I really can't control myself

Chapter 1274 Evolution

As soon as he finished speaking, a huge force was released from Tatsumaki. He raised his hand towards the monster below, and a huge pressure instantly acted on the monster, almost instantly smashing the monster into one piece. cake. This huge force hit the entire surrounding buildings and began to collapse again.

It was obvious that the Tatsumaki really started to exert force this time, but the next second, the body of the monster that was patted into a cake reacted again, and after a while of twisting, it quickly began to recover.

"It's no use!" Sykes' body appeared above the monster's head again, "It's no use, tornado!"

"As expected, do you rely on the energy absorbed by the ground to recover?" Tatsumaki had already made a judgment at this time. Yes, the lower half of the monster's body has been stuck in the soil, and she has already felt that the monster is not just the one seen above, its lower body has many branches, which are covered like roots. The headquarters of the entire Weird Association.

The nutrients that provide it with energy are other weirdos in the association. Yes, in fact, at a location that Linton and the others couldn't see, a large number of weirdos had been attacked, and those who attacked them were not the heroes of the Hero Association, but these tentacles that suddenly appeared. These tentacles also suddenly flew out from the walls and ceiling, and when they hit the monsters, they would be drained of them, turning them into food for the monsters in front of them.

Since there are many weirdos in the Monster Association headquarters, the energy of this monster is currently unlimited unless all the weirdos are sucked dry.

"In that case!" Tatsumaki smiled, and then suddenly raised his hands, powerful telepathy spread out, and then the ground began to shake continuously.

Soon, with the continuous vibration, Linton suddenly felt that the ground seemed to be rising. Yes, it felt a bit like taking an elevator. There was a "bang", and suddenly a ray of light came in from the big hole that Linton had opened before. This seemed to be sunlight, but wasn't this underground?

Looking outside, Linton realized what was going on. Yes, at this time, the tornado had directly pulled out the entire headquarters of the Weird Association from the ground. At this time, the headquarters of the Weird Association was like a huge tall tree. The tower stood in the middle of City Z, which was previously above it.

"I knew it..." Linton looked at City Z below, and sure enough, the entire city was blown up. The suddenly raised headquarters directly pierced the earth's crust. The city below seemed to have experienced a magnitude 10 earthquake. The ground was completely shattered. Of course, all the buildings above were lying on the ground. Linton looked at it now and could no longer see any buildings still standing.

"Is our house still there?" Linton looked around, and now he didn't know which direction their house was. Anyway, there were no intact buildings within sight. However, their home is located in a remote suburb and may still survive. In any case, Saitama's apartment was completely destroyed by the bombing.

There was an explosion. Just when Linton was standing on the top of the tower looking for the location of their villa, a huge explosion blew him away. Of course, although the power of the explosion was pretty good, Linton's defense was still intact. He turned around and looked in the air, and found that the person who launched the attack was indeed Sykes, who had mutated into a monster.

Raising his hand, Susanoo appeared, held Linton directly and stopped in the air. Another figure flew next to her, a tornado that was also blown up. Of course, she could also fly, and she also stopped in the air.

Looking at the mutated Sykes over there, the opponent's body seemed to be bigger again. At this time, the body had rushed out from the top of the tower, and his appearance seemed to have changed somewhat, becoming more ferocious.

"This guy is still using the roots below to absorb energy." Tatsumaki said, "That should be the weak point."

"Indeed... the aura is much stronger, and the growth rate is actually quite fast." Linton couldn't help but say. Indeed, the opponent's aura became stronger very quickly after merging, even faster than Linton expected.

"Are you still thinking about defeating me like this?" Sikes here said, "It's a pity that I am no longer something you can defeat. That voice is indeed true."

"Sound?" Tatsumaki asked.

"Just when I was merging, at that moment, I thought I suddenly saw His gaze. Now I finally understand that He chose me, just like all life has an end, and He chose me to be the end point to witness all this." Sykes said a little crazy.

"He? What is it?" Tatsumaki asked.

"Now I will truly evolve into the ultimate creature. As long as I can absorb more energy, I can even become one with this planet, truly transcending life and transcending everything!" Sykes did not answer Tatsumaki's question. question, but said with a manic laugh.

"What the hell?" Tatsumaki said a little unhappy.

"This guy is probably out of his mind," Linton said, spreading his hands.

"What did you say?" shouted Sikes.

"You should have merged with the consciousness of the big snake, right? Have you forgotten what I said to you before?" Linton said, "Now you feel that you are strong again? Let's not talk about what happened to you first, even if it is true After merging with this planet, you will directly become a planet, so... so what? It's just a small broken ball that can be broken in one blow. What's so strong about it?"

"What...what did you say?" Sikes was stunned for a moment.

"You don't even understand this? It's such a small planet. I'm worried about blowing it up every time I turn over in my sleep. I really don't understand how your vision can be so small," Linton said.

"You are the one who doesn't understand!" Sikes said directly, "It seems that you really can't understand. Now I have completely surpassed you. Let me show you my current power."

As she spoke, Sykes raised her hands flat on her chest, with her palms facing each other forming a triangle shape. Then a light emerged from her chest, and soon, a huge fan-shaped beam of light was directed towards Linton and Linton in front of her. The tornado shot away.

Tatsumaki sensed the danger the moment the beam was emitted, and avoided it almost instinctively. The light was fan-shaped, and the attack range was relatively small at first. Tatsumaki relied on its own defensive shield to block most of the damage. But the beam still penetrated her shield.

What was horrifying was the scene that followed. The fan-shaped beam continued to expand, and actually lifted off a whole piece of the earth's crust behind it. A piece of ground and a large amount of sea water above the earth's crust were directly lifted up, and then fell directly due to gravity.

With a muffled sound, the falling crust hit the sea. A large amount of seawater was smashed out and rushed back in the opposite direction, forming a huge tsunami heading towards City Z. Judging from the current scale, this huge tsunami is large enough to destroy all cities along the coast.

"See? This is the power now!" Sykes said with a laugh.

"There's something really wrong with this guy." Tatsumaki said, "The Him it talks about can't be true."

Although he had witnessed such a scene, Tatsumaki here reacted quite calmly and said to Linton next to him.

"A god? If there is one, I would like to try it. I don't know if it counts." Linton also nodded calmly.

"You!" This calm look made Sykes even more unhappy. He originally thought that after seeing his current power, the two of them would be able to clearly recognize the gap between them and their current selves. They even fantasized about seeing their panicked faces. But in fact, the reaction of the two people was pitiful.

"I'll deal with this guy, and you deal with the tsunami behind." Tatsumaki said directly.

"I can't. Can we change it?" Linton said. Tatsumaki wanted to deal with the tsunami because there were still people in the city. Yes, although most of the residents went to take refuge before the operation started, there were also civilians who were in the shelter in Z city who had no time to evacuate and take refuge. And now it is not just civilians, but also the heroes of the Hero Association who were just pulled out of the weirdo. Inside the association headquarters tower.

"Don't think about being lazy, go quickly!" Tatsumaki said, then accelerated and rushed in the direction of Sikes.

"I really don't know how." Linton said that he really doesn't know how to save people. He is the best at destroying things. Can he deal with Sikes? He also wanted to try if he could upload points again.

However, the tornado had already rushed forward, and Linton also looked at the huge tsunami coming from behind. The waves are now estimated to be hundreds of meters high. If you stand below and look at it, it will probably feel overwhelming.

"Forget it, nothing can be decided with Turtle Style Qigong." Linton said as he pulled his hands back, and a light flashed in his palms.

"Turtle Style Qigong Wave!"

A beam of light shot directly at the incoming tsunami. The moment the beam of light passed through the wave, all the seawater was evaporated by the light in an instant. This light directly drew another line on the surface of the earth, directly cutting out a huge gap in the middle. Round ravine.

Because of the emergence of this gully, the ocean currents that were rushing towards this side changed. The big waves in the front were directly crushed and evaporated, while the ocean currents in the back filled the gully in the middle, and the filled water flows on both sides were in the middle. The collision offset the impact.

"Sure enough, it's all about Yifa Gui Qigong." Linton nodded. The result seemed to be different from what he thought, but it didn't matter. He blocked it anyway.

"Ahhhh!!" As soon as he blocked the tsunami, a painful scream came from behind. Linton looked back and saw that it was Sikes who screamed. At this time, she was surrounded by a huge tornado, and a large amount of blood was squeezed out of her body. However, although it seemed that the tornado had the upper hand, Linton frowned. It seemed that his niece had fallen into a trap.

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