I really can't control myself

Chapter 128 He who sounds nice is a good nephew

"It's really annoying for people like you who are born to be tools." Karls walked to the side with Linton, but he remained silent the whole time, and looked at Kailin from time to time. Of course Linton knew what the other party meant, but he still said, "In short, you are going to the battlefield tomorrow, so don't think about women. You should also think about yourself. Now you are just a thing relying on your family's reputation. , do you have any advantages in pursuing women?"

"Well..." Karls actually listened to this sentence a little bit, "So when I make military exploits..."

"Anyway, if you go to the battlefield, I recommend you to find my nephew Gasein." Linton said, "In this war, my nephew Gasein will definitely make great contributions. If you want to improve your grades, remember to follow the boss. That’s it.”

"Uh...will you go to the battlefield?" Kars thought for a while and asked. Now his attitude towards Linton is definitely not so casual. He was a little reserved and respectful at first. After all, the strong are always awe-inspiring. .

"Yes, but not now. It is still in recruitment status. When the war really starts, I will go to the battlefield." Linton said.

"I understand." Karls nodded. It seemed that Linton's words were quite effective. He would probably go to Garsain. This Karls is quite destined to him, and he seems to be an honest man. Linton is just helping him by the way. Whether he can seize the opportunity depends on him.

Despite some turmoil, Linton still handled the matter of breaking off the engagement. There is nothing particularly important after that, all that is waiting is for the war to begin. Of course, Linton didn't want to stay in the imperial capital and just wait. According to the current situation, when he got the news of his return, he would probably be very annoyed by a large group of people looking for him to show his favor, marry him, and so on. If you have this time, you might as well go and get some points.

It has been almost a week since I came back, and Linton still hasn't waited for the so-called construction task. Of course he also asked System Ji some things in the past few days. Some of them were answered by System Ji, but some were completely ignored. However, Linton also discovered that after his authority was upgraded, System Ji could answer at least more questions, which was of course a good thing. It’s just that we still don’t know how and when the construction task will be triggered.

Regardless of whether it is triggered or not, the points required for construction are quite a lot anyway. Linton earns points first, and it will not be too little when used. By the way, after he was upgraded to the second level of authority, the system gave him more rest time. Didn't we have to conduct reconnaissance work every 30 cycles before? Now it has become 60 cycles, and it seems that the time we can stay in other planes has also become longer, and we can also stay for 60 days.

Opening your own exploration page, you still only have three planes under your control. Among them, the detection degrees displayed on Naruto and Pirates were both close to 70%. Linton suddenly thought of what would happen if this number became 100%. After thinking about it, Linton asked System Ji directly to see if it would answer now. He had asked this question before, but at that time the authority was still level one, but now it has been upgraded.

"When the detection level reaches 100%, the exploration operation on this plane will be completed and transformed into a low-threat plane. Automatic combat will also be turned off by default." Unexpectedly, System Ji actually answered this time, "Low-threat plane. Construction work is available.”

After hearing this, Linton finally understood why System Ji answered the question this time. It turned out that it was something related to construction, so it answered. Linton had heard the term low-threat plane before, but didn't expect this judgment to be made in this way? In other words, if the exploration degree of a plane reaches 100%, it will become a low-threat plane...

"Wait..." Linton was suddenly startled, because System Ji seemed to have mentioned before that the plane he was in was a low-threat plane. Considering the current situation, Linton suddenly felt as if he had discovered something extraordinary, "In other words, now..."

The situation felt a little wrong, and Linton felt a little anxious. However, after thinking about it for a moment, Linton suddenly let out a sigh of relief. For me now, it seems that no matter how much I know, it is useless. I don't even know who I am, and I don't know about employees or anything like that. What's the use of it.

Even so, Linton is more concerned about authority matters. Of course, Linton must also try this aspect of construction. When some construction tasks come out, Linton must take a good look at what is going on.

Of course, all this is still based on points. Currently, I don’t have the 5 million to upgrade my authority. What else can I say? Let’s work first, although I don’t know who I am working for.

After looking at these three planes, there was also a random plane to choose from. Linton thought for a while and directly asked the system if Ji could choose a new plane by himself. He really wants to go to the Death Plane now. Linton can't help it with those super fashionable skills. However, System Ji has no intention of answering. It seems that he doesn't have any new permissions in terms of choosing a plane. .

After thinking about it for a while, Linton switched his target to Marvel this time. Yes, I have been to this plane myself, but I only stayed there for half an hour. It is equivalent to a brand new plane. Compared to those random planes that I don’t know about at all, Linton said that at least he is familiar with the Marvel side. , just treat it as a new dimension developed.

Linton had never wanted to go to this plane before. After all, there were too many great gods in this plane and the risk was extremely high. But now, Linton is really a little confident. Now I want to have tricks and magic, and besides being a bit brittle in terms of physique, I should still be able to handle a fairly high level of battle. Don't be too lazy. Just challenge the Celestial Team, the Phoenix Force, and the like. You should still be able to earn a lot of points.

After thinking about it from beginning to end, Linton felt that there should be nothing wrong with his idea. With a slight nod, Linton also clicked on the plane option, and the next second, a white light flashed, and Linton appeared in an alley of a city.

Nowadays, society makes Linton feel more at ease. When he saw the cement building next to him, Linton was about to breathe a sigh of relief when a panicked voice suddenly came from next to him: "You...what are you? Wang Defa...how did you come out?" of?"

I turned around and saw a frightened black man. This scene seemed familiar. However, Linton looked around and saw that this was not the same alley he had been in before. It was obviously a different place.

"Don't... don't come over..." The black man must have seen the scene where Linton appeared and was frightened. As he said this, he took out the pistol directly from his pocket, and then pointed it at Linton tremblingly. pause. At first glance, this guy is not a good guy. How can anyone go out on the street with a pistol? After looking at the other person, he probably is another black member.

"I said... don't come near me, you monster..." Linton didn't say anything. The black guy was also crazy and frightened. His hand was already on the trigger, as if he wanted to kill Linton.

"Hostile target detected, activate automatic combat mode."

As expected, such behavior triggered automatic combat again. However, just when Linton's body was about to take action, Linton's eyes flashed red. With a "plop", the other party fell directly to the ground.

"The battle is over."

"It looks so familiar." Linton picked up the gun on the ground and looked around. Are there any police or Spider-Man or the like this time? But after waiting for a while, no one came.

Squatting down, Linton rummaged through the other person's clothes and found $55 and a broken mobile phone from the other person's pocket. Since Linton had nothing, these were just the thing.

I walked out of the alley and took a look. It was obviously not a good place. It looked like a place with a relatively high crime rate and chaotic management. It's daytime now and there aren't many people.

Linton walked along the road for a while, and found a place similar to a commercial street in front of him. However, there were no people at this noon, so it was probably not a bustling area. But when he walked to the door of a McDonald's, Linton suddenly stopped. Linton wanted to eat this Fat House Happy Meal. Although the food in the main world is good, there is no such happiness.

After ordering a set meal, Linton sat on the street side, thinking about his plan while eating.

"Then...the first goal of the new world is...to find a new nephew." Linton thought for a moment and said, "But who should he look for? Which name sounds better?"

Yes, Linton's first principle when choosing his nephew is that he has a nice name and a higher fashion value when called.

"Linton Parker? Linton Rogers?" Linton thought about his new name and felt that something was not right. Just as he was thinking about it, he suddenly saw a familiar figure flash past on the TV next to him.

"...Tony Stark once again faced the charge of drunk driving...However, the playboy did not show any nervousness..."

In the picture was a character Linton knew, Iron Man Tony. Linton read the report. The main meaning was that Tony's car was stopped by the police this morning, and he was completely drunk when he was found. Of course. Besides him, there were three cover girls in the car. Obviously this is not the first time something like this has happened to Tony. Judging from the tone of the host, it seems that the previous accusations have no effect. After all, Stark Industries’ legal team is not joking. They must have settled it. I guess it won't be of any use.

"Linton...Stark? It sounds pretty good." Linton said suddenly.

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