"Diana?" Both Bruce and Lex turned to Linton strangely, and then Bruce looked at Lex strangely. Isn't this the suspicious person you screened out? Why do you feel like you are hearing it for the first time?

"Do you know her name?" Lex asked. As he spoke, he clicked another button on the computer, which played another video. It should be a video taken by a camera on a bank ATM. , the one above is also Diana. Of course, this video is clearer because it is a close-up shot, "Do you know her?"

"Is there anything strange about this woman?" Bruce asked, asking Lex, because this video has shown that the Lex Group seems to have been paying attention to this woman's movements, but why?

"Maybe you can take a look at this." Lex clicked on the computer, and a photo quickly popped up next to it. This is an old-fashioned black and white photo, showing several soldiers in military uniforms, and the woman standing among these soldiers is Diana.

"This military uniform style..." Bruce was stunned for a moment when he saw this photo. Yes, he had actually thought of something in his heart, but he couldn't believe it.

"Yes, this is an old photo taken at the end of World War I," Lex said, "from a hundred years ago..."

"How... is this possible?" Bruce said, "So you mean this woman... has lived for more than a hundred years? And her appearance has not changed at all?"

"Don't ask me, I don't know the reason. Maybe your friend knows this woman, and I just learned her name. After all, this is not the name we found." Lex said.

"This woman's name is Diana Prince...wait a minute." Just as Linton was about to briefly introduce Wonder Woman to the two of them, he suddenly noticed something, pointed at the photo and said, "Who is this person?"

The two of them looked at the photo. Linton was pointing at a young man standing next to Diana in the photo. He was wearing a military uniform. At first glance, there was nothing special about him, at least not as conspicuous as Diana. But after a closer look, Something seems wrong.

"Is he... an Asian?" Bruce said. Yes, the photo was blurry, but it was barely clear that this guy's facial features didn't look like a European. That was really strange. After all, this was during World War I, and Asians ran away. Going to Europe to participate in World War I is not too much.

Lex became a little curious. Yes, he had seen the photo many times, but his attention was attracted to Diana. This was the first time that the people next to him noticed it. I checked the computer a little bit, but obviously I couldn't find much information.

"Can you check if this person has appeared in other eras?" Linton asked.

"That's not that simple. If you just compare based on facial similarity, you don't know how long it will take to find a needle in a haystack." Lex said, "You mean this man and this woman have lived the same life. A hundred years?"

"Is this person your missing companion?" Bruce next to him guessed something, "Is this woman the member of his team you are looking for?"

"That should be true." Linton nodded, now almost certain that Wonder Woman was a member of the team. And the man in this photo should be the explorer of this world. To be honest, this is the first time Linton has seen what other investigators look like. Although the photo is blurry, he can barely tell that he is a Chinese face. He should not be too old, at most twenty-five. She is quite handsome and has a good appearance.

Linton really didn't expect that the other party actually participated in the plot of the first part of Wonder Woman. After all, it was a hundred years ago. But when he thought about it, Linton felt that something was wrong. The flow speed between worlds was different. Linton was sure that this person could not stay here for a hundred years. Although there was no limit on the total time of exploration, the mission was time-limited. , will you stay here if you don’t hand in the mission?

Linton estimated that the flow rate of this world and the world where the explorer was located should be quite different, and the other person's time in this world should not be too long. So did the other party just participate in the first part and then disappear? Linton thought for a while and said, "If the search range is set within a time interval and a fixed location, will the search be faster?"

"Of course that's the best." Lex said, "Which time and place are you looking for?"

"Washington, 1984," Linton said.

"Oh? Is it so accurate? The imaging technology in 1984 was not that developed, so there shouldn't be much archived image data..." Before Lex could finish speaking, the computer here suddenly responded. The three of them looked at it, and what popped up was a registration record from a VIP customer of the Wink Hotel. The photo on the record was also of an Asian man. He looked similar to the man in the World War I photos they had seen before. 80% similar. In fact, the similarity given by the computer is also 79%.

"This must be the right person." Bruce looked at it and said. It looked a bit similar. The photo in 1984 was obviously much clearer than the photo from World War I. "I looked at the name. It's called... RiTian_Zhao."

"God TN Zhao Ritian, that's right, that's him." Linton held up his forehead. This name was so fake that it couldn't be more fake. It seemed that this was indeed the investigator he was looking for.

It seems that just as I guessed, this guy not only participated in the plot of the first part of Wonder Woman, but also participated in the second part. No wonder Wonder Woman became his teammate, probably not just a teammate.

But after that, did this guy come again? 1984 is more than thirty years ago. According to the previously estimated time flow rate, is it possible that the other party has never been to this world since then? If this hypothesis is true, Superman's suspicion here will suddenly become much smaller.

Yes, if the other party last appeared more than thirty years ago, then it is obvious that Superman cannot be his team member. The growth rate of Kryptonians seems to be similar to that of Earthlings, which means that when he came, Superman was only a baby at best, so it was impossible for him to be a teammate.

If this is the case, Linton can probably understand the current situation. First of all, Diana should have learned about the future from this investigator, otherwise she would not have been able to take the kryptonite in advance. It was two weeks ago that she took the kryptonite, and she hadn't come yet at that time, which meant that the other party couldn't have known about her coming to attack her, and the purpose of taking the kryptonite... was probably to help Superman. ?

This is of course possible. After all, after knowing what will happen in the future, Diana should also know that the earth will be targeted by Steppenwolf after Superman's death. Steppenwolf himself said that he was originally worried about Superman, so he never acted. Superman As soon as he died, he found his chance. It is estimated that Diana's purpose is actually to prevent the plot from developing as before and leading to Superman's death, so that subsequent events can be avoided.

Then the person who prevented Superman from coming here to attend the party today should also be Diana. It might even be the first time the other party met. So Linton probably knew what the two were discussing now.

"What I have here is the villain's script." Linton said suddenly.

"What?" Bruce asked next to him.

"You..." Linton suddenly pointed at Lex, "You should have started monitoring Superman's family now, right? Where does his adoptive mother live?"

"Spying on Superman's family?" Bruce turned around and asked.

"OK." Lex spread his hands and clicked on the computer. A map appeared on it with a person marking it, "This is it."

"Why are you asking?" Bruce asked.

"If nothing else happens, this guy will find someone to kidnap Superman's family soon." Linton said, "So if nothing else happens, Diana will naturally tell Superman about this matter. Now, they should go first Keep Superman's adoptive mother safe, and then come back and blow this guy's ass off."

"Why?" Bruce asked.

"There's no time to explain. I'm going to find someone first." Linton said and opened the door directly and got in.

"Hey!" Bruce shouted, but did not stop Linton. The portal quickly closed, leaving only Bruce and Lex staring at each other in the room.

"I always feel like something is going to happen." Bruce said, "Alfred, I need a suit."

"Okay, Master Wayne, I will fly the Batfighter nearby immediately." Alfred replied in the headset.

Bruce here had just finished speaking when suddenly there was a gun next to his head and pressed against his head. Bruce turned his head slightly and saw that the man holding the gun was Lex.

"Relax, Bruce, I don't want to shoot or kill you." Lex said, "From what I just heard, I inferred some... facts that surprised me, that is... this Maybe a man who has lived for hundreds of years can predict what will happen in the future, right?"

"What do you want to do?" Bruce asked.

"Me? I just want to protect myself, didn't you hear? Superman and this woman named Diana seem to want to kill me." Lex said, "I don't want to... just sit back and wait for death."

As he spoke, Lex slowly walked to the door of the room with his gun: "I don't have time to play bat games with you anymore. I have more important things, so... bye?"

After saying that, Lex rushed out of the door. Bruce wanted to chase him, but when he thought about it, there were bodyguards after the other party went out. It would be difficult to deal with him without equipment. So what now? Bruce looked at the location displayed on the computer next to him. It was also very worrying, so why not go there and have a look first?

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