I really can't control myself

Chapter 1175 Carrying

Linton was really not kidding when he said this was hell. The slaughterhouse at Eclipse Gate over there was already exaggerated. When he came to this place where hundreds of dragons were lying down, Linton watched for a while before he discovered these shadow clones. What are you doing.

It's obvious that the hundreds of surviving dragons have been frightened by Linton's shadow clone. You don't care what kind of creature it is, if you let it look at the slaughterhouse next to it, it will be so frightened. Those who didn't want to live had obviously been killed. They were probably the ones that had just been beaten and were flying everywhere, while the rest were all dragons who were afraid of death.

And what is Linton's shadow clone doing? They are now giving these dragons an intellectual challenge.

"Listen to the question. A normal dragon has four legs; a dragon whose front paws have been removed has two legs left. Now put these dragons in a cage and count them. There are 30 heads and 86 legs. How many normal dragons and injured dragons are there?"

"This... this..." It was obvious that the dragon who was asked the question was a little stupid and frightened. Was this obviously talking about using their claws to make braised hoofs? In this case, how do you ask him to answer the question?

"You can't even answer this, pull it away." The shadow clone swung its head, and another shadow clone next to it came up and grabbed the dragon's tail and dragged it to the slaughterhouse next to it.

"No, sir, let me go! Let me go!" The dragon here landed on the ground, and its claws directly dragged a long ravine on the ground, but it was of no use at all. The power of Linton's shadow clone could be It was not something that a small dragon could resist, and its voice soon disappeared.

"Next, listen to the question." The shadow clone who asked the question walked up to the other dragon again and said, "Let's assume that a dragon has 100,000 liters of blood. Under normal circumstances, it will lose more than 30% of its blood. Death. At this time, to make dragon blood cake, the dragon needed to be bled, so a hole was made in his body. It is known that this hole can flow out 600 liters of dragon blood per minute, and because of the dragon's own regeneration ability, It can generate 100 liters of blood every minute. How long can this dragon live?"

"Sir, don't kill me, don't kill me." The dragon here shouted directly.

"Did you listen carefully to the question? I'm here to give you a lesson. Why are you running away? Do you know how many brain cells I have consumed to improve the IQ of your dragon clan? If you can't cooperate with this, what use do you have? , Drag it down!" The shadow clone roared directly.

"My lord! My lord!"

"Can you just be a human being?" Linton next to him couldn't help but said.

"Oh, you're here, the main body." The shadow clone turned around and said, "Aren't you free? The monster spawning cage is too slow to spawn monsters. It was all over in one go. These 10,000 dragon lights have to line up and leave. I'll probably have to wait until dawn when I get out, so I'll have nothing to do except wrangling with these dragons."

"No, am I, TN, so inhumane?" Linton said, holding his forehead.

All the shadow clones turned to Linton. Although they didn't say anything, Linton could see what they meant in their eyes: "What are you pretending to be here?"

"You're here, main body. Go over there and upload your points. Stop talking nonsense here." A shadow clone next to him dragged Linton directly to the pile of dragon corpses. "Speed, I'm waiting for you. Here’s the belt.”

"My TN..." Resisting the urge to explode all these shadow clones, Linton started his work. Yes, this can't break the defense. There's no use being angry with yourself.

The dragon corpses are piled together, so uploading them is quite convenient. Perhaps because of the belt, this group of shadow clones actually cooperated quite well this time. Many shadow clones even went to bring back all the dragon corpses flying around, regardless of whether Linton was here or not. Uploaded.

All of a sudden, the dragon corpses here really piled up into a mountain. No one could fit in the pile. There were even second and third piles, each stacked higher than the palace next to it.

Convenience is convenience. It takes time to touch a lot of dragons one by one. An hour passed quickly. Linton finally got a lot of them. Looking to the side, good guy This is already on the fourth pile. Linton regrets that he didn't bring Garsain here. This guy is from his team and can help with uploading. Now, although Yalan is also from his team, Linton doesn't want to bring her to help now. That's it. The scene made Linton doubt whether it would give Yalan nightmares.

Of course, Yalan should be outside the seal now. She doesn't know teleportation spells like Thunder God, so she shouldn't be able to get in. Linton doesn't want her to come in either. I saw a few sporadic dragons escaping outside before opening the seal. Linton didn't care about them. These few should be harmless, and Yalan shouldn't be in any danger.

There shouldn't be many humans left inside the seal, but when Linton was thinking about it, the few people he mentioned who were inside the seal came over. Yes, Linton was talking about Erza, Natsu and Gray. These people were by Linton's side when the seal was opened, so naturally they were all inside the seal. It is estimated that the first few people were there to deal with Rogge. From the looks of it, they must have won, and they naturally followed the direction of the palace.

It was obvious that several people were stunned by the scene that appeared in front of them. The first thing that caught their eyes was the mountain of four huge dragon corpses. The impact of this made the three of them speechless at all. On the way here, they also met a few dragons sporadically. They had all tried the strength of these dragons. To be honest, even if the three of them worked together, they had no confidence that they could win. What scene appeared in front of them now? A slaughterhouse?

Although they had seen Linton tearing up a living dragon with his hands before, they were still speechless when they saw this scene. Suddenly, several people felt that Linton was quite lenient with them, or that he didn't seriously attack them at all. Otherwise, imagine the scene of Fairy Tail members piling up into such a mountain.

After staying for a while, a few people decided to discuss the current situation with Linton. However, there were dozens of Lintons around, so they could only ask the nearest shadow clone first, because they had seen Linton's clone before. So I can probably understand what's going on with this clone.

"Original body, over there." The shadow clone replied, and then continued to teach the surrendered dragons next to it, "Wash your hands frequently and practice hygiene, do you understand? You dragons are so unhygienic. That dragon just now, Your teeth are so dirty, your mouth is full of breath, and you want to bite me? Are you planning to poison me with bacterial tactics? Say to me, wash your hands frequently and be hygienic!"

"..." How should I put it? The three of them suddenly felt a little pitiful for these dragons who were almost going to destroy the world. Why did they meet Linton?

"Can you be a human being?" Erza's first words were this when she found Linton's body.

"I've said this before." Linton held up his forehead, "Forget it, what's the matter? I'm busy here."

"Busy?" Erza looked at Linton, because from the beginning Linton was just looking through the dragon corpses. She didn't know that Linton was uploading one by one. He was really busy.

"Check the meat quality." Linton said casually.

"..." The three of them looked at Linton and didn't know what to say. They looked at the meat to check the quality.

"Where are the people in the palace?" Erza was the first to recover and asked.

"I don't know. There aren't many corpses. They must have been eaten by the dragon." When Linton came, there were indeed only dragon corpses left. It was said that a large army of tens of thousands of people had been assembled in the palace before, and now they are left behind. There are very few traces.

Erza gritted her teeth after hearing this, and the little sympathy she had for the dragon clan just now was gone. It is obvious that this is a struggle for survival between races. There is no question of right or wrong, only a question of who can stay.

"So Princess..." Erza looked around and saw that there were indeed no traces left by anyone. Some guards' long contradiction cards and the like could be found on the ground, but nothing else was left.

One of their purposes in coming to the palace was to save people. After all, they were a guild in the Kingdom of Fiore. It seemed that they were too late now. But the good news is that the king was in the central square before, and they have seen it. The location of the square is outside the seal, so it should be safe.

"Then this gate..." Erza pointed to the Eclipse Gate next to her.

"We'll wait until the dragons come out. I guess they won't be out until morning." Linton said, "I said before that the door cannot be closed now, otherwise humans 400 years ago would suffer. Now we can only wait for this Help the dragon to come out on his own. And I tried it, and it seems that this door is one-way, and you can't go in from this way, otherwise I would have asked someone to go in to speed up the refresh."

It was obvious that Erza understood what Linton meant. It was obvious that Linton's previous words were not a joke. He was really planning to finish off these ten thousand dragons. Now Erza believed Linton's words. It was really not difficult for Linton to kill ten thousand dragons. The hellish scene in front of him could already explain everything. Of course, he also knew that this was the opponent's first attack, but looking at this, he still felt a little uncomfortable.

"Humans and dragons...can't they really live in peace?" Erza couldn't help but say.

"No, will you live in peace with your food?" Linton raised his head, "If humans accept captivity, is it considered peaceful in your eyes? Just provide tens of thousands of people every year to serve as food for the dragons, and keep the others in one place. , this kind of peace is what you want? Kindness is kindness, but at this time, you should not say such words. Of course, you can also simply blame me for all the wrong things. I did all the cruel things... "

"No... I know, you saved the world this time." Before Linton finished speaking, Erza immediately said, "This time, I will bear the burden with you."

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