I really can't control myself

Chapter 1216 Surprise

A month and a half passed in a flash, and during this time, Linton rarely stayed in the main world.

The reason why Linton stayed here was also very simple. Of course, it was also to complete the task. This time, Linton didn't know whether it was because of his character outburst or something else, but he actually received two construction tasks at once, both of which were town building tasks.

Linton can certainly do both of these construction tasks together. There are a lot of things required to be built in the two cities. Of course, Linton does not need to build it himself. He only needs to play a role similar to a supervisor. The construction work is handed over to the royal construction team. Linton runs around to confirm. No problem at all.

Yes, Linton directly dragged the royal construction team to do private work for him this time. Who let the Queen be his wife? The royal construction team is indeed extraordinary. Not only does it have sufficient manpower to support both sides from starting work at the same time, but the construction speed is also very fast.

In addition, Linton now has a lot of points, so it can be redeemed in both cities at the same time. Anyway, if there is a missing building, one will be built on site. After more than a month of busy work, the construction tasks on both sides can be completed almost at the same time.

But as a result, Linton hasn't been out in the field for a long time, which is really quite uncomfortable. Originally, Linton was a restless person. Although he was busy with the construction tasks, he spent most of his time just waiting for the construction team to do the work. In fact, Linton didn't have much to do.

In the past month or so, Linton has seen many suitable exploration missions, but he has not accepted them. After all, the two missions here have not been completed, and he cannot leave. If he cannot complete these two missions, he will drop out directly. Two job agencies, this is such a loss. So there were not many things going on, and Linton had to watch. If something happened to him, for example, the building he built was wrong, or the construction progress was delayed due to other reasons, such as a war, the loss would be huge.

Therefore, during this period of time, Linton could only spend some leisure time with Yalan, and then teach his nephew Garsain. Of course Yalan is still very happy here, but she has a lot of things to deal with, and she can't stay bored with Linton all the time. As for Garsain, Linton became Linton's pastime when he had nothing to do. He was probably twisted dozens of times every day.

However, although it looks quite miserable, the growth in Garsain's strength is real. Especially in terms of the use of Sharingan, Garsain is now basically familiar with unfamiliar abilities. Using the Sharingan can already release a certain degree of illusion, and the use of Susanoo has probably reached the level of the second form, which is no longer the original skeleton form.

However, this obviously still failed to release the full power of the Sharingan. After all, what Linton exchanged for him was the most advanced Rinnegan, and now the Rinnegan's ability plus Sain's is beyond him. Theoretically, he should be able to directly release Shinra Tianzheng, Wanxiang Tianyin, etc. However, at present, Garsain seems to have encountered a bottleneck in this regard and just cannot use it.

But after all, he has only had this ability for more than a month, which is still a good improvement. Garsain's own talent is just that, and Linton can't ask too much of him. Anyway, judging from the current observation, Garsain's physical fitness should be able to withstand the wear and tear of the eyes, and probably... won't be drained like Nagato.

"Is there no trick?" Garsain asked. Because the Shinra Tianzheng that Linton used before really made him envious, he really wanted to learn this skill.

"I've told you everything I can say. If I have to tell you the secret..." Linton thought for a moment and hesitated.

"What is it?" Garsain asked.

"Feel the pain, experience the pain, accept the pain, understand the pain..." Linton said with open palms.

"What are you doing all of a sudden?" Garsain couldn't help but said. According to Linton, this seems to be a case of chuunibyou?

"No, I, TN, will talk to you properly, okay? Last time..." Linton was just about to say something, when a person next to him ran over anxiously. Looking at the other person's dress, he seemed to be a royal knight.

"Sir Sword Master." The other party came directly to Linton's side and saluted, and said, "Your Majesty has something important to ask you."

"Yalan? Something important?" Linton asked.

"Yes, His Majesty is in the apse," the knight said.

"What's going on?" Gasein asked next to him.

"I don't know, my Majesty. He didn't tell me. He just asked me to invite the Sword Master."

"If it's something important, something might have happened? Is there something wrong with the Tomulia Empire?" Garsain said. Yes, the most important task facing the empire now is the affairs of the Tomulian Empire. Although it has been placed under the name of the Holy Empire of Elan, the situation in the Tomulian Empire is still a bit bad. The main problem is that there are a lot of rebellion issues, and someone seeking death pops up from time to time. Of course, the First Legion is over there at the moment, and no one is making a big splash for the time being.

Of course, Gasein knows a lot about this matter. After all, he was originally the marshal of the First Army. Although he has resigned now, he is still a little bit reluctant to let go of the work there. After all, his mentality and It's not a true saint-level mentality, it's just that the strength has reached that level. Thinking that it might be something over there, he was still a little concerned.

"I'll go too," said Garsain.

"Okay." Linton didn't think it mattered. Whether something happened to the Tomlian Empire or not, it should be a minor problem. Even if the First Legion was completely wiped out by some unknown force, it would not be a big deal.

Soon, Linton and Garserne arrived at the apse of the palace. After entering the door, Linton was stunned for a moment. There were only Yalan and an old man whose name he couldn't name in the room. If something happened to the Tomlian Empire, Yalan should be having a meeting with the ministers here at this time. As for Xiaohui, it probably isn't something over there?

"What's going on?" Linton asked directly.

"Did something happen to the Tomulian Empire?" Garsain, who followed in next to him, also asked. He still thought it was something to do with the Tomulian Empire. After all, he was very concerned about it.

"Oh, no, although the Tomulian Empire has not yet completely stabilized, the remaining rats can no longer make any waves." After hearing what Garsain said, Yalan was very serious. replied.

"What's the problem?" Linton asked.

"It's not a problem..." Yalan's expression suddenly seemed to twist, "It's a good thing..."

"A good thing?" Linton and Garsain were both stunned for a moment.

"Yes... I'm pregnant." Yalan touched her belly and suddenly announced the news.

"What?" Linton was stunned for a moment, then subconsciously looked down at Yalan's belly. However, Yalan's belly couldn't see any changes, "Really?"

"Yes." Yalan nodded seriously, "I haven't been to... my relatives this month, so I went to Dr. Malander today to check on the situation..."

"Sir Sword Master, I can confirm that he is of royal blood." The old man next to him immediately came up and said, "I have confirmed it several times with magic."

Linton was a little confused by the sudden news. If his relatives didn't come this month, it meant that it happened last month. It is true that I have been staying with Yalan recently. Is she really pregnant?

"Oh, it's really good news." Gasein next to him reacted, "Congratulations."

"Father..." Linton said that he was really unprepared. Yes, he had said before that he really couldn't imagine being a father. He was still a little confused when he heard the news. Seeing Linton's expression, Yalan here also looked at Linton nervously, waiting for his answer.

"It's...a subtle feeling." As Linton said, he stepped forward and directly touched Yalan's belly. Yalan also pressed against Linton's hand and leaned against Linton's body.

"Although it's a bit sudden, let me try to see if I can be a good father." Linton took a breath and said.

After hearing Linton's words, Yalan's somewhat tense hands suddenly relaxed. Yes, as a pillow person, although Linton didn't say anything, she still vaguely felt that Linton didn't want a child as much as she expected. To be honest, she was even a little worried if Linton really didn't want to... But now she was relieved. Now that Linton has spoken, he will definitely do what happens next. Yalan is very sure about this.

All worries suddenly turned into joy, and Yalan couldn't help but smile sincerely.

"So, I'm going to have a cousin soon?" Garsain, who was next to him, didn't think much about it and said very happily.

"How did you know it was a man?" Linton turned around and asked.

"Uh... it should be a man." Garsain turned to look at the doctor Malander beside him and asked in a questioning tone.

"Your Majesty, at this stage, it is impossible to distinguish between male and female." Malander replied, "But I believe that your Majesty will be able to give birth to a healthy prince."

Malander did say good things, because in this world, there is still a big difference between giving birth to a boy and a girl. And to be honest, the empire does need a male heir now. Although all the ministers did not say it explicitly, they knew it in their hearts.

Of course, Linton has absolutely no preference for boys or girls, but judging from Yalan's previous reaction, it seems that she still likes boys. This is probably the general perception of people in this world.

"Don't worry about this." Linton took Yalan's hand and said, "For now, just think about how to celebrate."

"Oh, yes, this matter really needs to be celebrated properly." Garsain said.

"Are you going to announce this news?" Yalan asked a little worried.

"Of course." Linton waved his hand and said.

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