I really can't control myself

Chapter 1234 Interception

"Didn't I make it clear?" In front of Linton was a lean old man. He frowned when he heard Linton's words. "This is not an ordinary meteorite. According to speculation, after breaking through the atmosphere, its size It is still enough to destroy the entire Z city, not only here, but also the surrounding cities will be affected. This is a real dragon-level disaster."

"Stop talking, it's uncomfortable." Linton said extremely unhappy. Yes, after receiving the contact from the association, I thought it was a dragon-level weirdo. I thought that at least 500,000 points had been credited to my account, but it turned out to be a meteorite attack.

Of course, this meteorite attack was also included in the original work. Linton did not expect to encounter it so soon. It can indeed destroy a city, which is considered a dragon-level disaster. This is not a lie, but...this meteorite has no points. No matter what the meteorite is, it is impossible to upload it. Is this going to make Linton happy?

"Oh, it seems that no one will come again. Are there just the three of us?" Banggu here sighed and continued, "Emergency recruitment is usually about dealing with some troublesome things that are difficult to handle, and it is the same this time. Yes, just the three of us can’t handle it at all.”

"God TN can't handle it, just this matter..." Linton wanted to say something else, but Genos next to him reminded him: "Mr. Linton, this is Mr. Bangu, the third-ranked S-class man."

Yes, Genos is here too. The three people Banggu mentioned are him, Linton and Genos. Genos said this because he felt that Linton didn't recognize Banggu, so he was quite rude, but after all, he was also the third in S-class, so he also reminded him.

"I know him." Linton did know him. Banggu was quite easy to recognize. When he saw him for the first time, he basically guessed his identity. "It's really impressive to be able to reach this level without cheating." , it’s a good background board.”

"Huh?" Linton's words made Bang Gu a little confused and didn't understand.

"Oh..." Genos nodded. He didn't understand, but it was good that Linton knew Bangu. "Mr. Linton, what should we do now?"

"I'm really too lazy to take care of this matter. Just call your teacher and blow up the meteorite with one punch." Linton said.

"Teacher? But teacher is reading comics at home right now and doesn't have time." Genos said.

"Then do I have time? I still have two nieces at home who are waiting to be fed, okay?" Linton said.

"But Mr. Linton, isn't your niece already an adult?" Genos said.

"Why are you suddenly becoming serious now? I didn't even mention reading comics."

"What's going on with young people these days." Banggu next to him really couldn't understand the conversation between the two and pinched the bridge of his nose. "In short, we are completely helpless about this matter. You are also taking your own The one you love should leave quickly. After all, he is an S-class hero, so he should still be able to escape in time."

"No, if the meteorite falls, the city will be destroyed. No matter what, I will try." Genos here said, "Mr. Linton, let's go."

"Why did you call me? I've already told you that I'm too lazy to take care of this matter." Linton was still being pulled out by Genos as he spoke.

"Don't the newcomers nowadays listen to others' advice?" Bang Gu said with a headache, "Forget it, I'll give up my life to accompany you as an old man."

The city outside was already in chaos. At this time, the association had announced the news of the meteorite, and people were fleeing everywhere. Linton raised his head, and he could already see the falling meteorite in the sky. Although it was just a red dot now, it grew extremely fast, and the sky it illuminated was blood red.

"The impact point is... the building over there." Genos, who was next to him, had analyzed the exact impact point of the meteorite through the computer, pointed to the building in the distance and said, "Mr. Linton, we must stop this meteorite. "

"Do you have to pull me in?" Linton held up his forehead. Although he said this, Linton decided to deal with this thing casually. On the one hand, it's just like what he said, it's really effortless. On the other hand, it's mainly about the changes in the plot that may be caused by his own participation. Saitama should have dealt with this in the original work, but with him, it's also I don't know if Saitama has time to take care of it. After all, this guy is often late.

Of course Linton didn't want City Z to be destroyed. If this place exploded, where would he go to kill monsters? Besides, your niece is still in the city, okay? So when Genos pulled him, he followed him, otherwise how could Genos have been able to invite him. Again, this matter doesn't matter at all. It's just that I feel a little unhappy without the points reward.

Opening the portal, he took Genos to the roof of the building. Unexpectedly, when they arrived here, someone had already arrived before them.

"Are you Beaufoy, the seventh-ranked S-class man?" Genos recognized him directly.

"It's common sense for heroes to call each other by nicknames." The person here called Beaufoy is actually a giant robot. He said in a metallic voice, "You are S-class newcomers. Kamen Rider and Devil Cyborg are facing each other. Bar."

"So there are other S-class heroes coming? Metal Knight, let's join forces." Genos said.

"I refuse." Metal Knight replied directly, "I came here just to test the power of the weapon. This meteorite is just right. And even if this meteorite falls, I will not die. The machine you see, It’s just a robot that I operate remotely.”

"I won't risk my life. I don't want to die under a meteorite." The Metal Knight continued, "Don't hinder my experiment. The time is coming and now is not the time for small talk."

As he spoke, the Metal Knight also turned around. The meteorite in the sky had now become very huge. Seeing that it was about to land in a few minutes, the Metal Knight directly sprayed fire from behind, took off on the spot, and rushed towards the direction of the meteorite: "emission!"

I saw that many armor plates on the opponent's body were opened, and a large number of missiles were sprayed out from a large number of launch ports hidden inside. These missiles dragged a long tail and flew directly towards the meteorites in the sky.

"Boom, boom, boom..." Continuous explosions sounded, and the sky was quickly obscured by smoke and fire. This kind of all-round bombing seemed to be effective, but in fact, before the smoke and dust dispersed, Linton had already felt the situation of the meteorite. Although some of it was blown off, it was only the outer layer. In fact, The effect is not great.

"What?" Soon the two of them also saw the reappearance of the meteorite. This time the meteorite had passed through the smoke belt and struck directly towards everyone's heads.

"Isn't it possible? Forget it, I have to give up this machine." Metal Knight directly gave up. Although it was troublesome to make a machine, he was not satisfied with the firepower of this machine, so he thought about blowing it up and redoing it.

What he gave up was very simple, but Genos here did not give up. Looking at the meteorite that reappeared, Genos squeezed it with both hands and began to accumulate strength. His charge is really a charge, or a concentrated energy. "If the incineration cannon is output with full power, it will take 5 seconds to fill up. If it hits from this distance, can it break the meteorite? After it is broken, the fragments will cause two A shock?"

"Okay, calm down first." Just as Genos was making crazy calculations, Bangu's voice came from behind. Although it took some time, Bang Gu arrived here very quickly, "You are still young, so you don't need to think too much about the consequences of failure. Sometimes, it is better to be casual."

Genos was stunned for a moment, and then suddenly seemed to understand something. There was a flash of light on his body, and the armor on his chest opened directly, revealing something that looked like a core: "I understand Mr. Bangu, what happened after that has already happened." There is no time to think about it, now I will put all my strength into this attack."

As he spoke, Genos clasped his hands together, and a huge beam of light shot up into the sky, directly towards the meteorite in the sky. At this time, the meteorite is already very close to the ground, and it is estimated that it will hit the ground in dozens of seconds.

There was another huge explosion, and the beam of light directly hit the meteorite's head, and the contact on both sides caused a brilliant wave of light. However, the meteorite still did not break. Against the beam, the meteorite was still falling, without even the slightest intention of slowing down.

"No? Is this where I will be buried?" Genos gritted his teeth and said, "Mr. Bangu, Mr. Linton, please..."

"Isn't it true that it didn't show up?" Linton's attention was not yet on the meteorite at this time. After hearing Linton's words, Bangu turned his head and found that Linton was still looking for something next to him.

"Um, your side..." Bang Gu was about to ask, but Linton had already raised his hand.

"Forget it, fortunately, I came over and took a look, and there's nothing wrong." Linton said, with a flash of light on his hand.

Then a golden light shot up into the sky. Yes, this light beam was really similar to the light beam Genos fired before. It even seemed to be less thick than Genos' light beam. However, the moment the beam of light touched the meteorite, the meteorite here suddenly dissipated in an instant. Yes, the huge meteorite can be said to be instantly engulfed by the beam, and the entire meteorite suddenly disappeared as if it evaporated.

Linton's beam, on the other hand, directly penetrated the meteorite, penetrated all the way through the sky, passed through the atmosphere, and disappeared into the depths of the universe.

Pieces of golden light fell from the sky, and Bangu, Genos, and Metal Knight next to them looked at Linton with his hands raised in confusion.

"This...impossible..." Bang Gu couldn't help but said.

"What kind of energy is this?" The computer inside Metal Knight has begun to analyze what the beam released by Linton is, but the results obtained so far are unable to be analyzed.

"Look, I've already said it. Is this a big deal?" Linton turned around and said.

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