I really can't control myself

Chapter 1257 Emergency Notice

"It's a martial arts tournament. These players don't seem to be particularly powerful." Fubuki, who was watching the game in the VIP room of the fighting tournament, couldn't help but say. I had seen an advertisement before saying that this martial arts fighting competition would bring together masters from all over the world to compete, but after watching one or two games, Fubuki discovered that these players... seemed to be just like that.

Of course, the main reason is that Fubuki has indeed become stronger recently. Besides, the two people living with her are Tatsumaki and Linton. They have seen good people. If you look at these things, you are naturally raising your standards.

"Boring!" Tatsumaki said directly. After all, in her opinion, she could easily kill the so-called martial arts masters in front of her. Looking at Linton next to him, Tatsumaki asked, "When will the weirdo you mentioned appear?"

"Don't worry, they should appear after a while." Linton is not sure. These guys will naturally appear in the original work, but now that he is interfering with the plot, will Linton himself appear? I don’t have any foundation. Now I just hope these weirdos won’t be cowardly.

"Who is that?" As he was talking, the situation on the field attracted Tatsumaki's attention. Linton turned around and looked around, and found that the person on the field was his old acquaintance Saitama. At this time, he was not dressed in his usual clothes, but was wearing a karate-like gi and a wig. Of course, when Linton looks at people, he doesn't just look at their appearance. He looks like Saitama at first glance, and his cross-dressing is not that great either.

Tatsumaki noticed him probably because he had just killed his opponent, a player named Zack, with one move. At this time, the audience at the scene did not have any special reaction. In their opinion, it was obvious that the player named Zack was too weak. He was actually slapped and was instantly killed. Why was he so weak? But Tatsumaki noticed that Zack was actually not that weak. The attack he just launched was quite fast. If anything, it was the player named Charanko here who was very strong.

"Liushuiyan Shattering Fist Dojo? Is this guy a disciple of old man Bang Gu?" Tatsumaki said strangely after looking at the information displayed on the big screen above. She knew Bang Gu, and could even be said to be somewhat familiar with him, but she had never heard of him having any particularly outstanding disciples. "Since he is Bang Gu's disciple, it's not too strange..."

"This... this player named Charanzi seems a bit familiar." Fubuki next to him said.

"This is Saitama, the one you have seen." Linton said directly.

"Saitama?" Fubuki recalled for a moment, "Oh, he was the bald friend who took the hero exam with you before, right?"

Fubuki still has a good memory, but it still took her a while to remember Saitama. She did meet Saitama when Linton took the exam, but she didn't pay attention at all. Instead, she was deeply impressed by Saitama's disciple Genos Fubuki. After all, he was an S-class hero and his reputation was very popular recently.

"Friends?" Tatsumaki next to him was stunned for a moment and looked at Linton strangely, "Do you have any friends?"

"That's what I said." Linton spread his hands.

"But why did he participate in this competition? He didn't use his own name." Fubuki asked here.

"This... I also want to know why." Linton also spread his hands. Yes, Linton doesn’t know why Saitama appears here. Although according to the original work, he did participate in this competition, but now that he has interfered, the plot should have changed. Several times before Didn't Saitama just not show up?

Linton remembered that Saitama participated in this competition. On the one hand, he suddenly became interested in martial arts. On the other hand, Banggu's disciple Charanzi was injured in an attack and was unable to participate in the competition. So the two sides hit it off and Saitama came. Joined the war. The problem now is that because of his interference, Banggu doesn't seem to know Saitama yet. How did his disciple get in touch with Saitama? It seems that there is still something going on that I don't know about, or some kind of world correction?

"Is this guy so powerful?" Fubuki also noticed Saitama's previous attack. Although Saitama didn't use any force, the mere display of it already attracted Fubuki's attention. "He also passed the test of hero before. Yes, what level is it now?"

"It seems... there are more than 60 B-class people." Linton, of course, had been concerned about Saitama's situation and replied.

"B-level?" Fubuki's eyes narrowed slightly. Unexpectedly, the opponent has already been promoted to B level. I have rarely been in the group recently, so I didn't notice this B level hero.

"You're not thinking of dragging him into the snow blowing group, are you?" Linton asked.

"Hmm... I do have this idea." Fubuki nodded, "I think he has great potential."

"Potential? Haha..." Linton smiled, what use is potential?

"Your snow blowing group hasn't been disbanded yet?" Tatsumaki next to him said directly, "Sure enough, weak people only get together to hug each other, what a bunch of pitiful guys."

"What did you say?" Fubuki here immediately became upset. It was okay to call her weak, but it was not okay to laugh at her team members.

"You guys really love to quarrel." Linton stepped forward and stabbed each of them on the head without using any force. "Okay, sisters, don't quarrel. Let's watch the game."

"You..." Tatsumaki here held his head and looked at Linton very unhappy. Again, no one had dared to hit her on the head like this before. If this happened before, Tatsumaki would definitely be She took action directly, but now she just looked like she wanted to kill someone, but she didn't do anything.

Tatsumaki's expression made Fubuki next to him quite satisfied. Although he was also beaten, Fubuki felt very happy when he saw Tatsumaki's angry expression. What else was he about to say, but suddenly the phone here rang, and it was Linton's and Tatsumaki's cell phones that rang at the same time.

Linton took out the phone and looked at it, and found that it was the contact from the Heroes Association. He looked at the tornado next to it, and it was probably also the contact from the association. It seemed that something had happened, and they contacted their S-class heroes. Of course It must be a good thing for Linton.

"Mr. Kamen Rider, something bad has happened." After answering the phone, the liaison here said anxiously, "The son of the main sponsor and cadre of the Hero Association has been kidnapped by a weirdo. The association will hold a rescue meeting. Please ask Mr. Kamen Rider to come back immediately to attend this meeting."

"Oh?" Linton naturally knew what was going on when he heard it. Did the Weird Association really take action? This is of course a good thing. If the other party is too cowardly to come out, Linton will be in trouble. Now that the kidnapping has begun, the situation is probably the same here.

"Mr. Kamen Rider, this situation seems to be unusual, because the weirdos who kidnapped claimed to be members of an organization called the Weird Association, and they did not act alone. Now the top leaders of the association suspect that there is a weirdo who organized the weirdos. The organization is carrying out secret activities and must be dealt with with priority." The liaison officer said immediately.

"My work here hasn't been completed yet," Linton said. "It's just the previous mission to search for the hero hunter. Now that I've found some clues, I can't just ignore it here."

"This..." Linton's reason was quite legitimate. Indeed, he had helped convey the previous mission of capturing the heroic hunter.

"Anyway, I don't like to give up halfway. Let's finish the task here first and then talk about it. That's it." Linton said and hung up the phone directly.

At this time, Tatsumaki next to him also finished the phone call. He was probably talking about the same thing. The association should have contacted all the S-class heroes, even Tatsumaki who was on vacation.

"There really is a weirdo association." Tatsumaki looked at Linton and said, "Are you going to attend the meeting of the Heroes Association?"

"I came here just to wait for the people from the Weird Association to show up," Linton said.

"Then... I'm going to attend a meeting. It's okay to leave it to you." Tatsumaki thought for a while and said, of course, he also looked at Fubuki next to him. The meaning was very clear.

"What do you think?" Tatsumaki asked, but she already had an answer in her heart. Otherwise, would she put Fubuki down and go to the meeting? It was obvious that he said this because he knew that nothing would happen to Fubuki as long as Linton was present.

"Hmph." Tatsumaki snorted coldly, and then took off on the spot. There should be no problem in leaving matters here to Linton. Although she was unhappy with Linton, she had to admit Linton's strength. She was indeed a little concerned about the Weird Association's affairs. Although Linton said that he knew prophecy and that there would be people from the Weird Association here, prophecy shouldn't be that accurate. If we know the specific information about the Weird Association, we still have to rely on the Hero Association's investigation.

The tornado moved away quickly, and after she left, Fubuki here felt a little relieved. Although the two sisters live together now, to be honest, getting along is still a bit strange. Without Linton as a lubricant to regulate them, they would have fallen out long ago.

"The association didn't notify me." Fubuki said with some displeasure. The only people who received the call were Linton and Tatsumaki, two S-class heroes. This made Fubuki quite unhappy. She felt as if she had been left behind by the two of them. .

"In this incident, many of the enemies we faced were dragon-level." Linton said, "You... seem to be a little behind now."

"Dragon-level..." Fubuki would have never dared to think about a dragon-level weirdo before, but recently she has been swollen, and she wants to test how big the gap is between herself and the dragon-level.

"I'll let you try it later. Anyway, I've backed it up." Linton thought for a while and said.

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