This is obviously hypnosis, okay?" Bruce walked over and couldn't help but said.

"Why isn't this called sneaking? Has anyone discovered me?" Linton said directly.

"Let's get down to business first," said Diana next to her, "What's the next step?"

"Victor, empty it." Bruce said directly.

"Okay." Victor nodded, then closed his eyes. The light of the headlight flashed on his head, and then the alarm of the nearby laboratory building sounded.

"A biochemical infection crisis has been detected, please all staff leave the laboratory immediately through the safe passage." The mechanical voice began to repeat on the broadcast. It was obvious that Victor used his own ability to hack into the laboratory console and issued a false alarm. , the purpose is to clear out the scientific personnel in the laboratory first.

Sure enough, after hearing the radio prompt, the personnel in the laboratory immediately evacuated according to the instructions. Everyone waited for a while and quickly sneaked into the laboratory.

Although the laboratory here is built on a Kryptonian spacecraft, it is also divided into two parts: front and back. The back part is the body of the spacecraft, and the front part is the part built behind the laboratory. There is only one passage that can directly lead to the part of the spacecraft behind it. It is originally tightly guarded and will not allow ordinary people to simply pass through. Even those inside the laboratory must go through numerous applications and inspections if they want to go there. . But now everyone has gone out to take refuge, including the security personnel. After all, the biochemical infection has been leaked, and who wants to die inside.

However, there are exceptions. For example, when they first came in, they saw an acquaintance, Dr. Stone, Victor's father, who had just been rescued before. At this time, he was using the communicator to report to the outside: "...This is a false alarm. The laboratory has just been cleaned. There is no way that there will be an alien virus leaked. Someone has obviously hacked into our..."

Before he finished speaking, Dr. Stone saw everyone coming in. Of course, the more conspicuous one was his son Victor. Dr. Stone, who knew Victor's ability, understood what was going on in an instant. , although I don’t know what this group of people want to do, but I don’t think they are here to do anything evil. So he continued: "Sorry, sir, my judgment was wrong. There is indeed a risk of biochemical infection. Please ask all experimenters to get out immediately. They are not allowed to return to the laboratory without my order."

"Okay doctor, I understand." The security officer on the intercom also replied.

Dr. Stone and Victor, who put down the walkie-talkie, looked at each other. Although neither of them spoke, their eyes had completed the communication. No need to say anything, both of them understood what the other wanted to say.

"Be careful." Dr. Stone said the last thing, and then retreated directly. Victor still said nothing and just nodded.

Soon they arrived at the back of the laboratory, which is the entrance to the Kryptonian spacecraft. In front of them was the door of the spaceship. Before they could think about how to get in, the door of the spacecraft opened directly by itself.

Carrying Superman's coffin all the way forward, some cabins around the spacecraft also opened directly as they entered. Seeing this, everyone also understood that the spacecraft felt like it had scanned that Superman was back, so it automatically opened Open for them to enter.

Soon, everyone came to a relatively large cabin in the middle of the spacecraft. In front of it was a pool-like thing, with a lot of incomprehensible instruments densely packed on it. There were also some small auxiliary robots around that automatically moved from the side. flying out of the wall compartment, as if Superman's arrival had activated them.

"This is it." Victor said, not knowing how he knew. Pointing to the pool in front of him, Victor said, "Put him in it."

After speaking, Victor waved his hand to the side, and something like a console stretched out directly from the ground next to him. Victor pressed his hand on the console, and the wire-like thing in his hand was inserted directly into it.

"Welcome, Victor, do you want to take over the control?" A voice suddenly appeared in the spacecraft. It may be that the operating system of the spacecraft started to connect. Victor undoubtedly took over the operation authority directly and probably finished reading the data.

"The spacecraft said that the mother box is hostile. I can remove the authority in this regard, but there is no time to repair the main capacitor." Victor said, "To activate the mother box, a lot of power is needed."

"Electricity..." Talking about electricity is a bit troublesome. But just when everyone was frowning, Barry here suddenly said, "I might have..."

"I'll take care of it." Linton said directly before he could finish.

"So what else do you have that can unleash lightning?" Bruce asked.

"It's not surprising that he has any abilities." Diana said next to him.

"Yeah." Bruce didn't have any doubts, "Then let's get started."

"Uh..." Barry originally wanted to say that he could do it, but when Linton said it first, he stopped talking.

The mechanical arm stretched out from the side lifted the mother box to the top of the pool, and Superman's body was directly underneath. The plan is that the Mother Box will drop and inject a large amount of electricity the moment it touches Superman's body, and activating the Mother Box will resurrect Superman. All preparations have been completed, but at this time the system of the spacecraft here is constantly starting to issue warnings.

"It is strongly recommended not to perform this procedure."

"This system is begging me not to activate it. He is afraid." Victor, who is connected to the spacecraft, said.

"Activating the Mother Box will attract Steppenwolf." Diana said next to her, "But we are all ready, aren't we?"

"Let's start." Victor nodded, "Countdown... five, four, three, two, one, start!"

"The moment Victor finished speaking about starting, the mechanical arm here let go of the mother box and let it fall. And at this moment, a large number of images that looked like memories and prophecies suddenly entered. In Victor's mind, being connected to the spaceship at this time, he probably knew that this was something predicted by the spacecraft's system, but these pictures were...

"No! Stop!" Victor shouted directly the next second.

"Huh?" Several people next to him looked at Victor in surprise. Of course, Linton ignored him and simply stepped on him with a flash of lightning all over his body.

With a "boom", huge thunder and lightning shot out from Linton's body, directly hitting the falling mother box. In an instant, the mother box was activated, and a beam of light shot into the sky. There was a loud bang on the ceiling of the spacecraft, and Linton saw a figure flying directly out of the pool in front of him, following the beam of light and rushing into the sky.

The explosion caused by the energy slightly affected everyone, but they were not ordinary people. Bruce here shook his head slightly and asked Linton in front: "Did it succeed?"

"Successful, the person flew outside." Linton said.

"We may have done something wrong." Victor here suddenly said.

"What?" Bruce turned around and asked.

"Go check on his condition." Victor said directly without saying much.

Soon everyone came outside. Next to the laboratory was a memorial square for those who were injured or killed in the previous Metropolis incident. A figure stopped in the sky above the square. Something seemed to have caught his eye. He slowly Landed slowly on the square.

In the middle of the square are several stone tablets engraved with many names, all of which were victims at that time. In the middle of them is a photo of Superman himself. The newly resurrected Superman is now looking at him with a confused look on his face. It is obvious that his eyes Somewhat confused.

Soon Linton and others also came to the square. Probably sensing someone coming, Superman here turned his head and looked at everyone. There was no kindness in the other party's eyes, but rather a sharp look.

"He's scanning us," Victor said suddenly.

"Scan? Why?" Barry asked.

"Hostility..." Diana next to her suddenly said.

"Hostility? Why?" Barry said again.

"Maybe he just resurrected and he hasn't figured out the situation yet." Diana guessed and said, "Listen, your name is..."

"You...are my enemy, right." However, at this moment Superman suddenly interrupted Diana, but he did not say it to Diana, but pointed at Linton. Indeed, Superman's eyes rested on Linton at this time.

"Why do you recognize me?" Linton said, "Didn't you lose your memory?"

"I...remember you." Superman said with some uncertainty, but nodded quickly, "You...are my enemy."

"Did he hit him too hard at that time?" Linton held his forehead and made a guess, because Superman did fight him for a long time before he died. He probably left such a deep impression that he still knows him now.

"Answer me." Superman asked again, probably because he was not sure.

"Um... I'm sorry, I'm not." Linton said, "As for who would treat you as my enemy, ask yourself, are you worthy?"

"..." Superman here tilted his head.

"I said, I pulled you up just to play cards with me. In this exciting situation, why don't you play a game of Yu-Gi-Oh Cards?" Linton said with a smile.

With a "ding", Superman's eyes lit up red, as if he was about to take action directly.

"Okay, you have lost your memory and you don't want to play cards with me. It's useless. How about humane destruction again." Linton asked a few people next to him.

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