I really can't control myself

Chapter 1292 Analysis

Sure enough, Batman is still the same Batman. Although the thing he holds looks like a gun, it is just a rope gun used to subdue people.

Perhaps for the purpose of being stronger, the net rope gun obviously shot out a metal net. Linton naturally waved his hand, and the metal net here turned in a circle in the air and flew back towards Batman.

Seeing this, Batman was stunned for a moment, but he still reacted quickly, rolled to the side to avoid the metal net he shot, then took out his hook gun and shot at the building next to him, hooking He caught something, pulled the hook rope, and flew up quickly. After swinging in the air, he kicked Linton with a flying kick.

With a "bang", Batman's kick directly hit Linton's chest, and then... nothing happened. Yes, Linton didn't react at all. He stood there without shaking, looking at Batman with a speechless expression.

"Tell me why I didn't come here first, otherwise I would have been so embarrassed by the little spider?" Linton said, holding his forehead.

Batman was indeed stunned again, but he reacted immediately, let go of the hook gun and landed on the ground, and then punched Linton in the face.

With a "bang", the hit actually hit, but there was still no reaction. Linton just looked at him with a complicated expression.

"Drink!" Batman said softly, grabbing Linton's shoulders as if he wanted to use a throwing skill. His judgment was that normal attacks were of no use, so he first used throwing skills to knock Linton down. Then do you think Linton might be knocked down by him? Batman here spent a long time, but Linton couldn't shake. Just when he didn't know what to do, Linton here stretched out a finger and flicked it at Batman. .

There was a loud "bang", and Batman here flew out directly, as if he was hit by a giant truck, and hit the wall of the building next to him, directly making a big hole and falling inside. Of course, this was when Linton didn't use much strength.

Although protected by the Bat Armor, Batman here did not suffer much damage, but he was still beaten to pieces. He fell to the ground and could not get up for a long time. Linton had already arrived at the entrance of the cave and looked inside. This building should be an abandoned building. There was nothing inside, just an empty shell.

"Is it another alien?" After a while, Batman stood up from the ground. Of course, at this time, he already knew the gap between him and Linton and did not continue to attack. "What is your purpose of coming to Earth? "

"Oh, that's right, I'm here to find my nephew..." After hearing this, Linton started to make up a story about finding his nephew out of habit, but mid-sentence, he suddenly froze. Yes, it seems that I am not here to find my nephew this time. The goal of this mission is not to investigate, but to find another team and then deal with them.

So the question is, how to find the people in this team? Linton didn't know either. After all, this was his first PVP mission. How would he find the other party? Linton looked at his page for a while to see if there was any relevant display or the like, but after a quick glance around, he couldn't find any prompt information, such as map points, or that he only reacted after getting closer. ? Or is it a reminder like a valuable item?

Then this matter is a little troublesome. It's a headache to find someone. After all, this task also has a time limit. There are only 60 cycles to complete the task. Now Linton suddenly realized that the team battle did not seem to be the difficulty of this task. Finding people seemed to be more troublesome.

According to the previous warning message, when Linton enters this world to perform a mission, the other party should also be notified. Otherwise, how can he summon his teammates to help? In other words, the other party also knows that he is coming to kill him, so he will definitely not sit still and wait for death. If he can fight, the other party will definitely be prepared. If he doesn't want to fight, the other party may hide directly. Of course Linton hopes that the other party will fight. If he hides, he really doesn't know what to do now.

Since there hasn't been any system prompt saying that the other party's location can be known, Linton thought for a while and decided to deal with the most troublesome situation, that is, the situation where it is not easy to find the person. Of course, there is actually a simpler way, that is... directly blow up the stars.

Yes, the system directly threw itself to the earth. Linton estimated that there was a high probability that the person he was looking for was also on the earth. This is a place where the plot is relatively concentrated. It was impossible for the previous explorers to find a teammate on a different planet. Just to trick yourself.

If the earth is blown up, there is a high probability that the person he is looking for will die. Of course, it is a high probability. After all, there are people here who will not die even if the earth is blown up. But although this method seemed to be quite effective, Linton was not prepared to do it. Because Linton came here to do this task, his purpose was not only to complete the task, but also to find information about other investigators. As I said before, this team member must know a lot of things, so Linton wanted to You need to chat with the other person and get some information from him.

As for this explosive star, Linton did not give up. It was considered the final solution. When the task is about to end and he really can't find anyone or is unable to complete the task due to other circumstances, Linton has no choice but to blow up the stars. After all, if the task is not completed, Linton will be directly dropped from the first level of the job. Yes, this penalty is quite big, especially now that my job description is relatively high, it is very tiring to get back to level one.

What should I do if I make trouble for someone? Linton looked at Batman in front of him. Isn't this guy... a ready-made tool man? Yes, although Batman's combat ability is really worrying, as the strongest supporter of the Justice League, this guy has all the other abilities. For example, computer skills, connections, and of course the most important thing is money. If that doesn't work, you can find people by spending money, right? Then this tool man... isn't it good?

Linton said it smelled good. He looked Batman up and down and asked, "You said another alien. Did the previous one refer to Superman?"

"You don't know that guy, right?" Batman began to inquire about information, "From the same planet?"

"If I wanted to meet him, I would call him Kal-El. After all, Superman is just a title, right?" Linton said.

"So, you better know his name." Batman said.

"Well...it seems you are not." Linton nodded. Yes, Linton is now judging whether Batman is the team member he is looking for. This is of course possible, right? Although he was right in front of him and System Ji didn't give any relevant prompts, Linton didn't know if there would be such a prompt saying that the person he was looking for was nearby.

However, judging from the current conversation, Linton feels that there is a high probability that the other party is not. After all, if he is, he should immediately know how he knows Superman's name. It is not difficult to guess, according to him With his IQ, he should be able to react immediately. Of course, it is not ruled out that this guy's IQ is too high, and he instantly understood his identity and then acted for himself, but Linton felt that this possibility was unlikely.

On the one hand, Linton felt that there should be some prompt from the system. It was impossible for him to just let himself look for it. Isn’t it an urgent task you asked me to take on? It's impossible to really let me do it all. It's just that Linton doesn't know the content of this prompt yet. On the other hand, from Linton's own point of view, if he were an investigator looking for teammates, he would be unlikely to find someone like Batman.

Yes, although Batman is useful, in terms of combat, it is...cannot be described as bad, it is simply FIVE. The job description of the person who can form the team is the same as mine, which means that he should have experienced a lot of the world. The strength of such an explorer is not only the same as mine, but at least a little bit, then... he can like bats. A hero?

Anyway, thinking about it this way, Linton felt that the suspicion on Batman's side was indeed relatively small. If he had to say that there was a big suspicion, the first thing Linton thought of was Chao. Yes, Linton put himself in for a look. Anyway, if he wanted to find a team member, he would naturally find the strongest guy first.

Now Superman is also the first object of Linton's suspicion. Thinking of this, Linton is a little excited. Yes, Superman... that's really a bit strong. It's not an exaggeration to say that he is Saitama who makes up for all his shortcomings. Superman has made up for all of Saitama's weaknesses, such as not being able to fly and not having any special skills, and his own strength is probably at Saitama's level, so he seems to be... a good opponent.

Yes, Linton already wanted to fight at this time. Although he had just fucked Saitama in the previous world, it was already a month ago. As a bloodline of a fighting race like Saiyans, he couldn't bear it anymore. ah.

In short, you are here, how can you not have a fight with the other party? Regardless of whether the opponent is the player he is looking for, count him first anyway.

Of course, it's possible that he's not Superman. After all, it's not easy to get Superman to join the team, but there's a high chance that the other party isn't looking for someone with no reputation at all. There are only five team members, which is quite precious. It's impossible to think that you have to trick yourself now to find a passerby or something, just to leave you with no place to look.

After thinking about it for a while, Linton thought it would be better to call the tool man in front of him for help first. After thinking for a while, Linton said: "I said... Bruce Wayne, you probably don't want to die yet."

"..." Hearing the other party call his name, Batman here was silent for a moment, and then said, "What do you want to do?"

"I have something to ask you for a favor... Well, let's go back to your house first. It seems like another police officer is here." Linton said.

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