I really can't control myself

Chapter 1286 Poaching

Time quickly came two days later, and the Hero Association took the initiative to notify Linton that he could go over and select the corpse. If the other party doesn't notify Linton, Linton will have to find it on his own. After all, things here are over for the time being, and Linton really wants to go back.

The Heroes Association is very busy right now, because the follow-up movements of the Weird Association have caused great turmoil in the entire world. However, the main reason for being so concerned about Linton's request now is of course to stabilize Linton.

Yes, the Heroes Association is indeed very anxious to stabilize Linton, because after the previous battle with the Weird Association, the Association suddenly received news that a new non-governmental hero organization was established, and their first One target is the Heroes Association.

Although it is a newly established organization, the current situation of the Heroes Association is not good. Although the recent crusade against the Weird Association was successful, it caused huge losses. City Z was almost razed, which was already bad in itself. What's even more troublesome is that the backbone of the association, the S-class heroes, are suddenly seriously missing.

Among them, the third S-class Silver Fang Banggu has just submitted an application for retirement, and the fourth Atomic Warrior said to go into retreat and left with his disciples. The Tong Emperor had a dispute with the association's senior management, and currently stated that he wanted to withdraw from the association. Venerable Vest is still recovering in the hospital. Super Alloy Blacklight directly joined the new hero organization, saying that he would focus on cultivating new people in the future.

In short, most of the S-class heroes suddenly disappeared. The Hero Association was caught off guard. I don’t know if there is someone behind it. Recently, there seems to be a lot more dirty information about the Hero Association, and it is being circulated crazily. , causing the association to be in dire straits.

Then the importance of Linton comes out now. After all, he can now be regarded as the benchmark of the Heroes Association. Linton had been doing crazy missions before, and he was very famous, and this time he was also the main force in solving the weirdos in the Weird Association. If you want to stabilize the situation now, Linton is of course very important.

So the Heroes Association here started to woo madly, just to stabilize Linton. In their opinion, if Linton was stabilized, the current situation would not be too bad. So soon, Linton received a notice that his ranking was directly moved to the third place in S-class. Of course, what he said before about the need to select corpses for research, the association also quickly handled it for him.

So Linton naturally went back to the association headquarters and was quickly taken to the place where the weirdo's body was stored. For Linton, this place is really a treasure trove. As soon as Linton came in, there were a lot of valuable reminders from Linton's side. After looking at it for a while, Linton found that the corpses of the weirdos here were obviously not just those from the previous Weird Association. There were probably corpses of weirdos from other incidents as well. From the looks of it, it was obvious that the corpses of the association were also here. I think the association of weirdos could do some research.

With those points in front of him, Linton would definitely not be polite and started working immediately. Listening to the system prompts, I kept uploading and uploading. It took about a whole morning to upload all the valuables I could find. However, most of the monster corpses here are the corpses of tiger-level monsters with few points. The points obtained are only about 20,000 to 30,000. There are also many corpses that do not even have valuables prompts, which means that A wolf-level monster.

In total, Linton got more than 4 million points, which was really lower than Linton's expectations. Even if he picked it up for free, Linton felt tired.

After picking up the body, Linton casually said that there was nothing he wanted, and left the headquarters directly. Of course, Xiqi, the association cadre who had accompanied him all morning to pick up the corpses, had been inquiring about Linton's attitude and wanted to stabilize him. Linton was really too lazy to talk nonsense with him and said that he was going on a long trip, but he would still stay in the association for the time being.

The association was naturally very anxious about the fact that Linton was going on a long trip and could not take on tasks for the time being, but it seemed that there was nothing that could be said. Linton also said that he would not leave the association, so what else could the association say? Woolen cloth. Of course, let the association have a headache. Linton went directly back to Banggu's dojo, preparing to say goodbye to his nieces.

"Mr. Linton, you said before that the teacher is coming back soon. Why hasn't he shown up yet?" When he came back, the first person who came up anxiously was Genos. He was worried about Saitama now, not the association. thing.

"Almost." Linton felt Qiyu's aura again. He seemed to be doing a frog leap between planets, that is, jumping directly from one planet to another. The purpose was probably to find the earth, but Qiyu Jade seemed to be a little lost. Linton thought that he would jump back soon, but now he is still jumping sideways repeatedly. Of course, Linton was too lazy to open the door to pick up someone, so let him dance by himself.

"If I meet him later when I go to participate in the interstellar war, I will bring him back by the way." Linton said casually.

"Are we leaving now?" Fubuki asked next to him.

"Hmm..." Linton nodded.

"Then... when will we be able to come back?" Fubuki was obviously a little reluctant. Although Tatsumaki next to him didn't speak, he had obviously been paying attention to this place.

"We don't know yet," Linton said.

"Is it...dangerous?" Fubuki asked again.

"Do you think I may encounter any danger?" Linton spread his hands and said, "Uncle, I am invincible."

"What interstellar war are you really going to participate in?" The child emperor next to him came over and asked.

"Why are you here?" Linton finally noticed that the Child Emperor was here.

"Let's talk to Mr. Banggu about something." Emperor Tong said.

"Is it about the new Heroes Association?" Linton asked.

"Yeah." Emperor Tong nodded, "I... want to quit the Heroes Association and join the NEO Heroes Association."

"So let's ask if Bang Gu is with you?" Linton asked.

"Yeah." Tong Emperor didn't hide anything.

"I have decided to retire." Bang Gu said next to him, "Whether it is the Heroes Association or any NEO association, I will not participate in it. Now I just want to find a disciple who can inherit the Flowing Water Shattering Fist."

"I already understand," the Child Emperor said, "What about Tatsumaki and Fubuki? What are your preparations?"

"Hmm..." Fubuki thought for a moment, then looked at Linton next to him, and Tatsumaki's eyes also turned around. This was obviously a feeling that they were ready to let Linton help them make an idea.

"No need, just stay in the Heroes Association." Linton said.

"But..." After hearing Linton's words, the child emperor here obviously wanted to say something, but before he could speak, Linton interrupted him directly.

"I know what you mean. In fact, your suspicion is right. The Heroes Association is extremely dark. A lot of black materials are true. What about funding issues, buying and selling weirdos, etc., are all true. ." Linton said, "However, the crows in the world are as black as black. How do you think this NEO Heroes Association can be any better?"

"Judging from the current situation of the NEO Hero Association, the system is much more complete than the current Hero Association, and it was established based on the power of the people, with the safety of the heroes themselves as the first priority." Tong Di said.

"Since ancient times, public opinion has only been coerced and exploited. Now this NEO Hero Association is playing this trick. It was so shady at the beginning. How can it really be allowed to happen?" Linton spread his hands and said, "In short, this NEO Hero Association It's most likely a conspiracy organization. If you want to join me, I won't stop you. Just don't drag my niece into it."

"Are you sure they are planning some conspiracy?" Tatsumaki asked.

"Hmm..." Linton thought for a while. To be honest, Linton couldn't remember whether the NEO Heroes Association was evil or not, but judging from the part of the plot he remembered, there was a high probability that it was a villain organization. Linton's judgment is of course entirely based on God's perspective. First of all, after the plot of the Weird Association is over, it's time for the next villain to appear. So who should this villain be? Isn’t the NEO Heroes Association that pops up like an eyesore?

What's more clear is that in the plot that Linton remembers, the protagonist Saitama did not withdraw from the Heroes Association. So which one of these two associations should you choose?

"I remember that the NEO Heroes Association is still working on some battle suits and the like." Linton recalled.

"Well, I know that." Emperor Tong nodded, "I've also seen their combat uniforms, and they can indeed improve their combat effectiveness a lot."

"That's it." Linton was just confirming the plot he remembered. From the battle suit, Linton could probably make a judgment. I remember it was said in the original book that this combat uniform can greatly improve combat effectiveness, and can even allow an unlicensed knight with little combat ability to instantly kill ghost-level monsters after wearing it. But just because of the appearance of this thing, Linton was even more able to judge that the NEO Association was the villain. Because the core of the original work must be about the heart of the hero, not the hero's external strength, so the NEO Association, which uses combat uniforms to one-sidedly increase combat effectiveness, is obviously taking an evil path that deviates from the core values ​​​​of the work. This is the most obvious way of the villain. characteristics.

"That's it. This organization is a villain organization. I confirmed it with prophecy." Linton was too lazy to explain so much and said directly.

"Oh, I understand." Fubuki nodded.

"I didn't want to join at first." Tatsumaki said with a snort.

"Are you sure?" Emperor Tong said.

"You can go in and take a look first, it'll be fine." Linton spread his hands, "You're not an important person anyway. If that doesn't work, you can still call yourself a spy or something."

"Hey..." Tong Di held his forehead.

"Anyway, this matter has been discussed here, and it's time for me to set off." Linton waved his hand.

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