I really can't control myself

Chapter 1202 Restraint

It was obvious from the coercion emanating from Linton that this person was obviously not simple. Lacade was somewhat wary, but more confident in his own strength. No matter what kind of magic Linton used, he was confident that he could defeat the opponent. After all... he was his father's favorite child.

"It seems that the plan cannot be implemented properly." Lacade looked at the soldiers lying on the ground. According to the original plan, he was going to lead the men to attack from the north, but he didn't expect to be discovered so quickly. And the other party made all his guards fall down with one move. Indeed, the attack plan was going to be blocked. "In this case, I must repay you well, otherwise I will not be able to face my father." Woolen cloth."

"Father? Zeref?" Linton smiled and asked.

"You know?" Larcade was a little surprised, "Yes, my name is Larcade Dragneel, the child of Zeref Dragneel."

"Really?" Linton smiled, "Biological? Who is your mother?"

This time, it hit Lacade's pain point. Yes, of course Larcade also knows that he is not actually Zeref's real child, but how much he hopes that he is Zeref's real child. His feelings for Zeref are indeed that he is his father. of.

"It seems that you know my identity." Lacade adjusted slightly, suppressed the desire in his heart, and continued to say to Linton calmly, "Although I am not my father's biological child, he gave his The surname was given to me, so that was proof that he recognized me and that I was my father’s true child.”

"That's because he doesn't know he has a biological child, so he can just create a wild child." Linton said with a smile, "You know Liu Bei during the Three Kingdoms period, uh... I don't think you know either. Anyway, if If Zeref knew that he had a biological child, do you think he would still want a wild child like you?"

"Biological child? Father doesn't have any biological children." Although Linton's talk of a wild child made Lacade very unhappy, but he was more concerned about what Linton said about his biological children. He really couldn't help but care.

"I told you, Zeref doesn't know, but...someone knows." Linton said with a smile, "What's very interesting is that you also know this biological child, and this person also knows that he is Zeref. It’s my husband’s child, but he hasn’t recognized his father yet, but you, a created guy, can’t help but recognize his father first, which is quite interesting.”

"That's nonsense!" Lacade had a really good temper, but he was suddenly forced to lose his temper by Linton, "Okay, I don't want to continue talking nonsense with you. I just said I would repay you. , now is the time to pay back.”

"Oh, are you suddenly running away? Don't you want to know who the biological child is?" Linton said with a smile, "Or you want to kill me as an insider, otherwise once I tell Zeref about this , your position is a bit awkward, Yewa."

"What a...filthy soul. Let's rise to the sky of freedom." Lacade really didn't want to talk nonsense and started to take action directly. He clasped his hands together, then separated them left and right, an action that seemed like a prayer, and then suddenly a white light flashed on his body, and a large amount of white light appeared around him, directly wrapping Linton in it.

"Hostile target detected, activate automatic combat mode."

The unexpected first attack directly caused Linton to start automatic combat. It was obvious that this attack should not be a physical attack. After all, with Linton's current physique, it is quite difficult to break through the defense with one strike, which means that it should be It is a mental type, and Linton's resistance in this regard is not that strong.

Sure enough, Linton felt the effect immediately. Yes, at the same time as he started the automatic battle, Linton suddenly felt a strange sense of pleasure, a special feeling of relaxation and happiness in body and mind. How to describe it, it was probably... a collection of various prohibited items Bar.

"Do you feel it?" Looking at Linton's expression, Lacade here also knew that Linton had been tricked, and said: "This is my magic, happiness. People who taste happiness cannot learn from my magic." Escape from the magic, do you know what will happen to people who continue to receive happiness? Yes, people who are immersed in happiness cannot attack me at all, they can only sink until they die, and you will also..."

With a "bang", Larcade flew out before he could finish his words. Yes, a hit right in the face. Lakaide's face was directly hit, and his nose was directly dented. Fortunately, Lakaide, as a demon, has a very strong physique, and can even be said to be the strongest among them, but after this blow, , Lacade almost didn’t give a second.

"This... this is impossible!" Lacade was extremely surprised, but he reacted quickly. When he hit the ground, he began to relieve his force. He suddenly grabbed the ground to reduce the impact and stopped the car. Then he was surprised. He looked towards Linton.

What surprised him was that Linton looked so happy that he almost rolled his eyes, but what happened to the attack just now? Why is it that the other party is obviously immersed in happiness and has probably lost the will to fight? How can he still fight back?

Then Linton really didn't resist. Linton was still somewhat resistant to mental attacks. At least he could resist a lot after opening his Sharingan. But this is really unnecessary. As Lacade himself said, this magic is indeed so pleasurable that he doesn't even want to fight. It feels good first. Linton really has no resistance to this. But it's his pleasure, so what does it have to do with Battle Girl? Linton doesn't want to fight, but it's not his control.

Of course, Lacade couldn't understand what was going on. Seeing this situation, Lacade's first reaction was to increase the output of magic. Yes, he felt that Linton was not completely addicted, so he increased the magic output. increased intensity. Of course Linton felt even better. Of course, how he felt didn't matter at all. The battle girl here didn't care whether it was pleasant or not, she raised her hand to form a seal.

"Water Escape... why should we care about him?" Linton had always cooperated with Battle Ji to call out skills and moves, but now he is too lazy to care about them, but this does not affect the release of skills. A huge stream of water appeared out of thin air and rushed directly towards Lacaid.

Larcade was really confused. What happened? His magic was ineffective? But Linton's expression doesn't look like it's invalid. What's going on? Although he didn't know what was going on, looking at the huge water column rushing towards him, Lacade knew that this move was quite powerful, so he quickly made a dodge movement to the side.

The dodge effect was still there. Although he did not completely avoid the water escape attack, there was no direct hit. Larcade was just knocked out again by the impact of the water flow, and the damage was not serious.

After just two attacks, Lacade could already feel the intensity of Linton's attacks, and he couldn't withstand it. If the magic was useless, he would obviously be unable to defeat Linton. Now what? Since magic happiness is useless, we can only try other tricks.

So soon, Lacade gave up releasing happiness and switched to other magic. In an instant, Linton was out of a happy state. Then, the next second, he felt that his stomach was very hungry. He was really hungry. Now, let alone a dragon, even if a dragon appeared in front of him Linton might even be tempted to eat people alive.

"The feeling of an empty stomach is uncomfortable." Seeing Linton's expression, Lacade knew that the other party was under his spell again, "The world is full of desires, in..."

There was a "bang", and before he could finish his words, Racade flew out again. Yes, Linton was indeed hungry, extremely hungry, but what did this have to do with Fighting Girl? The Fighting Girl is only responsible for fighting. It doesn't care about things like eating. Even if she starves to death, she has to finish the fight first.

This punch hit Lacade hard again, and his face was directly distorted. After a few somersaults in the air and a few more on the ground, Lakaide's consciousness was a little blurred after being beaten. With his face covered in blood, he couldn't tell where he was hurting. Anyway, none of the bones in his body seemed to be intact, and he couldn't even get up now.

But even so, he still reluctantly raised his head, just in time to see Linton walking towards him. He really doesn’t know what’s going on with Linton and why his magic is useless. Just forget it if it’s useless. Judging from Linton’s expression, it doesn’t seem like it didn’t work. So what’s going on with this guy? Even though he has been tricked, can he resist the instinctive human desires of happiness and hunger and suppress his nature to fight with all his strength? What a terrifying existence this is.

Lacade has really never seen such a person. Why can this guy do this? But now is not the time to think so much, Linton here is already approaching him. Lacade can't even stand up now, let alone resist. Thinking of this, Lacade could only give it a try and raised his hand to Linton: "Fall into the eternal sleep of death, the sleep of death!"

In an instant, Linton felt a huge wave of sleep coming over him. Yes, in just a second, Linton fell asleep directly. But again, Linton fell asleep, what does it have to do with Battle Ji? The next second, Linton, who was sleeping, jumped forward and kicked Larkade on the ground with a fierce blow. With a "boom", the ground exploded, and Larkade's internal organs were sprayed out. When he came out, he looked at Linton who had already closed his eyes in surprise again, and then finally closed his eyes.

"The battle is over!" Lacade died, and the natural magic was released. Linton, who had just fallen asleep, was suddenly woken up by a prompt. Looking at Lacade who was about to be trampled by him on the ground, Linton shook his head and said, "You are committing evil."

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