I really can't control myself

Chapter 1357 Steel Bone

Not long after Linton and the others came back, Diana brought Victor, also known as Cyborg, to the Batcave. The two were delayed for a while because the two almost fought directly. The reason was that when Diana went to Victor's house, the other person was not there, but the house was in chaos as if it had been looted.

Diana just wanted to see what was going on, but Victor came back at this moment. Only then did Diana know one thing, that is, Victor's father, Dr. Stone, was missing.

Diana only remembered this after hearing this situation. Yes, it was obvious that the person who captured Dr. Stone was Steppenwolf's men. The purpose was to find out the location of the mother box kept by the human race. Xu Cheng was also involved in this matter. She said it, but she didn't say it in detail. Diana didn't remember it until it happened.

Victor was not so calm. It seemed that his relationship with his father was not very good, but he was still very nervous when his father was arrested, and the first object of suspicion was Diana in front of him. He had met Diana before and asked him to join a force that defended the earth. To Victor, Diana was a bit like a government organization like the FBI. Victor refused without further discussion at that time. But in this situation, could it be that the other party has caught his father and is blackmailing him?

Fortunately, the two did not really fight. While trying to persuade Victor to calm down, Diana also briefly explained the current situation to him. Victor was also a smart person. After a little judgment, he felt that what Diana said was quite credible, so he chose to believe the other person.

In this way, the person who captured Dr. Stone should be the man named Steppenwolf who wanted to invade the earth. Then his father was arrested, and Victor had no choice but to join the gang. However, the condition for joining the team is that Diana and his team help him rescue his father first. Of course, Diana will rescue Victor even if she doesn't agree to it, but after all, the more people, the more power.

As a righteous hero, Diana must be bound to save people. Not only because she could recruit Victor to join the team, but even if she didn't have this chance, she would help save people, so she directly agreed. Of course, rescuing people also requires planning. Currently, she doesn’t even know where the other person is. Finding people is not her specialty, so she took Victor back to the Batcave base to discuss a plan to save people.

Victor, who came here for the first time, began to look at his teammates. Diana had told him before that what she wanted to organize now was a team with super power to deal with alien invasions and the like. In the Earth Crisis, several teammates are also people with super powers.

Of course he knew Batman here. He had been active in Gotham City before he was born. On the other side, Victor saw a white boy who was probably about the same age as him. He was "running around" crazily in the Batcave at a speed that was impossible to see with the naked eye, but this was actually just a visit. And then there is Wonder Woman who brought him here. This is really a super team.

While he was watching, a figure suddenly appeared in front of him. It was a face that looked like an Asian. When Victor looked at the other person, his brain was already searching for the other person's face recognition information, but for a long time, None of them jumped out of the record. Diana didn't introduce him to who the opponent was, but he was probably also a member of the team.

"You..." Victor was about to ask what the other party wanted to do, but before he could speak, the other party suddenly took his hand. Before Victor could react, he suddenly had...a stack of cards in his hand?

Victor was stunned for a moment. What did the other party mean when he suddenly handed him a pair of cards? But when I lifted it up, I saw that this thing was not a poker card. The first card on the front was the name of the next-generation army. There were also effects, attack and defense written on the bottom. What kind of game did it look like? But what does it mean when the other party suddenly hands me such a card?

Victor looked at Linton with a puzzled expression, but at this time Linton smiled and said: "Come on, stop talking nonsense and start the duel!"

"Huh?" Victor was confused by this sudden move. Duel? what's going on?

"Are you here again?" Bruce, who followed behind, held his forehead.

"What does this mean? I didn't come here to play card games." Victor said angrily.

"Hey, this is interesting." Linton said, "I said, this black man, are we begging you to let you save your father? Can't you figure out who is begging who now? The enemy is so vicious, We have accompanied you through life and death to save people, and you are not even willing to play cards with us?"

Victor frowned when he said this, but after thinking about it carefully, although it was Diana who brought him into the group at the beginning, Linton seemed to have no problem. This time, he was indeed seeking help from himself. It's just that suddenly playing a card game at this time doesn't feel right. Is there something deeper that I don't know about?

After thinking about it, Victor asked: "So as long as I play this card game with you, you will help me save people?"

"Yes, that's it." Bruce here nodded reluctantly, although he didn't think so himself. He must save people, and he must deal with Steppenwolf's invasion, but he still needs to get it done now. As for Linton, the most troublesome guy, if you don't play the cards with him first, all kinds of trouble will happen in a while.

Bruce probably believed 70% of what Linton said before about blowing up the earth without playing cards, because it was really not surprising that this guy would do anything. However, Barry Allen, who also heard Linton say this, obviously did not realize the seriousness of the problem. In his opinion, Linton's previous words were just a joke. How could he just blow up the earth without playing cards? As for releasing light balls or something, wasn't this Linton demonstrating his superpowers to him? It was just a little joke or something, so he really didn't take it seriously.

"Is this some strange joining ceremony?" Victor asked.

"That's right." Bruce nodded reluctantly, "It won't take much time anyway, I still have to search for information."

"I understand." Victor nodded, "Then this thing..."

"The information is all in this computer." Linton pointed directly to a laptop next to him. There is a duel disk next to the computer.

It was very convenient for Victor to learn to play cards. He stretched out a few tentacle-like wires and wrapped them directly around the computer next to him. After a few seconds, all the information in the computer was transmitted to his brain. . Whether it's the rules of the game or all the card information, Victor has mastered them all.

After looking at the situation, I found that this game is indeed an ordinary card game. The rules are not complicated and it does not take much time. Victor thought for a while, and once again wrapped the tentacle-like wire around the dueling disk next to him, and quickly attached it to his left hand.

"In that case, let's start quickly." Victor said.

Five minutes later.

"Unlock the limiter, level Max, open the regulator, and everything passes! Infinite power, break through time and space, and open up the unknown world! Go! Triangle Acceleration Synchronization! Come on! Technological Halberd Gunner!" Linton shouted, holding up the card. Said, "The halberd gunner attacks the opponent's Gaika!"

With a "bang", the monster that Victor set up was directly destroyed, but Victor immediately said: "Activate the effect of the next-generation searcher. When it is sent to the graveyard, summon a 1500 from the deck to attack. The next-generation monster is in face-side attack position, and I retrieve the next-generation turbine from the deck..."

"It's useless, I can't save you! I activate the effect of the technology attribute Halberd Gunner, once per round. When we or the opponent specially summons it, it will invalidate the other party's summons and destroy it." After Linton finished speaking, he waved his hand again, "It's not over yet, technology The Blade Gunner attacks directly! Shooting Sword!"

With a "bang" sound, the attack of the technological blade gunner directly reduced Victor's health to 0 points, and Linton won.

"It's too weak. I can't see the bond between you and your deck at all. Your deck is crying!" Linton yelled directly, "Are you still a duelist like this?"

"Uh...I'm not really this one." Victor couldn't help but say. Besides, he just attracted a strange person. He was immediately stunned by your story. You told me how to detect bonds and so on. Something to come?

"I'm so disappointed. You're not worthy of being a duelist at all. Give up the cards." Linton said.

Victor said...there seems to be no problem, he didn't want to play cards in the first place.

"Sure enough, you are more talented as a duelist." Linton patted Barry Allen next to him on the shoulder and said seriously.

"Really...really?" Barry Allen himself was a little confused. Judging from the scene, Victor's situation seemed to be not much different from his own. He just attracted a monster and was killed by the storyteller. Could it be because of himself? Is it a novice whose level is too low to notice the difference? That's probably it. Linton said that he has the talent of a duelist, so he should have it.

"I'm very optimistic about you." Linton continued to encourage. Of course, it was mainly because Barry was easier to fool.

"I understand, Master!" Barry said excitedly.

"Are you satisfied?" Bruce walked over and said, "Okay, let's take a look at the current situation. I just contacted Chief Gordon, and sure enough, the scientists from the S.T.A.R laboratory who were kidnapped by Steppenwolf's men were not here. Not only Dr. Stone, a total of 9 scientists were taken away. I did a little analysis of these kidnapping cases, and I probably understand the location of the opponent's stronghold, which should be here."

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