I really can't control myself

Chapter 1211 Miraculous Body

It was such a simple blow, but it made Eileen a little confused about how to parry it. Yes, this completely unreasonable hand knife not only directly chopped into pieces her magic staff, but also directly cut into her body with one blow.

You must know that although Irene's appearance looks like a human, in fact, it is just an appearance. Her essence is still that of a dragon. The strength of all aspects of her body is also the standard of a dragon. Of course, it is much stronger than a human. . Linton's blow didn't seem to have considered this factor at all. He slashed the knife from the shoulder and pulled it to the chest.

Irene here spit out a mouthful of blood. Although the blow seriously injured her, her movements were very fast. She raised her left hand and aimed at Linton at close range: "Holy Light Impact!"

There was an explosion, and several beams of light from close range directly hit Linton. This shouldn't be Irene's additional magic, but the dragon-slaying magic in her body. Irene is the creator of dragon-slaying magic. She initially created dragon-slaying magic by adding the power of the dragon to herself through the addition spell, thus creating dragon-slaying magic. What she has added is the ability of a holy dragon named Berserion, so she also uses the magic of the holy dragon.

Of course, the power of the light was still limited. Linton didn't even react when it hit him, but the effect of the explosion in blocking his vision was pretty good. Irene took the opportunity to teleport to a position slightly behind her, thus escaping Linton's attack. It was probably for the purpose of teleporting to the ground so that the ground beneath her feet could be exchanged with the ground behind her. .

Although the hiding was pretty good this time, it was of no great use. The next second, a figure passed through the smoke in front of him and headed straight towards Irene again.

Irene couldn't care less about her injuries at this time, and couldn't clearly see Linton's position, so she raised her hand directly in front of her: "Personality attached!"

Yes, Irene did use this skill in the end, although it was obvious that Linton was not her ideal target. Her original purpose of studying this additional spell was to find a body that suited her, but Linton's body was too inappropriate. . First of all, let’s not talk about it being a man, but she felt that Linton had lived for 400 years, and she didn’t know what the hell he was. Maybe he was also a dragon. Her target was just an ordinary human body. She just I just want to become an ordinary person, but there is no other way now.

Although Erza was seriously injured at the scene, Ellie had already tried it when Erza was a child, and her additional spells did not work on her. She didn't know why, maybe it was a blood relationship, or It may be caused by the inner desire of not wanting to do anything to his daughter. Anyway, the only person who can be replaced now is Linton. Although it was inappropriate, this was all Erin could do.

In an instant, Erin's vision changed, and her body appeared in front of her. Yes, to her surprise, her spell was successful. To be honest, the spell attached to this personality is not that easy to succeed. She is still confident when facing weaker people, but Linton is a person of Zeref's level, so she really doesn't have too many expectations. The hope was just a last ditch effort, but now that it has succeeded, the situation is different.

"Succeeded? Hahaha, you are too careless and underestimate my additional magic, so you can let me find a chance...huh?" Just as she was about to sigh, Irene found that her body suddenly started to move on its own. . Yes, he acted suddenly, completely out of her control.

"How is it possible?" Irene was shocked. The addition of her own personality has obviously been successful. Her personality should have been transferred to Linton's body. Why is her body out of control?

Erin quickly tried it, but found that this body was really out of her control. She couldn't do anything, she could only see herself moving.

"This... is quite interesting." On the other side, Linton himself was also watching his actions. Yes, he originally wanted to use the Sharingan to see if he could directly kill the personality of Irene who was forced in. , but suddenly I felt that my situation was a bit interesting.

Irene can't control her body, that's naturally because her body has been taken over by Battle Girl. When the magic attached to his personality took effect on him, he naturally started an automatic battle. In this case, Linton couldn't control himself, but could Irene?

But the current situation is indeed very interesting. Linton is a little confused about who is in control. After all, his consciousness is still there, but he doesn't know where it is. His whole body has become a bit metaphysical.

Of course, Irene here didn't know that it was Battle Ji who was operating the body. Of course she thought that Linton could continue to control her body. She just attached her own consciousness to it, but she did not gain control of her body. . Of course she had never encountered this situation before. She had tried this personality addition technique on others, and it was obviously not the situation she encountered now.

What's funny is that the current situation has made Battle Girl a bit confused. After a little movement, Battle Girl suddenly stopped moving on her own. It didn't directly tear up Irene's body. It probably analyzed that Irene's personality was not in its own body?

"Please provide more combat information from the host." Yes, probably because the current situation could not be studied, the combat girl here directly asked Linton.

"Can I still communicate in this situation?" Linton said a little surprised. After all, he didn't know what his personality was like now, but he could hear Battle Ji's voice.

"Please provide more battle information from the host." Battle Ji said again, and it should be possible to hear what it meant.

"Wait a minute, I'll try to open a store now." Linton said, yes, the current situation is indeed a bit delicate. Linton is not in a hurry to use Sharingan to counterattack, but wants to try to see if he can open a store.

To Linton's surprise, the store was actually open. This strange situation even made Linton feel a little amused. Anyway, Izanagi will be triggered by himself later, so Linton is not in a hurry. After thinking about it, Linton said to Battle Ji: "You want to try tearing the opponent's body apart first?"

The battle girl obviously obeyed Linton's command, and took a step forward, grabbed Irene's body, held the position that was cut open by Linton's hand knife with both hands, and then exerted force from left to right.

With a "tear", Irene's body was directly pulled in half, and a large amount of blood poured out, directly soaking Linton's body.

Irene, who was in Linton's body at this time, was completely shocked. She never thought that she could see the scene of her tearing herself apart. Sure enough, she was not the one who controlled her body? What is the situation now?

"Huh? Doesn't this count as the end of the battle?" Linton waited for a while, but did not hear any notification sound. Although Erin's body without personality is just a ball of flesh, Linton also wants to try it. Isn't this studying the judgment of automatic combat? It seems that the target of this judgment is not a simple body part. Otherwise, if someone like Orochimaru who can change bodies before changes his body, wouldn't it count?

At this time, Irene, who was stunned, suddenly realized that the person operating the body was not herself, it was naturally Linton, so Linton's personality was still in the body. Thinking of this, she directly used the additional magic again to separate. Personality. The purpose is to directly separate Linton's personality from the body and thereby control his own body.

However, Erin was soon dumbfounded. Yes, the prerequisite for using magic is to have magic power, but what about Linton's body? No magic at all. At first, Erin thought that Linton had used some type of hidden magic to conceal his own magic power so that she could not detect it. However, after actually using the body, she discovered that there was really no magic power in the body.

Of course, Irene couldn't use any magic. After all, the system was different. Irene didn't know how to operate the magic value in Linton's body, so naturally she couldn't use any skills. And she couldn't use her own magic, because how could she use it without magic power? All of a sudden, Irene was really at a loss.

Yes, now I can only watch my body move, unable to operate it at all, and my original body has been torn apart, so I have no way to regain control. For a while, Erin didn't know what to do.

"How about uploading and downloading the opponent's valuables first?" Linton was still studying the situation with Battle Ji. Battle Ji is also a little confused, and she can't understand the situation now. In the past, it was only responsible for fighting, and it didn't care about uploading at all. Linton uploaded it himself after every battle, but this time because he didn't know what to do, Fighting Girl quite listened to Linton.

After touching his body and clicking upload, Linton was immediately notified that 1.66 million points were credited to his account. This is a very novel situation. No one has finished typing, and things can be uploaded first.

"Then... let's try to get the person out." After thinking about it, Linton decided to try to get Irene's personality out. Although it is only 2 minutes before Izanagi activates, he can also turn back after activating. But after all, Izanagi is going to be blind in one eye. If he buys it again, it will cost more than 1.11 million, and he will have 1.66 million experience points to defeat this monster.

"Additional magic, um, I bought it." Linton directly opened the store and purchased the additional magic. "Okay, I'm done buying it. Fighting Girl, try using this to drive people out."

Linton doesn't know how to operate, but Battle Ji can. Sure enough, Linton had just finished buying it, and the battle girl here directly used additional magic. The next second, Linton returned to the familiar field of vision. Irene, who didn't know how to use Linton's body at all, couldn't resist the additional magic used by Battle Ji. Her personality was separated and she was directly sent back to her original body.

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